mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 18:57:40 +01:00
* add whatever local changes i have in the lz77 & u8 classes
* make everything build again
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,59 @@ int LZ77::GetLz77Offset( const QByteArray &data )
return start.indexOf( "LZ77" );
LZ77::CompressionType LZ77::GetCompressedType( const QByteArray &data, int *outOffset )
if( data.startsWith( 0x10 ) )
if( outOffset )
*outOffset = 0;
return v10;
if( data.startsWith( 0x11 ) )
if( outOffset )
*outOffset = 0;
return v11;
int t = GetLz77Offset( data );
if( t >= 0 )
if( outOffset )
*outOffset = t;
return v10_w_magic;
return None;
QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &stuff, LZ77::CompressionType *outType )
int off;
CompressionType t = GetCompressedType( stuff, &off );
if( outType )
*outType = t;
if( t == v10 )
return Decompress_v10( stuff, 0 );
if( t == v10_w_magic )
return Decompress_v10( stuff, off + 4 );
if( t == v11 )
return LZ77_11::Decompress( stuff );
return stuff;
void LZ77::InitTree()
int i;
@ -136,12 +189,16 @@ void LZ77::InsertNode( int r )
quint32 LZ77::GetDecompressedSize( const QByteArray &data )
int off = GetLz77Offset( data );
if( off == -1 )
qWarning() << "LZ77::GetDecompressedSize -> no lz77 magic";
return 0;
int off;
LZ77::CompressionType ct = LZ77::GetCompressedType( data, &off );
if( ct == None )
return data.size();
if( ct == v10_w_magic )
off += 4;
QByteArray ba = data;
QBuffer buf( &ba );
if( !buf.open( QBuffer::ReadOnly ) )
@ -149,16 +206,21 @@ quint32 LZ77::GetDecompressedSize( const QByteArray &data )
qWarning() << "LZ77::GetDecompressedSize -> Can't create buffer";
return 0;
buf.seek( off + 4 );
buf.seek( off );
quint32 gbaheader;
buf.seek( off + 4 );
buf.seek( off );
buf.read( (char*)&gbaheader, 4 );
quint32 ret = ( gbaheader >> 8 );
if( !ret )
buf.read( (char*)&ret, 4 );
return ( gbaheader >> 8 );
return ret;
QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed, int offset )
QByteArray LZ77::Decompress_v10( const QByteArray &compressed, int offset )
int N = 4096;
int F = 18;
@ -185,7 +247,7 @@ QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed, int offset )
quint32 gbaheader;
infile.seek( offset + 4 );
infile.seek( offset );
infile.read( (char*)&gbaheader, 4 );
decomp_size = gbaheader >> 8;
@ -255,7 +317,7 @@ QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed, int offset )
return ret;
QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed )
/*QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed )
int off = GetLz77Offset( compressed );
if( off < 0 )
@ -264,18 +326,33 @@ QByteArray LZ77::Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed )
return compressed;
return Decompress( compressed, off );
QByteArray LZ77::Compress( const QByteArray &ba, LZ77::CompressionType type )
if( type == v10 )
return Compress_v10( ba, false );
if( type == v10_w_magic )
return Compress_v10( ba, true );
if( type == v11 )
return LZ77_11::Compress( ba );
return ba;
QByteArray LZ77::Compress( const QByteArray &ba )
QByteArray LZ77::Compress_v10( const QByteArray &ba, bool addMagic )
//testing 1, 2
//return ba;
LZ77 lz;
QByteArray ret = lz.Compr( ba );
QByteArray ret = lz.Compr_v10( ba, addMagic );
return ret;
QByteArray LZ77::Compr( const QByteArray &ba )
QByteArray LZ77::Compr_v10( const QByteArray &ba, bool addMagic )
int i, len, r, s, last_match_length, code_buf_ptr;
char ch;
@ -284,7 +361,7 @@ QByteArray LZ77::Compr( const QByteArray &ba )
int N = 4096;
int F = 18;
int threshold = 2;
quint32 filesize = (ba.size() << 8) + 0x10;
quint32 filesize;
QByteArray crap = ba;
QBuffer infile( &crap );
@ -300,12 +377,31 @@ QByteArray LZ77::Compr( const QByteArray &ba )
qWarning() << "Can't create buffer 2";
return QByteArray();
output.putChar( 'L' );
output.putChar( 'Z' );
output.putChar( '7' );
output.putChar( '7' );
output.write( (const char*)&filesize, 4 );
if( addMagic )
output.putChar( 'L' );
output.putChar( 'Z' );
output.putChar( '7' );
output.putChar( '7' );
if( ba.size() <= 0xffffff )
filesize = ( ba.size() << 8 ) | 0x10;
output.write( (const char*)&filesize, 4 );
//output.putChar( '\0' );
//output.putChar( '\0' );
//output.putChar( '\0' );
//output.putChar( '\0' );
filesize = 0x10;
output.write( (const char*)&filesize, 4 );
filesize = ba.size();
output.write( (const char*)&filesize, 4 );
code_buf[ 0 ] = 0;
@ -396,3 +492,328 @@ QByteArray LZ77::Compr( const QByteArray &ba )
return ret;
QByteArray LZ77_11::Compress( const QByteArray &stuff )
// Test if the file is too large to be compressed
if( (quint64)stuff.size() > 0xFFFFFFFF )
qDebug() << "LZ77_11::Compress -> Input file is too large to compress.";
return QByteArray();
quint32 decompressedSize = stuff.size();
quint32 SourcePointer = 0x0;
quint32 DestPointer = 0x4;
quint32 tmp;
QByteArray ret( decompressedSize, '\0' );//will reduce the size later
QBuffer buf( &ret );
buf.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
// Set up the Lz Compression Dictionary
LzWindowDictionary LzDictionary;
LzDictionary.SetWindowSize( 0x1000 );
LzDictionary.SetMaxMatchAmount( 0xFFFF + 273 );
// Figure out where we are going to write the decompressed file size
if( stuff.size() <= 0xFFFFFF )
tmp = ( decompressedSize << 8 ) | 0x11; //dont switch endian?
buf.write( (const char*)&tmp, 4 );
tmp = 0x11;
buf.write( (const char*)&tmp, 4 ); //dont switch endian?
tmp = decompressedSize;
buf.write( (const char*)&tmp, 4 ); //dont switch endian?
