mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 12:26:21 +01:00
*Added 16:9 forwarder *Changed video mode change behaviour *Added new GameSetting "Online fix" NOTE: Online fix is ONLY needed if you initialize network inside the loader and start an Online Game and ONLY if your boot cios is the same as GameSettings IOS (which is default). That Game would need an IOS Reload before start to be able to play it online BUT this IOS Reload mostly causes Blackscreens. I made this option so you dont have to avoid initializing network. If you have different boot IOS than gamesettings IOS this fix doesnt matter too.
279 lines
6.4 KiB
279 lines
6.4 KiB
#include <gctypes.h>
#ifndef _LANGUAGE_H_
#define _LANGUAGE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
char released[15];
char publishedby[25];
char developedby[25];
char january[15];
char february[15];
char march[15];
char april[15];
char may[15];
char june[15];
char july[15];
char august[15];
char september[15];
char october[15];
char november[15];
char december[15];
char XMLTitles[15];
char wififeatures[20];
char t3Covers[50];
char addToFavorite[50];
char all[30];
char AppLanguage[50];
char available[20];
char Areyousure[50];
char AutoPatch[30];
char Always[50];
char awesometool[50];
char Back[20];
char Backgroundmusic[80];
char Backgroundmusicpath[100];
char BacktoHBCorWiiMenu[50];
char BacktoLoader[50];
char BacktoWiiMenu[50];
char BootStandard[50];
char Both[35];
char Cantcreatedirectory[50];
char Cancel[20];
char Cantbeformated[50];
char Cantdelete[50];
char CheckingforUpdates[40];
char ClicktoDownloadCovers[50];
char Clock[20];
char Close[20];
char Continueinstallgame[50];
char Console[50];
char ConsoleDefault[50];
char Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit[100];
char ConsoleLocked[50];
char Controllevel[50];
char CorrectPassword[50];
char Couldnotinitializenetwork[50];
char CouldnotopenDisc[50];
char CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule[60];
char CoverDownload[50];
char CoverPath[50];
char CoverpathChanged[50];
char Coverpathchange[50];
char Cheatcodespathchanged[80];
char Cheatcodespath[80];
char count[20];
char Credits[30];
char Custompaths[60];
char DiscImages[50];
char DiscimagePath[50];
char DiscpathChanged[50];
char Discpathchange[50];
char DiscDefault[50];
char Display[30];
char Doyouwanttoformat[50];
char Doyoureallywanttodelete[50];
char Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs[80];
char Doyouwanttoupdate[50];
char Doyouwanttochangelanguage[80];
char Downloadingfile[50];
char DownloadBoxartimage[50];
char Downloadfinished[50];
char Defaultgamesettings[50];
char Defaultsettings[40];
char Default[40];
char diversepatches[60];
char Error[30];
char Error002fix[50];
char BOOTERROR[50];
char ErrorreadingDisc[50];
char ExitUSBISOLoader[50];
char InitializingNetwork[50];
char InsertDisk[50];
char InsertaWiiDisc[50];
char InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages[80];
char InsertaSDCardtosave[60];
char InsertaSDCardtousethatoption[100];
char InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked[100];
char Installerror[50];
char Installagame[50];
char Installinggame[50];
char Failedtoboot[50];
char FailedtomountfrontSDcard[80];
char FailedtosetUSB[50];
char Failedformating[50];
char fave[15];
char Filenotfound[50];
char filesnotfoundontheserver[80];
char filesleft[50];
char FlipX[50];
char Force[50];
char Forhostingcovers[80];
char Forhostingupdatefiles[80];
char Youneedtoformatapartition[80];
char Format[50];
char Formattingpleasewait[70];
char formated[30];
char free[30];
char FreeSpace[50];
char FullShutdown[50];
char GameID[30];
char Games[50];
char Gameisalreadyinstalled[90];
char GameRegion[50];
char GameSize[50];
char GoBack[50];
char GotoPage[50];
char GUISettings[80];
char Gameload[50];
char HowtoShutdown[50];
char Homemenu[30];
char hour[30];
char keyboard[50];
char Language[50];
char Languagepathchanged[80];
char Langchange[50];
char Left[50];
char LikeSysMenu[50];
char ListSort[30];
char LoadingincIOS[50];
char Loadingstandardlanguage[80];
char Loadingstandardmusic[80];
char Locked[30];
char LockConsole[50];
char Patchcountrystrings[80];
char Missingfiles[50];
char Mature[50];
char Networkiniterror[50];
char Neither[40];
char Next[40];
char No[40];
char Nofilemissing[50];
char NoHDDfound[40];
char NoSDcardinserted[50];
char Nopartitionsfound[50];
char NoUSBDevice[40];
char NoWBFSpartitionfound[50];
char Nonewupdates[40];
char NormalCovers[40];
char Normal[30];
char NotaWiiDisc[40];
char NoUSBDevicefound[50];
char Notenoughfreespace[50];
char Notasupportedformat[100];
char notset[40];
char of[30];
char OFF[30];
char OfficialSite[50];
char ok[30];
char ON[30];
char OnlyInstall[50];
char Onlinefix[50];
char Parentalcontrol[50];
char Partition[50];
char Password[50];
char PasswordChanged[50];
char Passwordhasbeenchanged[80];
char Passwordchange[50];
char PowerofftheWii[50];
char Plays[20];
char Prev[50];
char PromptsButtons[50];
char ReloadSD[50];
char RenameGameonWBFS[50];
char Restart[30];
char Restarting[20];
char Return[30];
char ReturntoWiiMenu[50];
char Right[30];
char Rumble[30];
char QuickBoot[50];
char Save[30];
char SaveFailed[50];
char Specialthanksto[50];
char For[20];
char theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode[100];
char secondsleft[50];
char SelectthePartition[50];
char youwanttoformat[50];
char settings[50];
char Setasbackgroundmusic[90];
char Standard[30];
char Sound[40];
char ShutdowntoIdle[50];
char ShutdownSystem[50];
char Success[30];
char Successfullyinstalled[80];
char Successfullyupdated[70];
char Successfullydeleted[60];
char SuccessfullySaved[50];
char SystemDefault[50];
char Thanksto[50];
char ThemePath[50];
char ThemepathChanged[50];
char Themepathchange[80];
char Titlestxtpath[80];
char Titlestxtpathchange[80];
char TitlestxtpathChanged[80];
char Try[30];
char Tooltips[50];
char Timeleft[50];
char Unlocked[50];
char UnlockConsoletousethisOption[100];
char Unicodefix[50];
char Uninstall[50];
char USBLoaderisprotected[80];
char USBDevicenotfound[80];
char updating[25];
char Updatepath[50];
char Updatepathchanged[50];
char Updatefailed[40];
char Updatedol[40];
char Updateall[40];
char Updateto[40];
char Update[40];
char VideoMode[50];
char VIDTVPatch[50];
char Volume[50];
char SFXVolume[50];
char Waiting[50];
char WaitingforUSBDevice[80];
char WidescreenFix[50];
char WiiMenu[50];
char Wiilight[20];
char WrongPassword[50];
char Yes[20];
char YoudonthavecIOS[70];
char Japanese[30];
char German[30];
char English[30];
char French[30];
char Spanish[30];
char Italian[30];
char Dutch[30];
char SChinese[30];
char TChinese[30];
char Korean[30];
extern struct LANGUAGE LANGUAGE;
char* strcopy(char *dest, char *src, int size);
bool checkfile(char * path);
void lang_default();
void language_set(char *name, char *val);
#ifdef __cplusplus