#include "newnandbin.h" #include "ui_newnandbin.h" #include "../WiiQt/tools.h" NewNandBin::NewNandBin( QWidget *parent, QList badBlocks ) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::NewNandBin), nand( this ) { dir = QDir::currentPath(); ui->setupUi(this); foreach( quint16 block, badBlocks ) { QString txt = QString( "%1" ).arg( block ); if( !ui->listWidget_badBlocks->findItems( txt, Qt::MatchExactly ).isEmpty() ) ui->listWidget_badBlocks->addItem( txt ); } } NewNandBin::~NewNandBin() { delete ui; } void NewNandBin::on_pushButton_keys_clicked() { QString f = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select Keys.bin" ), dir ); if( f.isEmpty() ) return; ui->lineEdit_keys->setText( f ); dir = QFileInfo( f ).canonicalPath(); } void NewNandBin::on_pushButton_boot_clicked() { QString f = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select Boot 1 & 2" ), dir ); if( f.isEmpty() ) return; ui->lineEdit_boot->setText( f ); dir = QFileInfo( f ).canonicalPath(); } void NewNandBin::on_pushButton_dest_clicked() { QString f = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Output file" ), dir ); if( f.isEmpty() ) return; ui->lineEdit_dest->setText( f ); dir = QFileInfo( f ).canonicalPath(); } QList NewNandBin::BadBlocks() { QList ret; quint16 cnt = ui->listWidget_badBlocks->count(); for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { bool ok = false; quint16 num = ui->listWidget_badBlocks->item( i )->text().toInt( &ok ); if( ok ) ret << num; } return ret; } void NewNandBin::on_pushButton_bb_add_clicked() { quint16 val = ui->spinBox->value(); if( !BadBlocks().contains( val ) ) { ui->listWidget_badBlocks->addItem( QString( "%1" ).arg( val ) ); } } void NewNandBin::on_pushButton_bb_rm_clicked() { QList items = ui->listWidget_badBlocks->selectedItems(); foreach( QListWidgetItem *item, items ) { ui->listWidget_badBlocks->removeItemWidget( item ); delete item; } } //ok clicked void NewNandBin::on_buttonBox_accepted() { if( ui->lineEdit_keys->text().isEmpty() || ui->lineEdit_boot->text().isEmpty() || ui->lineEdit_dest->text().isEmpty() ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Required feilds are empty" ) ); return; } QByteArray keys = ReadFile( ui->lineEdit_keys->text() ); QByteArray boots = ReadFile( ui->lineEdit_boot->text() ); if( keys.size() != 0x400 || boots.size() != 0x108000 ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "The keys or boot1/2 is not correct" ) ); return; } if( !nand.CreateNew( ui->lineEdit_dest->text(), keys, boots, BadBlocks() ) ) { qDebug() << "error creating nand.bin"; return; } //qDebug() << "created nand, trying to add default entries"; if( !nand.CreateEntry( "/sys", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, 0 ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/ticket", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, 0 ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/title", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, NAND_READ ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/shared1", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, 0 ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/shared2", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, NAND_RW ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/import", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, 0 ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/meta", 0x1000, 1, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, NAND_RW ) || !nand.CreateEntry( "/tmp", 0, 0, NAND_DIR, NAND_RW, NAND_RW, NAND_RW ) || !nand.WriteMetaData() ) { qWarning() << "NewNandBin::on_buttonBox_accepted -> error creating the new nand"; return; } ret = ui->lineEdit_dest->text(); } QString NewNandBin::GetNewNandPath( QWidget *parent, QList badBlocks ) { NewNandBin d( parent, badBlocks ); if( !d.exec() ) return QString(); return d.ret; } //read bad blocks from a txt file void NewNandBin::on_pushButton_badBlockFile_clicked() { QString f = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select File with Bad Block List" ), dir ); if( f.isEmpty() ) return; dir = QFileInfo( f ).canonicalPath(); QString str = QString( ReadFile( f ) ); if( str.isEmpty() ) { qWarning() << "NewNandBin::on_pushButton_badBlockFile_clicked -> error reading file"; return; } ui->listWidget_badBlocks->clear(); str.replace( "\r\n", "\n" ); QStringList lines = str.split( "\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); foreach( QString line, lines ) { if( line.size() > 5 ) continue; bool ok = false; if( ui->listWidget_badBlocks->findItems( line, Qt::MatchExactly ).size() )//this one is already in the list continue; quint16 bb = line.toInt( &ok ); if( !ok || bb < 8 || bb > 4079 ) continue; ui->listWidget_badBlocks->addItem( line ); } }