#include "tools.h" #include "includes.h" #include "aes.h" //#include "sha1.h" QString currentDir; QString cachePath = "./NUS_cache"; QString nandPath = "./dump"; char ascii( char s ) { if ( s < 0x20 ) return '.'; if ( s > 0x7E ) return '.'; return s; } //using stderr just because qtcreator stows it correctly when mixed with qDebug(), qWarning(), etc //otherwise it may not be shown in the correct spot in the output due to stdout/stderr caches void hexdump( const void *d, int len ) { unsigned char *data; int i, off; data = (unsigned char*)d; fprintf( stderr, "\n"); for ( off = 0; off < len; off += 16 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%08x ", off ); for ( i=0; i<16; i++ ) { if( ( i + 1 ) % 4 ) { if ( ( i + off ) >= len ) fprintf( stderr," "); else fprintf( stderr,"%02x",data[ off + i ]); } else { if ( ( i + off ) >= len ) fprintf( stderr," "); else fprintf( stderr,"%02x ",data[ off + i ]); } } fprintf( stderr, " " ); for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) if ( ( i + off) >= len ) fprintf( stderr," "); else fprintf( stderr,"%c", ascii( data[ off + i ])); fprintf( stderr,"\n"); } fflush( stderr ); } void hexdump( const QByteArray &d, int from, int len ) { hexdump( d.data() + from, len == -1 ? d.size() : len ); } void hexdump12( const void *d, int len ) { unsigned char *data; int i, off; data = (unsigned char*)d; fprintf( stderr, "\n"); for ( off = 0; off < len; off += 12 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%08x ", off ); for ( i=0; i<12; i++ ) { if( ( i + 1 ) % 4 ) { if ( ( i + off ) >= len ) fprintf( stderr," "); else fprintf( stderr,"%02x",data[ off + i ]); } else { if ( ( i + off ) >= len ) fprintf( stderr," "); else fprintf( stderr,"%02x ",data[ off + i ]); } } fprintf( stderr, " " ); for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) if ( ( i + off) >= len ) fprintf( stderr," "); else fprintf( stderr,"%c", ascii( data[ off + i ])); fprintf( stderr,"\n"); } fflush( stderr ); } void hexdump12( const QByteArray &d, int from, int len ) { hexdump12( d.data() + from, len == -1 ? d.size() : len ); } QByteArray PaddedByteArray( const QByteArray &orig, quint32 padTo ) { QByteArray padding( RU( padTo, orig.size() ) - orig.size(), '\0' ); //qDebug() << "padding with" << hex << RU( padTo, orig.size() ) << "bytes" << return orig + padding; } QByteArray AesDecrypt( quint16 index, const QByteArray source ) { static quint8 iv[ 16 ]; quint16 beidx = qFromBigEndian( index ); memset( iv, 0, 16 ); memcpy( iv, &beidx, 2 ); QByteArray ret( source.size(), '\0' ); aes_decrypt( iv, (const quint8*)source.data(), (quint8*)ret.data(), source.size() ); return ret; } void AesSetKey( const QByteArray key ) { aes_set_key( (const quint8*)key.data() ); } /* QByteArray GetSha1( QByteArray stuff ) { SHA1Context sha; SHA1Reset( &sha ); SHA1Input( &sha, (const unsigned char*)stuff.data(), stuff.size() ); if( !SHA1Result( &sha ) ) { qWarning() << "GetSha1 -> sha error"; return QByteArray(); } QByteArray ret( 20, '\0' ); quint8 *p = (quint8 *)ret.data(); for( int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) { quint32 part = qFromBigEndian( sha.Message_Digest[ i ] ); memcpy( p + ( i * 4 ), &part, 4 ); } //hexdump( ret ); return ret; }*/