#include <string.h> #include "../common/Types.h" #include "../Util.h" #include "gbGlobals.h" #include "gbSGB.h" void gbSetBGPalette(u8 value, bool ColoursChanged=false); void gbSetObj0Palette(u8 value, bool ColoursChanged=false); void gbSetObj1Palette(u8 value, bool ColoursChanged=false); extern bool ColorizeGameboy; u8 gbInvertTab[256] = { 0x00,0x80,0x40,0xc0,0x20,0xa0,0x60,0xe0, 0x10,0x90,0x50,0xd0,0x30,0xb0,0x70,0xf0, 0x08,0x88,0x48,0xc8,0x28,0xa8,0x68,0xe8, 0x18,0x98,0x58,0xd8,0x38,0xb8,0x78,0xf8, 0x04,0x84,0x44,0xc4,0x24,0xa4,0x64,0xe4, 0x14,0x94,0x54,0xd4,0x34,0xb4,0x74,0xf4, 0x0c,0x8c,0x4c,0xcc,0x2c,0xac,0x6c,0xec, 0x1c,0x9c,0x5c,0xdc,0x3c,0xbc,0x7c,0xfc, 0x02,0x82,0x42,0xc2,0x22,0xa2,0x62,0xe2, 0x12,0x92,0x52,0xd2,0x32,0xb2,0x72,0xf2, 0x0a,0x8a,0x4a,0xca,0x2a,0xaa,0x6a,0xea, 0x1a,0x9a,0x5a,0xda,0x3a,0xba,0x7a,0xfa, 0x06,0x86,0x46,0xc6,0x26,0xa6,0x66,0xe6, 0x16,0x96,0x56,0xd6,0x36,0xb6,0x76,0xf6, 0x0e,0x8e,0x4e,0xce,0x2e,0xae,0x6e,0xee, 0x1e,0x9e,0x5e,0xde,0x3e,0xbe,0x7e,0xfe, 0x01,0x81,0x41,0xc1,0x21,0xa1,0x61,0xe1, 0x11,0x91,0x51,0xd1,0x31,0xb1,0x71,0xf1, 0x09,0x89,0x49,0xc9,0x29,0xa9,0x69,0xe9, 0x19,0x99,0x59,0xd9,0x39,0xb9,0x79,0xf9, 0x05,0x85,0x45,0xc5,0x25,0xa5,0x65,0xe5, 0x15,0x95,0x55,0xd5,0x35,0xb5,0x75,0xf5, 0x0d,0x8d,0x4d,0xcd,0x2d,0xad,0x6d,0xed, 0x1d,0x9d,0x5d,0xdd,0x3d,0xbd,0x7d,0xfd, 0x03,0x83,0x43,0xc3,0x23,0xa3,0x63,0xe3, 0x13,0x93,0x53,0xd3,0x33,0xb3,0x73,0xf3, 0x0b,0x8b,0x4b,0xcb,0x2b,0xab,0x6b,0xeb, 0x1b,0x9b,0x5b,0xdb,0x3b,0xbb,0x7b,0xfb, 0x07,0x87,0x47,0xc7,0x27,0xa7,0x67,0xe7, 0x17,0x97,0x57,0xd7,0x37,0xb7,0x77,0xf7, 0x0f,0x8f,0x4f,0xcf,0x2f,0xaf,0x6f,0xef, 0x1f,0x9f,0x5f,0xdf,0x3f,0xbf,0x7f,0xff }; u16 gbLineMix[160]; u16 gbWindowColor[160]; extern int inUseRegister_WY; extern int layerSettings; void gbRenderLine() { static u8 oldBgPal=0; memset(gbLineMix, 0, sizeof(gbLineMix)); u8 * bank0; u8 * bank1; if(gbCgbMode) { bank0 = &gbVram[0x0000]; bank1 = &gbVram[0x2000]; } else { bank0 = &gbMemory[0x8000]; bank1 = NULL; } int tile_map = 0x1800; if((register_LCDC & 8) != 0) tile_map = 0x1c00; int tile_pattern = 0x0800; if((register_LCDC & 16) != 0) tile_pattern = 0x0000; int x = 0; int y = register_LY; if(y >= 144) return; int SpritesTicks = gbSpritesTicks[x] << (gbSpeed ? 1 : 2); int sx = gbSCXLine[(gbSpeed ? 0 : 4)+SpritesTicks]; int sy = gbSCYLine[(gbSpeed ? 11 : 5)+SpritesTicks]; sy+=y; sy &= 255; int tx = sx >> 3; int ty = sy >> 3; int bx = 1 << (7 - (sx & 7)); int by = sy & 7; int tile_map_line_y = tile_map + (ty <<5); int tile_map_address = tile_map_line_y + tx; u8 attrs = 0; if(bank1 != NULL) attrs = bank1[tile_map_address]; u8 tile = bank0[tile_map_address]; ++tile_map_address; if(!