mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:46:48 +01:00
* add building a "blank" nand.bin.
* when checking spare data, dont check for blocks that are all 0xff ( untouched ) * dont try to check contents for DLC, since there will probably always be some missing
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "nandbin.h"
#include "tools.h"
NandBin::NandBin( QObject * parent, const QString &path ) : QObject( parent )
type = -1;
@ -32,18 +30,119 @@ bool NandBin::SetPath( const QString &path )
f.setFileName( path );
bool ret = !f.exists() ||
bool ret = ( f.exists() &&
!f.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite );
f.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) );
!f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) );
if( ret )
if( !ret )
emit SendError( tr( "Cant open %1" ).arg( path ) );
return !ret;
return ret;
bool NandBin::CreateNew( const QString &path, QByteArray keys, QByteArray first8, QList<quint16> badBlocks )
if( keys.size() != 0x400 || first8.size() != 0x108000 )
qWarning() << "NandBin::CreateNew -> bad sizes" << hex << keys.size() << first8.size();
return false;
if( f.isOpen() )
//create the new file, write the first 8 blocks, fill it with 0xff, and write the keys.bin at the end
f.setFileName( path );
if( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate ) )
qWarning() << "NandBin::CreateNew -> can't create file" << path;
return false;
f.write( first8 );
QByteArray block( 0x4200, 0xff );//generic empty block
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x7fc0; i++ )
f.write( block );
f.write( keys );
if( f.pos() != 0x21000400 )//no room left on the drive?
qWarning() << "NandBin::CreateNew -> dump size is wrong" << (quint32)f.pos();
return false;
//setup variables
nandPath = path;
currentSuperCluster = 0x7f00;
superClusterVersion = 1;
type = 2;
memset( &fsts, 0, sizeof( fst_t ) * 0x17ff );
//reserve blocks 0 - 7
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x40; i++ )
fats << 0xfffc;
//find 90 blocks to reserve. they always appear to be close to the end of the nand
//TODO - this isnt always 90, all my nands have a different number, and 90 is right in the middle
quint16 bCnt = badBlocks.size();
quint16 offset = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < bCnt; i++ )
if( i >= 3998 )
//mark all the "normal" blocks - free, or bad
for( quint16 i = 0x40; i < 0x7cf0 - bCnt; i++ )
if( badBlocks.contains( i / 8 ) )
fats << 0xfffd;
fats << 0xfffe;
//mark the 90 reserved ones from above and reserve the superclusters
for( quint16 i = 0x7cf0 - bCnt; i < 0x8000; i++ )
fats << 0xfffc;
//make the root item
fsts[ 0 ].filename[ 0 ] = '/';
fsts[ 0 ].attr = 0x16;
fsts[ 0 ].sib = 0xffff;
fsts[ 0 ].sub = 0xffff;
fstInited = true;
//set keys
QByteArray hmacKey = keys.mid( 0x144, 0x14 );
spare.SetHMacKey( hmacKey );//set the hmac key for calculating spare data
key = keys.mid( 0x158, 0x10 );
//write the metada to each of the superblocks
for( quint8 i = 0; i < 0x10; i++ )
if( !WriteMetaData() )
qWarning() << "NandBin::CreateNew -> error writing superblock" << i;
return false;
//build the tree
if( root )
delete root;
root = new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << nandPath );
AddChildren( root, 0 );
return true;
QTreeWidgetItem *NandBin::GetTree()
@ -111,8 +210,10 @@ QTreeWidgetItem *NandBin::CreateItem( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const QString &na
bool NandBin::AddChildren( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, quint16 entry )
//qDebug() << "NandBin::AddChildren" << parent->text( 0 ) << hex << entry;
if( entry >= 0x17ff )
qDebug() << "NandBin::AddChildren: entry >= 0x17ff";
emit SendError( tr( "entry is above 0x17ff mmmmkay [ 0x%1 ]" ).arg( entry, 0, 16 ) );
return false;
@ -120,7 +221,10 @@ bool NandBin::AddChildren( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, quint16 entry )
fst_t fst = GetFST( entry );
if( !fst.filename[ 0 ] )//something is amiss, better quit now
qDebug() << "NandBin::AddChildren: !fst.filename[ 0 ]";
return false;
if( fst.sib != 0xffff )
@ -287,102 +391,119 @@ bool NandBin::InitNand( QIcon dirs, QIcon files )
//debug shitzz
/*int blNo = 7;
for( int b = 0; b < 8; b++ )
