e.bovendeur e8f5ab07bd * Changed WBFS stuff to C++ classes
* Fixed bug in http.c (where realloc *might* choose another address, thanks Dr. Clipper)
* Added support to /wbfs/Game Title [GAMEID].wbfs files (thanks oggzee)
* Fixed bug in cfg_cleanup when switching partitions
* Added BGM class again (for playing background music, requested by dimok)
* Added settings for background music again
* Fixed bug in MEM2 class (returning an invalid handle when no memory could be allocated, thanks to dimok)
* Updated DIP module to OpenDIP (report bugs with this one if you've found them, but report them here:
* Added initial code for cios 222 rev5 (THIS DOES NOT WORK YET! DON'T FILE BUGS ON THIS ONE!)
* Added fatffs module by Hermes and Waninkoko (THIS DOES NOT WORK YET! DON'T FILE BUGS ON THIS ONE!)
* Fixed bug in Settings, which resulted in a crash when the partition was changed.
* Added caching for gamelist entries, so switching between different screens/sort options/display modes should be faster
* Changed defines in ehc_module, in order to prevent clashes with new defines in rev5
2010-02-14 23:22:52 +00:00

65 lines
1.8 KiB

#ifndef _H
#define _H
#include "libwbfs/libwbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/utils.h"
#include "usbloader/frag.h"
class Wbfs
Wbfs(u32, u32, u32);
void GetProgressValue(s32 * d, s32 * m);
static s32 Init(u32);
void Close();
s32 CheckGame(u8 *);
s32 GameSize(u8 *, f32 *);
wbfs_t *GetHddInfo(void);
bool Mounted();
virtual int GetFragList(u8 *id);
virtual int GetFragList(char *filename, _frag_append_t append_fragment, FragList *);
virtual bool ShowFreeSpace(void);
virtual s32 Open() = 0;
virtual wbfs_disc_t* OpenDisc(u8 *discid) = 0;
virtual void CloseDisc(wbfs_disc_t *disc) = 0;
virtual s32 Format();
virtual s32 GetCount(u32 *) = 0;
virtual s32 GetHeaders(struct discHdr *, u32, u32) = 0;
virtual s32 AddGame(void) = 0;
virtual s32 RemoveGame(u8 *) = 0;
virtual s32 DiskSpace(f32 *, f32 *) = 0;
virtual s32 RenameGame(u8 *, const void *) = 0;
virtual s32 ReIDGame(u8 *discid, const void *newID) = 0;
virtual f32 EstimateGameSize(void) = 0;
static s32 OpenPart(u32 part_fat, u32 part_idx, u32 part_lba, u32 part_size, char *partition);
static s32 OpenNamed(char *partition);
static s32 OpenLBA(u32 lba, u32 size);
static rw_sector_callback_t readCallback;
static rw_sector_callback_t writeCallback;
static s32 __ReadDVD(void *fp, u32 lba, u32 len, void *iobuf);
static void Spinner(s32 x, s32 max);
static u32 nb_sectors;
static u32 sector_size;
/* WBFS HDD */
wbfs_t *hdd;
u32 device, lba, size;
static s32 __ReadUSB(void *fp, u32 lba, u32 count, void *iobuf);
static s32 __WriteUSB(void *fp, u32 lba, u32 count, void *iobuf);
static s32 __ReadSDHC(void *fp, u32 lba, u32 count, void *iobuf);
static s32 __WriteSDHC(void *fp, u32 lba, u32 count, void *iobuf);
static s32 total, done;
#endif //_H