giantpune 9e79c9d99b * remove little unused code
* code cleanup
2010-09-18 23:16:05 +00:00

435 lines
14 KiB

* ProgressWindow
* USB Loader GX 2009
* ProgressWindow.cpp
#include <gccore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "menu.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui.h"
#include "prompts/ProgressWindow.h"
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/utils.h"
/*** Variables used only in this file ***/
static lwp_t progressthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;
static char progressTitle[100];
static char progressMsg1[150];
static char progressMsg2[150];
static char progressTime[80];
static char progressSizeLeft[80];
static char progressSpeed[15];
static char *dyn_message;
static int showProgress = 0;
static f32 progressDone = 0.0;
static bool showTime = false;
static bool showSize = false;
static bool changed = true;
static s64 gameinstalldone = 0;
static s64 gameinstalltotal = -1;
static time_t start;
/*** Extern variables ***/
extern GuiWindow * mainWindow;
extern float gamesize;
/*** Extern functions ***/
extern void ResumeGui();
extern void HaltGui();
* ProgressCallback mainly for gameinstallation. Can be used for other C app.
extern "C" void ProgressCallback( s64 done, s64 total )
gameinstalldone = done;
gameinstalltotal = total;
* GameInstallProgress
* GameInstallValue updating function
static void GameInstallProgress()
if ( gameinstalltotal <= 0 )
if ( gameinstalldone > gameinstalltotal )
gameinstalldone = gameinstalltotal;
static u32 expected = 300;
u32 elapsed, h, m, s;
f32 speed = 0;
//Elapsed time
elapsed = time( 0 ) - start;
//Calculate speed in MB/s
if ( elapsed > 0 )
speed = KB_SIZE * gamesize * gameinstalldone / ( gameinstalltotal * elapsed );
if ( gameinstalldone != gameinstalltotal )
//Expected time
if ( elapsed )
expected = ( expected * 3 + elapsed * gameinstalltotal / gameinstalldone ) / 4;
//Remaining time
elapsed = ( expected > elapsed ) ? ( expected - elapsed ) : 0;
//Calculate time values
h = elapsed / 3600;
m = ( elapsed / 60 ) % 60;
s = elapsed % 60;
progressDone = 100.0 * gameinstalldone / gameinstalltotal;
snprintf( progressTime, sizeof( progressTime ), "%s %d:%02d:%02d", tr( "Time left:" ), h, m, s );
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%.2fGB/%.2fGB", gamesize * gameinstalldone / gameinstalltotal, gamesize );
snprintf( progressSpeed, sizeof( progressSpeed ), "%.1fMB/s", speed );
changed = true;
* SetupGameInstallProgress
void SetupGameInstallProgress( char * title, char * game )
strlcpy( progressTitle, title, sizeof( progressTitle ) );
strlcpy( progressMsg1, game, sizeof( progressMsg1 ) );
gameinstalltotal = 1;
showProgress = 1;
showSize = true;
showTime = true;
LWP_ResumeThread( progressthread );
start = time( 0 );
* ProgressWindow
* Opens a window, which displays progress to the user. Can either display a
* progress bar showing % completion, or a throbber that only shows that an
* action is in progress.
static void ProgressWindow( const char *title, const char *msg1, const char *msg2 )
GuiWindow promptWindow( 472, 320 );
promptWindow.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
promptWindow.SetPosition( 0, -10 );
char imgPath[100];
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbutton_dialogue_box.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnOutline( imgPath, button_dialogue_box_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sdialogue_box.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData dialogBox( imgPath, dialogue_box_png );
GuiTrigger trigA;
GuiImage dialogBoxImg( &dialogBox );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
dialogBoxImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sprogressbar_outline.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData progressbarOutline( imgPath, progressbar_outline_png );
GuiImage progressbarOutlineImg( &progressbarOutline );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
progressbarOutlineImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
progressbarOutlineImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarOutlineImg.SetPosition( 25, 40 );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sprogressbar_empty.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData progressbarEmpty( imgPath, progressbar_empty_png );
GuiImage progressbarEmptyImg( &progressbarEmpty );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetPosition( 25, 40 );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetTile( 100 );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sprogressbar.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData progressbar( imgPath, progressbar_png );
GuiImage progressbarImg( &progressbar );
progressbarImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarImg.SetPosition( 25, 40 );
GuiText titleTxt( title, 26, THEME.prompttext );
titleTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
titleTxt.SetPosition( 0, 60 );
GuiText msg1Txt( msg1, 22, THEME.prompttext );
msg1Txt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
if ( msg2 )
msg1Txt.SetPosition( 0, 120 );
msg1Txt.SetPosition( 0, 100 );
msg1Txt.SetMaxWidth( 430, DOTTED );
GuiText msg2Txt( msg2, 22, THEME.prompttext );
msg2Txt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
msg2Txt.SetPosition( 0, 125 );
msg2Txt.SetMaxWidth( 430, DOTTED );
GuiText prsTxt( "%", 22, THEME.prompttext );
prsTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
prsTxt.SetPosition( -188, 40 );
GuiText timeTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 22, THEME.prompttext );
timeTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
