#include "nandwindow.h" #include "ui_nandwindow.h" NandWindow::NandWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::NandWindow), nandBin( this ) { ui->setupUi(this); //ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 0, 300 );//name QFontMetrics fm( fontMetrics() ); ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 0, fm.width( QString( 22, 'W' ) ) );//name ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 1, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//entry # ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 2, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//size ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 3, fm.width( "WWWWWWWWW" ) );//uid ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 4, fm.width( "WWWWWWWWW" ) );//gid ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 5, fm.width( "WWWWWWWWW" ) );//x3 ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 6, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//mode ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 7, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//attr connect( &nandBin, SIGNAL( SendError( QString ) ), this, SLOT( GetError( QString ) ) ); connect( &nandBin, SIGNAL( SendText( QString ) ), this, SLOT( GetStatusUpdate( QString ) ) ); } NandWindow::~NandWindow() { delete ui; } void NandWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QMainWindow::changeEvent(e); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } } void NandWindow::GetStatusUpdate( QString s ) { ui->statusBar->showMessage( s ); } void NandWindow::GetError( QString str ) { qWarning() << str; } void NandWindow::ExtractShit() { ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Trying to extract..." ); nandBin.ExtractToDir( exItem, exPath );//who cares if it returns false? not me. thats what the qDebug() info is for ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Done", 5000 ); } //nand window right-clicked void NandWindow::on_treeWidget_customContextMenuRequested( QPoint pos ) { QPoint globalPos = ui->treeWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal( pos ); QTreeWidgetItem* item = ui->treeWidget->itemAt( pos ); if( !item )//right-clicked in the partition window, but not on an item { qDebug() << "no item selected"; return; } QMenu myMenu( this ); QAction extractA( tr( "Extract" ), &myMenu ); myMenu.addAction( &extractA ); QAction* s = myMenu.exec( globalPos ); //respond to what was selected if( s ) { // something was chosen, do stuff if( s == &extractA )//extract a file { QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr("Select a destination") ); if( path.isEmpty() ) return; exPath = path; exItem = item; //ghetto, but gives the dialog box time to dissappear before the gui freezes as it extracts the nand QTimer::singleShot( 250, this, SLOT( ExtractShit() ) ); } } } //file->open void NandWindow::on_actionOpen_Nand_triggered() { QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select a Nand to open" ) ); if( path.isEmpty() ) return; if( !nandBin.SetPath( path ) ) { qDebug() << " error in nandBin.SetPath"; ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Error setting path to " + path ); return; } ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Loading " + path ); QIcon groupIcon; QIcon keyIcon; groupIcon.addPixmap( style()->standardPixmap( QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon ), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off ); groupIcon.addPixmap( style()->standardPixmap( QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon ), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On ); keyIcon.addPixmap( style()->standardPixmap( QStyle::SP_FileIcon ) ); if( !nandBin.InitNand( groupIcon, keyIcon ) ) { qDebug() << " error in nandBin.InitNand()"; ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Error reading " + path ); return; } ui->treeWidget->clear(); //get an item holding a tree with all the items of the nand QTreeWidgetItem* tree = nandBin.GetTree(); //take the actual contents of the nand from the made up root and add them to the gui widget ui->treeWidget->addTopLevelItems( tree->takeChildren() ); //delete the made up root item delete tree; //expand the root item if( ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount() ) ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem( 0 )->setExpanded( true ); ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Loaded " + path, 5000 ); //nandBin.GetData( "/title/00000001/00000002/data/setting.txt" );//testing 1,2,1,2 }