#include "thpwindow.h" #include "ui_thpwindow.h" #include "../WiiQt/tools.h" #define MAX_BUFFERS 50 //in frames #define BUFFER_DELAY 200 //time to wait between checking buffer size ( msecs ) ThpWindow::ThpWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::ThpWindow) { ui->setupUi( this ); ui->mainToolBar->setVisible( false ); ui->label_fName->clear(); ui->label_fpsT->clear(); ui->label_itemNo->clear(); ui->label_sizeT->clear(); ui->label_timeCur->clear(); ui->label_timeFull->clear(); ui->label_video->clear(); ui->scrollArea->setWidgetResizable( false ); EnableGui( false ); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget( ui->label_fName, 0 ); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget( ui->label_itemNo, 0 ); AudioOutputDevice = NULL; AudioOutput = NULL; videoFile = NULL; dontBuffer = false; //currentDir = QDir::currentPath(); currentDir = "/media/Jenna/jenna/c/gui_fork/SSBB_JAP/DATA/files/movie"; //workaround for some bullshit bug in the Qt libs foreach( const QAudioDeviceInfo &deviceInfo, QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices( QAudio::AudioOutput ) ) { qDebug() << "l:" << deviceInfo.deviceName(); } connect( &timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( ShowNextFrame() ) ); } ThpWindow::~ThpWindow() { dontBuffer = true; timer.stop(); delete ui; if(videoFile) { closeVideo( videoFile ); videoFile = NULL; } if( AudioOutput ) { AudioOutput->stop(); delete AudioOutput; AudioOutput = NULL; } } //open file void ThpWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered() { timer.stop(); dontBuffer = true; playList.clear(); curPlayListPos = 0; QStringList fNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames( this, tr("Open Files"), currentDir, tr("Wii/GC Videos (*.thp *.mth)") ); if( fNames.isEmpty() ) return; foreach( QString str, fNames ) playList << str; currentDir = QFileInfo( playList.at( 0 ) ).absolutePath(); PlayPlayListItem( 0 ); } //open folder void ThpWindow::on_actionOpen_Folder_triggered() { timer.stop(); dontBuffer = true; playList.clear(); curPlayListPos = 0; QString dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr( "Open Folder" ), currentDir ); if( dirName.isEmpty() ) return; currentDir = dirName; QDir dir( dirName ); QFileInfoList fil = dir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << "*.thp" << "*.mth" , QDir::Files ); //qDebug() << "found" << fil.size() << "items"; foreach( QFileInfo fi, fil ) playList << fi.absoluteFilePath(); PlayPlayListItem( 0 ); } void ThpWindow::PlayPlayListItem( quint32 i ) { //qDebug() << "ThpWindow::PlayPlayListItem" << i; if( !playList.size() ) //no videos to play { ui->label_itemNo->clear(); return; } if( i >= (quint32)playList.size() ) //all videos are played { curPlayListPos = 0; //skip back to beginning if( !ui->pushButton_loop->isChecked() ) //dont loop { ui->pushButton_playPause->setChecked( false ); timer.stop(); dontBuffer = true; } } ui->label_itemNo->setText( QString( "%1 / %2").arg( curPlayListPos + 1 ).arg( playList.size() ) ); LoadVideo( playList.at( curPlayListPos ) ); } void ThpWindow::LoadVideo( const QString &path ) { //qDebug() << "ThpWindow::LoadVideo" << path; EnableGui( false ); std::string filepath = path.toUtf8().constData(); ui->progressBar_buffer->setValue( 0 ); //stop current video timer.stop(); if( videoFile ) { closeVideo( videoFile ); videoFile = NULL; } Frames.clear(); SoundBuffers.clear(); videoFile = openVideo( filepath ); if( !videoFile ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr("Player"), tr("Cannot load %1.").arg( path ) ); return; } //dontBuffer = false; ui->label_video->setFixedSize( videoFile->getWidth(), videoFile->getHeight() ); frameCnt = videoFile->getFrameCount(); curFrame = 0; for( quint8 i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) LoadNextFrame(); CreateAudioOutput(); //show some info in the gui ui->label_fpsT->setText( QString( "%1" ).arg( videoFile->getFps(), 0, 'f', 3 ) ); ui->label_sizeT->setText( QString( "%1 x %2" ).arg( videoFile->getWidth() ).arg( videoFile->getHeight() ) ); ui->label_fName->setText( QFileInfo( path ).fileName() ); ui->horizontalSlider_pos->setMaximum( frameCnt ); //set timer for animation qreal delay = 1000.0f/videoFile->getFps(); ui->label_timeFull->setText( TimeTxt( delay * videoFile->getFrameCount() )); timer.setInterval( delay ); //if play button is clicked, just play if( ui->pushButton_playPause->isChecked() ) timer.start(); //otherwise just load the first frame else ShowNextFrame(); //allow the buttons to work EnableGui( true ); } QString ThpWindow::TimeTxt( quint64 msecs ) { quint32 hours = msecs / 3600000; msecs -= ( hours * 3600000 ); quint32 minutes = msecs / 60000; msecs -= ( minutes * 60000 ); quint32 seconds = msecs / 1000; msecs -= ( seconds * 1000 ); return QString( "%1:%2:%3.