mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:29:13 +01:00
* forgot these
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ WiiQt/ash.h -text
WiiQt/blocks0to7.cpp -text
WiiQt/blocks0to7.cpp -text
WiiQt/blocks0to7.h -text
WiiQt/blocks0to7.h -text
WiiQt/includes.h -text
WiiQt/includes.h -text
WiiQt/keysbin.cpp -text
WiiQt/keysbin.h -text
WiiQt/lz77.cpp -text
WiiQt/lz77.cpp -text
WiiQt/lz77.h -text
WiiQt/lz77.h -text
WiiQt/md5.cpp -text
WiiQt/md5.cpp -text
@ -20,6 +22,8 @@ WiiQt/nusdownloader.cpp -text
WiiQt/nusdownloader.h -text
WiiQt/nusdownloader.h -text
WiiQt/savebanner.cpp -text
WiiQt/savebanner.cpp -text
WiiQt/savebanner.h -text
WiiQt/savebanner.h -text
WiiQt/savedatabin.cpp -text
WiiQt/savedatabin.h -text
WiiQt/settingtxtdialog.cpp -text
WiiQt/settingtxtdialog.cpp -text
WiiQt/settingtxtdialog.h -text
WiiQt/settingtxtdialog.h -text
WiiQt/settingtxtdialog.ui -text
WiiQt/settingtxtdialog.ui -text
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include "keysbin.h"
KeysBin::KeysBin( QByteArray stuff )
data = stuff;
if( data.size() && data.size() != 0x400 )
qWarning() << "KeysBin::KeysBin -> bad size" << hex << data.size();
const QByteArray KeysBin::NG_key_ID()
if( data.size() != 0x400 )
return QByteArray();
return data.mid( 0x208, 4 );
const QByteArray KeysBin::NG_ID()
if( data.size() != 0x400 )
return QByteArray();
return data.mid( 0x124, 4 );
const QByteArray KeysBin::NG_Sig()
if( data.size() != 0x400 )
return QByteArray();
return data.mid( 0x20c, 0x3c );
const QByteArray KeysBin::NG_Priv()
if( data.size() != 0x400 )
return QByteArray();
return data.mid( 0x128, 0x1e );
const QByteArray KeysBin::NandKey()
if( data.size() != 0x400 )
return QByteArray();
return data.mid( 0x158, 0x10 );
const QByteArray KeysBin::HMac()
if( data.size() != 0x400 )
return QByteArray();
return data.mid( 0x144, 0x14 );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#ifndef KEYSBIN_H
#define KEYSBIN_H
#include "includes.h"
//quick class for grabbing some stuff from a keys.bin from bootmii ( should be 0x400 bytes )
// TODO - this isnt complete at all
class KeysBin
KeysBin( QByteArray stuff = QByteArray() );
const QByteArray NG_ID();
const QByteArray NG_key_ID();
const QByteArray NG_Sig();
const QByteArray NG_Priv();
const QByteArray NandKey();
const QByteArray HMac();
QByteArray data;
#endif // KEYSBIN_H
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
#include "savedatabin.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "ec.h"
SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin( QByteArray stuff )
// qDebug() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin" << hex << stuff.size();
_ok = false;
ngID = 0;
ngKeyID = 0;
sg.tid = 0;
if( stuff.size() < 0xf140 )//header + backup header
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> size is too small";
quint32 size = 0xf0c0;
QByteArray header( size, '\0' );
//decrypt the header
quint8 iv[ 16 ] = SD_IV;
quint8 sdkey[ 16 ] = SD_KEY;
aes_set_key( sdkey );
aes_decrypt( iv, (quint8*)stuff.data(), (quint8*)header.data(), size );
//check MD5
quint8 md5blanker[ 16 ] = MD5_BLANKER;
QByteArray expected = header.mid( 0xe, 16 );
QByteArray headerWithBlanker = header.left( 0xe ) + QByteArray( (const char*)&md5blanker, 16 ) + header.right( 0xf0a2 );
//hexdump( headerWithBlanker.left( 0x50 ) );
MD5 hash;
hash.update( headerWithBlanker.data(), size );
QByteArray actual = QByteArray( (const char*)hash.hexdigestChar(), 16 );
if( actual != expected )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> md5 mismatch";
hexdump( expected );
hexdump( actual );
//read the tid & banner.bin size
