
1477 lines
56 KiB

#include "nusdownloader.h"
#include "tools.h"
NusDownloader::NusDownloader( QObject *parent, const QString &cPath ) : QObject( parent ), cachePath( cPath ), curTmd( QByteArray() )//, manager( this )
currentJob.tid = 0;
currentJob.version = 0;
totalJobs = 0;
running = false;
//change the cache path
void NusDownloader::SetCachePath( const QString &cPath )
cachePath = cPath;
//add a single job to the list
void NusDownloader::GetTitle( NusJob job )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetTitle";
jobList.append( job );
if( !running )
//qDebug() << "no job is running, starting this one";
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );
running = true;
//add a list of jobs to the list
void NusDownloader::GetTitles( QList<NusJob> jobs )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetTitles";
jobList.append( jobs );
totalJobs += jobs.size();
if( !running )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );
running = true;
//add a new job to the list
void NusDownloader::Get( quint64 tid, bool decrypt, quint16 version )
NusJob j;
j.tid = tid;
j.decrypt = decrypt;
j.version = version;
GetTitle( j );
//get how much of this title is already downloaded
quint32 NusDownloader::TitleSizeDownloaded()
quint32 ret = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < currentJob.data.size(); i++ )
ret += currentJob.data.at( i ).size();
return ret;
//start downloading the next title in the list
void NusDownloader::StartNextJob()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::StartNextJob";
if( jobList.isEmpty() )//nothing else to do
currentJob.tid = 0;
totalJobs = 0;
emit SendTitleProgress( 100 );
emit SendTotalProgress( 100 );
running = false;
//qDebug() << "done";
emit SendDone();
//pull the first title from the list
currentJob = jobList.takeFirst();
SendTitleProgress( 0 );
downloadJob tmdJob;
tmdJob.tid = QString( "%1" ).arg( currentJob.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
tmdJob.index = IDX_TMD;
if( currentJob.version != TITLE_LATEST_VERSION )
tmdJob.name = QString( "tmd.%1" ).arg( currentJob.version );
QByteArray stuff = GetDataFromCache( tmdJob );
//DbgJoB( currentJob );
if( !stuff.isEmpty() )
//qDebug() << "tmdJob.data size:" << hex << stuff.size();
//DbgJoB( currentJob );
ReadTmdAndGetTicket( stuff );
dlJob = tmdJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
else//download the latest tmd to get the version
tmdJob.name = "tmd";
dlJob = tmdJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
//tries to read data for the job from the PC
QByteArray NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache( downloadJob job )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache";
if( cachePath.isEmpty() || !currentJob.version )
return QByteArray();
QFileInfo fi( cachePath );
if( !fi.exists() || !fi.isDir() )
//qWarning() << "NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache -> cachePath is not a directory";
return QByteArray();
QFile f( GetCachePath( job.index ) );
if( !f.exists() || !f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
//qWarning() << "NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache -> file cant be opened for reading" << QFileInfo( f ).absoluteFilePath();
return QByteArray();
//qDebug() << "reading data from PC";
QByteArray ret = f.readAll();
//qDebug() << "read" << hex << ret.size() << "bytes of data from" << QFileInfo( f ).absoluteFilePath();
return ret;
//load the tmd and try to get the ticket
void NusDownloader::ReadTmdAndGetTicket( QByteArray ba )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::ReadTmdAndGetTicket" << hex << ba.size();
curTmd = Tmd( ba );
if( curTmd.Tid() != currentJob.tid )
qDebug() << curTmd.Tid() << currentJob.tid;
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "TID in TMD doesn't match expected." ) );
if( currentJob.version == TITLE_LATEST_VERSION )
currentJob.version = qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->title_version );
else if( currentJob.version != qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->title_version ) )
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Version in TMD doesn't match expected." ) );
//add the tmd data to the current job return
currentJob.data << ba;
//calculate the total size for this title
totalTitleSize = 0;
for( quint32 i = 0; i < qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ); i++ )
totalTitleSize += curTmd.Size( i );
totalTitleSize += ba.size() + 0x9a4;//ticket size for ios 9. should be good enough for everything else
//now get the ticket
downloadJob tikJob = CreateJob( "cetk", IDX_CETK );
QByteArray stuff = GetDataFromCache( tikJob );
if( stuff.isEmpty() )
dlJob = tikJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
Ticket t( stuff );
//set this key to decrypt contents
decKey = t.DecryptedKey();
//AesSetKey( t.DecryptedKey() );
//add the ticket data to the return
currentJob.data << stuff;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( GetNextItemForCurrentTitle() ) );
//save data downloaded from the internet to local HDD for future downloads
bool NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache( const QString &path, const QByteArray &stuff )
//make sure there is all the parent folders needed to hold this folder
if( path.count( "/" ) < 4 || !path.startsWith( cachePath + "/" ))
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> bad path" << path << cachePath;
return false;
QString parent = path;//really ugly, but somehow still prettier than a recursing mkdir function
parent.resize( parent.lastIndexOf( "/" ) );
