#include #include "dol.h" #include "elfparser.h" #include "../WiiQt/includes.h" #include "../WiiQt/tools.h" // holds info about a data section that is assumed correct struct KnownData { quint32 addr; // memory address quint32 len; // size QString name; // symbol name ElfParser::File *file; // pointer to the file object that contains the data KnownData() : addr( 0 ), len( 0 ), file( NULL ) { } }; // holds info about a function that is assumed correct struct KnownFunction { const ElfParser::Function *function; const ElfParser::File *file; const quint32 addr; const QString name;// name is only used for functinos that dont have symbols KnownFunction( const ElfParser::Function *f = NULL, const ElfParser::File *fi = NULL, quint32 a = 0, const QString &n = QString() ) : function( f ), file( fi ), addr( a ), name( n ) { } }; // holds the info about a dol to use while searching for crap in it Dol dol; QStringList dolTextHex;// store a copy of the dol as hex for easier searching for patterns QStringList dolDataHex; // this is a list containing all the parsed libraries QList< ElfParser::File > libFiles; // keep track of stuff that matched exactly QList< KnownData > knownData; QList< KnownFunction > knownFunctions; // keep a list of the locations that each function's pattern matched to keep from looking them up over and over QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, QList< quint32 > >patternMatches; QString NStr( quint32 num, quint8 width = 8 ); QString NStr( quint32 num, quint8 width ) { return QString( "%1" ).arg( num, width, 16, QChar( '0' ) ); } // read dol into memory bool LoadDol( const QString &path ) { QByteArray ba = ReadFile( path ); if( ba.isEmpty() ) { return false; } if( path.endsWith( ".dol", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { if( !dol.Parse( ba ) ) { return false; } } else { ba.resize( 0x807B3E88 - 0x80004000 ); dol = Dol::FakeDol( ba, 0x80004000 ); } foreach( const DolSection &sec, dol.TextSections() ) { QString hexS = sec.data.toHex().toUpper(); dolTextHex << hexS; } foreach( const DolSection &sec, dol.DataSections() ) { QString hexS = sec.data.toHex().toUpper(); dolDataHex << hexS; } return true; } // use objdump on a file and parse its output for elfy goodness bool ObjDumpLib( const QString &path ) { QProcess p; QStringList cmd = QStringList() << "-xds" << path; p.start( "./objdump", cmd ); if( !p.waitForStarted() ) { DBG << "!p.waitForStarted()"; return false; } if( !p.waitForFinished() ) { DBG << "!p.waitForStarted()"; return false; } QByteArray output = p.readAll(); if( p.exitCode() != QProcess::NormalExit ) { DBG << "p.exitCode() != QProcess::NormalExit"; return false; } QString s( output ); ElfParser parser( s ); if( parser.Error() ) { WRN << "parser failed"; return false; } libFiles << parser.Files(); return true; } // decide if the path is a file or a folder coontaining a bunch of files bool LoadLibs( const QString &path ) { QFileInfo fi( path ); if( !fi.exists() ) { DBG << "file"; return false; } if( fi.isFile() ) { if( !ObjDumpLib( path ) ) { return false; } } else { QDir dir( path ); QFileInfoList fil = dir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << "*.a", QDir::Files ); foreach( const QFileInfo &f, fil ) { // skip debug libs if( f.completeBaseName().endsWith( 'D' ) ) { continue; } if( !ObjDumpLib( f.absoluteFilePath() ) ) { return false; } } } return true; } // search for a bytearray in another one, but aligned to 4 int AlignedBASearch( const QByteArray &needle, const QByteArray &haystack, qint64 start = 0 ); int AlignedBASearch( const QByteArray &needle, const QByteArray &haystack, qint64 start ) { qint64 hSize = haystack.size(); qint64 nSize = needle.size(); if( start % 4 || start >= hSize ) { return -1; } qint64 end = hSize - nSize; for( ; start < end; start += 4 ) { qint64 j; for( j = 0; j < nSize; j++ ) { if( needle.at( j ) != haystack.at( start + j ) ) { break; } } if( j == nSize ) { return start; } } return -1; } void RemoveOverlaps() { QList< const KnownData * > removeData; QList< const KnownFunction * > removeFunctions; foreach( const KnownFunction &kf1, knownFunctions ) { if( !kf1.function ) { continue; } quint32 start = kf1.addr; quint32 end = start + ( kf1.function->Pattern().size() / 2 ); foreach( const KnownFunction &kf2, knownFunctions ) { if( !kf2.function ) { continue; } if( kf1.function == kf2.function ) { continue; } quint32 start2 = kf2.addr; if( start2 >= start && start2 < end ) { removeFunctions << &kf1 << &kf2; } } foreach( const KnownData & kd, knownData ) { quint32 start2 = kd.addr; if( start2 >= start && start2 < end ) { removeFunctions << &kf1; removeData << &kd; } } } // this check works, but when allowing tiny data patterns into the list, it allows some false positives and throws errors foreach( const KnownData & kd, knownData ) { quint32 start = kd.addr; quint32 