timeTxt.SetPosition( 280, -50 );
GuiText sizeTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 22, THEME.prompttext );
sizeTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
sizeTxt.SetPosition( 50, -50 );
GuiText speedTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 22, THEME.prompttext );
speedTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
speedTxt.SetPosition( 50, -74 );
GuiText prTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 26, THEME.prompttext );
prTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
prTxt.SetPosition( 200, 40 );
if ( ( Settings.wsprompt == yes ) && ( CFG.widescreen ) ) /////////////adjust for widescreen
progressbarOutlineImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarOutlineImg.SetPosition( 0, 40 );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetPosition( 80, 40 );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetTile( 78 );
progressbarImg.SetPosition( 80, 40 );
msg1Txt.SetMaxWidth( 380, DOTTED );
msg2Txt.SetMaxWidth( 380, DOTTED );
timeTxt.SetPosition( 250, -50 );
timeTxt.SetFontSize( 20 );
speedTxt.SetPosition( 90, -74 );
speedTxt.SetFontSize( 20 );
sizeTxt.SetPosition( 90, -50 );
sizeTxt.SetFontSize( 20 );
usleep( 400000 ); // wait to see if progress flag changes soon
if ( !showProgress )
promptWindow.Append( &dialogBoxImg );
promptWindow.Append( &progressbarEmptyImg );
promptWindow.Append( &progressbarImg );
promptWindow.Append( &progressbarOutlineImg );
promptWindow.Append( &prTxt );
promptWindow.Append( &prsTxt );
if ( title )
promptWindow.Append( &titleTxt );
if ( msg1 )
promptWindow.Append( &msg1Txt );
if ( msg2 )
promptWindow.Append( &msg2Txt );
if ( showTime )
promptWindow.Append( &timeTxt );
if ( showSize )
promptWindow.Append( &sizeTxt );
promptWindow.Append( &speedTxt );
promptWindow.SetEffect( EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP | EFFECT_SLIDE_IN, 50 );
mainWindow->SetState( STATE_DISABLED );
mainWindow->Append( &promptWindow );
mainWindow->ChangeFocus( &promptWindow );
while ( promptWindow.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep( 100 );
int tmp;
while ( showProgress )
if ( changed )
changed = false;
tmp = static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth() * progressDone );
if ( CFG.widescreen && Settings.wsprompt == yes )
progressbarImg.SetSkew( 0, 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone*0.8 ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone*0.8 ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, 0, 0 );
progressbarImg.SetSkew( 0, 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, 0, 0 );
prTxt.SetTextf( "%.2f", progressDone );
if ( showSize )
sizeTxt.SetText( progressSizeLeft );
speedTxt.SetText( progressSpeed );
if ( showTime )
timeTxt.SetText( progressTime );
if ( msg2 )
msg2Txt.SetText( dyn_message );
promptWindow.SetEffect( EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP | EFFECT_SLIDE_OUT, 50 );
while ( promptWindow.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep( 100 );
mainWindow->Remove( &promptWindow );
mainWindow->SetState( STATE_DEFAULT );
* ProgressThread
static void * ProgressThread ( void *arg )
while ( 1 )
if ( !showProgress )
LWP_SuspendThread ( progressthread );
ProgressWindow( progressTitle, progressMsg1, progressMsg2 );
usleep( 100 );
return NULL;
* ProgressStop
void ProgressStop()
showProgress = 0;
gameinstalltotal = -1;
// wait for thread to finish
while ( !LWP_ThreadIsSuspended( progressthread ) )
usleep( 100 );
* ShowProgress
* Callbackfunction for updating the progress values
* Use this function as standard callback
void ShowProgress( const char *title, const char *msg1, char *dynmsg2, f32 done, f32 total, bool swSize, bool swTime )
if ( total <= 0 )
else if ( done > total )
done = total;
showSize = swSize;
showTime = swTime;
if ( title )
strlcpy( progressTitle, title, sizeof( progressTitle ) );
if ( msg1 )
strlcpy( progressMsg1, msg1, sizeof( progressMsg1 ) );
if ( dynmsg2 )
dyn_message = dynmsg2;
static u32 expected;
u32 elapsed, h, m, s, speed = 0;
if ( !done )
start = time( 0 );
expected = 300;
LWP_ResumeThread( progressthread );
//Elapsed time
elapsed = time( 0 ) - start;
//Calculate speed in KB/s
if ( elapsed > 0 )
speed = done / ( elapsed * KB_SIZE );
if ( done != total )
//Expected time
if ( elapsed )
expected = ( expected * 3 + elapsed * total / done ) / 4;
//Remaining time
elapsed = ( expected > elapsed ) ? ( expected - elapsed ) : 0;
//Calculate time values
h = elapsed / 3600;
m = ( elapsed / 60 ) % 60;
s = elapsed % 60;
if ( swTime == true )
snprintf( progressTime, sizeof( progressTime ), "%s %d:%02d:%02d", tr( "Time left:" ), h, m, s );
if ( swSize == true )
if ( total < MB_SIZE )
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%0.2fKB/%0.2fKB", done * done / total / KB_SIZE, total / KB_SIZE );
else if ( total > MB_SIZE && total < GB_SIZE )
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%0.2fMB/%0.2fMB", done * done / total / MB_SIZE, total / MB_SIZE );
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%0.2fGB/%0.2fGB", done * done / total / GB_SIZE, total / GB_SIZE );
snprintf( progressSpeed, sizeof( progressSpeed ), "%dKB/s", speed );
showProgress = 1;
progressDone = 100.0 * done / total;
changed = true;
* InitProgressThread
* Startup Progressthread in idle prio
void InitProgressThread()
LWP_CreateThread( &progressthread, ProgressThread, NULL, NULL, 16384, 80 );
* ExitProgressThread
* Shutdown Progressthread
void ExitProgressThread()
LWP_JoinThread( progressthread, NULL );
progressthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;