mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:37:42 +01:00

*Added missing "Update to" to languages. Changelog: Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik) UPLOADED Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990) UPLOADED Turkish (final v1 by aHMET-) UPLOADED German (final v1 by Didibochum, NeoRame) UPLOADED T.Chinese (final v3.2 by kyogc) UPLOADED S.Chinese (final v1 by pc9528) UPLOADED Korean (final v3 by pooyan, rainplus) UPLOADED French (final v3.8 by satel, Kin8) UPLOADED Norwegian (final v4 by raschi) UPLOADED Danish (final v1.7 by david432111) UPLOADED Spanish (final v5.9 Penn) UPLOADED Russian (final v1.2 by Kir) UPLOADED PortuguesePortugal (final v10 by sky8000) UPLOADED PortugueseBrasil (final v1 by artidoro) UPLOADED Italian (final v4 by foxejoe) UPLOADED Japanese (final v1.1 by yasun) UPLOADED Swedish (final v1 by noONE) UPLOADED
178 lines
5.6 KiB
178 lines
5.6 KiB
Specialthanksto = Special tak til
Updatepath = Opdaterings Sti
Updatepathchanged = Opdaterings Sti ændret.
Updatefailed = Opdateringen mislykkedes
DefaultSettings = Gendan Standard Indstillinger
titlesPath = titles.txt Sti
Favorite = Favorit
t3Coverst = 3D Covers
AppLanguage = Program Sprog
Areyousure = Er du sikker?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Keyboard = Tastatur
Back = Tilbage
Backgroundmusic = Baggrunds musik
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Tilbage til HBC eller Wii Menu
BacktoLoader = Tilbage til Loaderen
BacktoWiiMenu = Tilbage til HBC
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Begge
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan ikke lave ny mappe
Cancel = Annullere
Cantbeformated = Kan ikke formatteres
Cantdelete = Kan ikke slettes:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klik for at Downloade Covers
Clock = Klokke
Continueinstallgame = Vil du blive ved med at installere spillet?
ConsoleDefault = Konsol Standard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsol skal være låst op for ændre dette.
ConsoleLocked = Konsol låst
CorrectPassword = Korrekt Password
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kunne ikke initialisere netværk!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kunne ikke åbne dvd
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kunne ikke initialisere DIP module!
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverPath = Cover Sti
CoverpathChanged = CoverSti Ændret
Coverpathchange = CoverSti Ændringer
Credits = Lavet af:
DiscImages = Dvdbilleder
DiscimagePath = Dvdbilleder sti
DiscpathChanged = DvdSti Ændret
Discpathchange = DvdSti ændringer
DiscDefault = Spillets standard
Display = Skærm
Doyouwanttoformat = Vil du formattere?:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Vil du virkelig slette:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vil du prøve igen?
Downloadingfile = Downloader fil:
DownloadBoxartimage = Downloade Boxart billede?
Downloadfinished = Download færdig
Error = Fejl!
ErrorreadingDisc = Disken kunne ikke læses
ExitUSBISOLoader = Afslut USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Initialiserer Netværk
InsertDisk = Indsæt en disk
InsertaWiiDisc = Indsæt en wii disk!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Indsæt et sd kort for at downloade billeder.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Indsæt et sd kort for at gemme.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle USB Loader GX's funktioner er låst op.
Installerror = Installations fejl!
Installagame = Installer et spil?
Installinggame = Installerer spillet:
Failedtoboot = Kunne ikke start op:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Kunne ikke montere sd kort
FailedtosetUSB = Kunne ikke sætte usb:
Failedformating = Formatteringen mislykkedes
filesnotfoundontheserver = Filerne blev ikke fundet på serveren!
filesleft = Fil(er) tilbage
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Tving
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du må formattere en partition
Format = Format
Formattingpleasewait = Formatterer, vent venligst...
formated = Formatteret!
free = ledig
FreeSpace = Ledig plads
FullShutdown = Fuld shutdown
GameID = Spil ID
Games = Spil
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Dette spil er allerede installeret:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Spil størrelse
GoBack = Gå tilbage
//GotoPage = Gå til side
HowtoShutdown = Hvordan skal den slukkes?
Language = Sprog
Langchange = Sprog skift
Left = Venstre
LikeSysMenu = Ligesom wii menu
LoadingincIOS = Loader i cIOS249
Lock = Lås
LockConsole = Lås Konsol
MP3Menu = MP3 Menu
Missingfiles = Manglende filer
Networkiniterror = Netværket kunne ikke intialiseres
Next = Næste
No = Nej
Nofilemissing = Ingen filer mangler!
NoHDDfound = Ingen HDD fundet!
NoSDcardinserted = Intet SD-kort fundet!
Nopartitionsfound = Ingen partitioner fundet
NoUSBDevice = Intet USB apparat tilsluttet
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ingen WBFS partition fundet
NormalCovers = Normale Covers
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Ikke en Wii Disk
NoUSBDevicefound = Intet USB apparat fundet.
Notenoughfreespace = Ikke nok ledig plads!
notset = Ikke sat
of = af
OFF = Fra
OfficialSite = Officielle Side
ok = OK
ON = Til
Parentalcontrol = Forælder kontrol
Partition = Partition
Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password Ændret
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwordet er blevet ændret
Passwordchange = Password skift
PowerofftheWii = Sluk Wii'en
Prev = Forrig
PromptsButtons = Prompts Buttons
ReloadSD = Genindlæs SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Omdøb spil på WBFS
Restart = Genstart
Return = Tilbage
ReturntoWii = Vend tilbage til menuen
Right = Højre
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Hurtig opstart
Save = Gem
SaveFailed = Gemningen mislykkedes
Specialthanksto = Speciel tak til
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = og for at gøre deres source code tilgængelig
secondsleft = Sekunder tilbage
SelectthePartition = Vælg Partitionen
youwanttoformat = du vil formatter
settings = Indstillinger
ShutdowntoIdle = Almindeligt
ShutdownSystem = Sluk Totalt(Rødt lys)
Success = Succes:
Successfullyinstalled = Installationen lykkedes:
Successfullydeleted = Sletningen lykkedes:
SuccessfullySaved = Successfully Saved:
SystemDefault = System standard
ThemePath = TemaSti
ThemepathChanged = TemaSti ændret
Themepathchange = TemaSti æmdringer
Try = Prøv
Tooltips = Værktøjtips
Timeleft = Tid tilbage:
Unlock = Lås op
Uninstall = Afinstaller
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX er beskyttet
USBapparatnotfound = USB apparat ikke fundet
VideoMode = Video Mode
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Lydstyrke
Waiting = Venter.....
WaitingforUSBapparat = Venter på USB apparat
WidescreenFix = Widescreen Fix
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
WrongPassword = Forkert Password
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har ikke cIOS222
Japanese = Japansk
German = Tysk
English = Engelsk
French = Fransk
Spanish = Spansk
Italian = Italiensk
Dutch = Nederlandsk
SChinese = Simpelt Kinesisk
TChinese = Tradionelt Kinesisk
Korean = Koreansk |