DestPointer += 0x4;
// Start compression
while( SourcePointer < decompressedSize )
quint8 Flag = 0x0;
quint32 FlagPosition = DestPointer;
// It will be filled in later
buf.putChar( Flag );
for( int i = 7; i >= 0; i-- )
QList<int>LzSearchMatch = LzDictionary.Search( stuff, SourcePointer, decompressedSize );
if( LzSearchMatch[ 1 ] > 0 ) // There is a compression match
Flag |= (quint8)( 1 << i );
// Write the distance/length pair
if( LzSearchMatch[ 1 ] <= 0xF + 1 ) // 2 bytes
buf.putChar( (quint8)( ( ( ( LzSearchMatch[ 1 ] - 1) & 0xF ) << 4 ) | ( ( ( LzSearchMatch[ 0 ] - 1 ) & 0xFFF ) >> 8 ) ) );
buf.putChar( (quint8)( ( LzSearchMatch[ 0 ] - 1 ) & 0xFF ) );
DestPointer += 2;
else if (LzSearchMatch[1] <= 0xFF + 17) // 3 bytes
buf.putChar( (quint8)(((LzSearchMatch[1] - 17) & 0xFF) >> 4) );
buf.putChar( (quint8)((((LzSearchMatch[1] - 17) & 0xF) << 4) | (((LzSearchMatch[0] - 1) & 0xFFF) >> 8)) );
buf.putChar( (quint8)((LzSearchMatch[0] - 1) & 0xFF) );
DestPointer += 3;
else // 4 bytes
buf.putChar( (quint8)((1 << 4) | (((LzSearchMatch[1] - 273) & 0xFFFF) >> 12)) );
buf.putChar( (quint8)(((LzSearchMatch[1] - 273) & 0xFFF) >> 4) );
buf.putChar( (quint8)((((LzSearchMatch[1] - 273) & 0xF) << 4) | (((LzSearchMatch[0] - 1) & 0xFFF) >> 8)) );
buf.putChar( (quint8)((LzSearchMatch[0] - 1) & 0xFF) );
DestPointer += 4;
LzDictionary.AddEntryRange( stuff, (int)SourcePointer, LzSearchMatch[ 1 ] );
LzDictionary.SlideWindow( LzSearchMatch[ 1 ] );
SourcePointer += (quint32)LzSearchMatch[ 1 ];
else // There wasn't a match
Flag |= (quint8)(0 << i);
buf.putChar( stuff.at( SourcePointer ) );
LzDictionary.AddEntry( stuff, (int)SourcePointer );
LzDictionary.SlideWindow( 1 );
// Check for out of bounds
if( SourcePointer >= decompressedSize )
// Write the flag.
// Note that the original position gets reset after writing.
buf.seek( FlagPosition );
buf.putChar( Flag );
buf.seek( DestPointer );
ret.resize( DestPointer );
return ret;
QByteArray LZ77_11::Decompress( QByteArray stuff )
if( !stuff.startsWith( 0x11 ) )
qWarning() << "LZ77_11::Decompress -> data doesnt start with 0x11";
return QByteArray();
// Compressed & Decompressed Data Information
QBuffer b( &stuff );
b.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
quint32 compressedSize = (quint32)stuff.size();
quint32 decompressedSize;
b.read( (char*)&decompressedSize, 4 ); //is this really little endian?