/*QList<quint16> fffcs;
QList<quint16> ffffs;
QList<quint16> fffds;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++ )
qDebug() << "cluster" << b << "of block" << hex << blNo;
int clNo = ( blNo * 8 ) + b;
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
switch( fats.at( i ) )
qDebug() << "page" << i << "of cluster" << hex << ( clNo - ( blNo * 8 ) ) << "(" << clNo << ")";
QByteArray whole = GetPage( ( clNo * 8 ) + i, true );
if( whole.size() != 0x840 )
case 0xFFFB:
case 0xFFFC:
fffcs << i;
case 0xFFFD:
fffds << i;
case 0xFFFE:
case 0xFFFF:
ffffs << i;
/*foreach( quint16 cl, fffds )
qDebug() << "bad cluster" << hex << cl;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
QByteArray page = GetPage( (cl * 8 ) + i, true );
for( quint16 j = 0; j < page.size(); j++ )
qDebug() << "wrong size" << hex << whole.size();
if( page.at( j ) != '\0' )
hexdump( page );
//hexdump( page );
/*qDebug() << "total ffff clusters:" << ffffs.size();
quint16 u = 0;
while( ffffs.size() )
quint16 fc = ffffs.takeFirst();
if( fc < 0x40 || fc >= 0x7F00 )
QByteArray cl = GetCluster( fc, false );
while( ffffs.size() && ( ( fc / 8 ) == ( ffffs.at( 0 ) / 8 ) ) )
fc = ffffs.takeFirst();
if( fc < 0x40 || fc >= 0x7F00 )
QByteArray eccR = whole.mid( 0x800, 0x40 );
QByteArray eccC = NandSpare::CalcEcc( whole.left( 0x800 ) );
cl += GetCluster( fc, false );
hexdump( eccR );
hexdump( eccC );
WriteFile( QString("./aaaa_ff_%1_%2.bin" ).arg( u++).arg( fc ), cl );
//this makes correct hmac data for the superblocks
/*int blNo = 0xff0;//first superblock
//int blNo = 0xffe;//last superblock
for( int b = blNo; b < 16 + blNo; b += 2 )
/*QList<quint16> fcBlocks;
quint16 cnt = fffcs.size();
quint16 rr = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
//if( !( b % 2 ) )
QByteArray clData;
for( int c = 0; c < 16; c++ )
quint16 block = fffcs.at( i )/8;
if( !fcBlocks.contains( block ) )
fcBlocks << block;
if( fffcs.at( i ) < 0x40 || fffcs.at( i ) >= 0x7F00 )
qDebug() << "fcBlocks:" << fcBlocks << "total reserved clusters:" << fffcs.size() << "reserved not used for superblock/boot" << rr;*/
/*quint16 ppp = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < fcBlocks.size(); i++ )
for( quint16 j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
for( int p = 0; p < 8; p++ )
if( !fffcs.contains( ( i * 8 ) + j ) )
QByteArray whole = GetPage( ( ( b * 64 ) + ( c * 8 ) + p ), true );
clData += whole.left( 0x800 );
qDebug() << "hmac:";
QByteArray hmR = spare.Get_hmac_meta( clData, ( b * 8 ) );
hexdump( hmR );
//GetFile( 369 );
/*QByteArray scl;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
scl += GetCluster( currentSuperCluster + i, false );
WriteFile( "./aaaa_superCluster.bin", scl );
qDebug() << "starting scl" << hex << currentSuperCluster;*/
//testing creating new items
/*quint16 n = CreateEntry( "/test1", 0x4444, 0x5555, 2, 1, 2, 0 );
qDebug() << "created item" << n;
n = CreateEntry( "/test1/test4", 0x4444, 0x5555, 1, 1, 2, 3 );
qDebug() << "created item" << n;
if( n )
qDebug() << "partial reserved blocks:" << ppp;*/
/*quint16 u = 0;
while( fffcs.size() )
bool dd = SetData( n, QByteArray( 0x4000000, '\x69') );
qDebug() << "added data" << dd;
quint16 fc = fffcs.takeFirst();
if( fc < 0x40 || fc >= 0x7F00 )
QByteArray cl = GetCluster( fc );
while( fffcs.size() && ( ( fc / 8 ) == ( fffcs.at( 0 ) / 8 ) ) )
fc = fffcs.takeFirst();
if( fc < 0x40 || fc >= 0x7F00 )
cl += GetCluster( fc );
dd = WriteMetaData();
qDebug() << "write meta" << dd;
WriteFile( QString("./aaaa_fc_%1_%2.bin" ).arg( u++).arg( fc ), cl );
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
scl += GetCluster( currentSuperCluster + i, false );
qDebug() << "tests" << scl.count( "test" ) << "in scl" << hex << currentSuperCluster;
WriteFile( "./aaaa_superCluster2.bin", scl );*/
//QByteArray fu = GetData( "/test1/test2" );
//if( !fu.isEmpty() )
//hexdump( fu, 0, 0x30 );
bool x= Delete( "/ticket" );
qDebug() << "delete" << x;
//delete root;
//root = new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << nandPath );
//AddChildren( root, 0 );
//bool l = TestMetaData();
//qDebug() << "test meta" << l;
if( !bootBlocks.SetBlocks( blocks ) )
return false;
return true;
@ -930,6 +1051,7 @@ void NandBin::ShowInfo()