end = start + kd.len; foreach( const KnownFunction &kf2, knownFunctions ) { if( !kf2.function ) { continue; } quint32 start2 = kf2.addr; if( start2 >= start && start2 < end ) { removeFunctions << &kf2; removeData << &kd; } } foreach( const KnownData & kd2, knownData ) { if( kd.name == kd2.name ) { continue; } quint32 start2 = kd2.addr; if( start2 >= start && start2 < end ) { removeData << &kd << &kd2; } } } // build new lists and exclude the overlapped stuff QList< KnownData > knownData2; QList< KnownFunction > knownFunctions2; foreach( const KnownFunction &kf, knownFunctions ) { if( !removeFunctions.contains( &kf ) ) { knownFunctions2 << kf; } } foreach( const KnownData & kd, knownData ) { if( !removeData.contains( &kd ) ) { knownData2 << kd; } } knownData = knownData2; knownFunctions = knownFunctions2; } void AddFunctionToKnownList( const ElfParser::Function *function, const ElfParser::File *file, quint32 addr ) { foreach( const KnownFunction &kf, knownFunctions ) { if( kf.function == function ) { if( kf.addr != addr ) { DBG << "tried to add" << function->Name() << "to known functions at" << hex << addr << "but it already exists at" << kf.addr; // TODO, probably need to remove the existing function from the list } return; } } knownFunctions << KnownFunction( function, file, addr ); } void AddFunctionToKnownList( const QString &name, quint32 addr ) { foreach( const KnownFunction &kf, knownFunctions ) { if( kf.name == name ) { if( kf.addr != addr ) { DBG << "tried to add" << name << "to known functions at" << hex << addr << "but it already exists at" << kf.addr; // TODO, probably need to remove the existing function from the list } return; } } knownFunctions << KnownFunction( NULL, NULL, addr, name ); } int PatternSearch( const QString &needle, const QString &haystack, qint64 start = 0 ); int PatternSearch( const QString &needle, const QString &haystack, qint64 start ) { qint64 hSize = haystack.size(); qint64 nSize = needle.size(); if( start % 8 || start >= hSize ) { return -1; } qint64 end = hSize - nSize; for( ; start < end; start += 8 ) { qint64 j; for( j = 0; j < nSize; j++ ) { QChar c = needle.at( j ); if( c == '.' ) { continue; } if( c != haystack.at( start + j ) ) { //DBG << "index" << hex << (quint32)j; break; } } if( j == nSize ) { return start; } } return -1; } const QList< quint32 > &PatternMatches( const ElfParser::Function *fun ) { QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, QList< quint32 > >::iterator it = patternMatches.find( fun ); if( it != patternMatches.end() ) { return it.value(); } QStringList wholeDolHex = dolTextHex + dolDataHex; QList< DolSection > wholeDol = dol.TextSections() + dol.DataSections(); QList< quint32 > addrs; // find all pattern matches for( int i = 0; i < wholeDol.size(); i++ ) { const QString &line = wholeDolHex.at( i ); qint64 off2 = PatternSearch( fun->Pattern(), line ); while( off2 >= 0 ) { // convert to actual address quint32 maybeAddr = ( (quint32)off2 / 2 ) + wholeDol.at( i ).addr; // add it to the list addrs << maybeAddr; off2 = PatternSearch( fun->Pattern(), line, off2 + 8 ); } } patternMatches[ fun ] = addrs; return patternMatches.find( fun ).value(); } bool PattenMatches( const QString &needle, const QString &haystack, qint64 offset ) { qint64 hSize = haystack.size(); qint64 nSize = needle.size(); if( nSize > hSize || offset >= hSize ) { return false; } qint64 j; for( j = 0; j < nSize; j++ ) { QChar c = needle.at( j ); if( c == '.' ) { continue; } if( c != haystack.at( j + offset ) ) { return false; } } return true; } quint32 GetOpcodeFromAddr( quint32 addr ) { QList< DolSection > wholeDol = dol.TextSections() + dol.DataSections(); foreach( const DolSection &sec, wholeDol ) { quint32 end = sec.addr + sec.data.size(); if( addr >= sec.addr && addr < end ) { quint32 offset = addr - sec.addr; return qToBigEndian( *(quint32*)( sec.data.data() + offset ) ); } } return 0xdeadbeef; } quint32 ResolveBranch( quint32 addr, quint32 opcode ) { quint32 ret = opcode & 0x3fffffc; if( ret >= 0x2000000 ) { return addr - ( 0x4000000 - ret ); } return addr + ret; } bool AddressIsInDol( quint32 addr, quint32 *section = NULL ); bool AddressIsInDol( quint32 addr, quint32 *section ) { QList< DolSection > wholeDol = dol.DataSections() + dol.TextSections(); for( quint32 i = 0; i < (quint32)wholeDol.size(); i++ ) { const DolSection &sec = wholeDol.at( i ); quint32 end = sec.addr + sec.data.size(); if( addr >= sec.addr && addr < end ) { if( section ) { *section = i; } return true; } } return false; } bool ListContains( const QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > > &list, const ElfParser::Function *fun, quint32 addr ) { int s = list.size(); for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = list.at( i ); if( p.first == fun && p.second == addr ) { return true; } } return false; } void