giantpune@gmail.com b0db7bf382 * add wad packing to NUS tool
* add more "known updates" to the NUS class.  now your can specify "3.4u" or similar instead of a TID and it will try to download all the titles that would have been in that update.    the lists of titles were taken from wiimpersonator logs and when those were missing, from disc update partitions.  thanks to markhemus and rduke for helping make the lists
* NUS tool will now make sure there is a valid setting.txt in the nand after it is done installing titles to it
2010-12-08 18:07:57 +00:00

350 lines
10 KiB

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "settingtxtdialog.h"
#include "uidmap.h"
#include "sha1.h"
#include "tiktmd.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "wad.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent ) : QMainWindow( parent ), ui( new Ui::MainWindow ), nus ( this )
Wad::SetGlobalCert( QByteArray( (const char*)&certs_dat, CERTS_DAT_SIZE ) );
//connect to the nus object so we can respond to what it is saying with pretty stuff in the gui
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendDownloadProgress( int ) ), ui->progressBar_dl, SLOT( setValue( int ) ) );
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendTitleProgress( int ) ), ui->progressBar_title, SLOT( setValue( int ) ) );
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendTotalProgress( int ) ), ui->progressBar_whole, SLOT( setValue( int ) ) );
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendText( QString ) ), ui->statusBar, SLOT( showMessage( QString ) ) );
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendError( const QString &, NusJob ) ), this, SLOT( GetError( const QString &, NusJob ) ) );
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendDone() ), this, SLOT( NusIsDone() ) );
connect( &nus, SIGNAL( SendData( NusJob ) ), this, SLOT( ReceiveTitleFromNus( NusJob) ) );
//TODO, really get these paths from settings
ui->lineEdit_cachePath->setText( cachePath );
ui->lineEdit_nandPath->setText( nandPath );
//nand.SetPath( nandPath );
nus.SetCachePath( cachePath );
delete ui;
//some slots to respond to the NUS downloader
void MainWindow::GetError( const QString &message, NusJob job )
QString dataStuff = QString( "%1 items:" ).arg( job.data.size() );
for( int i = 0; i < job.data.size(); i++ )
dataStuff += QString( " %1" ).arg( job.data.at( i ).size(), 0, 16, QChar( ' ' ) );
QString str = tr( "<b>Error getting title from NUS: %1</b>" ).arg( message );
QString j = QString( "NusJob( %1, %2, %3, %4 )<br>" )
.arg( job.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) )
.arg( job.version ).arg( job.decrypt ? "decrypted" : "encrypted" )
.arg( dataStuff );
ui->plainTextEdit_log->appendHtml( str );
ui->plainTextEdit_log->appendHtml( j );
void MainWindow::ShowMessage( const QString& mes )
QString str = mes + "<br>";
ui->plainTextEdit_log->appendHtml( str );
void MainWindow::NusIsDone()
QString str = tr( "NUS ojbect is done working<br>" );
ui->plainTextEdit_log->appendHtml( str );
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Done" ), 5000 );
if( ui->radioButton_folder->isChecked() )
ui->lineEdit_extractPath->setEnabled( true );
ui->pushButton_decFolder->setEnabled( true );
else if( ui->radioButton_nand->isChecked() )
ui->lineEdit_nandPath->setEnabled( true );
ui->pushButton_nandPath->setEnabled( true );
//write the uid.sys and content.map to disc
//make sure there is a setting.txt
QByteArray set = nand.GetSettingTxt();
if( set.isEmpty() )
set = SettingTxtDialog::Edit( this );
if( !set.isEmpty() )
nand.SetSettingTxt( set );
else if( ui->radioButton_wad->isChecked() )
ui->lineEdit_wad->setEnabled( true );
ui->pushButton_wad->setEnabled( true );
ui->radioButton_folder->setEnabled( true );
ui->radioButton_nand->setEnabled( true );
ui->radioButton_wad->setEnabled( true );
void MainWindow::ReceiveTitleFromNus( NusJob job )
QString str = tr( "Received a completed download from NUS" );
QString title = QString( "%1v%2" ).arg( job.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) ).arg( job.version );
ui->plainTextEdit_log->appendHtml( str );
//do something with the data we got
if( ui->radioButton_folder->isChecked() )
else if( ui->radioButton_nand->isChecked() )
bool ok = nand.InstallNusItem( job );
if( ok )
ShowMessage( tr( "Installed %1 title to nand" ).arg( title ) );
ShowMessage( tr( "<b>Error %1 title to nand</b>" ).arg( title ) );
else if( ui->radioButton_wad->isChecked() )
Wad wad( job.data );
if( !wad.IsOk() )
ShowMessage( "<b>Error making a wad from " + title + "<\b>" );
QFileInfo fi( ui->lineEdit_wad->text() );
if( fi.isFile() )
ShowMessage( "<b>" + ui->lineEdit_wad->text() + " is a file. I need a folder<\b>" );
if( !fi.exists() )
ShowMessage( "<b>" + fi.absoluteFilePath() + " is not a folder!\nTrying to create it...<\b>" );
if( !QDir().mkpath( ui->lineEdit_wad->text() ) )
ShowMessage( "<b>Failed to make the directory!<\b>" );
QByteArray w = wad.Data();
if( w.isEmpty() )
ShowMessage( "<b>Error creating wad<br>" + wad.LastError() + "<\b>" );
QString name = wad.WadName( fi.absoluteFilePath() );
if( name.isEmpty() )