quint16 badBlocks = 0;
quint16 reserved = 0;
quint16 freeBlocks = 0;
quint16 used = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++ )
@ -946,6 +1068,8 @@ void NandBin::ShowInfo()
else if( 0xfffe == fat )
used ++;
if( badBlocks )
badBlocks /= 8;
@ -956,9 +1080,10 @@ void NandBin::ShowInfo()
if( freeBlocks )
freeBlocks /= 8;
qDebug() << "free blocks:" << hex << freeBlocks
<< "\nbadBlocks:" << hex << badBlocks << badOnes
<< "\nreserved:" << hex << reserved;
qDebug() << "free blocks:" << freeBlocks
<< "\nbadBlocks:" << badBlocks << badOnes
<< "\nreserved :" << reserved
<< "\nused :" << used;
QTreeWidgetItem *NandBin::ItemFromEntry( quint16 i, QTreeWidgetItem *parent )
@ -1104,7 +1229,7 @@ quint16 NandBin::CreateNode( const QString &name, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quin
quint16 NandBin::CreateEntry( const QString &path, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quint8 attr, quint8 user_perm, quint8 group_perm, quint8 other_perm )
qDebug() << "NandBin::CreateEntry" << path;
//qDebug() << "NandBin::CreateEntry" << path;
quint16 ret = 0;
QTreeWidgetItem *par = GetParent( path );
@ -1504,7 +1629,7 @@ bool NandBin::WriteMetaData()
b.write( (const char*)&tmp, 4 ); //version
tmp = qFromBigEndian( (quint32)0x10 );
b.write( (const char*)&tmp, 4 ); //wiibrew says its always 0x10. but mine is 0
qDebug() << "writing the fats at" << hex << (quint32)b.pos();
//qDebug() << "writing the fats at" << hex << (quint32)b.pos();
//write all the fats
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++ )
@ -1513,7 +1638,7 @@ bool NandBin::WriteMetaData()
b.write( (const char*)&t, 2 );
qDebug() << "writing the fsts at" << hex << (quint32)b.pos();
//qDebug() << "writing the fsts at" << hex << (quint32)b.pos();
//write all the fst entries
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x17ff; i++ )
@ -1545,10 +1670,8 @@ bool NandBin::WriteMetaData()
//qDebug() << "done adding shit" << hex << (quint32)b.pos();
//qDebug() << "tests" << scl.count( "test" );
//get hmac data
QByteArray hmR = spare.Get_hmac_meta( scl, nextSuperCluster );
qDebug() << "about to write the meta block" << hex << nextSuperCluster << nextClusterVersion << "to page" << (quint32)( nextSuperCluster * 8 );
//qDebug() << "about to write the meta block" << hex << nextSuperCluster << nextClusterVersion << "to page" << (quint32)( nextSuperCluster * 8 );
for( quint8 i = 0; i < 0x10; i++ )
@ -1562,18 +1685,6 @@ bool NandBin::WriteMetaData()
currentSuperCluster = nextSuperCluster;
superClusterVersion = nextClusterVersion; //probably need to put some magic here in case the version wraps around back to 0
//testing 1,2
/*QByteArray tt;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
tt += GetCluster( currentSuperCluster + i, false );
if( tt != scl )
qDebug() << "shit doesnt match :(";
qDebug() << "wrote what was expected :)";*/
return true;
@ -1587,6 +1698,17 @@ bool NandBin::CheckEcc( quint32 pageNo )
return false;
QByteArray data = whole.left( 0x800 );
bool used = false; //dont calculate ecc for unused pages
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x800; i++ )
if( data.at( i ) != '\xff' )
used = true;
if( !used )
return true;
QByteArray ecc = whole.right( 0x10 );
QByteArray calc = spare.CalcEcc( data );
return ( ecc == calc );
@ -1645,6 +1767,7 @@ bool NandBin::CheckHmacData( quint16 entry )
hmac = spare.Get_hmac_data( cluster, fst.uid, (const unsigned char*)&fst.filename, entry, fst.x3, i );
//this part is kinda ugly, but this is how it is layed out by big N
//really it allows 1 copy of hmac to be bad, but im being strict about it
if( sp1.mid( 1, 0x14 ) != hmac )
qDebug() << "hmac bad (1)";
@ -1700,6 +1823,7 @@ bool NandBin::CheckHmacMeta( quint16 clNo )
sp2 = sp2.right( 0x40 );
//this part is kinda ugly, but this is how it is layed out by big N
//really it allows 1 copy of hmac to be bad, but im being strict about it
if( sp1.mid( 1, 0x14 ) != hmac )
qDebug() << "hmac bad (1)";
@ -1725,3 +1849,5 @@ error:
return false;
@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
#include "includes.h"
#include "blocks0to7.h"
#include "nandspare.h"
#define NAND_FILE 1
#define NAND_DIR 2
#define NAND_READ 1
#define NAND_WRITE 2