parent.remove( 0, cachePath.size() + 1 );
QDir d( cachePath );
if( !d.exists() || !d.mkpath( parent ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> cant create directory" << d.absolutePath();
return false;
QFile f( path );
if( f.exists() )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> file already exists" << path;
return false;
if( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> can't create file" << path;
return false;
f.write( stuff );//probably should check the return values on these. but if they dont go right, then the person has bigger things to worry about
qDebug() << "saved" << hex << stuff.size() << "bytes to" << path;
return true;
downloadJob NusDownloader::CreateJob( QString name, quint16 index )
downloadJob r;
r.tid = QString( "%1" ).arg( currentJob.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
r.name = name;
r.index = index;
r.data = QByteArray();
return r;
//send an error about the current job and move to the next
void NusDownloader::CurrentJobErrored( const QString &str )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::CurrentJobErrored ->" << str;
emit SendError( str, currentJob );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );
//get the next content for the current title
void NusDownloader::GetNextItemForCurrentTitle()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetNextItemForCurrentTitle" << currentJob.data.size() - 2;
//DbgJoB( currentJob );
if( currentJob.data.size() < 2 )
qDebug() << "currentJob.data.size() < 2 )" << currentJob.data.size();
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Tried to download contents without having the TMD & Ticket") );
quint32 alreadyHave = currentJob.data.size() - 2;//number of contest from this title already gotten
if( alreadyHave >= qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) )//WTF
qDebug() << "alreadyHave >= qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents )" << alreadyHave << qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents );
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Tried to download more contents then this title has." ) );
//send progress about how much of this title we already have
int prog = (int)( (float)( (float)TitleSizeDownloaded() / (float)totalTitleSize ) * 100.0f );
//qDebug() << "titleProg:" << hex << TitleSizeDownloaded() << totalTitleSize << prog;
emit SendTitleProgress( prog );
downloadJob appJob = CreateJob( curTmd.Cid( alreadyHave ), alreadyHave );
QByteArray stuff = GetDataFromCache( appJob );
if( stuff.isEmpty() )
dlJob = appJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
//StartDownload( appJob );
//hexdump( stuff );
if( !DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData( stuff, appJob.index ) )
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Cached data has a different hash than expected." ) );
//qDebug() << "hash matched for index" << alreadyHave;
if( alreadyHave + 1 < qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( GetNextItemForCurrentTitle() ) );//next content
int progress = (int)( ( (float)( totalJobs - jobList.size() ) / (float)totalJobs ) * 100.0f );
emit SendTotalProgress( progress );
emit SendTitleProgress( 100 );
emit SendData( currentJob );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );//start next job
//get a path for an item in the cache
QString NusDownloader::GetCachePath( quint32 idx )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetCachePath" << currentJob.version << currentJob.tid;
if( !currentJob.version || !currentJob.tid )//c'mon guy
return QString();
QString path = cachePath;
if( path.endsWith( "/" ) )
path.resize( path.size() - 1 );
QString idPath = QString( "/%1" ).arg( currentJob.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
idPath.insert( 9, "/" );
QString verPath = QString( "/v%1/" ).arg( currentJob.version );
path += idPath + verPath;
switch( idx )
case IDX_CETK:
path += "cetk";
case IDX_TMD:
path += QString( "tmd.%1" ).arg( currentJob.version );
path += curTmd.Cid( idx );
return path;
//print info about a job
void NusDownloader::DbgJoB( NusJob job )
QString dataStuff = QString( "%1 items:" ).arg( job.data.size() );
for( int i = 0; i < job.data.size(); i++ )
dataStuff += QString( " %1" ).arg( job.data.at( i ).size(), 0, 16, QChar( ' ' ) );
qDebug() << QString( "NusJob( %1, %2, %3, %4 )" )
.arg( job.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) )
.arg( job.version ).arg( job.decrypt ? "decrypted" : "encrypted" )
.arg( dataStuff );
//check a hash and add the data to the return item
bool NusDownloader::DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData( const QByteArray &encData, quint16 idx )
//seems like a waste to keep setting the key, but for now im doing it this way
//so multiple objects can be decrypting titles at the same time by different objects
AesSetKey( decKey );
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData" << hex << encData.size() << idx;
QByteArray paddedEncrypted = PaddedByteArray( encData, 0x40 );
QByteArray decData = AesDecrypt( idx, paddedEncrypted );
decData.resize( curTmd.Size( idx ) );
QByteArray realHash = GetSha1( decData );
if( realHash != curTmd.Hash( idx ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData -> hash doesnt match for content" << hex << idx;
//CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Downloaded data has a different hash than expected." ) );
hexdump( realHash );
hexdump( curTmd.Hash( idx ) );
return false;
//add whatever data is requested to the return
if( currentJob.decrypt )
currentJob.data << decData;