(register_LCDC & 0x10)) tile ^= 0x80; int tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<< 4) + (by<<1); if(register_LCDC & 0x80) { if((register_LCDC & 0x01 || gbCgbMode) && (layerSettings & 0x0100)) { while(x < 160) { u8 tile_a = 0; u8 tile_b = 0; if(attrs & 0x40) { tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<<4) + ((7-by)<<1); } if(attrs & 0x08) { tile_a = bank1[tile_pattern_address++]; tile_b = bank1[tile_pattern_address]; } else { tile_a = bank0[tile_pattern_address++]; tile_b = bank0[tile_pattern_address]; } if(attrs & 0x20) { tile_a = gbInvertTab[tile_a]; tile_b = gbInvertTab[tile_b]; } while(bx > 0) { u8 c = (tile_a & bx) ? 1 : 0; c += ((tile_b & bx) ? 2 : 0); gbLineBuffer[x] = c; // mark the gbLineBuffer color if(attrs & 0x80) gbLineBuffer[x] |= 0x300; if(gbCgbMode) { c += (attrs & 7)<<2; } else { // Get the background palette to use (from the delayed pipeline) u8 BgPal = gbBgpLine[x+(gbSpeed ? 5 : 11)+SpritesTicks]; // Super Game Boy has its own special palettes if(gbSgbMode) { c = (BgPal>>(c<<1)) &3; int dx = x >> 3; int dy = y >> 3; int palette = gbSgbATF[dy * 20 + dx]; if(c == 0) palette = 0; c += palette<<2; // Mono Game Boy requires special palette handling } else { if (BgPal!=oldBgPal) { gbSetBGPalette(BgPal); oldBgPal = BgPal; } if (!ColorizeGameboy) c = (BgPal>>(c<<1)) &3; } } gbLineMix[x] = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[gbPalette[c] & 0x7FFF] : gbPalette[c] & 0x7FFF; ++x; if(x >= 160) break; bx >>= 1; } bx = 128; SpritesTicks = gbSpritesTicks[x] << (gbSpeed ? 1 : 2); sx = gbSCXLine[x+(gbSpeed ? 0 : 4)+SpritesTicks]; sy = gbSCYLine[x+(gbSpeed ? 11 : 5)+SpritesTicks]; tx = ((sx+x)>>3) & 0x1f; sy+=y; sy &= 255; ty = sy >> 3; by = sy & 7; tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<<4) + (by<<1); tile_map_line_y = tile_map + (ty<<5); tile_map_address = tile_map_line_y + tx; if(bank1) attrs = bank1[tile_map_line_y + tx]; tile = bank0[tile_map_line_y + tx]; if(!(register_LCDC & 0x10)) tile ^= 0x80; tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<<4) + (by<<1); } } else { // Use gbBgp[0] instead of 0 (?) // (this fixes white flashes on Last Bible II) // Also added the gbColorOption (fixes Dracula Densetsu II color problems) for(int i = 0; i < 160; i++) { u16 color = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[0x7FFF] : 0x7FFF; if (!gbCgbMode) { // Get the background palette to use (from the delayed pipeline) u8 BgPal = gbBgpLine[i+(gbSpeed ? 5 : 11)+(gbSpritesTicks[i] << (gbSpeed ? 1 : 2))]; if ((BgPal!=oldBgPal) && !gbSgbMode) { gbSetBGPalette(BgPal); oldBgPal = BgPal; } color = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[gbPalette[BgPal&3] & 0x7FFF] : gbPalette[BgPal&3] & 0x7FFF; } gbLineMix[i] = color; gbLineBuffer[i] = 0; } } // do the window display // LCDC.0 also enables/disables the window in !gbCgbMode ?!?! // (tested on real hardware) // This fixes Last Bible II & Zankurou Musouken if((register_LCDC & 0x01 || gbCgbMode) && (register_LCDC & 0x20) && (layerSettings & 0x2000) && (gbWindowLine != -2)) { int i = 0; // Fix (accurate emulation) for most of the window display problems // (ie. Zen - Intergalactic Ninja, Urusei Yatsura...). if ((gbWindowLine == -1) || (gbWindowLine>144)) { inUseRegister_WY = oldRegister_WY; if (register_LY>oldRegister_WY) gbWindowLine = 146; // for (i = 0; i<160; i++) // gbWindowColor[i] = gbLineMix[i]; } int wy = inUseRegister_WY; if(y >= inUseRegister_WY) { if (gbWindowLine == -1) gbWindowLine = 0; int wx = register_WX; int swx = 0; wx -= 7; if( wx <= 159 && gbWindowLine <= 143) { tile_map = 0x1800; if((register_LCDC & 0x40) != 0) tile_map = 0x1c00; tx = 0; ty = gbWindowLine >> 3; bx = 128; by = gbWindowLine & 7; // Tries to emulate the 'window scrolling bug' when wx == 0 (ie. wx-7 == -7). // Nothing close to perfect, but good enough for now... if (wx == -7) { swx = 7-((gbSCXLine[0]-1) & 7); bx >>= ((gbSCXLine[0]+((swx != 1) ? 1 : 0)) & 7); if (swx == 1) swx = 2; //bx >>= ((gbSCXLine[0]+(((swx>1) && (swx != 7)) ? 1 : 0)) & 7); if ((swx == 7)) { //wx = 0; if ((gbWindowLine>0) || (wy == 0)) swx = 0; } } else if(wx < 0) { bx >>= (-wx); wx = 0; } tile_map_line_y = tile_map + (ty<<5); tile_map_address = tile_map_line_y + tx; x = wx; tile = bank0[tile_map_address]; u8 attrs = 0; if(bank1) attrs = bank1[tile_map_address]; ++tile_map_address; if((register_LCDC & 16) == 0) { if(tile < 128) tile += 128; else tile -= 128; } tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<<4) + (by<<1); if (wx){ i = swx - 1; do{ gbLineMix[i] = gbWindowColor[i]; --i; }while(i >= 0); } while(x < 160) { u8 tile_a = 0; u8 tile_b = 0; if(attrs & 0x40) { tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<<4) + ((7-by)<<1); } if(attrs & 0x08) { tile_a = bank1[tile_pattern_address++]; tile_b = bank1[tile_pattern_address]; } else { tile_a = bank0[tile_pattern_address++]; tile_b = bank0[tile_pattern_address]; } if(attrs & 0x20) { tile_a = gbInvertTab[tile_a]; tile_b = gbInvertTab[tile_b]; } while(bx > 0) { u8 c = (tile_a & bx) != 0 ? 1 : 0; c += ((tile_b & bx) != 0 ? 2 : 0); if (x>=0) { if(attrs & 0x80) gbLineBuffer[x] = 0x300 + c; else gbLineBuffer[x] = 0x100 + c; if(gbCgbMode) { c += (attrs & 7) <<2; } else { // Get the background palette to use (from the delayed pipeline) u8 BgPal = gbBgpLine[x+(gbSpeed ? 5 : 11)+gbSpritesTicks[x]*(gbSpeed ? 2 : 4)]; // Super Game Boy has its own special palettes if(gbSgbMode) { c = (BgPal>>(c<<1)) &3; int dx = x >> 3; int dy = y >> 3; int palette = gbSgbATF[dy * 20 + dx]; if(c == 0) palette = 0; c += palette<<2; // Mono Game Boy requires special palette handling } else { if (BgPal!=oldBgPal) { gbSetBGPalette(BgPal); oldBgPal = BgPal; } if (!ColorizeGameboy) c = (BgPal>>(c<<1)) &3; else c += 4; } } gbLineMix[x] = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[gbPalette[c] & 0x7FFF] : gbPalette[c] & 0x7FFF; } ++x; if(x >= 160) break; bx >>= 1; } ++tx; if(tx == 32) tx = 0; bx = 128; tile = bank0[tile_map_line_y + tx]; if(bank1) attrs = bank1[tile_map_line_y + tx]; if((register_LCDC & 16) == 0) { if(tile < 128) tile += 128; else tile -= 128; } tile_pattern_address = tile_pattern + (tile<<4) + (by<<1); } //for (i = swx; i<160; i++) // gbLineMix[i] = gbWindowColor[i]; ++gbWindowLine; } } } else if (gbWindowLine == -2) { inUseRegister_WY = oldRegister_WY; if (register_LY>oldRegister_WY) gbWindowLine = 146; else gbWindowLine = 0; } } else { u16 color = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[0x7FFF] : 0x7FFF; if (!gbCgbMode) color = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[gbPalette[0] & 0x7FFF] : gbPalette[0] & 0x7FFF; int i = 160 - 4; do{ gbLineMix[i] = gbLineMix[i+1] = gbLineMix[i+2] = gbLineMix[i+3] = color; gbLineBuffer[i] = gbLineBuffer[i+1] = gbLineBuffer[i+2] = gbLineBuffer[i+3] = 0; i-=4; }while(i>=0); } } void gbDrawSpriteTile(int tile, int x,int y,int t, int flags, int size,int spriteNumber) { static u8 oldObj0Pal=0, oldObj1Pal=0; u8 * bank0; u8 * bank1; if(gbCgbMode) { if(register_VBK & 1) { bank0 = &gbVram[0x0000]; bank1 = &gbVram[0x2000]; } else { bank0 = &gbVram[0x0000]; bank1 = &gbVram[0x2000]; } } else { bank0 = &gbMemory[0x8000]; bank1 = NULL; } int init = 0x0000; // The monochrome gameboy has 2 sprite palettes, because each palette only contains 3 colours // out of a possible 4. Here we are colourising the two palettes seperately. u8 *pal; u8 ObjPal = 0; u8 PalOffset = 8; if(!gbCgbMode) { if(flags & 0x10) { pal = gbObp1; ObjPal = gbObp1Line[x+11+(gbSpritesTicks[x] << (gbSpeed ? 1 : 2))]; if (ObjPal!=oldObj1Pal && !gbSgbMode) { gbSetObj1Palette(ObjPal); oldObj1Pal = ObjPal; } PalOffset = 12; } else { pal = gbObp0; ObjPal = gbObp0Line[x+11+(gbSpritesTicks[x] << (gbSpeed ? 1 : 2))]; if (ObjPal!=oldObj0Pal && !gbSgbMode) { gbSetObj0Palette(ObjPal); oldObj0Pal = ObjPal; } PalOffset = 8; } } int flipx = (flags & 0x20); int flipy = (flags & 0x40); if(flipy) { t = (size ? 15 : 7) - t; } int prio = flags & 0x80; int address = init + (tile<<4) + (t<<1); int a = 0; int b = 0; if(gbCgbMode && (flags & 0x08)) { a = bank1[address++]; b = bank1[address++]; } else { a = bank0[address++]; b = bank0[address++]; } for(int xx = 0; xx < 8; ++xx) { u8 mask = 1 << (7-xx); u8 c = 0; if( (a & mask)) ++c; if( (b & mask)) c+=2; // colour index 0 is always transparent, so skip if(c==0) continue; int xxx = xx+x; if(flipx) xxx = (7-xx+x); if(unsigned(xxx-1) >= 159) continue; u16 color = gbLineBuffer[xxx]; // Fixes OAM-BG priority if(prio && (register_LCDC & 1)) { if(color < 0x200 && ((color & 0xFF) != 0)) continue; } // Fixes OAM-BG priority for Moorhuhn 2 if(color >= 0x300 && color != 0x300 && (register_LCDC & 1)){ continue; }else if(color >= 0x200 && color < 0x300) { int sprite = color & 0xff; int spriteX = gbMemory[0xfe00 + (sprite<<2) + 1] - 8; if(spriteX == x) { if(sprite < spriteNumber) continue; } else { if(gbCgbMode) { if(sprite < spriteNumber) continue; } else { // Fixes GB sprites priorities (was '< x + 8' before) // ('A boy and his blob...' sprites' emulation is now correct) if(spriteX < x) continue; } } } gbLineBuffer[xxx] = 0x200 + spriteNumber; // make sure that sprites will work even in CGB mode if(gbCgbMode) { c += ((flags & 0x07)<<2) + 32; } else { // Super Game Boy has its own special palettes if(gbSgbMode) { c = (ObjPal>>(c<<1)) &3; int dx = xxx >> 3; int dy = y >> 3; int palette = gbSgbATF[dy * 20 + dx]; if(c == 0) palette = 0; c += palette<<2; // Monochrome Game Boy } else { if (!ColorizeGameboy) c = (ObjPal>>(c<<1)) &3; else c += PalOffset; } } gbLineMix[xxx] = gbColorOption ? gbColorFilter[gbPalette[c] & 0x7FFF] : gbPalette[c] & 0x7FFF; } } void gbDrawSprites(bool draw) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int count = 0; int size = (register_LCDC & 4); if (!draw) memset (gbSpritesTicks, 0, sizeof(gbSpritesTicks)); if(!(register_LCDC & 0x80)) return; if((register_LCDC & 2) && (layerSettings & 0x1000)) { int yc = register_LY; int address = 0xfe00; for(int i = 0; i < 40; ++i) { y = gbMemory[address++]; x = gbMemory[address++]; int tile = gbMemory[address++]; if(size) tile &= 254; int flags = gbMemory[address++]; // Subtract 1 because we're not checking against greater-equal 0 if(unsigned(x-1) < 167 && unsigned(y-1) < 159) { // check if sprite intersects current line int t = yc -y + 16; if((size && (unsigned(t) < 16u)) || (!size && (unsigned(t) < 8u))) { if (draw) gbDrawSpriteTile(tile,x-8,yc,t,flags,size,i); else { int j = x - 8; // Less than 0 or divisible by 4 if(j < 0 || (j & 3) == 0){ // If it's less than 0, set it to 0, and then we KNOW // that it can be incremented by 4. if(j < 0) j = 0; // Yeah, we have to check twice. It's either that or // have a (rather large) duplicate if-else statement if(gbSpeed){ for (; j<300; j+=4){ gbSpritesTicks[j] += 5; gbSpritesTicks[j+1] += 5; gbSpritesTicks[j+2] += 5; gbSpritesTicks[j+3] += 5; } }else{ int count2 = 2 + (count & 1); for (; j<300; j+=4){ gbSpritesTicks[j] += count2; gbSpritesTicks[j+1] += count2; gbSpritesTicks[j+2] += count2; gbSpritesTicks[j+3] += count2; } } } //divisible by 2 at least? else if((j & 1) == 0){ if(gbSpeed){ for (; j<300; j+=2){ gbSpritesTicks[j] += 5; gbSpritesTicks[j+1] += 5; } }else{ int count2 = 2 + (count & 1); for (; j<300; j+=2){ gbSpritesTicks[j] += count2; gbSpritesTicks[j+1] += count2; } } } // Not divisible by 4 OR 2: use the old one else{ if(gbSpeed){ for (; j<300; ++j){ gbSpritesTicks[j] += 5; } }else{ int count2 = 2 + (count & 1); for (; j<300; ++j){ gbSpritesTicks[j] += count2; } } } } ++count; } } // sprite limit reached! if(count >= 10) break; } } return; }