%4" ).arg( hours, 2, 10, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( minutes, 2, 10, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( seconds, 2, 10, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( msecs, 3, 10, QChar( '0' ) ); } void ThpWindow::LoadNextFrame() { //qDebug() << "ThpWindow::LoadNextFrame()"; VideoFrame VideoF; videoFile->loadNextFrame(); videoFile->getCurrentFrame(VideoF); QImage image(VideoF.getData(), VideoF.getWidth(), VideoF.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB888); if (image.isNull()) return; Frames.push_back(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); int SoundPos = SoundBuffers.size(); SoundBuffers.resize(SoundBuffers.size()+1); SoundBuffers[SoundPos].Buffer.resize(videoFile->getMaxAudioSamples()*2); SoundBuffers[SoundPos].Size = videoFile->getCurrentBuffer(&SoundBuffers[SoundPos].Buffer[0])*2*2; } void ThpWindow::ShowNextFrame() { //qDebug() << "ThpWindow::ShowNextFrame()" << Frames.size() << curFrame << frameCnt; if( Frames.size() < 3 ) { BufferIfNeeded(); return; } if( ++curFrame >= frameCnt ) //end of video { PlayPlayListItem( ++curPlayListPos ); return; } ui->horizontalSlider_pos->setValue( curFrame ); qreal delay = 1000.0f/videoFile->getFps(); ui->label_timeCur->setText( TimeTxt( delay * videoFile->getCurrentFrameNr() ) ); ui->label_video->setPixmap(Frames[2]); //ui->label_video->setPixmap(Frames[0]); if( AudioOutputDevice && ui->pushButton_vol->isChecked() ) //&& SoundBuffers.size() > 2 //&& SoundBuffers[ 2 ].Buffer.size() //&& SoundBuffers[ 2 ].Size ) AudioOutputDevice->write((char *) &SoundBuffers[2].Buffer[0], SoundBuffers[2].Size); Frames.erase(Frames.begin()); SoundBuffers.erase(SoundBuffers.begin()); } void ThpWindow::BufferIfNeeded() { if( dontBuffer ) return; //break the buffer loop if( Frames.size() < MAX_BUFFERS )//we need to read a frame { LoadNextFrame(); } //show buffer in the gui int b = ((float)Frames.size() / (float)MAX_BUFFERS) * 100.0f; ui->progressBar_buffer->setValue( b ); //wait a bit and call this function again QTimer::singleShot( BUFFER_DELAY, this, SLOT( BufferIfNeeded() ) ); } void ThpWindow::CreateAudioOutput() { //qDebug() << "ThpWindow::CreateAudioOutput()" << timer.isActive(); if( AudioOutput ) { AudioOutput->stop(); delete AudioOutput; AudioOutput = NULL; } AudioOutputDevice = NULL; AudioFormat.setFrequency( videoFile->getFrequency() ); AudioFormat.setChannels( videoFile->getNumChannels() ); AudioFormat.setSampleSize( 16 ); AudioFormat.setCodec( "audio/pcm" ); AudioFormat.setByteOrder( QAudioFormat::LittleEndian ); AudioFormat.setSampleType( QAudioFormat::SignedInt ); QAudioDeviceInfo info( QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice() ); if( !info.isFormatSupported( AudioFormat ) ) { AudioFormat = info.nearestFormat( AudioFormat );//try to find a usable audio playback format if( !info.isFormatSupported( AudioFormat ) ) { qWarning() << "unsupported audio format: can't play anything"; ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Can't find suitable audio format" ), 5000 ); return; } } AudioOutput = new QAudioOutput( AudioFormat, this ); if( !AudioOutput ) { ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Audio output error" ), 5000 ); qWarning() << "!AudioOutput"; return; } AudioOutputDevice = AudioOutput->start(); if( AudioOutput->error() ) { ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Audio output error" ), 5000 ); qWarning() << "AudioOutput->error()" << AudioOutput->error(); AudioOutput->stop(); AudioOutputDevice = NULL; } } //enable/disable buttons void ThpWindow::EnableGui( bool enable ) { ui->pushButton_ffw->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_loop->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_next->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_playPause->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_prev->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_rewind->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_stop->setEnabled( enable ); ui->pushButton_vol->setEnabled( enable ); } //play button void ThpWindow::on_pushButton_playPause_clicked() { if( ui->pushButton_playPause->isChecked() ) { dontBuffer = false;//start buffering again after stopped timer.start(); } else { //dontBuffer = true;//ok to buffer while paused timer.stop(); } } //next button void ThpWindow::on_pushButton_next_clicked() { PlayPlayListItem( ++curPlayListPos ); } //prev button void ThpWindow::on_pushButton_prev_clicked() { if( !curPlayListPos ) curPlayListPos = playList.size(); PlayPlayListItem( --curPlayListPos ); } //stop button void ThpWindow::on_pushButton_stop_clicked() { //stop playback timer.stop(); ui->pushButton_playPause->setChecked( false ); //clear buffer dontBuffer = true; Frames.clear(); SoundBuffers.clear(); ui->progressBar_buffer->setValue( 0 ); //set video to first frame videoFile->SetFrameNo( 0 ); //read a few frames into buffer curFrame = 0; for( quint8 i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) LoadNextFrame(); //show first frame in gui ShowNextFrame(); }