#include "../WiiQt/tools.h" #include "elfparser.h" ElfParser::ElfParser( const QString &stuff ) : error( false ) { ParseText( stuff ); } bool ElfParser::ParseText( const QString &str ) { QString fileName; QStringList fileLines; QMap< QString, QStringList >rawFiles; QMap< QString, QStringList >rawSections; QMap< QString, QStringList >rawSymbolTable; QStringList lines = str.split( '\n', QString::KeepEmptyParts ); quint32 lineCnt = lines.size(); for( quint32 i = 0; i < lineCnt; i++ ) { const QString &line = lines.at( i ); // start of a new file if( line.contains( ": file format" ) ) { // add existing file to the list if( !fileName.isEmpty() && fileLines.size() ) { rawFiles[ fileName ] = fileLines; } fileLines.clear(); fileName.clear(); fileName = line.left( line.indexOf( ": file format" ) ); //qDebug() << "starting file" << fileName; // read symbol table for( ; i < lineCnt; i++ ) { if( lines.at( i ).startsWith( "SYMBOL TABLE:" ) ) { //qDebug() << "lines.at( i )" << lines.at( i ); break; } } QStringList symbolListLines; for( ; i < lineCnt && !lines.at( i ).isEmpty(); i++ ) { symbolListLines << lines.at( i ); } rawSymbolTable[ fileName ] = symbolListLines; // read hex dump for( ; i < lineCnt; i++ ) { if( lines.at( i ).startsWith( "Contents of section " ) ) { //qDebug() << "lines.at( i )" << lines.at( i ); break; } } QStringList secList; for( ; i < lineCnt && !lines.at( i ).isEmpty(); i++ ) { secList << lines.at( i ); } //qDebug() << "section" << fileName << secList.size(); rawSections[ fileName ] = secList; for( ; i < lineCnt - 1; i++ ) { if( lines.at( i + 1 ).startsWith( "Disassembly of section" ) ) { break; } if( lines.at( i + 1 ).contains( ": file format" ) )// happens if the .o doesnt contain any rode { break; } } continue; } if( line.startsWith( "Disassembly of section" ) ) { continue; } fileLines << line; } // add the last file in there if( !fileName.isEmpty() && fileLines.size() ) { rawFiles[ fileName ] = fileLines; } QMapIterator< QString, QStringList > it( rawFiles ); while( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); //qDebug() << "File:" << it.key() << it.value().size(); File file( it.key() ); if( !ParseFileText( it.value(), rawSections.find( it.key() ).value(), rawSymbolTable.find( it.key() ).value(), file ) ) { error = true; return false; } files << file; } foreach( const File &f, files ) { //qDebug() << f.Name(); /*foreach( const Function &fun, f.Functions() ) { //qDebug() << " " << fun.Name(); foreach( const SymRef &ref, fun.References() ) { //qDebug() << " " << hex << ref.off << ref.name; } }*/ /*foreach( const SymAlias &alias, f.Aliases() ) { qDebug() << " " << alias.name << alias.containerName; }*/ } //exit( 0 ); return true; } QList< SymAlias > ElfParser::ParseSymbolTable( const QStringList &lines ) { QList< SymAlias >ret; foreach( const QString &line, lines ) { if( line.size() < 19 )// too small { continue; } int tab = line.indexOf( '\t' ); if( tab < 17 || line.size() < tab + 11 ) { continue; } bool ok; SymAlias ref; ref.containerName = line.mid( 17, tab - 17 ); // filter out certain sections if( ref.containerName.startsWith( '*' ) || ref.containerName.startsWith( ".text" ) || ref.containerName.startsWith( ".debug" ) || ref.containerName.startsWith( ".comment" ) || ref.containerName.startsWith( ".gnu" ) || ref.containerName.startsWith( ".init" ) ) { continue; } ref.offset = line.left( 8 ).toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { continue; } ref.size = line.mid( tab + 1, 8 ).toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { continue; } //qDebug() << line.mid( tab + 1, 8 ); if( !ref.offset && !ref.size ) { continue; } ref.name = line.mid( tab + 10 ); //qDebug() << hex << QString( "%1" ).arg( ref.offset, 8, 16, QChar( QChar( '0' ) ) ) // << ref.containerName // << QString( "%1" ).arg( ref.size, 8, 16, QChar( QChar( '0' ) ) ) // << ref.name; ret << ref; } return ret; } QMap< QString, QByteArray > ElfParser::ParseSectionText( const QStringList &list ) { QMap< QString, QByteArray >ret; QMap< QString, QByteArray >ret2; QByteArray ba; QString name; for( quint32 i = 0; i < (quint32)list.size(); i++ ) { const QString &line = list.at( i ); if( line.startsWith( "Contents of section " ) ) { if( !name.isEmpty() && ba.size() ) { ret[ name ] = ba; } ba.clear(); name = line.mid( 20 ); name.resize( name.size() - 1 ); //DBG << name; continue; } QString hexS = line.mid( 6, 35 ); QByteArray hexA = hexS.toLatin1(); hexA = QByteArray::fromHex( hexA ); ba += hexA; } if( !name.isEmpty() && ba.size() ) { ret[ name ] = ba; } // remove unwanted sections QMapIterator< QString, QByteArray > it( ret ); while( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); if( !it.key().contains( ".text" ) && !it.key().startsWith( ".init" ) && !it.key().startsWith( ".ctors" ) && !it.key().startsWith( ".dtors" ) && !it.key().startsWith( ".debug" ) && !it.key().startsWith( ".comment" ) && !it.key().startsWith( "extab" )) { ret2[ it.key() ] = it.value(); } } // debug /*QMapIterator< QString, QByteArray > it2( ret2 ); while( it2.hasNext() ) { it2.next(); qDebug() << it2.key(); hexdump( it2.value() ); }*/ return ret2; } bool ElfParser::ParseFileText( const QStringList &strs, const QStringList §ionStrs, const QStringList &symbolStrs, ElfParser::File &file ) { quint32 cnt = strs.size(); quint32 fOff = 0; quint32 fStart = 0; QString name; QString pattern; QList< SymRef > refs; //DBG << file.Name() << sectionStrs.size() << symbolStrs.size() << strs.size(); QMap< QString, QByteArray >sections = ParseSectionText( sectionStrs ); QList< SymAlias > aliases = ParseSymbolTable( symbolStrs ); //DBG << file.Name() << sections.size() << aliases.size(); for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { const QString &str = strs.at( i ); /*if( name == "WII_Initialize" ) { qDebug() << str; }*/ // start a new funciton if( IsFunctionStart( str, &fStart ) ) { // add this function to the list if( !name.isEmpty() && fOff ) { Function fun( name ); fun.references = refs; fun.pattern = pattern; fun.file = &file; file.functions << fun; //qDebug() << "pattern:" << pattern; } //qDebug() << GetFunctionName( str ); name = GetFunctionName( str ); //DBG << name; if( fOff != (quint32)pattern.size() / 2 ) { qDebug() << "size bad"; exit( 0 ); } fOff = 0; pattern.clear(); refs.clear(); sections.remove( name );// remove functions from the section list continue; } if( name.isEmpty() ) { continue; } if( IsBlank( str ) ) { //qDebug() << str << "is blank"; continue; } if( IsSymbolLine( str ) ) { //qDebug() << str << "IsSymbolLine"; continue; } QString hex; QString oper; QString symbol; quint32 refOff = 0xdeadbeef; if( !ParseOpLine( str, hex, oper ) ) { qDebug() << str << strs.at( i - 1 ); return false; } /*if( name == "WII_Initialize" ) { qDebug() << "hex" << hex; }*/ if( ( i < cnt - 1 ) && IsSymbolLine( strs.at( i + 1 ) ) ) { SymRef::Type refType; symbol = GetNonOperRef( strs.at( i + 1 ), &refOff, &refType ); if( refOff < fStart ) { WRN << "refOff < fStart" << str; return false; } SymRef ref; quint32 deRef; ref.name = DeReferenceSymbol( symbol, &deRef ); ref.symOff = deRef; switch( refType ) { case SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_HA: case SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_HI: case SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_LO: { hex[ 4 ] = '.'; hex[ 5 ] = '.'; hex[ 6 ] = '.'; hex[ 7 ] = '.'; } break; case SymRef::R_PPC_REL24: case SymRef::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21: { hex[ 1 ] = '.'; hex[ 2 ] = '.'; hex[ 3 ] = '.'; hex[ 4 ] = '.'; hex[ 5 ] = '.'; hex[ 6 ] = '.'; hex[ 7 ] = '.'; } break; case SymRef::R_PPC_SDAREL16: { hex = "........"; } break; default: WRN << "unhandled reference type"; return false; break; } ref.type = refType; ref.off = refOff - fStart; refs << ref; if( ref.off & 0xff000000 ) { qDebug() << "ref.off is busted 1" << name << str; qDebug() << ::hex << refOff << fStart; exit( 0 ); } } else if( OpNeedsWildCard( oper ) ) { //DBG << "bl called without symbol