this is a tool to list/extract/delete saves to/from an extracted nand dump. saves are extracted, packed into a data.bin, zipped up with a txt file that says a bit about the save, and then stored in a folder. you must designate a folder and provide the necessary keys before extracting saves will work. i chose to go with data.bin as it is a way to store the entire save in 1 file and also allow the save to be installed using the system menu. and i went with the zip format 1) to save space, and 2) to keep a save and the description all in 1 compact file. saves are extracted to "///". the # is chosen by the lowest available number starting with 1. there is no need for the saves to be in numerical order, if you have 10 zips for the same game and you decide to delete "", it will cause no issues, and next time you extract a save for this game, it will use the filename "". TODO: installing saves back to sneek nand still isnt done