dimok321 7db67e75af *Added several basic gui classes like drawing box/circle only with the GX engine without the need of a resource
*Created a checkbox class with them
*Changed the prompt window to a class
*Changed cover download to a checkbox selection of what you want to download. Changed discart download option to only switch between what is prioritized (original/customs)
*Fixed a little alignment issue of the progressbar
*Reverted the change for check disc in drive. Some drives couldn't handle it in IOS58 mode :\.
*Changed playcount from an 8 bit to a 32 bit counter (got 8bit by mistake) which limited it to 255
*a few little optimisations
2011-01-23 20:13:41 +00:00

46 lines
1.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<app version="1">
<name> USB Loader GX</name>
<coder>USB Loader GX Team</coder>
<version>2.0 r1054</version>
<short_description>Loads games from USB-devices</short_description>
<long_description>USB Loader GX is a libwiigui based USB iso loader with a wii-like GUI. You can install games to your HDDs and boot them with shorter loading times.
The interactive GUI is completely controllable with WiiMote, Classic Controller or GC Controller.
Features are automatic widescreen detection, coverdownload, parental control, theme support and many more.
Coding: Dimok, nIxx, giantpune, ardi, Hungyip84, DrayX7, Lustar, r-win, WiiShizzza
Artworks: cyrex, NeoRame
WiiTDB / Hosting covers: Lustar
Hosting updates files: CorneliousJD
USBLoader sources: Waninkoko, Kwiirk, Hermes
Languages files updates: Kinyo and translaters
Hosting themes: Deak Phreak
Libwiigui: Tantric
Libogc/Devkit: Shagkur and Wintermute
FreeTypeGX: Armin Tamzarian.
USB Loader GX Project Page and Support Site:
Help Website:
WiiTDB Site:
Themes Site:
Languages Translaters Page:
Libwiigui Website:
FreeTypeGX Project Page:
Gettext Official Page: