
129 lines
3.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "wad.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "tiktmd.h"
static QByteArray globalCert;
Wad::Wad( const QByteArray stuff )
ok = false;
if( stuff.size() < 0x80 )//less than this and there is definitely nothing there
QByteArray copy = stuff;
QBuffer b( &copy );
b.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
quint32 tmp;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
if( qFromBigEndian( tmp ) != 0x20 )
Err( "Bad header size" );
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x49730000 && tmp != 0x69620000 && tmp != 0x426b0000 )
Err( "Bad file magic word" );
quint32 certSize;
quint32 tikSize;
quint32 tmdSize;
quint32 appSize;
quint32 footerSize;
b.read( (char*)&certSize, 4 );
certSize = qFromBigEndian( certSize );
b.seek( 0x10 );
b.read( (char*)&tikSize, 4 );
tikSize = qFromBigEndian( tikSize );
b.read( (char*)&tmdSize, 4 );
tmdSize = qFromBigEndian( tmdSize );
b.read( (char*)&appSize, 4 );
appSize = qFromBigEndian( appSize );
b.read( (char*)&footerSize, 4 );
footerSize = qFromBigEndian( footerSize );
b.close();//close the buffer, the rest of the data can be checked without it
//sanity check this thing
quint32 s = stuff.size();
if( s < ( RU( 0x40, certSize ) + RU( 0x40, tikSize ) + RU( 0x40, tmdSize ) + RU( 0x40, appSize ) + RU( 0x40, footerSize ) ) )
Err( "Total size is less than the combined sizes of all the parts that it is supposed to contain" );
quint32 pos = 0x40;
certData = stuff.mid( pos, certSize );
pos += RU( 0x40, certSize );
tikData = stuff.mid( pos, tikSize );
pos += RU( 0x40, tikSize );
tmdData = stuff.mid( pos, tmdSize );
pos += RU( 0x40, tmdSize );
Ticket ticket( tikData );
Tmd t( tmdData );
if( ticket.Tid() != t.Tid() )
qWarning() << "wad contains 2 different TIDs";
quint32 cnt = qFromBigEndian( t.payload()->num_contents );
qDebug() << "Wad contains" << hex << cnt << "contents";
//another quick sanity check
quint32 totalSize = 0;
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
totalSize += t.Size( i );
if( totalSize > appSize )
Err( "Size of all the apps in the tmd is greater than the size in the wad header" );
void AesSetKey( const QByteArray key );
QByteArray AesDecrypt( quint16 index, const QByteArray source );
//read all the contents, check the hash, and remember the data ( still encrypted )
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
quint32 s = RU( 0x40, t.Size( i ) );
QByteArray encData = stuff.mid( pos, s );
pos += s;
//doing this here in case there is some other object that is using the AES that would change the key on us
AesSetKey( ticket.DecryptedKey() );
//Data = stuff.mid( pos, Size );
//pos += RU( 0x40, Size );
ok = true;
Wad::Wad( QList< QByteArray > stuff, bool encrypted )
void Wad::Err( QString str )
errStr = str;
qWarning() << "Wad::Error" << str;