dimok321 6f63f9cf05 *Prepare source code for devkitPPC r23 - replaced removed directory functions
*Added additional sort mode - "Sort by number of players"
*Added support for multiple game partitions.

Note: You can activate multiple game partitions support in the Loader Settings. When it is active, all games from all partitions will be listed in the game list. Partitions can be mixed up as you wish wbfs/fat/ntfs/ext. When the multiple partitions feature is activated than the partition in "Game/Install Partition" setting is taken for new game installation. Also the free space amount will be shown from that game installation partition. This will be clickable in the future listing all partitions with their sizes.
2011-02-02 18:30:15 +00:00

179 lines
4.4 KiB

#include <gctypes.h>
#include "IosLoader.h"
#include "Controls/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "../usbloader/usbstorage2.h"
#include "../usbloader/disc.h"
#include "../usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "../usbloader/wdvd.h"
#include "../wad/nandtitle.h"
#include "../mload/mload_modules.h"
#include "../settings/CSettings.h"
#include "wad/nandtitle.h"
#include "mload/mload.h"
#include "mload/modules/ehcmodule_5.h"
#include "mload/modules/dip_plugin_249.h"
#include "mload/modules/odip_frag.h"
#include "gecko.h"
* Public Methods:
* Check if the ios passed is a Hermes ios.
bool IosLoader::IsHermesIOS(s32 ios)
return (ios == 222 || ios == 223 || ios == 224 || ios == 202);
* Check if the ios passed is a Waninkoko ios.
bool IosLoader::IsWaninkokoIOS(s32 ios)
if(ios < 200 || ios > 255)
return false;
return !IsHermesIOS(ios);
* Loads CIOS (If possible the one from the settings file).
* @return 0 if a cios has been successfully loaded. Else a value below 0 is returned.
s32 IosLoader::LoadAppCios()
u32 activeCios = IOS_GetVersion();
s32 ret = -1;
// We have what we need
if((int) activeCios == Settings.cios)
return 0;
u32 ciosLoadPriority[] = { 250, 249, 222, Settings.cios }; // Descending.
for (u8 i = (sizeof(ciosLoadPriority)/sizeof(ciosLoadPriority[0]))-1; i >= 0; i--)
u32 cios = ciosLoadPriority[i];
if (activeCios == cios)
ret = 0;
if ((ret = ReloadIosSafe(cios)) > -1)
// Remember working cios.
Settings.cios = cios;
return ret;
* Loads a CIOS before a game start.
* @return 0 if a cios has been successfully loaded. Else a value below 0 is returned.
s32 IosLoader::LoadGameCios(s32 ios)
if(ios == IOS_GetVersion())
return 0;
s32 ret = -1;
// Unmount fat before reloading IOS.
ret = ReloadIosSafe(ios);
// Remount devices after reloading IOS.
return ret;
* Reloads a certain IOS under the condition, that an appropriate version of the IOS is installed.
* @return a negative value if a safe reload of the ios was not possible.
s32 IosLoader::ReloadIosSafe(s32 ios)
s32 iosRev = NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, ios));
if((iosRev < 4 || iosRev > 6) && iosRev != 65535)
return -11;
else if(IsWaninkokoIOS(ios))
s32 iosRev = NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, ios));
if((iosRev < 9 || iosRev > 30) && iosRev != 65535) //let's see if Waninkoko actually gets to 30
return -22;
return -33;
s32 r = IOS_ReloadIOS(ios);
if (r >= 0) WII_Initialize();
IosLoader::LoadIOSModules(IOS_GetVersion(), IOS_GetRevision());
return r;
* Private/Protected Methods:
void IosLoader::LoadIOSModules(s32 ios, s32 ios_rev)
//! Hermes IOS
const u8 * ech_module = NULL;
int ehc_module_size = 0;
const u8 * dip_plugin = NULL;
int dip_plugin_size = 0;
ech_module = ehcmodule_5;
ehc_module_size = ehcmodule_5_size;
dip_plugin = odip_frag;
dip_plugin_size = odip_frag_size;
gprintf("Loading ehc v5 and opendip module\n");
u8 *ehc_cfg = search_for_ehcmodule_cfg((u8 *) ech_module, ehc_module_size);
if (ehc_cfg)
ehc_cfg += 12;
ehc_cfg[0] = 0; // USB Port 0
gprintf("Patched ehc module to use usb port 0.\n");
load_modules(ech_module, ehc_module_size, dip_plugin, dip_plugin_size);
//! Waninkoko IOS
else if(IsWaninkokoIOS(ios))
if(ios_rev >= 18)
if(mload_init() < 0)
gprintf("Loading dip module for Waninkoko's cios\n");
mload_module((u8 *) dip_plugin_249, dip_plugin_249_size);