#include <string.h>

#include "../gba/Sound.h"
#include "../Util.h"
#include "gbGlobals.h"
#include "gbSound.h"

#include "../apu/Gb_Apu.h"
#include "../apu/Effects_Buffer.h"

extern int gbHardware;
extern long soundSampleRate; // current sound quality

gb_effects_config_t gb_effects_config = { false, 0.20f, 0.15f, false };

static gb_effects_config_t    gb_effects_config_current;
static Simple_Effects_Buffer* stereo_buffer;
static Gb_Apu*                gb_apu;

static float soundVolume_  = -1;
static int prevSoundEnable = -1;
static bool declicking     = false;

int const chan_count = 4;
int const ticks_to_time = 2 * GB_APU_OVERCLOCK;

static inline blip_time_t blip_time()
	return (SOUND_CLOCK_TICKS - soundTicks) * ticks_to_time;

u8 gbSoundRead( u16 address )
	if ( gb_apu && address >= NR10 && address <= 0xFF3F )
		return gb_apu->read_register( blip_time(), address );

	return gbMemory[address];

void gbSoundEvent(register u16 address, register int data)
	gbMemory[address] = data;

	if ( gb_apu && address >= NR10 && address <= 0xFF3F )
		gb_apu->write_register( blip_time(), address, data );

static void end_frame( blip_time_t time )
	gb_apu       ->end_frame( time );
	stereo_buffer->end_frame( time );

static void apply_effects()
	prevSoundEnable = soundGetEnable();
	gb_effects_config_current = gb_effects_config;

	stereo_buffer->config().enabled  = gb_effects_config_current.enabled;
	stereo_buffer->config().echo     = gb_effects_config_current.echo;
	stereo_buffer->config().stereo   = gb_effects_config_current.stereo;
	stereo_buffer->config().surround = gb_effects_config_current.surround;

	for ( int i = 0; i < chan_count; i++ )
		Multi_Buffer::channel_t ch = { 0, 0, 0 };
		if ( prevSoundEnable >> i & 1 )
			ch = stereo_buffer->channel( i );
		gb_apu->set_output( ch.center, ch.left, ch.right, i );

void gbSoundConfigEffects( gb_effects_config_t const& c )
	gb_effects_config = c;

static void apply_volume()
	soundVolume_ = soundGetVolume();

	if ( gb_apu )
		gb_apu->volume( soundVolume_ );

void gbSoundTick()
 	if ( gb_apu && stereo_buffer )
		// Run sound hardware to present
		end_frame( SOUND_CLOCK_TICKS * ticks_to_time );


		// Update effects config if it was changed
		if ( memcmp( &gb_effects_config_current, &gb_effects_config,
				sizeof gb_effects_config ) || soundGetEnable() != prevSoundEnable )

		if ( soundVolume_ != soundGetVolume() )

static void reset_apu()
	Gb_Apu::mode_t mode = Gb_Apu::mode_dmg;
	if ( gbHardware & 2 )
		mode = Gb_Apu::mode_cgb;
	if ( gbHardware & 8 || declicking )
		mode = Gb_Apu::mode_agb;
	gb_apu->reset( mode );
	gb_apu->reduce_clicks( declicking );

	if ( stereo_buffer )

	soundTicks = SOUND_CLOCK_TICKS;

static void remake_stereo_buffer()
	// Stereo_Buffer
	delete stereo_buffer;
	stereo_buffer = 0;

	stereo_buffer = new Simple_Effects_Buffer; // TODO: handle out of memory
	if ( stereo_buffer->set_sample_rate( soundSampleRate ) ) { } // TODO: handle out of memory
	stereo_buffer->clock_rate( gb_apu->clock_rate );

	// APU
	static int const chan_types [chan_count] = {
		Multi_Buffer::wave_type+1, Multi_Buffer::wave_type+2,
		Multi_Buffer::wave_type+3, Multi_Buffer::mixed_type+1
	if ( stereo_buffer->set_channel_count( chan_count, chan_types ) ) { } // TODO: handle errors

	if ( !gb_apu )
		gb_apu = new Gb_Apu; // TODO: handle errors


void gbSoundSetDeclicking( bool enable )
	if ( declicking != enable )
		declicking = enable;
		if ( gb_apu )
			// Can't change sound hardware mode without resetting APU, so save/load
			// state around mode change
			gb_apu_state_t state;
			gb_apu->save_state( &state );
			if ( gb_apu->load_state( state ) ) { } // ignore error

bool gbSoundGetDeclicking()
	return declicking;

void gbSoundReset()
	SOUND_CLOCK_TICKS = 20000; // 1/100 second


	soundPaused       = 1;

	gbSoundEvent(0xff10, 0x80);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff11, 0xbf);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff12, 0xf3);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff14, 0xbf);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff16, 0x3f);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff17, 0x00);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff19, 0xbf);

	gbSoundEvent(0xff1a, 0x7f);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff1b, 0xff);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff1c, 0xbf);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff1e, 0xbf);

	gbSoundEvent(0xff20, 0xff);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff21, 0x00);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff22, 0x00);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff23, 0xbf);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff24, 0x77);
	gbSoundEvent(0xff25, 0xf3);

	if (gbHardware & 0x4)
		gbSoundEvent(0xff26, 0xf0);
		gbSoundEvent(0xff26, 0xf1);

	/* workaround for game Beetlejuice */
	if (gbHardware & 0x1) {
		gbSoundEvent(0xff24, 0x77);
		gbSoundEvent(0xff25, 0xf3);

	int addr = 0xff30;

	while(addr < 0xff40) {
		gbMemory[addr++] = 0x00;
		gbMemory[addr++] = 0xff;

void gbSoundSetSampleRate( long sampleRate )
	if ( soundSampleRate != sampleRate )
		if ( systemCanChangeSoundQuality() )
			soundSampleRate      = sampleRate;
			soundSampleRate      = sampleRate;


static struct {
	int version;
	gb_apu_state_t apu;
} state;

static char dummy_state [735 * 2];

#define SKIP( type, name ) { dummy_state, sizeof (type) }

#define LOAD( type, name ) { &name, sizeof (type) }

// Old save state support

static variable_desc gbsound_format [] =
	SKIP( int, soundPaused ),
	SKIP( int, soundPlay ),
	SKIP( int, soundTicks ),
	SKIP( int, soundLevel1 ),
	SKIP( int, soundLevel2 ),
	SKIP( int, soundBalance ),
	SKIP( int, soundMasterOn ),
	SKIP( int, soundIndex ),
	SKIP( int, soundVIN ),
	SKIP( int, soundOn [0] ),
	SKIP( int, soundATL [0] ),
	SKIP( int, sound1Skip ),
	SKIP( int, soundIndex [0] ),
	SKIP( int, sound1Continue ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnvelopeVolume [0] ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnvelopeATL [0] ),
	SKIP( int, sound1EnvelopeATLReload ),
	SKIP( int, sound1EnvelopeUpDown ),
	SKIP( int, sound1SweepATL ),
	SKIP( int, sound1SweepATLReload ),
	SKIP( int, sound1SweepSteps ),
	SKIP( int, sound1SweepUpDown ),
	SKIP( int, sound1SweepStep ),
	SKIP( int, soundOn [1] ),
	SKIP( int, soundATL [1] ),
	SKIP( int, sound2Skip ),
	SKIP( int, soundIndex [1] ),
	SKIP( int, sound2Continue ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnvelopeVolume [1] ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnvelopeATL [1] ),
	SKIP( int, sound2EnvelopeATLReload ),
	SKIP( int, sound2EnvelopeUpDown ),
	SKIP( int, soundOn [2] ),
	SKIP( int, soundATL [2] ),
	SKIP( int, sound3Skip ),
	SKIP( int, soundIndex [2] ),
	SKIP( int, sound3Continue ),
	SKIP( int, sound3OutputLevel ),
	SKIP( int, soundOn [3] ),
	SKIP( int, soundATL [3] ),
	SKIP( int, sound4Skip ),
	SKIP( int, soundIndex [3] ),
	SKIP( int, sound4Clock ),
	SKIP( int, sound4ShiftRight ),
	SKIP( int, sound4ShiftSkip ),
	SKIP( int, sound4ShiftIndex ),
	SKIP( int, sound4NSteps ),
	SKIP( int, sound4CountDown ),
	SKIP( int, sound4Continue ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnvelopeVolume [2] ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnvelopeATL [2] ),
	SKIP( int, sound4EnvelopeATLReload ),
	SKIP( int, sound4EnvelopeUpDown ),
	SKIP( int, soundEnableFlag ),
	{ NULL, 0 }

