#ifndef SETTINGTXTDIALOG_H #define SETTINGTXTDIALOG_H #include "includes.h" //this class creates a dialog used to create & edit a setting.txt for a wii nand filesystem // in most cases, the static function Edit() is what you want to use namespace Ui { class SettingTxtDialog; } class SettingTxtDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: explicit SettingTxtDialog( QWidget *parent = 0, const QByteArray &old = QByteArray() ); ~SettingTxtDialog(); //displays a dialog window with teh given parent. if any data is ginev as old, it will try to populate the dialog with that // otherwise it will use the defaulte values // returns empty if the user clicked cancel, or a bytearray containing an encrypted setting.txt if they clicked ok // the data is ready for writing to a wii nand static QByteArray Edit( QWidget *parent = 0, const QByteArray &old = QByteArray() ); static QByteArray LolCrypt( QByteArray ba ); private: Ui::SettingTxtDialog *ui; QByteArray ret; private slots: void on_buttonBox_accepted(); }; #endif // SETTINGTXTDIALOG_H