#include "blocks0to7.h" #include "tools.h" #include "tiktmd.h" Blocks0to7::Blocks0to7( QListblocks ) { _ok = false; if( !blocks.isEmpty() ) SetBlocks( blocks ); } bool Blocks0to7::SetBlocks( QListblocks ) { //qDebug() << "Blocks0to7::SetBlocks" << blocks.size(); _ok = false; this->blocks.clear(); boot2Infos.clear(); quint16 cnt = blocks.size(); if( cnt != 8 ) return false; for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { if( blocks.at( i ).size() != 0x20000 ) { qWarning() << "Blocks0to7::SetBlocks -> block" << i << "is" << hex << blocks.at( i ).size() << "bytes"; return false; } } this->blocks = blocks; _ok = true; return true; } quint8 Blocks0to7::Boot1Version() { if( blocks.size() != 8 ) { qWarning() << "Blocks0to7::Boot1Version -> not enough blocks" << blocks.size(); return BOOT_1_UNK; } QByteArray hash = GetSha1( blocks.at( 0 ) ); if( hash == QByteArray( "\x4a\x7c\x6f\x30\x38\xde\xea\x7a\x07\xd3\x32\x32\x02\x4b\xe9\x5a\xfb\x56\xbf\x65" ) ) return BOOT_1_A; if( hash == QByteArray( "\x2c\xdd\x5a\xff\xd2\xe7\x8c\x53\x76\x16\xa1\x19\xa7\xa2\xe1\xc5\x68\xe9\x1f\x22" ) ) return BOOT_1_B; if( hash == QByteArray( "\xf0\x1e\x8a\xca\x02\x9e\xe0\xcb\x52\x87\xf5\x05\x5d\xa1\xa0\xbe\xd2\xa5\x33\xfa" ) ) return BOOT_1_C; if( hash == QByteArray( "\x8d\x9e\xcf\x2f\x8f\x98\xa3\xc1\x07\xf1\xe5\xe3\x6f\xf2\x4d\x57\x7e\xac\x36\x08" ) ) return BOOT_1_D; //displayed as "boot1?" in ceilingcat qWarning() << "Blocks0to7::Boot1Version -> unknown boot1 hash:" << hash.toHex(); return BOOT_1_UNK; } //really ugly thing to get the different versions of boot2. //this doesnt take into account the possibility that boot2 is bigger and takes up more than 2 blocks //there are 0x40 blocks in the blockmap, but only 8 are used. maybe IOS has the authority to hijack the others if //it runs out of room here. if that ever happns, this code will become quite wrong QList Blocks0to7::Boot2Infos() { if( !boot2Infos.isEmpty() ) { //qDebug() << "Blocks0to7::Boot2Infos() returning data from last time"; return boot2Infos; } QList< Boot2Info > ret; if( blocks.size() != 8 ) return ret; quint16 cnt = blocks.size(); if( cnt != 8 ) return ret; //get all the blockmaps quint16 newest = 0; quint8 lbm[ 8 ]; for( quint8 i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) { Boot2Info info = GetBlockMap( blocks.at( i ) ); if( info.state == BOOT_2_ERROR )//this block doesnt contain a decent blockmap continue; info.secondBlock = i; //this one is easy enough //find the first block that belongs to this second one if( i > 4 )//blocks are backwards { bool found = false; for( quint8 j = 7; j > i; j++ ) { if( info.blockMap[ j ] )//marked bad continue; if( ( ( j > i + 1 ) && !info.blockMap[ i + 1 ] )//probably a much cleaner way to write this || ( j == 6 && !info.blockMap[ 7 ] ) ) //but basically check for a couple stupid shit in the layout that really shouldnt ever happen break; info.firstBlock = j; found = true; break; } if( !found ) continue; } else//blocks are forwards { bool found = false; for( quint8 j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if( info.blockMap[ j ] )//marked bad continue; info.firstBlock = j; found = true; break; } if( !found ) continue; found = false; //probably a much cleaner way to write this //but basically check for a couple stupid shit in the layout that really shouldnt ever happen for( quint8 j = info.firstBlock + 1; j < info.secondBlock && !found; j++ ) { if( info.blockMap[ j ] )//marked bad continue; found = true; } if( found )//this means there is some other good block between the first block and this one that has the block map continue; } //we made it this far, it means that so far we have a correct looking blockmap that points to this copy of boot2 if( info.generation > newest ) { newest = info.generation; for( quint8 j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) lbm[ j ] = info.blockMap[ j ]; } ret << info; } //qDebug() << "newest blockmap" << QByteArray( (const char*)&lbm, 8 ).toHex(); cnt = ret.size(); bool foundBoot = false; bool foundBackup = false; for( quint8 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { ret[ i ] = CheckHashes( ret[ i ] );//check all the hashes and stuff if( !foundBoot && !lbm[ ret.at( i ).firstBlock ] && !lbm[ ret.at( i ).secondBlock ] ) { //qDebug() << "copy" << i << "is used when booting"; ret[ i ].state |= BOOT_2_USED_TO_BOOT; //ret[ i ].usedToBoot = true; foundBoot = true; } else if( lbm[ ret.at( i ).firstBlock ] || lbm[ ret.at( i ).secondBlock ] ) { ret[ i ].state |= BOOT_2_MARKED_BAD; } } for( quint8 i = ret.size(); !foundBackup && i > 0; i-- ) { if( !lbm[ ret.at( i - 1 ).firstBlock ] && !lbm[ ret.at( i - 1 ).secondBlock ] && ret.at( i - 1 ).firstBlock > ret.at( i - 1 ).secondBlock ) { //qDebug() << "copy" << i << "is used when booting from backup"; ret[ i - 1 ].state |= BOOT_2_BACKUP_COPY; foundBackup = true; if( !foundBoot ) ret[ i - 1 ].state |= BOOT_2_USED_TO_BOOT; } } boot2Infos = ret; return ret; } Boot2Info Blocks0to7::GetBlockMap( QByteArray block ) { Boot2Info ret; ret.state = BOOT_2_ERROR; if( block.size() != 0x20000 ) return ret; QByteArray first = block.mid( 0x1f800, 0x4c ); QByteArray second = block.mid( 0x1f84c, 0x4c ); QByteArray third = block.mid( 0x1f898, 0x4c ); QByteArray goodOne = QByteArray( "\x26\xF2\x9A\x40\x1E\xE6\x84\xCF" ); if( first.startsWith( goodOne ) && ( first == second || first == third ) ) goodOne = first; else if( second.startsWith( goodOne ) && ( second == third ) ) goodOne = second; else return ret; ret.generation = goodOne.mid( 8, 4 ).toHex().toInt( NULL, 16 ); for( quint8 i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) ret.blockMap[ i ] = goodOne.at( i + 12 ); ret.state = BOOT_2_TIK_SIG_OK; //just assign this for now. it will be corrected before this data leaves the class return ret; } Boot2Info Blocks0to7::CheckHashes( Boot2Info info ) { Boot2Info ret = info; ret.state = BOOT_2_ERROR_PARSING; QByteArray stuff = blocks.at( ret.firstBlock ); QBuffer b( &stuff ); b.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); quint32 headerSize; quint32 dataOff; quint32 certSize; quint32 ticketSize; quint32 tmdSize; quint32 tmp; b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 ); headerSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); if( headerSize != 0x20 ) return ret; b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 ); dataOff = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 ); certSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 ); ticketSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); b.read( (char*)&tmp, 4 ); tmdSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); b.close(); QByteArray tikD = stuff.mid( headerSize + certSize, ticketSize ); QByteArray tmdD = stuff.mid( headerSize + certSize + ticketSize, tmdSize ); Tmd t( tmdD ); Ticket ticket( tikD ); if( t.Tid() != 0x100000001ull || ticket.Tid() != 0x100000001ull ) { qWarning() << "Blocks0to7::CheckHashes -> bad TID"; return ret; } ret.state = 0; int res = check_cert_chain( tikD ); switch( res ) { default: case ERROR_SIG_TYPE: case ERROR_SUB_TYPE: case ERROR_RSA_TYPE_UNKNOWN: case ERROR_CERT_NOT_FOUND: ret.state = BOOT_2_ERROR; qWarning() << "check_cert_chain( tikD ):" << res; return ret; break; case ERROR_RSA_TYPE_MISMATCH: case ERROR_RSA_HASH: ret.state = BOOT_2_BAD_SIGNATURE; //qWarning() << "check_cert_chain( tikD ):" << res; return ret; break; case ERROR_RSA_FAKESIGNED: ret.state |= BOOT_2_TIK_FAKESIGNED; break; case ERROR_SUCCESS: ret.state |= BOOT_2_TIK_SIG_OK; break; } res = check_cert_chain( tmdD ); switch( res ) { default: case ERROR_SIG_TYPE: case ERROR_SUB_TYPE: case ERROR_RSA_TYPE_UNKNOWN: case ERROR_CERT_NOT_FOUND: ret.state = BOOT_2_ERROR; //qWarning() << "check_cert_chain( tikD ):" << res; return ret; break; case ERROR_RSA_TYPE_MISMATCH: case ERROR_RSA_HASH: ret.state = BOOT_2_BAD_SIGNATURE; //qWarning() << "check_cert_chain( tikD ):" << res; return ret; break; case ERROR_RSA_FAKESIGNED: { ret.state |= BOOT_2_TMD_FAKESIGNED; if( tmdD.contains( "BM1.1" ) ) ret.version = BOOTMII_11; else if( tmdD.contains( "BM1.3" ) ) ret.version = BOOTMII_13; else ret.version = BOOTMII_UNK; } break; case ERROR_SUCCESS: { ret.state |= BOOT_2_TMD_SIG_OK; ret.version = t.Version(); } break; } //now decrypt boot2 and check the hash ( only checking 1 content because thats all there is ) stuff += blocks.at( ret.secondBlock ); AesSetKey( ticket.DecryptedKey() ); QByteArray decD = AesDecrypt( 0, stuff.mid( dataOff, RU( t.Size( 0 ), 0x40 ) ) ); decD.resize( t.Size( 0 ) ); QByteArray realHash = GetSha1( decD ); if( realHash != t.Hash( 0 ) ) ret.state |= BOOT_2_BAD_CONTENT_HASH; return ret; }