quint32 bnrSize;
quint8 bnrPerm;
QDataStream ds( header );
ds.setByteOrder( QDataStream::BigEndian );
ds >> sg.tid;
ds >> bnrSize;
ds >> bnrPerm;
if( bnrSize < 0x72a0 || bnrSize > 0xf0a0 || ( bnrSize - 0x60a0 ) % 0x1200 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> bad size" << hex << bnrSize;
//add the entry for banner.bin in the save struct
quint8 attr = ( bnrPerm << 2 ) | NAND_FILE;
sg.attr << attr;
sg.entries << "/banner.bin";
sg.data << header.mid( 0x20, bnrSize );
QBuffer b( &stuff );
b.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
b.seek( size );
//read the Bk header
quint32 tmp;
quint32 cnt;
quint32 fSize;
quint32 tSize;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x70 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> bad hdr size" << hex << tmp;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x426b0001 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> bad magic" << hex << tmp;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
ngID = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
//qDebug() << "NG id:" << hex << ngID;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
cnt = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
fSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
b.seek( b.pos() + 8 );
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
//qDebug() << "cnt :" << hex << cnt;
//qDebug() << "fSize:" << hex << fSize;
//qDebug() << "tSize:" << hex << tSize << stuff.size();
if( (quint32)stuff.size() < fSize + 0xf140 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> buffer size is less than expected" << hex << fSize;
ngMac = stuff.mid( 0xf128, 6 );
//qDebug() << "ngMac:" << ngMac.toHex();
//read all the files and folders
b.seek( 0xf140 );
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
//QByteArray peek = b.peek( 0x80 );
//hexdump( peek );
quint32 size;
quint8 perm;
quint8 attr;
quint8 type;
quint32 start = b.pos();
quint8 iv[ 0x10 ];
QByteArray name;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x03adf17e )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> bad file magic" << hex << i << tmp;
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
size = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
b.read( (char*)&perm, 1 );
b.read( (char*)&attr, 1 );//?
b.read( (char*)&type, 1 );
name = b.read( 0x45 );
b.read( (char*)&iv, 0x10 );
/*qDebug() << "size:" << hex << size
<< "perm:" << perm
<< "attr:" << attr
<< "type:" << type
<< "name:" << QString( name )
<< "iv:" << QByteArray( (const char*)iv, 0x10 ).toHex();*/
perm = ( perm << 2 ) | type;
//qDebug() << "perm2:" << hex << perm;
sg.entries << "/" + name;
sg.attr << perm;
switch( type )
QByteArray encData = stuff.mid( start + 0x80, RU( size, 0x40 ) );
QByteArray decData( RU( size, 0x40 ), '\0' );
aes_set_key( sdkey );
aes_decrypt( iv, (quint8*)encData.data(), (quint8*)decData.data(), RU( size, 0x40 ) );
decData.resize( size );
sg.data << decData;
/*qDebug() << QString( name );
qDebug() << "size:" << hex << size;
hexdump( decData, 0, 0x30 );*/
case NAND_DIR:
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin -> unknown type" << hex << i << type;
//seek to beginning of next file
b.seek( start + 0x80 + RU( size, 0x40 ) );
//get a couple keys useful for repacking
quint32 cStart = b.pos();
//qDebug() << "pos:" << hex << (quint32)b.pos();
b.seek( b.pos() + 0x144 );
b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
ngKeyID = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
ngSig = stuff.mid( cStart + 0x44, 0x3c );
//qDebug() << "ngKeyID:" << hex << ngKeyID;
//qDebug() << "ngSig :" << hex << ngSig.toHex();