CleanupList( QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > > &list ) { QList< const ElfParser::Function * >dupFunctions; QList< const ElfParser::Function * >foundFunctions; QList< quint32 >dupAddrs; QList< quint32 >foundAddrs; QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > > ret; int s = list.size(); // search for stuff to remove for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = list.at( i ); if( foundFunctions.contains( p.first ) ) { dupFunctions << p.first; } foundFunctions << p.first; if( foundAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { dupAddrs << p.second; } foundAddrs << p.second; } // build a new list for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = list.at( i ); if( dupFunctions.contains( p.first ) || dupAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { continue; } ret << p; } list = ret; } void CleanupList( QList< QPair< QString, quint32 > > &list ) { QStringList dupFunctions; QStringList foundFunctions; QList< quint32 >dupAddrs; QList< quint32 >foundAddrs; QList< QPair< QString, quint32 > > ret; int s = list.size(); // search for stuff to remove for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< QString, quint32 > &p = list.at( i ); if( foundFunctions.contains( p.first ) ) { dupFunctions << p.first; } foundFunctions << p.first; if( foundAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { dupAddrs << p.second; } foundAddrs << p.second; } // build a new list for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< QString, quint32 > &p = list.at( i ); if( dupFunctions.contains( p.first ) || dupAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { continue; } ret << p; } list = ret; } bool FunctionIsKnown( const ElfParser::Function *f ) { foreach( const KnownFunction &kf1, knownFunctions ) { if( kf1.function == f ) { return true; } } return false; } bool FunctionIsKnown( const QString &str, quint32 *addrOut = NULL ); bool FunctionIsKnown( const QString &str, quint32 *addrOut ) { foreach( const KnownFunction &kf1, knownFunctions ) { if( !kf1.function ) { if( kf1.name == str ) { if( addrOut ) { *addrOut = kf1.addr; } return true; } } else if( kf1.function->Name() == str ) { if( addrOut ) { *addrOut = kf1.addr; } return true; } } return false; } // look for non-function data and try to match it void TryToMatchData() { QList< quint32 > matchedAddrs; QList< quint32 > reusedAddrs; QList< KnownData > maybeMatches; QList< DolSection > wholeDol = dol.DataSections() + dol.TextSections(); foreach( const ElfParser::File &f, libFiles )// search each file { //qDebug() << "f.Name()" << f.Name() << f.Sections().size(); QMapIterator< QString, QByteArray >it( f.Sections() );// search each data section in each file while( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); qint64 off = -1; quint32 addr = 0; bool fail = false; foreach( const DolSection &sec, wholeDol )// search in each section of the dol { //qDebug() << "expected" << sec.data.indexOf( it.value() ); qint64 off2 = AlignedBASearch( it.value(), sec.data ); if( off2 < 0 ) { continue; } //qDebug() << "matched" << it.key(); qint64 off3 = AlignedBASearch( it.value(), sec.data, off2 + 4 ); if( off3 > 0 ) { //qDebug() << "matched more than once in 1 section" << it.key(); continue; } if( off >= 0 ) { //qDebug() << "matched more than once in 2 section" << it.key(); fail = true; break; } off = off2; addr = sec.addr + off; } if( fail || off < 0 )// the data section was matched more than 1 time or wasnt matched at all { //qDebug() << "didnt match" << fail << off; continue; } if( matchedAddrs.contains( addr ) )// something else already matched this location { //qDebug() << "matched but reused addr"; reusedAddrs << addr; continue; } // add this to the list of posibilities matchedAddrs << addr; KnownData kd; kd.addr = addr; kd.name = it.key(); kd.len = it.value().size(); kd.file = (ElfParser::File*)&f; maybeMatches << kd; } } // now go back and pick out the ones that are really matches //qDebug() << "Matched data sections:"; foreach( const KnownData &kd, maybeMatches ) { if( reusedAddrs.contains( kd.addr ) ) { continue; } knownData << kd; /*qDebug() << hex << kd.addr << kd.len << kd.name << "from" << kd.file->Name(); // print aliases foreach( const SymAlias &alias, kd.file->Aliases() ) { if( alias.containerName == kd.name ) { qDebug() << hex << " " << ( kd.addr + alias.offset ) << alias.size << alias.name; } }*/ } RemoveOverlaps(); } void TryToMatchFunctions0() { QList usedAddrs; QList dupAddrs; QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32> > maybeMatches;// keep track of functions to check QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, const ElfParser::File * >fileMap; foreach( const ElfParser::File &f, libFiles )// search each file { foreach( const ElfParser::Function &fun, f.Functions() )// search each function in each file { if( fun.References().size() ) { continue; } quint32 addr; const QList< quint32 > &addrs = PatternMatches( &fun ); if( addrs.size() != 1 ) { continue; } addr = addrs.at( 0 ); if( usedAddrs.contains( addr ) ) { dupAddrs << addr; continue; } usedAddrs << addr; maybeMatches << QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32>( &fun, addr ); fileMap[ &fun ] = &f; } } qDebug() << " -- Matched by searching for patterns with no wildcards --"; int ss = maybeMatches.size(); for( int i = 0; i < ss; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32>&p = maybeMatches.at( i ); if( dupAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { //qDebug() << "tossing out" << p.first->Name() << "because addr" << hex << p.second << "is reused"; continue; } qDebug() << hex << p.second << NStr( p.first->Pattern().size() / 2, 4 ) << p.first->Name(); AddFunctionToKnownList( p.first, fileMap.find( p.first ).value(), p.second ); } RemoveOverlaps(); } void TryToMatchFunctions1() { QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *> > maybeMatches;// keep track of functions to check QList< QPair< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *> *, const SymAlias * > > aliasMatches;// keep track of functions to check via aliases QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, const ElfParser::File * >fileMap; // build a list of all the functions that reference the known data foreach( const ElfParser::File &f, libFiles )// search each file { //qDebug() << "file" << f.Name(); foreach( const ElfParser::Function &fun, f.Functions() )// search each function in each file { bool doneWithFunction = false; QStringList doneRefs;// keep a list of refs we already tried to match up against foreach( const SymRef &ref, fun.References() )// look at each reference from each function { if( doneWithFunction ) { break; } //bool aliased = false; if( doneRefs.contains( ref.name ) ) { continue; } doneRefs << ref.name; switch( ref.type ) { case SymRef::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21:// not sure how to handle these 2 types, so skip them for now case SymRef::R_PPC_SDAREL16: case SymRef::R_PPC_WTF: { continue; } break; default: break; } //qDebug() << " " << ref.name; foreach( const KnownData &kd, knownData )// see if this function references a known symbol { if( kd.file != (ElfParser::File*)&f ) { continue; } //qDebug() << " " << kd.name; if( kd.name == ref.name ) { qDebug() << "function:" << fun.Name() << "references" << kd.name << kd.file->Name(); //qDebug() << ref.name; maybeMatches << QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *>( &fun, &kd ); doneWithFunction = true; break; } foreach( const SymAlias &alias, f.Aliases() ) { bool ok = false; if( alias.containerName == kd.name && alias.name == ref.name ) { qDebug() << "function:" << fun.Name() << "references" << kd.name << "through alias" << alias.name << " in" << kd.file->Name(); //qDebug() << "container str" << alias.containerName; QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *> np( &fun, &kd ); maybeMatches << np; QPair< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *> *, const SymAlias * > ap( &np, &alias ); aliasMatches << ap; doneWithFunction = true; break; } if( ok ) { break; } } } if( doneWithFunction ) { fileMap[ &fun ] = &f; } } } } // now search the dol and see if the possible matches will fit int listSize = maybeMatches.size(); QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > > probablyMatches; for( int j = 0; j < listSize; j++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *> &it = maybeMatches.at( j ); // look for a possible match for this function const QList< quint32 > &addrs = PatternMatches( it.first ); foreach( quint32 addr, addrs ) { //qDebug() << "using address" << hex << addr << "for" << it.first->Name(); foreach( const SymRef &ref, it.first->References() ) { switch( ref.type ) { case SymRef::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21:// not sure how to handle these 2 types, so skip them for now case SymRef::R_PPC_SDAREL16: case SymRef::R_PPC_WTF: { //qDebug() << "skipped due to ref type" << ref.type; continue; } break; default: break; } bool fail = false; quint32 refOff = ref.off; quint32 aliasDiff = 0; if( ref.name != it.second->name )// wrong reference { //qDebug() << " ref.name" << ref.name; //qDebug() << it.second->name << "wasn't found. checking aliases"; bool ok = false; int s = aliasMatches.size(); for( int ss = 0; ss < s; ss++ ) { const QPair< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, const KnownData *> *, const SymAlias * > &aliasMatch = aliasMatches.at( ss ); if( it.second->name == aliasMatch.second->containerName ) { //qDebug() << "search using alias" << aliasMatch.second->name; aliasDiff = aliasMatch.second->offset; ok = true; break; } } if( !ok ) { continue; } } quint32 codeOff = ( addr + refOff ) & ~3; quint32 