#ifndef SAVEBANNER_H #define SAVEBANNER_H #include "includes.h" class SaveBanner { public: SaveBanner(); SaveBanner( const QString &bannerpath ); SaveBanner( QByteArray stuff ); const QImage &BannerImg() const { return bannerImg; } const QList< QImage > &IconImgs() const { return iconImgs; } const QString &Title() const { return saveTitle; } const QString &SubTitle() const { return saveTitle2; } quint32 Attributes() { return attributes; } quint16 Speeds() { return speeds; } private: bool ok; QImage bannerImg; QList< QImage > iconImgs; quint32 attributes; // bit 5 = animation type. if its set, the animation plays forward and backward // if its not set, the animation just plays forward and loops quint16 speeds; // 2 bits per frame. 0 signifies the last frame? QString saveTitle; QString saveTitle2; QImage ConvertTextureToImage( const QByteArray &ba, quint32 w, quint32 h );//expects tpl texture data in rgb5a3 format }; #endif // SAVEBANNER_H