//check the cert mumbojombo
quint32 data_size = tSize - 0x340;
//qDebug() << hex << data_size << tSize;
QByteArray sha1H = GetSha1( stuff.mid( 0xf0c0, data_size ) );
sha1H = GetSha1( sha1H );
_ok = check_ec( (quint8*)stuff.mid( cStart + 0x40, 0x180 ).data(),
(quint8*)stuff.mid( cStart + 0x1c0, 0x180 ).data(),
(quint8*)stuff.mid( cStart, 0x40 ).data(),
(quint8*)sha1H.data() );
//qDebug() << "_ok:" << _ok;
SaveDataBin::SaveDataBin( const SaveGame &old )
ngID = 0;
ngKeyID = 0;
sg = old;
_ok = IsValidSave( sg );
const QByteArray SaveDataBin::Data( const QByteArray &ngPriv, const QByteArray &ngSig, const QByteArray &ngMac, quint32 ngId, quint32 ngKeyId )
if( !IsValidSave( sg ) )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::Data -> invalid save data";
return QByteArray();
quint8 tmp8;
QByteArray bnr = DataFromSave( sg, "/banner.bin" );
if( bnr.isEmpty() )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::Data -> no banner.bin found in the save";
return QByteArray();
quint32 ng_ID = ngId ? ngId : ngID;
quint32 ng_Key_ID = ngKeyId ? ngKeyId : this->ngKeyID;
QByteArray ng_Sig = ngSig.size() ? ngSig : this->ngSig;
QByteArray ng_Mac = ngMac.size() ? ngMac : this->ngMac;
quint32 tmp32;
quint8 md5blanker[ 16 ] = MD5_BLANKER;
//quick sanity checks TODO.. probably need more up in here
if( ng_Mac.size() != 6 || !ng_ID || !ng_Key_ID || ng_Sig.size() != 0x3c || ng_Mac.size() != 6 || ngPriv.size() != 30 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::Data -> something isnt right:\n" << ng_Mac.toHex()
<< "\n" << ng_Sig.toHex()
<< "\n" << ng_Mac.toHex()
<< "\n" << ngPriv.toHex()
<< "\n" << hex << ng_ID
<< "\n" << ng_Key_ID;
return QByteArray();
//make the different byteArrays that make up this beast and assemble them all at the end
QByteArray header( 0xd, '\0' );
QBuffer b( &header );
b.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
quint64 tmp64 = qFromBigEndian( sg.tid ); //tid
b.write( (const char*)&tmp64, 8 );
tmp32 = (quint32)qFromBigEndian( (quint32)bnr.size() ); //size of banner.bin
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
tmp8 = AttrFromSave( sg, "/banner.bin" ); //attributes of banner.bin
tmp8 >>= 2;
b.write( (const char*)&tmp8, 1 );
tmp8 = 0; //nocopy or some shit like that?
b.write( (const char*)&tmp8, 1 );
QByteArray header2 = header +
QByteArray( (const char*)&md5blanker, 16 ) +
QByteArray( 2, '\0' ); //md5 blanker + padding to 0x20
header2 += bnr; //add the banner.bin
header2 = PaddedByteArray( header2, 0xf0c0 ); //pad to 0xf0c0
MD5 hash;
hash.update( header2.data(), 0xf0c0 );
QByteArray actual = QByteArray( (const char*)hash.hexdigestChar(), 16 );
header += actual + QByteArray( 2, '\0' ) + bnr;
header = PaddedByteArray( header, 0xf0c0 );
quint8 iv[ 16 ] = SD_IV;
quint8 sdkey[ 16 ] = SD_KEY;
aes_set_key( sdkey );
QByteArray header3( 0xf0c0, '\0' );//wtf
aes_encrypt( iv, (quint8*)header.data(), (quint8*)header3.data(), 0xf0c0 ); //encrypt the header
quint32 fSize = 0;
quint32 tSize = 0;
quint32 cnt = sg.attr.size();
//do the file stuff
QByteArray files;
quint16 idx = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
if( sg.entries.at( i ) == "/banner.bin" )
//qDebug() << "adding file" << sg.entries.at( i );
quint32 size = 0;
quint8 attr = sg.attr.at( i );
quint8 type = NAND_ATTR_TYPE( attr );
attr >>= 2;
QByteArray fHeader( 0x80, '\0' );
QBuffer c( &fHeader );
c.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( (quint32)0x3adf17e ); //file magic
c.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
c.seek( 8 );
c.write( (const char*)&attr, 1 ); //permissions
tmp8 = 0;
c.write( (const char*)&tmp8, 1 ); //?