opcode = GetOpcodeFromAddr( codeOff ); //qDebug() << "possible match" << it.first->Name(); switch( ref.type ) { case SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_HI:// upper 16 bits { if( ( opcode & 0xffff ) != ( ( ( it.second->addr + ref.symOff + aliasDiff ) & 0xffff0000 ) >> 16 ) ) { fail = true; //qDebug() << "bad high" << hex << opcode << refOff << ref.name << ref.symOff; //qDebug() << hex << "expected" << (quint32)( ( ( it.second->addr + ref.symOff + aliasDiff ) & 0xffff0000 ) >> 16 ); //DumpRefs( *( it.first ) ); } } break; case SymRef::R_PPC_ADDR16_LO:// lower 16 bits { if( ( opcode & 0xffff ) != ( (it.second->addr + ref.symOff + aliasDiff ) & 0xffff ) ) { fail = true; //qDebug() << "bad low" << hex << opcode << refOff << ref.name << ref.symOff; //qDebug() << hex << "expected" << (quint32)( ( (it.second->addr + ref.symOff + aliasDiff ) & 0xffff ) ); //DumpRefs( *( it.first ) ); } } break; case SymRef::R_PPC_REL24:// branch { quint32 res = ResolveBranch( addr + ( refOff & ~3 ), opcode ); if( !AddressIsInDol( res ) )// just make sure the branch is inside the dol for now. no functions are actually known { fail = true; //qDebug() << "bad dranch" << hex << res << opcode << it.second->addr << ref.name; } } break; default: continue; break; } //qDebug() << "fakematch" << hex << addr << it.first->Name(); // if we found a possible match and we dont already have this one if( !fail && !ListContains( probablyMatches, it.first, addr ) ) { probablyMatches << QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > ( it.first, addr ); } } } } // cleanup the list CleanupList( probablyMatches ); int s = probablyMatches.size(); //qDebug() << " -- Functions matched by data references --"; for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = probablyMatches.at( i ); //qDebug() << hex << p.second << NStr( p.first->Pattern().size() / 2, 4 ) << p.first->Name(); AddFunctionToKnownList( p.first, fileMap.find( p.first ).value(), p.second ); } RemoveOverlaps(); } void TryToMatchFunctions2( QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &nonMatchingBranches ) { QStringList wholeDolHex = dolDataHex + dolTextHex; QList< DolSection > wholeDol = dol.DataSections() + dol.TextSections(); QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, const ElfParser::File * >fileMap; QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > > probablyMatches;// these have symbols QList< QPair< QString, quint32 > > probablyMatches2;// these have no symbols foreach( const KnownFunction &kf, knownFunctions ) { if( !kf.function )// wont have these for functions we dont have symbols for { continue; } const ElfParser::Function * fun = kf.function; QStringList doneRefs; bool alreadyKnown = false; foreach( const SymRef &ref, fun->References() )// look at each reference from each function { switch( ref.type ) { case SymRef::R_PPC_REL24:// we only care about branches right now break; default: continue; break; } if( doneRefs.contains( ref.name ) )// dont check branches to the same function from within the same calling function { continue; } foreach( const KnownFunction &kf, knownFunctions )// dont bother checking branches if we already know the function it is branching to { if( !kf.function )// wont have these for functions we dont have symbols for { if( ref.name == kf.name ) { alreadyKnown = true; break; } continue; } if( kf.function->Name() == ref.name ) { alreadyKnown = true; break; } } if( alreadyKnown ) { break; } doneRefs << ref.name; quint32 addr = kf.addr + ref.off; quint32 opcode = GetOpcodeFromAddr( addr ); if( opcode == 0xdeadbeef ) { DBG << "error getting opcode from" << hex << addr << fun->Name(); break; } quint32 res = ResolveBranch( addr , opcode ); quint32 dolIdx; if( !AddressIsInDol( res, &dolIdx ) )// make sure the branch is inside the dol { break; } //qDebug() << hex << res << ref.name << "from" << kf.addr << fun->Name() << addr << opcode; bool branchHasSymbols = false; foreach( const ElfParser::File &f, libFiles ) { //qDebug() << "f.Name():" << f.Name(); foreach( const ElfParser::Function &fun2, f.Functions() ) { //qDebug() << " fun.Name():" << fun.Name() << ref.name; if( fun2.Name() == ref.name ) { branchHasSymbols = true; qint64 textOffset = res - wholeDol.at( dolIdx ).addr; textOffset *= 2; if( PattenMatches( fun2.Pattern(), wholeDolHex.at( dolIdx ), textOffset ) ) { probablyMatches << QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 >( &fun2, res ); fileMap[ &fun2 ] = &f; } else { //qDebug() << "expected" << fun2.Name() << "at" << hex << res << "but pattern didnt match"; //qDebug() << "being called from" << fun->Name() << "at" << hex << addr; nonMatchingBranches[ &fun2 ] = res; } break; } } if( branchHasSymbols ) { break; } } if( !branchHasSymbols )// we don't have any symbols for this function. but just assume it is right for now { probablyMatches2 << QPair< QString, quint32 >( ref.name, res ); } } } // cleanup the lists CleanupList( probablyMatches ); int s = probablyMatches.size(); for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = probablyMatches.at( i ); //qDebug() << hex << p.second << p.first->Name(); AddFunctionToKnownList( p.first, fileMap.find( p.first ).value(), p.second ); } QStringList dupFunctions; QStringList foundFunctions; QList< quint32 >dupAddrs; QList< quint32 >foundAddrs; QList< QPair< QString, quint32 > > cleanList; s = probablyMatches2.size(); // search for stuff to remove for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< QString, quint32 > &p = probablyMatches2.at( i ); if( foundFunctions.contains( p.first ) ) { dupFunctions << p.first; } foundFunctions << p.first; if( foundAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { dupAddrs << p.second; } foundAddrs << p.second; } // build a new list for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< QString, quint32 > &p = probablyMatches2.at( i ); if( dupFunctions.contains( p.first ) || dupAddrs.contains( p.second ) ) { continue; } cleanList << p; } //qDebug() << " -- Functions matched by branches from known functions --"; s = cleanList.size(); for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< QString, quint32 > &p = cleanList.at( i ); //qDebug() << hex << p.second << p.first; AddFunctionToKnownList( p.first, p.second ); } RemoveOverlaps(); } QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32> > TryToMatchFunctions3( QList< const ElfParser::Function * > &ignoreFunctions ) { QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, const ElfParser::File * >fileMap; QList usedAddrs; QList dupAddrs; QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32> > maybeMatches;// keep track of functions to check foreach( const ElfParser::File &f, libFiles )// search each file { foreach( const ElfParser::Function &fun, f.Functions() )// search each function in each file { if( ignoreFunctions.contains( &fun ) || FunctionIsKnown( &fun ) ) { continue; } // keep a list of addresses of the functions this one branches to QMap< QString, quint32 >refAddrs; QStringList doneRefs;// keep a list of refs we already tried to match up against foreach( const SymRef &ref, fun.References() )// look at each reference from each function { if( ref.type != SymRef::R_PPC_REL24 || doneRefs.contains( ref.name ) ) { continue; } doneRefs << ref.name; quint32 expectedAddr; if( FunctionIsKnown( ref.name, &expectedAddr ) ) { refAddrs[ ref.name ] = expectedAddr; } } // this function doesnt branch to any known ones if( !refAddrs.size() ) { continue; } // find a pattern match const QList< quint32 > &addrs = PatternMatches( &fun ); foreach( quint32 maybeAddr, addrs ) { bool fail = false; doneRefs.clear(); foreach( const SymRef &ref, fun.References() )// look at each reference from each function { if( ref.type != SymRef::R_PPC_REL24 || doneRefs.contains( ref.name ) ) { continue; } doneRefs << ref.name; QMap< QString, quint32 >::iterator refAddr = refAddrs.find( ref.name ); if( refAddr == refAddrs.end() ) { continue; } quint32 branchFromAddr = maybeAddr + ref.off; quint32 opcode = GetOpcodeFromAddr( branchFromAddr ); if( opcode == 0xdeadbeef ) { DBG << "error getting opcode from" << hex << branchFromAddr << fun.Name() << "ref" << ref.name; fail = true; break; } quint32 res = ResolveBranch( branchFromAddr , opcode ); if( res != refAddr.value() ) { fail = true; break; } } if( !fail )// all the branches from this function land on the expected other function { if( usedAddrs.contains( maybeAddr ) ) { dupAddrs << maybeAddr; ignoreFunctions << &fun; } else { maybeMatches << QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 >( &fun, maybeAddr ); fileMap[ &fun ] = &f; } usedAddrs << maybeAddr; } else { ignoreFunctions << &fun; } } } } // cleanup the list CleanupList( maybeMatches ); int s = maybeMatches.size(); //qDebug() << "Functions matched by branch references:"; for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = maybeMatches.at( i ); //qDebug() << hex << p.second << NStr( p.first->Pattern().size() / 2, 4 ) << p.first->Name(); AddFunctionToKnownList( p.first, fileMap.find( p.first ).value(), p.second ); } RemoveOverlaps(); return maybeMatches; } // looks for functions that DO contain a wildcard and only have 1 pattern match QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32> > TryToMatchFunctions4( QList< const ElfParser::Function * > &ignoreFunctions, quint32 minLen ) { QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, const ElfParser::File * >fileMap; QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32> > maybeMatches;// keep track of functions to check foreach( const ElfParser::File &f, libFiles )// search each file { foreach( const ElfParser::Function &fun, f.Functions() )// search each function in each file { if( ignoreFunctions.contains( &fun ) || FunctionIsKnown( &fun ) ) { continue; } quint32 len = fun.Pattern().length() / 2; if( len < minLen ) { continue; } const QList< quint32 > &addrs = PatternMatches( &fun ); if( addrs.size() != 1 ) { continue; } quint32 addr = addrs.at( 0 ); quint32 fEnd = addr + len; // see if inserting this function at this address will colide with any existing known data bool fail = false; foreach( const KnownFunction &kf1, knownFunctions ) { if( !kf1.function ) { continue; } quint32 start = kf1.addr; quint32 end = start + ( kf1.function->Pattern().size() / 2 ); if( ( start >= addr && end < fEnd ) || ( addr >= start && fEnd < end ) ) { fail = true; break; } } if( fail ) { continue; } maybeMatches << QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 >( &fun, addr ); fileMap[ &fun ] = &f; } } // cleanup the list CleanupList( maybeMatches ); int s = maybeMatches.size(); qDebug() << "Functions that only have 1 pattern match, contain wildcards, and are larger than 0x" << hex << minLen << "bytes:"; for( int i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { const QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &p = maybeMatches.at( i ); qDebug() << hex << p.second << NStr( p.first->Pattern().size() / 2, 4 ) << p.first->Name(); AddFunctionToKnownList( p.first, fileMap.find( p.first ).value(), p.second ); } RemoveOverlaps(); return maybeMatches; } #define INDENT_TXT QString( " " ) QString CleanupNameString( const QString &name )// gcc puts the section name at the front of the user-given name { if( name.startsWith( ".sbss." ) ) { return name.mid( 6 ); } if( name.startsWith( ".rodata." ) ) { return name.mid( 8 ); } if( name.startsWith( ".sdata." ) ) { return name.mid( 7 ); } if( name.startsWith( ".data." ) ) { return name.mid( 6 ); } if( name.startsWith( ".text." ) ) { return name.mid( 6 ); } return name; } QString MakeIDC( const QString &dolPath, const QString &libPath, const QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > &nonMatchingBranches ) { QString ret = QString( "/***********************************************************\n" "* This file was created automatically with\n" "* DolPath: \"%1\"\n" "* LibPath: \"%2\"\n" "***********************************************************/\n" "\n" "#include \n" "\n" ) .arg( QFileInfo( dolPath ).absoluteFilePath() ) .arg( QFileInfo( libPath ).absoluteFilePath() ); QString makeCode = "static CreateFunction( addr, len, name )\n" "{\n" + INDENT_TXT + "MakeCode( addr );\n" + INDENT_TXT + "MakeFunction( addr, len );\n" + INDENT_TXT + "MakeName( addr, name );\n" +"}\n\n"; bool insertedMakeCode = false; bool haveData = knownData.size() != 0; if( haveData ) { ret += "static DoData()\n{\n"; foreach( const KnownData &kd, knownData ) { QString line; bool havealias = false; foreach( const SymAlias &alias, kd.file->Aliases() ) { if( alias.containerName == kd.name ) { havealias = true; break; } } //TODO - maybe create data types like strings and words and stuff? line += INDENT_TXT + QString( "MakeComm( 0x%1, \"File : %2\\nSection: %3\\nLen : 0x%4\" );\n" ) .arg( kd.addr, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ).arg( kd.file->Name() ) .arg( kd.name ).arg( kd.len, 0, 16, QChar( '0' ) ); if( havealias ) { foreach( const SymAlias &alias, kd.file->Aliases() ) { if( alias.containerName == kd.name ) { line += INDENT_TXT + QString( "MakeName( 0x%1, \"%2\" );\n" ) .arg( kd.addr + alias.offset, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ).arg( alias.name ); } } } else { line += INDENT_TXT + QString( "MakeName( 0x%1, \"%2\" );\n" ) .arg( kd.addr, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ).arg( kd.name ); } ret += line; } ret += "\n}\n\n"; } bool haveKnownFunctions = knownFunctions.size() != 0; if( haveKnownFunctions ) { insertedMakeCode = true; ret += makeCode; ret += "static DoKnownFunctions()\n{\n"; foreach( const KnownFunction &kf, knownFunctions ) { QString line; if( kf.function ) { line += INDENT_TXT + QString( "CreateFunction( 0x%1, 0x%2, \"%3\" ); " ) .arg( kf.addr, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ).arg( kf.function->Pattern().size() / 2, 4, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( CleanupNameString( kf.function->Name() ) ); if( kf.file->Name() != libPath ) { line += QString( "MakeComm( 0x%1, \"File: %2\" );" ) .arg( kf.addr, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ).arg( kf.file->Name() ); } line += '\n'; // do something cool here with the r13/rtoc references foreach( const SymRef &ref, kf.function->References() ) { if( ref.type == SymRef::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 ) { line += INDENT_TXT + INDENT_TXT + QString( "MakeComm( 0x%1, \"%2\" );\n" ) .arg( kf.addr + ( ref.off & ~3 ), 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( CleanupNameString( ref.name ) ); } } } else { line += INDENT_TXT + QString( "CreateFunction( 0x%1, BADADDR, \"%2\" );\n" ) .arg( kf.addr, 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( CleanupNameString( kf.name ) ); } ret += line; } ret += "\n}\n"; } bool haveMaybeFunctions = nonMatchingBranches.size() != 0; if( haveMaybeFunctions ) { if( !insertedMakeCode ) { ret += makeCode; insertedMakeCode = true; } ret += "\nstatic DoMaybeFunctions()\n{\n"; QMapIterator< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > it( nonMatchingBranches ); while( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); ret += INDENT_TXT + QString( "CreateFunction( 0x%1, 0x%2, \"%3\" );\n" ) .arg( it.value(), 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( it.key()->Pattern().size() / 2, 4, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( CleanupNameString( it.key()->Name() ) ); // do something cool here with the r13/rtoc references // these cant be trusted since the functions here dont match expected patterns /*foreach( const SymRef &ref, it.key()->References() ) { if( ref.type == SymRef::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 ) { ret += INDENT_TXT + INDENT_TXT + QString( "MakeComm( 0x%1, \"%2\" );\n" ) .arg( it.value() + ( ref.off & ~3 ), 8, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) .arg( CleanupNameString( ref.name ) ); } }*/ } ret += "\n}\n"; } // create the main() ret += "\nstatic main()\n{\n"; if( haveData ) { ret += INDENT_TXT + "DoData();\n"; } if( haveKnownFunctions ) { ret += INDENT_TXT + "DoKnownFunctions();\n"; } if( haveMaybeFunctions ) { ret += INDENT_TXT + "DoMaybeFunctions();\n"; } ret += "}\n\n"; return ret; } void Usage() { qDebug() << "Usage:"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "symbolize "; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << " this program requires objdump built for ppc in the same folder"; exit( 1 ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); if( argc < 4 ) { Usage(); } QString dolPath( argv[ 1 ] ); QString libPath( argv[ 2 ] ); QString outName( argv[ 3 ] ); // derp //dolPath = "/home/j/c/hackmiiHaxx/disassembly/mem1-decrypt_60.bin"; //libPath = "/home/j/devkitPRO/libogc/lib/wii"; //dolPath = "/home/j/c/WWE12_haxx/main.dol"; //libPath = "/home/j/devkitPRO/libogc/lib/wii"; qDebug() << "Loading dol..."; if( !LoadDol( dolPath ) ) { exit( 0 ); } qDebug() << "Loading libs..."; if( !LoadLibs( libPath ) ) { exit( 0 ); } // this is a list of functions that are branched to, but dont match the patterns read from the libs QMap< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32 > nonMatchingBranches; // find unique data symbols qDebug() << "matching data..."; TryToMatchData(); // find first round of functions TryToMatchFunctions1(); // find branches from the first round of functions TryToMatchFunctions2( nonMatchingBranches ); // looking for functions that dont branch anywhere or use global variables or anything TryToMatchFunctions0(); int maxRetries = 10; QList< const ElfParser::Function * > ignoreFunctions; for( int i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++ ) { qDebug() << " -- Round" << i << '/' << maxRetries << "--"; // look for functions that branch to known functions QList< QPair< const ElfParser::Function *, quint32> > newFunctions = TryToMatchFunctions3( ignoreFunctions ); if( !newFunctions.size() ) { qDebug() << "no new functions found" << i; break; } qDebug() << " - added" << newFunctions.size() << "new functions -"; } qDebug() << "Total functions found:" << knownFunctions.size(); // find branches from the known functions int num = knownFunctions.size(); for( int i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++ ) { qDebug() << " -- Round" << i << '/' << maxRetries << " following branches --"; TryToMatchFunctions2( nonMatchingBranches ); int num2 = knownFunctions.size(); if( num2 == num ) { break; } qDebug() << " - added" << ( num2 - num ) << "new functions -"; num = num2; } // look for functions that only match 1 place, have a certain minimum length, and dont overlap any known data. TryToMatchFunctions4( ignoreFunctions, 0x40 ); TryToMatchFunctions4( ignoreFunctions, 0x30 ); // try to follow branches from these functions until no new ones are discovered num = knownFunctions.size(); for( int i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++ ) { qDebug() << " -- Round" << i << '/' << maxRetries << " following branches --"; TryToMatchFunctions2( nonMatchingBranches ); int num2 = knownFunctions.size(); if( num2 == num ) { break; } qDebug() << " - added" << ( num2 - num ) << "new functions -"; num = num2; } qDebug() << "Total data matches: " << knownData.size(); qDebug() << "Total functions found:" << knownFunctions.size(); qDebug() << "Generating idc file..."; QString idc = MakeIDC( dolPath, libPath, nonMatchingBranches ); //qDebug() << idc; WriteFile( outName, idc.toLatin1() ); return 0; }