#include "../WiiQt/includes.h" #include "../WiiQt/nandbin.h" #include "../WiiQt/tools.h" //yippie for global variables QStringList args; NandBin nandS;//source NandBin nandD;//dest QTreeWidgetItem *root = NULL; quint32 verbose = 0; bool color = true; bool testMode = true; bool CheckTitleIntegrity( quint64 tid ); quint32 fileCnt = 0; quint32 dirCnt = 0; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #include #define C_STICKY 31 #define C_CAP 192 int origColor; HANDLE hConsole; int GetColor() { WORD wColor = 0; HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; //We use csbi for the wAttributes word. if( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdOut, &csbi ) ) { wColor = csbi.wAttributes; } return wColor; } #else #define LEN_STR_PAIR(s) sizeof (s) - 1, s enum indicator_no { C_LEFT, C_RIGHT, C_END, C_RESET, C_NORM, C_FILE, C_DIR, C_LINK, C_FIFO, C_SOCK, C_BLK, C_CHR, C_MISSING, C_ORPHAN, C_EXEC, C_DOOR, C_SETUID, C_SETGID, C_STICKY, C_OTHER_WRITABLE, C_STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE, C_CAP, C_MULTIHARDLINK, C_CLR_TO_EOL }; struct bin_str { size_t len; /* Number of bytes */ const char *string; /* Pointer to the same */ }; static struct bin_str color_indicator[] = { { LEN_STR_PAIR ("\033[") }, /* lc: Left of color sequence */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("m") }, /* rc: Right of color sequence */ { 0, NULL }, /* ec: End color (replaces lc+no+rc) */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("0") }, /* rs: Reset to ordinary colors */ { 0, NULL }, /* no: Normal */ { 0, NULL }, /* fi: File: default */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;34") }, /* di: Directory: bright blue */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;36") }, /* ln: Symlink: bright cyan */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("33") }, /* pi: Pipe: yellow/brown */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;35") }, /* so: Socket: bright magenta */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;33") }, /* bd: Block device: bright yellow */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;33") }, /* cd: Char device: bright yellow */ { 0, NULL }, /* mi: Missing file: undefined */ { 0, NULL }, /* or: Orphaned symlink: undefined */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;32") }, /* ex: Executable: bright green */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;35") }, /* do: Door: bright magenta */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("37;41") }, /* su: setuid: white on red */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("30;43") }, /* sg: setgid: black on yellow */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("37;44") }, /* st: sticky: black on blue */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("34;42") }, /* ow: other-writable: blue on green */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("30;42") }, /* tw: ow w/ sticky: black on green */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("30;41") }, /* ca: black on red */ { 0, NULL }, /* mh: disabled by default */ { LEN_STR_PAIR ("\033[K") }, /* cl: clear to end of line */ }; static void put_indicator( const struct bin_str *ind ) { fwrite( ind->string, ind->len, 1, stdout ); } #endif void PrintColoredString( const char *msg, int highlite ) { if( !color ) { printf( "%s\n", msg ); } else { QString str( msg ); QStringList list = str.split( "\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); foreach( QString s, list ) { QString m = s; QString m2 = s.trimmed(); m.resize( m.indexOf( m2 ) ); printf( "%s", m.toLatin1().data() ); //print all leading whitespace #ifdef Q_WS_WIN SetConsoleTextAttribute( hConsole, highlite ); #else put_indicator( &color_indicator[ C_LEFT ] ); put_indicator( &color_indicator[ highlite ] ); //change color put_indicator( &color_indicator[ C_RIGHT ] ); #endif printf( "%s", m2.toLatin1().data() ); //print text #ifdef Q_WS_WIN SetConsoleTextAttribute( hConsole, origColor ); #else put_indicator( &color_indicator[ C_LEFT ] ); put_indicator( &color_indicator[ C_NORM ] ); //reset color put_indicator( &color_indicator[ C_RIGHT ] ); #endif printf( "\n" ); } } fflush( stdout ); } //redirect text output. by default, qDebug() goes to stderr void DebugHandler( QtMsgType type, const char *msg ) { switch( type ) { case QtDebugMsg: printf( "%s\n", msg ); fflush( stdout ); break; case QtWarningMsg: PrintColoredString( msg, C_STICKY ); break; case QtCriticalMsg: PrintColoredString( msg, C_CAP ); break; case QtFatalMsg: fprintf( stderr, "Fatal Error: %s\n", msg ); abort(); break; } } void Usage() { qWarning() << "usage:" << QCoreApplication::arguments().at( 0 ) << "nand1.bin" << "nand2.bin" << ""; qWarning() << "THIS WILL FORMAT \"nand2.bin\"! It cannot be undone."; qDebug() << "By default, this program only runs in \"test mode\". It only tells you what it would have done."; qDebug() << "In order to REALLY run the program, use the option \"-force\"."; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "\nOther options:"; qDebug() << " -force run in \"live mode\". this option is needed to actually do something"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << " -nocolor don\'t use terminal color trickery"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << " -about info about this program"; exit( 1 ); } void About() { qCritical() << " (c) giantpune 2010, 2011"; qCritical() << " http://code.google.com/p/wiiqt/"; qCritical() << " built:" << __DATE__ << __TIME__; qWarning() << "This software is licensed under GPLv2. It comes with no guarentee that it will work,"; qWarning() << "or that it will work well."; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "This program is designed to read files from one nand dump and write those files to another nand dump."; exit( 1 ); } void Fail( const QString& str ) { qCritical() << str; exit( 1 ); } void SetUpTree() { if( root ) return; QTreeWidgetItem *r = nandS.GetTree(); if( r->childCount() != 1 || r->child( 0 )->text( 0 ) != "/" ) { Fail( "The nand FS is seriously broken. I Couldn't even find a correct root" ); } root = r->takeChild( 0 ); delete r; } QTreeWidgetItem *FindItem( const QString &s, QTreeWidgetItem *parent ) { int cnt = parent->childCount(); for( int i = 0; i child( i ); if( r->text( 0 ) == s ) { return r; } } return NULL; } QTreeWidgetItem *ItemFromPath( const QString &path ) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = root; if( !path.startsWith( "/" ) || path.contains( "//" )) { return NULL; } int slash = 1; while( slash ) { int nextSlash = path.indexOf( "/", slash + 1 ); QString lookingFor = path.mid( slash, nextSlash - slash ); item = FindItem( lookingFor, item ); if( !item ) { //if( verbose ) // qWarning() << "ItemFromPath ->item not found" << path; return NULL; } slash = nextSlash + 1; } return item; } QString PathFromItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item ) { QString ret; while( item ) { ret.prepend( "/" + item->text( 0 ) ); item = item->parent(); if( item->text( 0 ) == "/" )// dont add the root break; } return ret; } /* quint16 MainWindow::CreateIfNeeded( const QString &path, quint32 uid, quint16 gid, quint8 attr, quint8 user_perm, quint8 group_perm, quint8 other_perm ) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ItemFromPath( path ); if( !item ) { quint16 ret = nand.CreateEntry( path, uid, gid, attr, user_perm, group_perm, other_perm ); if( ret && UpdateTree() ) return ret; return 0; } return item->text( 1 ).toInt(); } #define NAND_FILE 1 #define NAND_DIR 2 #define NAND_READ 1 #define NAND_WRITE 2 #define NAND_RW ( NAND_READ | NAND_WRITE ) #define NAND_ATTR( type, user, group, other ) ( ( quint8 )( ( type & 3 ) | ( ( user & 3 ) << 6 ) | ( ( group & 3 ) << 4 ) | ( ( other & 3 ) << 2 ) ) ) #define NAND_ATTR_TYPE( attr ) ( attr & 3 ) #define NAND_ATTR_USER( attr ) ( ( attr >> 6 ) & 3 ) #define NAND_ATTR_GROUP( attr ) ( ( attr >> 4 ) & 3 ) #define NAND_ATTR_OTHER( attr ) ( ( attr >> 2 ) & 3 ) */ void DumpItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item ) { if( !item ) return; qDebug() << item->text( 0 ) << item->text( 1 ) << item->text( 2 ) << item->text( 3 ) << item->text( 4 ) << item->text( 5 ) << item->text( 6 ) << item->text( 7 ); } quint8 Attr( QTreeWidgetItem *item ) { static