decompressedSize >>= 8;
quint32 sourcePointer = 0x4;
quint32 destPointer = 0x0;
unsigned char tempbuffer[ 10 ];
quint32 backwards_offset;
if( !decompressedSize ) // Next 4 bytes are the decompressed size
b.read( (char*)&decompressedSize, 4 );
sourcePointer += 0x4;
QByteArray decompressedData( decompressedSize, '\0' );
if( (quint32)decompressedData.size() != decompressedSize )
qWarning() << "LZ77_11::Decompress -> failed to allocate" << hex << decompressedSize << "bytes";
return QByteArray();
// Start Decompression
quint32 num_bytes_to_copy;
quint32 copy_start_index;
while( sourcePointer < compressedSize && destPointer < decompressedSize )
quint8 flag = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
for( quint32 i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
if( flag & ( 0x80 >> i ) )
// Take encoded data
tempbuffer[ 0 ] = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
tempbuffer[ 1 ] = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
switch( tempbuffer[ 0 ] & 0xF0 )
case 0:
tempbuffer[ 2 ] = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
num_bytes_to_copy = ( ( tempbuffer[ 0 ] << 4 ) + ( tempbuffer[ 1 ] >> 4 ) + 0x11 );
backwards_offset = ( ( ( tempbuffer[ 1 ] & 0x0F ) << 8 ) + tempbuffer[ 2 ] + 1 );
case 0x10:
tempbuffer[ 2 ] = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
tempbuffer[ 3 ] = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
num_bytes_to_copy = ( ( tempbuffer[ 0 ] & 0x0F ) << 12 ) + ( tempbuffer[ 1 ] << 4 ) + ( tempbuffer[ 2 ] >> 4 ) + 0x111;
backwards_offset = ( ( tempbuffer[ 2 ] & 0x0F ) << 8 ) + tempbuffer[ 3 ] + 1;
num_bytes_to_copy = ( tempbuffer[ 0 ] >> 4 ) + 0x01;
backwards_offset = ( ( tempbuffer[ 0 ] & 0x0F ) << 8 ) + tempbuffer[ 1 ] + 1;
copy_start_index = destPointer - backwards_offset;
for( quint32 copy_counter = 0; copy_counter < num_bytes_to_copy; copy_counter++ )
if( ( copy_start_index + copy_counter ) >= destPointer )
qWarning() << "LZ77_11::Decompress -> Error occured while decompressing: The input seems to be telling us to copy uninitialized data.";
return QByteArray();
decompressedData[ destPointer++ ] = decompressedData[ copy_start_index + copy_counter ];
decompressedData[ destPointer++ ] = stuff[ sourcePointer++ ];
return decompressedData;
WindowSize = 0x1000;
WindowStart = 0;
WindowLength = 0;
MinMatchAmount = 3;
MaxMatchAmount = 18;
BlockSize = 0;
QList<int> LzWindowDictionary::Search( const QByteArray &DecompressedData, quint32 offset, quint32 length )
RemoveOldEntries( DecompressedData[ offset ] ); // Remove old entries for this index
if( offset < (quint32)MinMatchAmount || length - offset < (quint32)MinMatchAmount ) // Can't find matches if there isn't enough data
return QList<int>() << 0 << 0;
QList<int>Match = QList<int>() << 0 << 0;
int MatchStart;
int MatchSize;
for( int i = OffsetList[ (quint8)( DecompressedData[ offset ] ) ].size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
MatchStart = OffsetList[ (quint8)( DecompressedData[ offset ] ) ][ i ];
MatchSize = 1;
while( MatchSize < MaxMatchAmount
&& MatchSize < WindowLength
&& (quint32)(MatchStart + MatchSize) < offset
&& offset + MatchSize < length
&& DecompressedData[ offset + MatchSize ] == DecompressedData[ MatchStart + MatchSize ] )
if( MatchSize >= MinMatchAmount && MatchSize > Match[ 1 ] ) // This is a good match
Match = QList<int>() << (int)(offset - MatchStart) << MatchSize;
if( MatchSize == MaxMatchAmount ) // Don't look for more matches
// Return the match.
// If no match was made, the distance & length pair will be zero
return Match;
// Slide the window
void LzWindowDictionary::SlideWindow( int Amount )
if( WindowLength == WindowSize )
WindowStart += Amount;
if( WindowLength + Amount <= WindowSize )
WindowLength += Amount;
Amount -= ( WindowSize - WindowLength );
WindowLength = WindowSize;
WindowStart += Amount;
// Slide the window to the next block
void LzWindowDictionary::SlideBlock()
WindowStart += BlockSize;
// Remove old entries
void LzWindowDictionary::RemoveOldEntries( quint8 index )
for( int i = 0; i < OffsetList[ index ].size(); ) // Don't increment i
if( OffsetList[ index ][ i ] >= WindowStart )
OffsetList[ index ].removeAt( 0 );
// Set variables
void LzWindowDictionary::SetWindowSize( int size )
WindowSize = size;
void LzWindowDictionary::SetMinMatchAmount( int amount )
MinMatchAmount = amount;
void LzWindowDictionary::SetMaxMatchAmount( int amount )
MaxMatchAmount = amount;
void LzWindowDictionary::SetBlockSize( int size )
BlockSize = size;
WindowLength = size; // The window will work in blocks now
// Add entries
void LzWindowDictionary::AddEntry( const QByteArray &DecompressedData, int offset )
OffsetList[ (quint8)( DecompressedData[ offset ] ) ] << offset;
void LzWindowDictionary::AddEntryRange( const QByteArray &DecompressedData, int offset, int length )
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
AddEntry( DecompressedData, offset + i );
@ -3,36 +3,47 @@
#include "includes.h"
//class for daling with LZ77 compression
//class for dealing with LZ77 compression (version 0x10)
//! in most cases, you just want to use the static functions
// QByteArray stuff = LZ77::Decompress( someCompressedData );
// QByteArray compressedData = LZ77::Compress( someData );
class LZ77
enum CompressionType
None, // not compressed
v10, // version 0x10
v11, // version 0x11
v10_w_magic // version 0x10 with "LZ77" magic bytes
void InsertNode( int r );
void DeleteNode( int p );
void InitTree();
//gets the offset in a bytearray if the lz77 magic word
//gets the offset in a bytearray of the lz77 magic word
static int GetLz77Offset( const QByteArray &data );
//gets the decompressed size of a lz77 compressed buffer
static quint32 GetDecompressedSize( const QByteArray &data );
//used internally by the static compression function