name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Filename for %1" ).arg( title ), fi.absoluteFilePath() );
if( name.isEmpty() )
ShowMessage( "<b>No save name given, aborting<\b>" );
QFile file( fi.absoluteFilePath() + "/" + name );
if( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
ShowMessage( "<b>Cant open " + fi.absoluteFilePath() + "/" + name + " for writing<\b>" );
file.write( w );
ShowMessage( "Saved " + title + " to " + fi.absoluteFilePath() + "/" + name );
//bool r = nand.InstallNusItem( job );
//qDebug() << "install:" << r;
//clicked the button to get a title
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_GetTitle_clicked()
bool ok = false;
bool wholeUpdate = false;
quint64 tid = 0;
quint32 ver = 0;
if( ui->lineEdit_tid->text().size() == 4 )
wholeUpdate = true;
tid = ui->lineEdit_tid->text().toLongLong( &ok, 16 );
if( !ok )
ShowMessage( "<b>Error converting \"" + ui->lineEdit_tid->text() + "\" to a hex number.</b>" );
if( !ui->lineEdit_version->text().isEmpty() )
ver = ui->lineEdit_version->text().toInt( &ok, 10 );
if( !ok )
ShowMessage( "<b>Error converting \"" + ui->lineEdit_version->text() + "\" to a decimal number.</b>" );
if( ver > 0xffff )
ShowMessage( tr( "<b>Version %1 is too high. Max is 65535</b>" ).arg( ver ) );
//decide how we want nus to give us the title
bool decrypt = true;
if( ui->radioButton_folder->isChecked() )
if( ui->lineEdit_extractPath->text().isEmpty() )
ShowMessage( tr( "<b>No path given to save downloads in.</b>" ) );
ui->lineEdit_extractPath->setEnabled( false );
ui->pushButton_decFolder->setEnabled( false );
else if( ui->radioButton_nand->isChecked() )
if( ui->lineEdit_nandPath->text().isEmpty() )
ShowMessage( tr( "<b>No path given for nand dump base.</b>" ) );
ui->lineEdit_nandPath->setEnabled( false );
ui->pushButton_nandPath->setEnabled( false );
else if( ui->radioButton_wad->isChecked() )
if( ui->lineEdit_wad->text().isEmpty() )
ShowMessage( tr( "<b>No path given to save wads in.</b>" ) );
decrypt = false;
ui->lineEdit_wad->setEnabled( false );
ui->pushButton_wad->setEnabled( false );
ui->radioButton_folder->setEnabled( false );
ui->radioButton_nand->setEnabled( false );
ui->radioButton_wad->setEnabled( false );
//dont set these to 0 in case the button is pressed while something else is already being downloaded
//ui->progressBar_dl->setValue( 0 );
//ui->progressBar_title->setValue( 0 );
//ui->progressBar_whole->setValue( 0 );
nus.SetCachePath( ui->lineEdit_cachePath->text() );
if( wholeUpdate )
if( !nus.GetUpdate( ui->lineEdit_tid->text(), decrypt ) )
ShowMessage( tr( "<b>I dont know the titles that were in the %1 update</b>" ).arg( ui->lineEdit_tid->text() ) );
nus.Get( tid, decrypt, ver );
//ratio buttons toggled
void MainWindow::on_radioButton_nand_toggled( bool checked )
ui->lineEdit_nandPath->setEnabled( checked );
ui->pushButton_nandPath->setEnabled( checked );
void MainWindow::on_radioButton_folder_toggled( bool checked )
ui->lineEdit_extractPath->setEnabled( checked );
ui->pushButton_decFolder->setEnabled( checked );
void MainWindow::on_radioButton_wad_toggled( bool checked )
ui->lineEdit_wad->setEnabled( checked );
ui->pushButton_wad->setEnabled( checked );
//search for a path to use as the nand basepath
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_nandPath_clicked()
QString path = ui->lineEdit_nandPath->text().isEmpty() ? "/media" : ui->lineEdit_nandPath->text();
QString f = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr( "Select Nand Base Folder" ), path );
if( f.isEmpty() )
ui->lineEdit_nandPath->setText( f );
nus.SetCachePath( ui->lineEdit_cachePath->text() );
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_decFolder_clicked()
QString path = ui->lineEdit_extractPath->text().isEmpty() ? "/media" : ui->lineEdit_extractPath->text();
QString f = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr( "Select folder to decrypt this title to" ), path );
if( f.isEmpty() )
ui->lineEdit_extractPath->setText( f );
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_wad_clicked()
QString path = ui->lineEdit_wad->text().isEmpty() ? QDir::currentPath() : ui->lineEdit_wad->text();
QString f = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr( "Select folder to save wads to" ), path );
if( f.isEmpty() )
ui->lineEdit_wad->setText( f );
Error getting title from NUS: Error downloading part of the title.
NusJob( 0001000248414b4a, 2, decrypted, 0 items: )
Error getting title from NUS: Error downloading part of the title.
NusJob( 0001000248414c4a, 2, decrypted, 0 items: )
Received a completed download from NUS
Installed 0001000248415941v2 title to nand
Received a completed download from NUS
Error 000100084843434av0 title to nand
Error getting title from NUS: Error downloading part of the title.
NusJob( 0001000248414b4a, 2, decrypted, 0 items: )
Error getting title from NUS: Error downloading part of the title.
NusJob( 0001000248414c4a, 2, decrypted, 0 items: )
Received a completed download from NUS
Installed 0001000248415941v3 title to nand
Error getting title from NUS: Error downloading part of the title.
NusJob( 000100024843434a, 1, decrypted, 0 items: )
Received a completed download from NUS
Error 000100084843434av0 title to nand