reference\n" << str; hex = "........"; if( symbol.isEmpty() ) { symbol = GetOpersymRef( str ); } SymRef ref; ref.name = symbol; ref.off = (quint32)(pattern.size()); ref.type = SymRef::R_PPC_REL24; refs << ref; if( ref.off & 0xff000000 ) { DBG << "ref.off is busted 2" << name << str; exit( 0 ); } } pattern += hex.toUpper(); /*if( name == "WII_Initialize" ) { qDebug() << "hex" << pattern; }*/ fOff += 4; } if( !name.isEmpty() ) { Function fun( name ); fun.references = refs; fun.pattern = pattern; fun.file = &file; file.functions << fun; } file.sections = sections; file.aliases = aliases; return true; } bool ElfParser::IsFunctionStart( const QString &str, quint32 *start ) { bool ok; quint32 s; if( str.size() < 12 ) { return false; } if( str.startsWith( ' ' ) ) { return false; } if( !str.endsWith( ">:" ) ) { return false; } s = str.left( 8 ).toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { return false; } int o = str.indexOf( '<' ); if( o < 9 ) { return false; } if( start ) { *start = s; } return true; } QString ElfParser::GetFunctionName( const QString &str ) { QString ret = str; ret.remove( 0, ret.indexOf( '<' ) + 1 ); ret.resize( ret.size() - 2 ); return ret; } bool ElfParser::IsSymbolLine( const QString & str ) { if( str.startsWith( "\t\t\t" ) && str.indexOf( '\t', 3 ) > 4 ) { return true; } return false; } bool ElfParser::IsBlank( const QString & str ) { QString sim = str.simplified(); return sim.isEmpty() || sim == "..."; } bool ElfParser::ParseOpLine( const QString &str, QString &hex, QString &oper ) { // 1c74: 41 82 01 54 beq- int tab = str.indexOf( '\t', 3 ); if( tab < 0 || str.size() < tab + 15 || str.at( tab + 3 ) != ' ' || str.at( tab + 6 ) != ' ' || str.at( tab + 9 ) != ' ' || str.at( tab + 12 ) != ' ' ) { qDebug() << str << "is not an opline"; qDebug() << hex << oper; return false; } // " 0: 94 21 ff f0 stwu r1,-16(r1)" hex = str.mid( tab + 1, 11 ); hex.remove( ' ' ); oper = str.mid( tab + 14 ); int i = oper.indexOf( ' ' ); if( i > 0 ) { oper.resize( i ); } //qDebug() << str << '\n' << hex << oper; //exit( 0 ); return true; } bool ElfParser::OpNeedsWildCard( const QString &str ) { if( str == "bl" ) { return true; } return false; } QString ElfParser::GetNonOperRef( const QString &str, quint32 *off, SymRef::Type *type ) { int i = str.lastIndexOf( '\t' ); if( i < 0 ) { return QString(); } if( off )// get offset { bool ok; QString n = str.mid( 3 ); { n.resize( n.indexOf( ':' ) ); } *off = n.toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { *off = 0xdeadbeef; DBG << "error converting\n" << str << '\n' << n; exit( 0 ); } } if( type ) { if( str.contains( "R_PPC_REL24" ) ) { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_REL24; } else if( str.contains( "R_PPC_ADDR16_LO" ) ) { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_LO; } else if( str.contains( "R_PPC_EMB_SDA21" ) ) { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21; } else if( str.contains( "R_PPC_ADDR16_HA" ) ) { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_HA; } else if( str.contains( "R_PPC_ADDR16_HI" ) ) { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_HI; } else if( str.contains( "R_PPC_SDAREL16" ) ) { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_SDAREL16; } else { *type = SymRef::R_PPC_WTF; DBG << "*type = SymRef::R_PPC_WTF" << str; exit( 0 ); } } return str.mid( i + 1 ); } QString ElfParser::GetOpersymRef( const QString &str ) { QString ret; int o = str.indexOf( '<' ); if( o < 0 ) { return QString(); } ret = str.mid( o + 1 ); if( !ret.endsWith( '>' ) ) { return QString(); } ret.resize( ret.size() - 1 ); return ret; } QString ElfParser::DeReferenceSymbol( const QString &reference, quint32 *offset ) { // .rodata.str1.1+0x5 QString ret; if( offset ) { *offset = 0; } int o = reference.indexOf( "+0x" ); if( o < 0 ) { return reference; } ret = reference.left( o ); bool ok; quint32 d = reference.mid( o + 3 ).toUInt( &ok, 16 ); if( !ok ) { return reference; } if( offset ) { *offset = d; } return ret; }