QByteArray Compr( const QByteArray &ba );
//decompress a buffer that is compressed with the 0x10 variant
static QByteArray Decompress_v10( const QByteArray &compressed, int offset );
static QByteArray Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed, int offset );
//finds the lz77 magic word and decompressed the data after it
// returns only the decompressed data. anything before the lz77 magic word is not included
static QByteArray Decompress( const QByteArray &compressed );
static QByteArray Compress( const QByteArray &ba, CompressionType type );
//compressed a qbytearray with the lz77 argorythm
//returns a qbytearray ncluding the lz77 header
static QByteArray Compress( const QByteArray &ba );
static QByteArray Compress_v10( const QByteArray &ba, bool addMagic = true );
//check the type of archive, and get theoffset of the "LZ77" magic word in the case of v10_w_magic
static CompressionType GetCompressedType( const QByteArray &data, int *outOffset = NULL );
// decompress data and get whatever type of compression was used on the data
static QByteArray Decompress( const QByteArray &stuff, CompressionType *outType = NULL );
int lson[ 4097 ];
@ -43,6 +54,44 @@ private:
int match_length;
int textsize;
int codesize;
//used internally by the static compression function
QByteArray Compr_v10( const QByteArray &ba, bool addMagic = true );
class LZ77_11
static QByteArray Compress( const QByteArray &stuff );
static QByteArray Decompress( const QByteArray stuff );
class LzWindowDictionary
QList<int> Search( const QByteArray &DecompressedData, quint32 offset, quint32 length );
void SlideWindow( int Amount );
void SlideBlock();
void RemoveOldEntries( quint8 index );
void SetWindowSize( int size );
void SetMinMatchAmount( int amount );
void SetMaxMatchAmount( int amount );
void SetBlockSize( int size );
void AddEntry( const QByteArray &DecompressedData, int offset );
void AddEntryRange( const QByteArray &DecompressedData, int offset, int length );
int WindowSize;
int WindowStart;
int WindowLength;
int MinMatchAmount;
int MaxMatchAmount;
int BlockSize;
QList<int> OffsetList[ 0x100 ];
#endif // LZ77_H
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
#ifndef NANDBIN_H
#define NANDBIN_H
#include "includes.h"
#include "blocks0to7.h"
#include "nandspare.h"
struct fst_t
quint8 filename[ 0xc ];
quint8 attr;
quint8 wtf;
quint16 sub;
quint16 sib;
quint32 size;
quint32 uid;
quint16 gid;
quint32 x3;
quint16 fst_pos;//not really part of the nand structure, but needed when calculating hmac data
// class to deal with an encrypted wii nand dump
// basic usage... create an object, set a path, call InitNand. then you can get the detailed list of entries with GetTree()
// extract files with GetFile()
//! you should verify anything written with this code before attempting to install it on you wii
//once InitNand() is called, you can get the contents of the nand in a nice QTreeWidgetItem* with GetTree()
class NandBin : public QObject
//creates a NandBin object. if a path is given, it will call SetPath() on that path. though you cant check the return value
NandBin( QObject * parent = 0, const QString &path = QString() );
//destroys this object, and all its used resources ( closes the nand.bin file and deletes the filetree )
//create a "blank" nand at the given path, with spare data and keeys.bin appended to the end
//keys should be a 0x400 byte array containing a keys.bin from bootmii
//first8 should be a bytearray containing 0x108000 bytes - the first 8 blocks of the nand with spare data
//badBlocks is a list of blocks to be marked bad, in the range 8 - 4079
bool CreateNew( const QString &path, const QByteArray &keys, const QByteArray &first8, const QList<quint16> &badBlocks = QList<quint16>() );
//sets the path of this object to path. returns false if it cannot open an already existing file
//keys.bin should be in this same path if they are to be used
bool SetPath( const QString &path );
//try to read the filesystem and create a tree from its contents
//this takes care of the stuff like reading the keys, finding teh superblock, and creating the QTreeWidgetItem* tree
//icons given here will be the ones used when asking for that tree
bool InitNand( const QIcon &dirs = QIcon(), const QIcon &files = QIcon() );
//get a root item containing children that are actually entries in the nand dump
//the root itself is just a container to hold them all and can be deleted once its children are taken
//! all returned items are cloned and it is up to you to delete them !
//text is assigned to the items as follows...
// 0 name
// 1 entry #
// 2 size
// 3 uid
// 4 gid
// 5 x3
// 6 mode
// 7 attr
QTreeWidgetItem *GetTree();
//extracts an item( and all its children ) to a directory
//this function is BLOCKING and will block the current thread, so if done in the gui thread, it will freeze your GUI till it returns
bool ExtractToDir( QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &path );
//print a little info about the free space
void ShowInfo();
//set this to change ":" in names to "-" on etracting.
//theres more illegal characters in FAT, but thes seems to be the only one that happens on the nand FS
void SetFixNamesForFAT( bool fix = true );
//returns the data that makes up the file of a given entry#
const QByteArray GetFile( quint16 entry );
//get data for a given path
//! this function is slower than the above one, as it first iterates through the QTreeWidgetItems till it finds the right ono
//! and then end up calling the above one anyways.
//the path should be a file, not folder
//returns an empty array on failure
//path should start with "/" and items should be delimited by "/"
//ie... /title/00000001/00000002/data/setting.txt
const QByteArray GetData( const QString &path );
//returns the fats for this nand.
