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#include "sharedcontentmap.h"
#include "tools.h"
SharedContentMap::SharedContentMap( QByteArray old )
data = old;
if( data.size() )
bool SharedContentMap::Check( const QString &path )
if( !data.size() || data.size() % 28 )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check -> bad size" << hex << data.size();
return false;
QByteArray cid;
quint32 cnt = data.size() / 28;
//check that all the cid's can be converted to numbers, and make sure that ther are in numerical order
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
bool ok;
cid = data.mid( ( i * 28 ), 8 );
quint32 num = cid.toInt( &ok, 16 );
if( !ok )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check -> error converting" << cid << "to a number";
return false;
if( i != num )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check -> something is a miss" << num << i;
return false;
//this is all there is to check right now
if( path.isEmpty() )
return true;
QDir dir( path );
if( !dir.exists() )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check ->" << path << "doesnt exist";
return false;
//check hashes for all the contents in the map
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
cid = data.mid( ( i * 28 ), 8 );
QString appName( cid );
QFileInfo fi = dir.absoluteFilePath( appName + ".app" );
if( !fi.exists() )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check -> content in the map isnt found in" << path;
return false;
QFile f( fi.absoluteFilePath() );
if( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check -> cant open" << fi.absoluteFilePath();
return false;
QByteArray goods = f.readAll();
QByteArray expectedHash = data.mid( ( i * 28 ) + 8, 20 );
QByteArray actualHash = GetSha1( goods );
if( expectedHash != actualHash )
qWarning() << "SharedContentMap::Check -> hash mismatch in" << fi.absoluteFilePath() << "\n"
<< expectedHash << actualHash;
return false;
return true;
QString SharedContentMap::GetAppFromHash( QByteArray hash )
quint32 cnt = data.size() / 28;
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QString appName( data.mid( ( i * 28 ), 8 ) );
QByteArray mapHash = data.mid( ( i * 28 ) + 8, 20 );
//qDebug() << QString( mapHash ) << hash;
if( mapHash == hash )
return appName;
//hash not found
return QString();
QString SharedContentMap::GetNextEmptyCid()
quint32 cnt = data.size() / 28;
quint32 ret = 0;
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QByteArray cid = data.mid( ( i * 28 ), 8 );
quint32 num = cid.toInt( NULL, 16 );
cids << num;
//find the lowest number cid that isnt used
while( cids.contains( ret ) )
//qDebug() << hex << ret;
return QString( "%1" ).arg( ret, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
void SharedContentMap::AddEntry( const QString &app, const QByteArray &hash )
data += app.toAscii() + hash;
//qDebug() << "SharedContentMap::AddEntry -> added entry, rechecking this beast";