giantpune 30535c6f5d *code beautification*
formatted the code to make it easier to read.  no functional changes at all.

i didn't put anything from the libwiigui folder or banner folder in the beautifier.

my automated .bat seems to have done a good job.  the only places i see it fucked up was on (GXColor){blablabla}.  it treated the brackets in the color like all the other brackets and put the color on a new line and indented it.  i think i fixed most of them.  not sure if it messed up anywhere else.  also not sure about how it handled different linebreaks.  it looks fine on windows.  if it looks messed up on linux, it can be reverted.

the code still compiles and runs fine.
2009-07-30 05:41:12 +00:00

584 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2008 Nuke (
* this file is part of GeckoOS for USB Gecko
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <gcutil.h>
#include <ogc/lwp_queue.h>
#include <gccore.h>
#include "dvd_broadway.h"
#define DI_CMDCTX_CNT 4
#define DVD_DISKIDSIZE 0x20
#define DVD_DRVINFSIZE 0x20
#define IOCTL_DI_INQUIRY 0x12
#define IOCTL_DI_READID 0x70
#define IOCTL_DI_READ 0x71
#define IOCTL_DI_COVER 0x7A
#define IOCTL_DI_RESET 0x8A
#define IOCTL_DI_SEEK 0xAB
#define IOCTL_DI_OFFSET 0xD9
#define _SHIFTL(v, s, w) \
((u32) (((u32)(v) & ((0x01 << (w)) - 1)) << (s)))
#define _SHIFTR(v, s, w) \
((u32)(((u32)(v) >> (s)) & ((0x01 << (w)) - 1)))
struct dicommand {
u32 diReg[8];
struct dicontext {
lwp_node node;
dvdcallbacklow cb;
struct dicommand *cmd;
static s32 __dvd_fd = -1;
static u32 __dvd_spinupval = 1;
static lwp_queue __di_contextq;
static u32 __dvd_readlength = 0;
static u32 __dvd_cbinprogress = 0;
static u32 __dvd_reqinprogress = 0;
static u32 __dvd_lowinitcalled = 0;
static struct dicommand *__di_commands = NULL;
static struct dicontext __di_contexts[DI_CMDCTX_CNT];
static u32 __di_regbuffer[0x08] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
static u32 __di_regvalcache[0x08] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
static u32 __di_lastticketerror[0x08] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
static ioctlv __di_iovector[0x08] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
static char __di_fs[] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = "/dev/di";
extern u32 __IPC_ClntInit();
static __inline__ lwp_node* __lwp_queue_head(lwp_queue *queue) {
return (lwp_node*)queue;
static __inline__ lwp_node* __lwp_queue_tail(lwp_queue *queue) {
return (lwp_node*)&queue->perm_null;
static __inline__ void __lwp_queue_init_empty(lwp_queue *queue) {
queue->first = __lwp_queue_tail(queue);
queue->perm_null = NULL;
queue->last = __lwp_queue_head(queue);
static struct dicontext* __dvd_getcontext(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
struct dicontext *ctx;
ctx = (struct dicontext*)__lwp_queue_get(&__di_contextq);
if (ctx!=NULL) ctx->cb = cb;
return ctx;
static s32 __dvd_iostransactionCB(s32 result,void *usrdata) {
struct dicontext *ctx = (struct dicontext*)usrdata;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 0;
if (ctx->cb!=NULL) {
__dvd_cbinprogress = 1;
if (result!=0) __dvd_readlength = 0;
__dvd_cbinprogress = 0;
return 0;
static s32 __dvd_ioscoverregisterCB(s32 result,void *usrdata) {
struct dicontext *ctx = (struct dicontext*)usrdata;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 0;
__di_regvalcache[1] = __di_regbuffer[0];
if (ctx->cb!=NULL) {
__dvd_cbinprogress = 1;
__dvd_cbinprogress = 0;
return 0;
static s32 __dvd_ioscovercloseCB(s32 result,void *usrdata) {
struct dicontext *ctx = (struct dicontext*)usrdata;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 0;
if (ctx->cb!=NULL) {
__dvd_cbinprogress = 1;
__dvd_cbinprogress = 0;
return 0;
s32 bwDVD_LowInit() {
s32 i,ret = 0;
u32 ipclo,ipchi;
lwp_queue inactives;
struct dicontext *ctx;
if (__dvd_lowinitcalled==0) {
ret = __IPC_ClntInit();
if (ret<0) return ret;
ipclo = (((u32)IPC_GetBufferLo()+0x1f)&~0x1f);
ipchi = (u32)IPC_GetBufferHi();
if (ipchi>=(ipclo+(sizeof(struct dicommand)*DI_CMDCTX_CNT))) {
__di_commands = (struct dicommand*)ipclo;
IPC_SetBufferLo((void*)(ipclo+(sizeof(struct dicommand)*DI_CMDCTX_CNT)));
memset(__di_commands,0,(sizeof(struct dicommand)*DI_CMDCTX_CNT));
i = 0;
__lwp_queue_initialize(&inactives,__di_contexts,DI_CMDCTX_CNT,sizeof(struct dicontext));
while ((ctx=(struct dicontext*)__lwp_queue_get(&inactives))!=NULL) {
ctx->cmd = &__di_commands[i];
ctx->cb = NULL;
ret = IOS_Open(__di_fs,0);
if (ret<0) return ret;
__dvd_fd = ret;
// __dvd_lowinitcalled = 1;
// printf("DVD_LowInit(%d)\n",ret);
return 0;
s32 bwDVD_LowInquiry(dvddrvinfo *info,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_INQUIRY<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_INQUIRY,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),info,DVD_DRVINFSIZE,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowReadID(dvddiskid *diskID,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret = 0;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
// printf("DVD_LowReadID()\n");
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_READID<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_READID,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),diskID,DVD_DISKIDSIZE,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
// printf("DVD_LowReadID(%d)\n",ret);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowRead(void *buf,u32 len,u32 offset,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
if (buf==NULL || ((u32)buf%32)!=0) return -1;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
__dvd_readlength = len;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_READ<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = len;
cmd->diReg[2] = offset;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_READ,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),buf,len,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
// never got this function working, probably removed from wii
s32 bwDVD_LowReadVideo(void *buf,u32 len,u32 offset,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