const QList<quint16> GetFats() { return fats; }
//get the fats for a given file
const QList<quint16> GetFatsForFile( quint16 i );
//recurse folders and files and get all fats used for them
//! this is probably a more expensive function than you want to use
//! it was added only to aid in checking for bugs and lost clusters
const QList<quint16> GetFatsForEntry( quint16 i );
//use the above function to search and display lost clusters
void ShowLostClusters();
const Blocks0to7 BootBlocks(){ return bootBlocks; }
const QList<Boot2Info> Boot2Infos();
quint8 Boot1Version();
const QByteArray GetPage( quint32 pageNo, bool withEcc = false );
//create new entry
//returns the index of the entry on success, or 0 on error
quint16 CreateEntry( const QString &path, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quint8 attr, quint8 user_perm, quint8 group_perm, quint8 other_perm );
//delete a file/folder
bool Delete( const QString &path );
//sets the data for a given file ( overwrites existing data )
bool SetData( quint16 idx, const QByteArray &data );
//overloads the above function
bool SetData( const QString &path, const QByteArray &data );
//write the current changes to the metadata( if you dont do this, then none of the other stuff youve done wont be saved )
// but at the same time, you probably dont need to overuse this. ( no need to write metadata every time you make a single change )
bool WriteMetaData();
//functions to verify spare data
bool CheckEcc( quint32 pageNo );
bool CheckHmacData( quint16 entry );
//verify hmac stuff for a given supercluster
//expects 0x7f00 - 0x7ff0
bool CheckHmacMeta( quint16 clNo );
//wipe out all data within the nand FS, leaving only the root entry
//preserve all bad/reserved clusters
//if secure is true, overwrite old file data with 0xff
bool Format( bool secure = true );
//get the path of this nand
const QString FilePath();
//get the keys.bin for this object
const QByteArray Keys();
QByteArray key;
qint32 loc_super;
qint32 loc_fat;
qint32 loc_fst;
quint16 currentSuperCluster;
quint32 superClusterVersion;
QString extractPath;
QString nandPath;
QFile f;
int type;
bool fatNames;
QIcon groupIcon;
QIcon keyIcon;
NandSpare spare;//used to handle the hmac mumbojumbo
//read all the fst and remember them rather than seeking back and forth in the file all the time
// uses ~120KiB RAM
bool fstInited;
fst_t fsts[ 0x17ff ];
//cache the fat to keep from having to look them up repeatedly
// uses ~64KiB
int GetDumpType( quint64 fileSize );
bool GetKey( int type );
const QByteArray ReadKeyfile( const QString &path, quint8 type );//type 0 for nand key, type 1 for hmac
qint32 FindSuperblock();
quint16 GetFAT( quint16 fat_entry );
fst_t GetFST( quint16 entry );
const QByteArray GetCluster( quint16 cluster_entry, bool decrypt = true );
const QByteArray GetFile( fst_t fst );
const QString FstName( fst_t fst );
bool ExtractFST( quint16 entry, const QString &path, bool singleFile = false );
bool ExtractDir( fst_t fst, const QString &parent );
bool ExtractFile( fst_t fst, const QString &parent );
QTreeWidgetItem *CreateItem( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const QString &name, quint32 size, quint16 entry, quint32 uid, quint32 gid, quint32 x3, quint8 attr, quint8 wtf);
QTreeWidgetItem *root;
bool AddChildren( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, quint16 entry );
QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromPath( const QString &path );
QTreeWidgetItem *FindItem( const QString &s, QTreeWidgetItem *parent );
//holds info about boot1 & 2
Blocks0to7 bootBlocks;
bool WriteCluster( quint32 pageNo, const QByteArray &data, const QByteArray &hmac );
bool WriteDecryptedCluster( quint32 pageNo, const QByteArray &data, fst_t fst, quint16 idx );
bool WritePage( quint32 pageNo, const QByteArray &data );
quint16 CreateNode( const QString &name, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quint8 attr, quint8 user_perm, quint8 group_perm, quint8 other_perm );
bool DeleteItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
//find a parent entry for a path to be created - "/title/00000001" should give the entry for "/title"
QTreeWidgetItem *GetParent( const QString &path );
QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromEntry( quint16 i, QTreeWidgetItem *parent = NULL );
QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromEntry( const QString &i, QTreeWidgetItem *parent = NULL );
//connect to these to receive messages from this object
//so far, many errors are only outputting to qDebug() and qWarning().
void SendError( QString );
void SendText( QString );
#endif // NANDBIN_H
#ifndef NANDBIN_H
#define NANDBIN_H
#include "includes.h"
#include "blocks0to7.h"
#include "nandspare.h"
struct fst_t
quint8 filename[ 0xc ];
quint8 attr;
quint8 wtf;
quint16 sub;
quint16 sib;
quint32 size;
quint32 uid;
quint16 gid;
quint32 x3;
quint16 fst_pos;//not really part of the nand structure, but needed when calculating hmac data
// class to deal with an encrypted wii nand dump
// basic usage... create an object, set a path, call InitNand. then you can get the detailed list of entries with GetTree()
// extract files with GetFile()
//! you should verify anything written with this code before attempting to install it on you wii
//once InitNand() is called, you can get the contents of the nand in a nice QTreeWidgetItem* with GetTree()
class NandBin : public QObject
//creates a NandBin object. if a path is given, it will call SetPath() on that path. though you cant check the return value
NandBin( QObject * parent = 0, const QString &path = QString() );
//destroys this object, and all its used resources ( closes the nand.bin file and deletes the filetree )
//create a "blank" nand at the given path, with spare data and keeys.bin appended to the end
//keys should be a 0x400 byte array containing a keys.bin from bootmii
//first8 should be a bytearray containing 0x108000 bytes - the first 8 blocks of the nand with spare data
//badBlocks is a list of blocks to be marked bad, in the range 8 - 4079
bool CreateNew( const QString &path, const QByteArray &keys, const QByteArray &first8, const QList<quint16> &badBlocks = QList<quint16>() );
//sets the path of this object to path. returns false if it cannot open an already existing file
//keys.bin should be in this same path if they are to be used
bool SetPath( const QString &path );
//try to read the filesystem and create a tree from its contents
//this takes care of the stuff like reading the keys, finding teh superblock, and creating the QTreeWidgetItem* tree
//icons given here will be the ones used when asking for that tree
bool InitNand( const QIcon &dirs = QIcon(), const QIcon &files = QIcon() );
//get a root item containing children that are actually entries in the nand dump
//the root itself is just a container to hold them all and can be deleted once its children are taken
//! all returned items are cloned and it is up to you to delete them !
//text is assigned to the items as follows...