bool ok; QString attrS = item->text( 7 ).right( 3 ); attrS.resize( 2 ); quint8 attr = attrS.toInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { DumpItem( item ); Fail( "Attr(): error converting " + attrS + " to int" ); } return attr; } void CopyItemChildren( QTreeWidgetItem *item ) { static bool ok = false; quint32 uid; quint16 gid; quint8 attr; quint32 cnt; if( !item ) { Fail( "CopyItemChildren() received a NULL item" ); } cnt = item->childCount(); attr = Attr( item ); //qDebug() << "CopyItemChildren()" << item->text( 0 ) << hex << attr; for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { QTreeWidgetItem *ch = item->child( i ); attr = Attr( ch ); quint8 type = NAND_ATTR_TYPE( attr ); quint8 perm1 = NAND_ATTR_USER( attr ); quint8 perm2 = NAND_ATTR_GROUP( attr ); quint8 perm3 = NAND_ATTR_OTHER( attr ); quint16 handle = 0; QString path = PathFromItem( ch ); uid = ch->text( 3 ).toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { DumpItem( ch ); Fail( "error converting UID to u32" ); } gid = ch->text( 4 ).left( 4 ).toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { DumpItem( ch ); Fail( "error converting gid to u16" ); } //qDebug() << ch->text( 0 ) << hex << type << perm1 << perm2 << perm3 << uid << gid; if( !testMode ) { handle = nandD.CreateEntry( path, uid, gid, type, perm1, perm2, perm3 ); if( !handle ) { Fail( "error creating entry in destination nand" ); } printf("\rcreated: %s", path.leftJustified( 60, ' ' ).toLocal8Bit().data() ); fflush( stdout ); } else { printf("\rwould create: %s", path.leftJustified( 60, ' ' ).toLocal8Bit().data() ); fflush( stdout ); } switch( type ) { case NAND_DIR: dirCnt++; CopyItemChildren( ch ); break; case NAND_FILE: { fileCnt++; quint32 size = ch->text( 2 ).toInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { DumpItem( ch ); Fail( "Error converting size to u32" ); } QByteArray stuff; if( size ) { stuff = nandS.GetData( path ); if( (quint32)stuff.size() != size ) { DumpItem( ch ); qCritical() << hex << (quint32)stuff.size() << "!=" << size; Fail( "Error reading data for " + path ); } } if( !testMode ) { if( size ) { if( !nandD.SetData( handle, stuff ) ) { Fail( "Error writing data for " + path ); } } } } break; default: Fail( "unhandled entry type" ); break; } } } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { QCoreApplication a( argc, argv ); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN origColor = GetColor(); hConsole = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); #endif qInstallMsgHandler( DebugHandler ); args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if( args.contains( "-nocolor", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) color = false; qCritical() << "** punetwiin: wii nand copierizer **"; qCritical() << " from giantpune"; qCritical() << " built:" << __DATE__ << __TIME__; if( args.contains( "-about", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) About(); if( args.size() < 3 ) Usage(); testMode = !args.contains( "-force", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); if( !QFile( args.at( 1 ) ).exists() ) { qDebug() << "source nand missing"; Usage(); } if( !nandS.SetPath( args.at( 1 ) ) || !nandS.InitNand() ) Fail( "Error setting path to nand object 1" ); qDebug() << "set source nand path to" << args.at( 1 ); if( !QFile( args.at( 2 ) ).exists() ) { qDebug() << "dest nand missing"; Usage(); } if( !nandD.SetPath( args.at( 2 ) ) || !nandD.InitNand() ) Fail( "Error setting path to nand object 2" ); qDebug() << "set destination nand path to" << args.at( 2 ); if( testMode ) { qDebug() << "would format destination nand now..."; } else if( !nandD.Format() ) { Fail( "error formatting destination nand." ); } else { qDebug() << "destination nand formatted ok."; } //get the list of contents from the source nand SetUpTree(); printf("\n"); //start copying these to the destination nand CopyItemChildren( root ); printf("\n"); qDebug() << "processed" << dirCnt << "directories and" << fileCnt << "files"; if( !testMode ) { qDebug() << "finalizing..."; //write metadata if( !nandD.WriteMetaData() ) { Fail( "error writing metadata" ); } } return 0; }