__dvd_readlength = len;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_READ_DVDVIDEO<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = len;
cmd->diReg[2] = offset;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_READ_DVDVIDEO,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),buf,len,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowStopLaser(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_STOPLASER<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_STOPLASER,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
// never got this function working, probably removed from wii
s32 bwDVD_EnableVideo(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_ENABLE_DVD<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_ENABLE_DVD,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowSeek(u32 offset,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_SEEK<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = offset;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_SEEK,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),NULL,0,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowOffset(u64 offset,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
u32 *off = (u32*)(void*)(&offset);
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_OFFSET<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = 0;
if (off[0]) cmd->diReg[1] = 1;
cmd->diReg[2] = off[1];
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_OFFSET,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowPrepareCoverRegister(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_COVER<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_COVER,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regbuffer,0x20,__dvd_ioscoverregisterCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowOpenPartition(u32 offset,void *eticket,u32 certin_len,void *certificate_in,void *certificate_out,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
if (eticket!=NULL && ((u32)eticket%32)!=0) return -1;
if (certificate_in!=NULL && ((u32)certificate_in%32)!=0) return -1;
if (certificate_out!=NULL && ((u32)certificate_out%32)!=0) return -1;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_OPENPART<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = offset;
__di_iovector[0].data = cmd;
__di_iovector[0].len = sizeof(struct dicommand);
__di_iovector[1].data = eticket;
if (eticket==NULL) __di_iovector[1].len = 0;
else __di_iovector[1].len = 676;
__di_iovector[2].data = certificate_in;
if (certificate_in==NULL) __di_iovector[2].len = 0;
else __di_iovector[2].len = certin_len;
__di_iovector[3].data = certificate_out;
__di_iovector[3].len = 18916;
__di_iovector[4].data = __di_lastticketerror;
__di_iovector[4].len = 0x20;
ret = IOS_IoctlvAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_OPENPART,3,2,__di_iovector,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowClosePartition(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_CLOSEPART<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_CLOSEPART,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),NULL,0,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowUnencryptedRead(void *buf,u32 len,u32 offset,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
__dvd_readlength = len;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_UNENCREAD<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = len;
cmd->diReg[2] = offset;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_UNENCREAD,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),buf,len,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowWaitCoverClose(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_WAITCVRCLOSE<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_WAITCVRCLOSE,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),NULL,0,__dvd_ioscovercloseCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowResetNotify() {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
if (__dvd_cbinprogress==1) return -1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(NULL);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_RESETNOTIFY<<24);
ret = IOS_Ioctl(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_RESETNOTIFY,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),NULL,0);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowReset(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
// printf("DVD_LowReset()\n");
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_RESET<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = __dvd_spinupval;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_RESET,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),NULL,0,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
// printf("DVD_LowReset(%d)\n",ret);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowStopMotor(u8 stop1,u8 stop2,dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_STOPMOTOR<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = (stop1<<24);
cmd->diReg[2] = (stop2<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_STOPMOTOR,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_LowRequestError(dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_REQERROR<<24);
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_REQERROR,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_SetDecryption(s32 mode, dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_SETCRYPTMODE<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = mode;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_SETCRYPTMODE,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;
s32 bwDVD_SetOffset(u32 offset, dvdcallbacklow cb) {
s32 ret;
struct dicontext *ctx;
struct dicommand *cmd;
__dvd_reqinprogress = 1;
ctx = __dvd_getcontext(cb);
if (ctx==NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM;
cmd = ctx->cmd;
cmd->diReg[0] = (IOCTL_DI_SETOFFBASE<<24);
cmd->diReg[1] = offset;
ret = IOS_IoctlAsync(__dvd_fd,IOCTL_DI_SETOFFBASE,cmd->diReg,sizeof(struct dicommand),__di_regvalcache,0x20,__dvd_iostransactionCB,ctx);
return ret;