// 0 name
// 1 entry #
// 2 size
// 3 uid
// 4 gid
// 5 x3
// 6 mode
// 7 attr
QTreeWidgetItem *GetTree();
//extracts an item( and all its children ) to a directory
//this function is BLOCKING and will block the current thread, so if done in the gui thread, it will freeze your GUI till it returns
bool ExtractToDir( QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &path );
//print a little info about the free space
void ShowInfo();
//set this to change ":" in names to "-" on etracting.
//theres more illegal characters in FAT, but thes seems to be the only one that happens on the nand FS
void SetFixNamesForFAT( bool fix = true );
//returns the data that makes up the file of a given entry#
const QByteArray GetFile( quint16 entry );
//get data for a given path
//! this function is slower than the above one, as it first iterates through the QTreeWidgetItems till it finds the right ono
//! and then end up calling the above one anyways.
//the path should be a file, not folder
//returns an empty array on failure
//path should start with "/" and items should be delimited by "/"
//ie... /title/00000001/00000002/data/setting.txt
const QByteArray GetData( const QString &path );
//returns the fats for this nand.
const QList<quint16> GetFats() { return fats; }
//get the fats for a given file
const QList<quint16> GetFatsForFile( quint16 i );
//recurse folders and files and get all fats used for them
//! this is probably a more expensive function than you want to use
//! it was added only to aid in checking for bugs and lost clusters
const QList<quint16> GetFatsForEntry( quint16 i );
//use the above function to search and display lost clusters
void ShowLostClusters();
const Blocks0to7 BootBlocks(){ return bootBlocks; }
const QList<Boot2Info> Boot2Infos();
quint8 Boot1Version();
const QByteArray GetPage( quint32 pageNo, bool withEcc = false );
//create new entry
//returns the index of the entry on success, or 0 on error
quint16 CreateEntry( const QString &path, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quint8 attr, quint8 user_perm, quint8 group_perm, quint8 other_perm );
//delete a file/folder
bool Delete( const QString &path );
//sets the data for a given file ( overwrites existing data )
bool SetData( quint16 idx, const QByteArray &data );
//overloads the above function
bool SetData( const QString &path, const QByteArray &data );
//write the current changes to the metadata( if you dont do this, then none of the other stuff youve done wont be saved )
// but at the same time, you probably dont need to overuse this. ( no need to write metadata every time you make a single change )
bool WriteMetaData();
//functions to verify spare data
bool CheckEcc( quint32 pageNo );
bool CheckHmacData( quint16 entry );
//verify hmac stuff for a given supercluster
//expects 0x7f00 - 0x7ff0
bool CheckHmacMeta( quint16 clNo );
//wipe out all data within the nand FS, leaving only the root entry
//preserve all bad/reserved clusters
//if secure is true, overwrite old file data with 0xff
bool Format( bool secure = true );
//get the path of this nand
const QString FilePath();
//get the keys.bin for this object
const QByteArray Keys();
QByteArray key;
qint32 loc_super;
qint32 loc_fat;
qint32 loc_fst;
quint16 currentSuperCluster;
quint32 superClusterVersion;
QString extractPath;
QString nandPath;
QFile f;
int type;
bool fatNames;
QIcon groupIcon;
QIcon keyIcon;
NandSpare spare;//used to handle the hmac mumbojumbo
//read all the fst and remember them rather than seeking back and forth in the file all the time
// uses ~120KiB RAM
bool fstInited;
fst_t fsts[ 0x17ff ];
//cache the fat to keep from having to look them up repeatedly
// uses ~64KiB
int GetDumpType( quint64 fileSize );
bool GetKey( int type );
const QByteArray ReadKeyfile( const QString &path, quint8 type );//type 0 for nand key, type 1 for hmac
qint32 FindSuperblock();
quint16 GetFAT( quint16 fat_entry );
fst_t GetFST( quint16 entry );
const QByteArray GetCluster( quint16 cluster_entry, bool decrypt = true );
const QByteArray GetFile( fst_t fst );
const QString FstName( fst_t fst );
bool ExtractFST( quint16 entry, const QString &path, bool singleFile = false );
bool ExtractDir( fst_t fst, const QString &parent );
bool ExtractFile( fst_t fst, const QString &parent );
QTreeWidgetItem *CreateItem( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const QString &name, quint32 size, quint16 entry, quint32 uid, quint32 gid, quint32 x3, quint8 attr, quint8 wtf);
QTreeWidgetItem *root;
bool AddChildren( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, quint16 entry );
QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromPath( const QString &path );
QTreeWidgetItem *FindItem( const QString &s, QTreeWidgetItem *parent );
//holds info about boot1 & 2
Blocks0to7 bootBlocks;
bool WriteCluster( quint32 pageNo, const QByteArray &data, const QByteArray &hmac );
bool WriteDecryptedCluster( quint32 pageNo, const QByteArray &data, fst_t fst, quint16 idx );
bool WritePage( quint32 pageNo, const QByteArray &data );
quint16 CreateNode( const QString &name, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quint8 attr, quint8 user_perm, quint8 group_perm, quint8 other_perm );
bool DeleteItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
//find a parent entry for a path to be created - "/title/00000001" should give the entry for "/title"
QTreeWidgetItem *GetParent( const QString &path );
QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromEntry( quint16 i, QTreeWidgetItem *parent = NULL );
QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromEntry( const QString &i, QTreeWidgetItem *parent = NULL );
//connect to these to receive messages from this object
//so far, many errors are only outputting to qDebug() and qWarning().