c.write( (const char*)&type, 1 ); //file or dir
QString name = sg.entries.at( i ); //path
name.remove( 0, 1 ); //remove leading "/"
c.write( name.toLatin1() );
if( type == NAND_FILE )
size = sg.data.at( idx ).size(); //write actual file size
c.seek( 4 );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( size );
c.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
files += fHeader;
quint8 iv[ 0x10 ];//copy the iv to keep aes_encrypt from altering the original
memcpy( &iv, ((quint8*)fHeader.data()) + 0x50, 0x10 );
QByteArray encData( RU( size, 0x40 ), '\0' );
QByteArray decPaddad = PaddedByteArray( sg.data.at( idx ), 0x40 );
aes_set_key( sdkey );
aes_encrypt( (quint8*)&iv,
(const quint8*)decPaddad.data(),
encData.size() );
quint32 fs = encData.size();
fSize += 0x80 + fs;
files += encData;
c.seek( 4 );
c.write( (const char*)&size, 4 );
fSize += 0x80;
files += fHeader;
QByteArray bkHeader( 0x80, '\0' ); //backup header
b.setBuffer( &bkHeader );
b.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( (quint32)0x70 ); //bk header size
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( (quint32)0x426b0001 ); //magic word ( & version )?
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( ng_ID ); //ngid
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( cnt - 1 ); //file & folder count ( -banner.bin )
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( fSize ); //padded data size
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
b.seek( 0x1c );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( fSize + 0x3c0 ); //total size
b.write( (const char*)&tmp32, 4 );
b.seek( 0x60 );
tmp64 = qFromBigEndian( sg.tid ); //tid
b.write( (const char*)&tmp64, 8 );
b.write( ng_Mac ); //ngmac
//make the magic cert stuff
char signer[ 64 ];
char name[ 64 ];
quint8 sig[ 0x40 ];
quint8 ng_cert[ 0x180 ];
quint8 ap_cert[ 0x180 ];
quint8 ap_priv[ 30 ];
quint8 ap_sig[ 60 ];
sprintf( signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002" );
sprintf( name, "NG%08x", ng_ID );
make_ec_cert( (quint8*)&ng_cert, (quint8*)ng_Sig.data(), signer, name, (quint8*)ngPriv.data(), ng_Key_ID );
memset( (char*)&ap_priv, 0, sizeof( ap_priv ) );
ap_priv[ 10 ] = 1;
memset( (char*)&ap_sig, 81, sizeof( ap_sig ) );
sprintf( signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002-NG%08x", ng_ID );
sprintf( name, "AP%08x%08x", 1, 2 );
make_ec_cert( (quint8*)&ap_cert, (quint8*)&ap_sig, signer, name, (quint8*)&ap_priv, 0 );
QByteArray sha = GetSha1( QByteArray( (const char*)&ap_cert + 0x80, 0x100 ) );
generate_ecdsa( (quint8*)&ap_sig, (quint8*)&ap_sig + 30, (quint8*)ngPriv.data(), (quint8*)sha.data() );
make_ec_cert( (quint8*)&ap_cert, (quint8*)&ap_sig, signer, name, (quint8*)&ap_priv, 0 );
tSize = fSize + 0x80;
QByteArray stuffToHash = bkHeader + files;
sha = GetSha1( stuffToHash );
sha = GetSha1( sha );
generate_ecdsa( (quint8*)&sig, (quint8*)&sig + 30, (quint8*)&ap_priv, (quint8*)sha.data() );
tmp32 = qFromBigEndian( 0x2f536969 );
memcpy( (char*)&sig + 60, (char*)&tmp32, 4 );
// hexdump( QByteArray( (const char*)&sig, 0x40 ) );
// hexdump( QByteArray( (const char*)&ng_cert, 0x180 ) );
// hexdump( QByteArray( (const char*)&ap_cert, 0x180 ) );
return header3
+ bkHeader
+ files
+ QByteArray( (const char*)&sig, 0x40 )
+ QByteArray( (const char*)&ng_cert, 0x180 )
+ QByteArray( (const char*)&ap_cert, 0x180 );
quint32 SaveDataBin::NgID()
return ngID;
quint32 SaveDataBin::NgKeyID()