struct fst_t
quint8 filename[ 0xc ];
@ -35,6 +42,12 @@ public:
//destroys this object, and all its used resources ( closes the nand.bin file and deletes the filetree )
//create a "blank" nand at the given path, with spare data and keeys.bin appended to the end
//keys should be a 0x400 byte array containing a keys.bin from bootmii
//first8 should be a bytearray containing 0x108000 bytes - the first 8 blocks of the nand with spare data
//badBlocks is a list of blocks to be marked bad, in the range 8 - 4079
bool CreateNew( const QString &path, QByteArray keys, QByteArray first8, QList<quint16> badBlocks = QList<quint16>() );
//sets the path of this object to path. returns false if it cannot open an already existing file
//keys.bin should be in this same path if they are to be used
bool SetPath( const QString &path );
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ const QString SharedContentMap::Cid( quint16 i )
return QByteArray();
return QString( data.mid( ( i * 28 ), 8 ) );
quint16 SharedContentMap::Count()
return ( data.size() / 28 );
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid )
if( validIoses.contains( tid ) )//this one has already been checked
return true;
qDebug() << "Checking" << TidTxt( tid ).insert( 8, "-" ) << "...";
QString p = TidTxt( tid );
p.insert( 8 ,"/" );
@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid )
//return false; //maye in the future this will be true, but for now, this doesnt mean it wont boot
qDebug() << "\t" << it << "fakesigned";
// qDebug() << "\t" << it << "fakesigned";
@ -364,6 +365,11 @@ bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid )
quint32 upper = ((tid >>32 ) & 0xffffffff);
if( upper == 0x10005 || upper == 0x10007 ) //dont try to verify all the contents of DLC, it will just find a bunch of missing contents and bitch about them
return true;
quint16 cnt = t.Count();
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
@ -390,10 +396,10 @@ bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid )
QByteArray realH = GetSha1( ba );
if( realH != t.Hash( i ) )
qDebug() << "one of the private contents' hash doesnt check out" << i << pA <<
"\nexpected" << t.Hash( i ).toHex() <<
"\nactual " << realH.toHex();
return false;
qDebug() << "\tone of the private contents' hash doesnt check out" << i << pA <<
"\n\texpected" << t.Hash( i ).toHex() <<
"\n\tactual " << realH.toHex();
//return false; //dont return false, as this this title may still boot
@ -412,7 +418,8 @@ bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid )
return false;
//make sure all the stuff in this title's data directory belongs to it ( im looking at you priibricker & dop-mii )
//make sure all the stuff in this title's data directory belongs to it, and all the contents belong to nobody
//( im looking at you priibricker & dop-mii )
QString dataP = tmdp;
dataP.resize( 25 );
dataP += "data";
@ -423,13 +430,26 @@ bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid )
QString uidS = QString( "%1" ).arg( uid, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
QString gidS = QString( "%1" ).arg( gid, 4, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
if( dataI->text( 3 ) != uidS || !dataI->text( 4 ).startsWith( gidS ) )//dont necessarily fail for this. the title will still be bootable without its data
qDebug() << "incorrect uid/gid for data folder";
qDebug() << "\tincorrect uid/gid for data folder";
quint16 cnt = dataI->childCount();
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QTreeWidgetItem *item = dataI->child( i );
if( item->text( 3 ) != uidS || !item->text( 4 ).startsWith( gidS ) )
qDebug() << "incorrect uid/gid for" << QString( "data/" + item->text( 0 ) );
qDebug() << "\tincorrect uid/gid for" << QString( "data/" + item->text( 0 ) );
dataP.resize( 25 );
dataP += "content";
dataI = ItemFromPath( dataP );
if( dataI )
quint16 cnt = dataI->childCount();
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QTreeWidgetItem *item = dataI->child( i );
if( item->text( 3 ) != "00000000" || !item->text( 4 ).startsWith( "0000" ) )
qDebug() << "\tincorrect uid/gid for" << QString( "content/" + item->text( 0 ) );
return true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user