void SendError( QString );
void SendText( QString );
#endif // NANDBIN_H
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ bool NandDump::InstallNusItem( const NusJob &job )
bool NandDump::InstallWad( Wad wad )
if( !wad.Tid() || wad.content_count() < 3 )
if( !wad.Tid() || wad.content_count() < 1 )
qWarning() << "NandDump::InstallNusItem -> invalid item";
return false;
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
#define UPDATING_USER_AGENT "wii libnup/1.0"
#define WIICONNECT24_USER_AGENT "WiiConnect24/1.0FC4plus1 (build 061114161108)"
#define NUS_BASE_URL "http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/"
//#define NUS_BASE_URL "http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/"
#define NUS_BASE_URL "http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/"
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ SaveBanner::SaveBanner( QByteArray stuff )
qWarning() << "SaveBanner::SaveBanner -> bad file magic" << hex << qFromBigEndian( magic );
//no clue what this stuff is, dont really need it though
//i suspect instructions for animation ? ( VC icons display forwards and backwards in the system menu )
//also speed is not always the same
quint32 tmp;
f.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 );
quint32 tmp2;
f.read( (char*)&tmp2, 4 );
f.read( (char*)&attributes, 4 );
f.read( (char*)&speeds, 2 );
attributes = qFromBigEndian( attributes );
speeds = qFromBigEndian( speeds );
f.seek( 0x20 );
quint16 name[ 0x20 ];
@ -50,7 +50,48 @@ SaveBanner::SaveBanner( QByteArray stuff )
saveTitle = saveTitle.trimmed();
//qDebug() << hex << qFromBigEndian( tmp ) << qFromBigEndian( tmp2 ) << saveTitle;
QString speedStr;
// 0 = lastimage, speed range from 1 - 3
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
speedStr += QString::number( ( speeds >> ( 2 * ( i ) ) ) & 3 );
if( i < 7 )
speedStr += " ";
QString flags;
// nocopy bit
if( attributes & 1 )
flags += "nocopy";
// animation type bit
if( attributes & 0x10 )
if( !flags.isEmpty() )
flags += ", ";
flags += "forward and reverse";
if( !flags.isEmpty() )
flags += ", ";
flags += "loop";
flags = flags.leftJustified( 27, QChar( ' ' ) );
qDebug() << hex << //QString( "%1" ).arg( tmp, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) <<
//QString( "%1" ).arg( speeds, 4, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) <<
speedStr <<
flags <<
//QString title2;
for( int i = 0; i < 0x20 && name2[ i ] != 0; i++ )
@ -72,33 +113,25 @@ SaveBanner::SaveBanner( QByteArray stuff )
//get the images that make up the icon
while( f.pos() != size )
QByteArray icn = f.read( 0x1200 );
//check that there is actually data. some banners use all 0x00 for some images
bool null = true;
for( int i = 0; i < 0x1200; i++ )
if( icn.at( i ) )//this buffer contains at least 1 byte of data, try to turn it into an image
null = false;
if( null )
//qDebug() << "skipping empty image";
for( quint8 i = 0; i < 8 && f.pos() < size; i++ )
QByteArray icn = f.read( 0x1200 );
//make this texture int an image
QImage iconImg = ConvertTextureToImage( icn, 0x30, 0x30 );
if( iconImg.isNull() )
//make this texture int an image
QImage iconImg = ConvertTextureToImage( icn, 0x30, 0x30 );
if( iconImg.isNull() )
//add the image to the list
iconImgs << iconImg;
//add the image to the list
iconImgs << iconImg;
if( !( ( speeds >> ( 2 * i ) ) & 3 ) )// this is the last image
qDebug() << "imgCnt:" << iconImgs.size();
ok = true;
@ -6,20 +6,30 @@
class SaveBanner
SaveBanner( const QString &bannerpath );
SaveBanner( QByteArray stuff );
QImage BannerImg(){ return bannerImg; }
QList< QImage > IconImgs() { return iconImgs; }
const QImage &BannerImg() const { return bannerImg; }
const QList< QImage > &IconImgs() const { return iconImgs; }
QString Title(){ return saveTitle; }
QString SubTitle(){ return saveTitle2; }
const QString &Title() const { return saveTitle; }
const QString &SubTitle() const { return saveTitle2; }
quint32 Attributes() { return attributes; }
quint16 Speeds() { return speeds; }
bool ok;
QImage bannerImg;
QList< QImage > iconImgs;
quint32 attributes; // bit 5 = animation type. if its set, the animation plays forward and backward
// if its not set, the animation just plays forward and loops
quint16 speeds; // 2 bits per frame. 0 signifies the last frame?