return ngKeyID;
const QByteArray SaveDataBin::NgSig()
return ngSig;
const QByteArray SaveDataBin::NgMac()
return ngMac;
const QByteArray SaveDataBin::DataBinFromSaveStruct( const SaveGame &old, const QByteArray &ngPriv, const QByteArray &ngSig,
const QByteArray &ngMac, quint32 ngId, quint32 ngKeyId )
SaveDataBin sb( old );
if( !sb.IsOk() )
return QByteArray();
return sb.Data( ngPriv, ngSig, ngMac, ngId, ngKeyId );
const SaveGame SaveDataBin::StructFromDataBin( const QByteArray &dataBin )
SaveDataBin sb( dataBin );//no need to check if it is loaded ok, the returned item will have 0 for TID and nothing in it
return sb.SaveStruct();
const QByteArray SaveDataBin::GetFile( const QByteArray &dataBin, const QString &path )
SaveDataBin sb( dataBin );
if( !sb.IsOk() )
return QByteArray();
return DataFromSave( sb.SaveStruct(), path );
const QByteArray SaveDataBin::GetBanner( const QByteArray &dataBin )
if( dataBin.size() < 0xf140 )//header + backup header
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetBanner -> size is too small";
return QByteArray();
quint32 size = 0xf0c0;
QByteArray header( size, '\0' );
//decrypt the header
quint8 iv[ 16 ] = SD_IV;
quint8 sdkey[ 16 ] = SD_KEY;
aes_set_key( sdkey );
aes_decrypt( iv, (const quint8*)dataBin.constData(), (quint8*)header.data(), size );
//read banner.bin size
quint32 bnrSize;
QBuffer b( &header );
b.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
b.seek( 8 );
b.read( (char*)&bnrSize, 4 );
bnrSize = qFromBigEndian( bnrSize );
//checken der sizen
if( bnrSize < 0x72a0 || bnrSize > 0xf0a0 || ( bnrSize - 0x60a0 ) % 0x1200 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetBanner -> bad size" << hex << bnrSize;
return QByteArray();
return header.mid( 0x20, bnrSize );
quint32 SaveDataBin::GetSize( QByteArray dataBin )
if( dataBin.size() < 0xf140 )//header + backup header
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetSize -> size is too small";
return 0;
quint32 ret = 0;
quint32 size = 0xf0c0;
QByteArray header( size, '\0' );
//decrypt the header
quint8 iv[ 16 ] = SD_IV;
quint8 sdkey[ 16 ] = SD_KEY;
aes_set_key( sdkey );
aes_decrypt( iv, (quint8*)dataBin.data(), (quint8*)header.data(), size );
//hexdump( header, 0, 0x20 );
//check MD5
quint8 md5blanker[ 16 ] = MD5_BLANKER;
QByteArray expected = header.mid( 0xe, 16 );
QByteArray headerWithBlanker = header.left( 0xe ) + QByteArray( (const char*)&md5blanker, 16 ) + header.right( 0xf0a2 );
MD5 hash;
hash.update( headerWithBlanker.data(), size );
QByteArray actual = QByteArray( (const char*)hash.hexdigestChar(), 16 );
if( actual != expected )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetSize -> md5 mismatch";
hexdump( expected );
hexdump( actual );
//read banner.bin size
quint32 bnrSize;
QBuffer buf ( &header );
buf.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
buf.seek( 8 );
buf.read( (char*)&bnrSize, 4 );
bnrSize = qFromBigEndian( bnrSize );
if( bnrSize < 0x72a0 || bnrSize > 0xf0a0 || ( bnrSize - 0x60a0 ) % 0x1200 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetSize -> bad size" << hex << bnrSize;
return 0;
buf.setBuffer( &dataBin );
buf.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
buf.seek( 0xf0c0 );
//read the Bk header
quint32 tmp;
quint32 cnt;
buf.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x70 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetSize -> bad hdr size" << hex << tmp;
return 0;