static variable_desc gbsound_format2 [] =
	SKIP( int, sound1ATLreload ),
	SKIP( int, freq1low ),
	SKIP( int, freq1high ),
	SKIP( int, sound2ATLreload ),
	SKIP( int, freq2low ),
	SKIP( int, freq2high ),
	SKIP( int, sound3ATLreload ),
	SKIP( int, freq3low ),
	SKIP( int, freq3high ),
	SKIP( int, sound4ATLreload ),
	SKIP( int, freq4 ),
	{ NULL, 0 }

static variable_desc gbsound_format3 [] =
	SKIP( u8[2*735], soundBuffer ),
	SKIP( u8[2*735], soundBuffer ),
	SKIP( u16[735], soundFinalWave ),
	{ NULL, 0 }

enum {
	nr10 = 0,
	nr11, nr12, nr13, nr14,
	nr20, nr21, nr22, nr23, nr24,
	nr30, nr31, nr32, nr33, nr34,
	nr40, nr41, nr42, nr43, nr44,
	nr50, nr51, nr52

static void gbSoundReadGameOld(int version,gzFile gzFile)
	if ( version == 11 )
		// Version 11 didn't save any state
		// TODO: same for version 10?
		state.apu.regs [nr50] = 0x77; // volume at max
		state.apu.regs [nr51] = 0xFF; // channels enabled
		state.apu.regs [nr52] = 0x80; // power on

	// Load state
	utilReadData( gzFile, gbsound_format );

	if ( version >= 11 ) // TODO: never executed; remove?
		utilReadData( gzFile, gbsound_format2 );

	utilReadData( gzFile, gbsound_format3 );

	int quality = 1;
	if ( version >= 7 )
		quality = utilReadInt( gzFile );

	gbSoundSetSampleRate( 44100 / quality );

	// Convert to format Gb_Apu uses
	gb_apu_state_t& s = state.apu;

	// Only some registers are properly preserved
	static int const regs_to_copy [] = {
		nr10, nr11, nr12, nr21, nr22, nr30, nr32, nr42, nr43, nr50, nr51, nr52, -1
	for ( int i = 0; regs_to_copy [i] >= 0; i++ )
		s.regs [regs_to_copy [i]] = gbMemory [0xFF10 + regs_to_copy [i]];

	memcpy( &s.regs [0x20], &gbMemory [0xFF30], 0x10 ); // wave

// New state format

static variable_desc gb_state [] =
	LOAD( int, state.version ),				// room_for_expansion will be used by later versions

	// APU
	LOAD( u8 [0x40], state.apu.regs ),      // last values written to registers and wave RAM (both banks)
	LOAD( int, state.apu.frame_time ),      // clocks until next frame sequencer action
	LOAD( int, state.apu.frame_phase ),     // next step frame sequencer will run

	LOAD( int, state.apu.sweep_freq ),      // sweep's internal frequency register
	LOAD( int, state.apu.sweep_delay ),     // clocks until next sweep action
	LOAD( int, state.apu.sweep_enabled ),
	LOAD( int, state.apu.sweep_neg ),       // obscure internal flag
	LOAD( int, state.apu.noise_divider ),
	LOAD( int, state.apu.wave_buf ),        // last read byte of wave RAM

	LOAD( int [4], state.apu.delay ),       // clocks until next channel action
	LOAD( int [4], state.apu.length_ctr ),
	LOAD( int [4], state.apu.phase ),       // square/wave phase, noise LFSR
	LOAD( int [4], state.apu.enabled ),     // internal enabled flag

	LOAD( int [3], state.apu.env_delay ),   // clocks until next envelope action
	LOAD( int [3], state.apu.env_volume ),
	LOAD( int [3], state.apu.env_enabled ),

	SKIP( int [13], room_for_expansion ),

	// Emulator
	SKIP( int [16], room_for_expansion ),

	{ NULL, 0 }

void gbSoundSaveGame( gzFile out )
	gb_apu->save_state( &state.apu );

	// Be sure areas for expansion get written as zero
	memset( dummy_state, 0, sizeof dummy_state );

	state.version = 1;
	utilWriteData( out, gb_state );

void gbSoundReadGame( int version, gzFile in )
	// Prepare APU and default state
	gb_apu->save_state( &state.apu );

	if ( version > 11 )
		utilReadData( in, gb_state );
		gbSoundReadGameOld( version, in );

	gb_apu->load_state( state.apu );