QString saveTitle;
QString saveTitle2;
@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
#define SD_IV { 0x21, 0x67, 0x12, 0xe6, 0xaa, 0x1f, 0x68, 0x9f, 0x95, 0xc5, 0xa2, 0x23, 0x24, 0xdc, 0x6a, 0x98 };
#define MD5_BLANKER { 0x0e, 0x65, 0x37, 0x81, 0x99, 0xbe, 0x45, 0x17, 0xab, 0x06, 0xec, 0x22, 0x45, 0x1a, 0x57, 0x93 };
// debug helpers
#define DBG qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
#define WRN qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
//struct used to keep all the data about a NUS request together
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include "u8.h"
#include "lz77.h"
#include "tools.h"
//#include "md5.h"
#include "ash.h"
@ -18,7 +17,8 @@ static quint32 swap24( quint32 i )
U8::U8( bool initialize, int type, const QStringList &names )
ok = false;
isLz77 = false;
//isLz77 = false;
lz77Type = LZ77::None;
wii_cs_error = false;
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ U8::U8( bool initialize, int type, const QStringList &names )
bool U8::CreateEmptyData()
isLz77 = false;
//isLz77 = false;
lz77Type = LZ77::None;
data = QByteArray( 0x20, '\0' );
@ -319,10 +320,15 @@ bool U8::ReplaceEntry( const QString &path, const QByteArray &nba, bool autoComp
if( autoCompress )
QByteArray oldData = data.mid( qFromBigEndian( fst[ entryToReplace ].FileOffset ), qFromBigEndian( fst[ entryToReplace ].FileLength ) );
bool oldCompressed = ( LZ77::GetLz77Offset( oldData ) > -1 || IsAshCompressed( oldData ) );
if( oldCompressed && LZ77::GetLz77Offset( newData ) == -1 && !IsAshCompressed( newData ) )
LZ77::CompressionType ct = LZ77::GetCompressedType( oldData );
bool oldCompressed = ( ct != LZ77::None || IsAshCompressed( oldData ) );
if( oldCompressed && LZ77::GetCompressedType( newData ) == LZ77::None && !IsAshCompressed( newData ) )
newData = LZ77::Compress( newData );
if( ct == LZ77::None )
ct = LZ77::v10;
newData = LZ77::Compress( newData, ct );
@ -940,7 +946,8 @@ void U8::Load( const QByteArray &ba )
ok = false;
wii_cs_error = false;
isLz77 = false;
//isLz77 = false;
lz77Type = LZ77::None;
headerType = U8_Hdr_none;
@ -955,14 +962,39 @@ void U8::Load( const QByteArray &ba )
data = DecryptAsh( data );
quint32 tmp;
int off = LZ77::GetLz77Offset( data );
int off2 = GetU8Offset( data );
int off;
int off2;
LZ77::CompressionType type = LZ77::GetCompressedType( data, &off );
if( type == LZ77::v10 )
lz77Type = type;
data = LZ77::Decompress_v10( data, 0 );
else if( type == LZ77::v11 )
lz77Type = type;
data = LZ77_11::Decompress( data );
else if( type == LZ77::v10_w_magic )
off2 = GetU8Offset( data );
if( off2 >= 0 && off < off2 )
lz77Type = LZ77::v10_w_magic;
data = LZ77::Decompress_v10( data, off + 4 );
off2 = GetU8Offset( data );
//int off = LZ77::GetLz77Offset( data );
/*int off2 = GetU8Offset( data );
if( off != -1 && ( off2 == -1 || ( off2 != -1 && off < off2 ) ) )
isLz77 = true;
data = LZ77::Decompress( data );
//isLz77 = true;
lz77Type = LZ77::v10_w_magic;
//data = LZ77::Decompress( data );
data = LZ77::Decompress_v10( data, off + 4 );
off2 = GetU8Offset( data );
if( off2 == -1 )
@ -1111,8 +1143,9 @@ const QByteArray U8::GetData( const QString &str, bool onlyPayload )
case U8_Hdr_IMD5:
if( isLz77 )
ret = LZ77::Compress( ret );
//if( isLz77 )
if( lz77Type == LZ77::v10_w_magic )
ret = LZ77::Compress_v10( ret );
ret = AddIMD5( ret );
@ -1151,11 +1184,17 @@ const QByteArray U8::GetData( const QString &str, bool onlyPayload )
//hexdump( ret, 0, 0x40 );
if( onlyPayload )
if( LZ77::GetLz77Offset( ret ) != -1 )
ret = LZ77::Decompress( ret );
LZ77::CompressionType ct;
ret = LZ77::Decompress( ret, &ct );
if( ct == LZ77::None && IsAshCompressed( ret ) )
ret = DecryptAsh( ret );
//if( LZ77::GetLz77Offset( ret ) != -1 )
// ret = LZ77::Decompress( ret );
else if( IsAshCompressed( ret ) )
ret = DecryptAsh( ret );
//else if( IsAshCompressed( ret ) )
// ret = DecryptAsh( ret );
return ret;
@ -1166,6 +1205,18 @@ quint32 U8::GetSize( const QString &str )
return data.size();
//check if this is a path to a file in a nested archive
QMap<QString, U8 >::iterator i = nestedU8s.begin();
while( i != nestedU8s.constEnd() )
if( str.startsWith( i.key() ) && str != i.key() )
QString subPath = str;
subPath.remove( 0, i.key().size() + 1 );//remove the path of the archive itself + the slash
return i.value().GetSize( subPath );
int index = FindEntry( str );
if( index < 0 )
@ -1197,9 +1248,7 @@ bool U8::IsU8( const QByteArray &ba )
if( IsAshCompressed( data ) )//decrypt ASH0 files
data = DecryptAsh( data );
int off = LZ77::GetLz77Offset( data );//decrypt LZ77
if( off != -1 )
data = LZ77::Decompress( data );
data = LZ77::Decompress( data );
QByteArray start = data.left( 5000 );
return start.indexOf( "U\xAA\x38\x2d" ) != -1;
@ -1413,10 +1462,11 @@ const QByteArray U8::AddIMET( int paddingType )
soundSize = ret.size() - 0x20;
ret = GetIMET( imetNames, paddingType, iconSize, bannerSize, soundSize );
if( isLz77 )//really? can the entire banner be lz77 compressed?
ret += LZ77::Compress( data );
ret += data;
//if( isLz77 )//really? can the entire banner be lz77 compressed?
// ret += LZ77::Compress( data );
// ret += data;
ret += LZ77::Compress( data, lz77Type );
return ret;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#ifndef U8_H
#define U8_H
#include "lz77.h"
#include "includes.h"
/*order of the names in the imet header
@ -163,7 +164,8 @@ private:
bool wii_cs_error;
//if this archive as a whole is lz77 compressed
bool isLz77;
//bool isLz77;
LZ77::CompressionType lz77Type;
QStringList imetNames;
int headerType;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user