buf.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x426b0001 )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetSize -> bad magic" << hex << tmp;
return 0;
buf.seek( 0xf0cc );
buf.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
cnt = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
//qDebug() << "cnt :" << hex << cnt;
buf.seek( 0xf140 );
ret += bnrSize;
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
//QByteArray peek = buf.peek( 0x80 );
//hexdump( peek );
quint32 size;
quint32 start = buf.pos();
buf.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
if( tmp != 0x03adf17e )
qWarning() << "SaveDataBin::GetSize -> bad file magic" << hex << i << tmp;
buf.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
size = qFromBigEndian( tmp );
ret += size;
//seek to beginning of next file
buf.seek( start + 0x80 + RU( size, 0x40 ) );
return ret;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#include "includes.h"
#include "tools.h"
// class for dealing with a wii save (data.bin)
//! basic usage: read a data.bin into a bytearray and pass it to the first constructor.
//! if IsOk() returns true, then everything is good. all the decrypted data and filenames
//! can be gotten from SaveStruct()
//! the static should take care of most of what you need to do - converting to/from/extracting a file
class SaveDataBin
SaveDataBin( QByteArray stuff = QByteArray() );
SaveDataBin( const SaveGame &old );
bool IsOk(){ return _ok; }
const SaveGame SaveStruct(){ return sg; }
//these only return something useful if the first constructor is used and was successful
quint32 NgID();
quint32 NgKeyID();
const QByteArray NgSig();
const QByteArray NgMac();
//get a bytearray containing a encoded data.bin
//! ngPriv must be supplied. the rest of the items are gotten if the first constructor is used successfully
//! if the first constructon was not used, then all these other items need to be supplied
const QByteArray Data( const QByteArray &ngPriv,
const QByteArray &ngSig = QByteArray(), const QByteArray &ngMac = QByteArray(), quint32 ngId = 0, quint32 ngKeyId = 0 );
//static functions for common stuff...
//encode a data.bin from a save struct and the necessary nd_* stuff
static const QByteArray DataBinFromSaveStruct( const SaveGame &old, const QByteArray &ngPriv,
const QByteArray &ngSig, const QByteArray &ngMac, quint32 ngId, quint32 ngKeyId );
//get a savegame struct from a bytearray containing a data.bin
static const SaveGame StructFromDataBin( const QByteArray &dataBin );
//get a file from a data.bin
//! path should start with a "/". this one is slow as it decrypts all data & checks all certs and whatnot ( probably will optimize it sometime later )
//! return an empty bytearray on error
static const QByteArray GetFile( const QByteArray &dataBin, const QString &path );
//get a "banner.bin" from a save. this one should be MUCH faster than the above one. it does not check any hashes
// or signatures. it simply decrypts the first chunk of the data.bin, reads the banner size, and returns it
static const QByteArray GetBanner( const QByteArray &dataBin );
//get the size of a save
//this is the combined size of the banner + all the files
static quint32 GetSize( QByteArray dataBin );
bool _ok;
quint32 ngID;
QByteArray ngSig;
quint32 ngKeyID;
SaveGame sg;
//not sure where else to get this except from reading an existing save
QByteArray ngMac;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user