currentJob.data << encData;
return true;
//something is done downloading
void NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading( downloadJob job )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading" << job.index;
if( job.data.isEmpty() )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading -> got empty data in return";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Error downloading, returned empty data" ) );
//this is kinda ugly, but we need to get the path to save the data in the cache
//and since we are using all these asyncronous signals and slots, we have to get cPath at different times for different situations
QString cPath;
switch( job.index )
case IDX_TMD:
ReadTmdAndGetTicket( job.data );
cPath = GetCachePath( job.index );
case IDX_CETK:
Ticket t( job.data );
decKey = t.DecryptedKey();
//set this key to decrypt contents
//AesSetKey( t.DecryptedKey() );
//add the ticket data to the return
currentJob.data << job.data;
//start downloading the contents
cPath = GetCachePath( job.index );
if( job.index > qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading -> received data that doesnt fit anywhere";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "I have confused myself and cannot find where some downloaded data goes." ) );
if( job.index != currentJob.data.size() - 2 )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading -> index doesnt match what it should";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "I have confused myself and cannot find where some downloaded data goes." ) );
if( !DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData( job.data, job.index ) )
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Downloaded data has a different hash than expected." ) );
if( job.index == qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) - 1 )//this is the last content for this title
int progress = (int)( ( (float)( totalJobs - jobList.size() ) / (float)totalJobs ) * 100.0f );
emit SendTotalProgress( progress );
emit SendTitleProgress( 100 );
emit SendData( currentJob );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );//move on to next job
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( GetNextItemForCurrentTitle() ) );//next content
cPath = GetCachePath( job.index );
//try to save this data to the cache
if( cPath.isEmpty() )
SaveDataToCache( cPath, job.data );
//get something from somewhere
void NusDownloader::StartDownload()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::StartDownload" << dlJob.index;
emit SendDownloadProgress( 0 );
QString dlUrl = NUS_BASE_URL + dlJob.tid + "/" + dlJob.name;
qDebug() << "url" << dlUrl;
currentJobText = dlUrl;
QUrl url( dlUrl );
QNetworkRequest request( url );
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", UPDATING_USER_AGENT );
currentDownload = manager.get( request );
connect( currentDownload, SIGNAL( downloadProgress( qint64, qint64 ) ), this, SLOT( downloadProgress( qint64, qint64 ) ) );
connect( currentDownload, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( downloadFinished() ) );
connect( currentDownload, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( downloadReadyRead() ) );
//get a progress update from a download and turn it into some signals with text and numbers
void NusDownloader::downloadProgress( qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::downloadProgress" << bytesTotal;
Q_UNUSED( bytesTotal );
// calculate the download speed
double speed = bytesReceived * 1000.0 / downloadTime.elapsed();
QString unit;
if( speed < 1024 )
unit = "bytes/sec";
else if( speed < 1024 * 1024 )
speed /= 1024;
unit = "kB/s";
speed /= 1024*1024;
unit = "MB/s";
emit SendText( currentJobText + " " + QString::fromLatin1( "%1 %2" ).arg( speed, 3, 'f', 1 ).arg( unit ) );
int progress = (int)( ( (float)bytesReceived / (float)bytesTotal ) * 100.0f );
emit SendDownloadProgress( progress );
//file is done downloading
void NusDownloader::downloadFinished()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::downloadFinished";
if( currentDownload->error() )
qDebug() << "currentDownload->error()";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Error downloading part of the title." ) );
emit SendDownloadProgress( 100 );
FileIsFinishedDownloading( dlJob );
//read from the file that is downloading
void NusDownloader::downloadReadyRead()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::downloadReadyRead";
dlJob.data += currentDownload->readAll();
bool NusDownloader::GetUpdate( const QString & upd, bool decrypt )
QString s = upd.toLower();
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
titles.insert( 0x1000248414741ull, 0x3 );//news channel HAGA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414641ull, 0x3 );//Weather Channel HAFA
if( s.endsWith( "u" ) )//add titles as they are on the wiimposter logs
00010002-HAAA 00010002-48414141 Photo Channel
00010002-HABA 00010002-48414241 Shopping Channel
00010002-HACA 00010002-48414341 Mii Channel
00010002-HAFx, 00010002-HAFA 00010002-484146xx, 00010002-48414641 Weather Channel
(both HAFA and HAFx for your region are factory installed)
00010002-HAGx, 00010002-HAGA 00010002-484147xx, 00010002-48414741 News Channel
(both HAGA and HAGx for your region are factory installed)
00010002-HAYA 00010002-48415941 Photo Channel 1.1
00010001-HAEA 00010001-48414541 Wii Message Board
(Not a channel by itself, but mailbox archives are stored under this name)
00010008-HAKx 00010008-48414bxx EULA
00010008-HALx 00010008-48414cxx rgnsel (region select)
//2.2 ( v193 ) is on NUS but the impersonator doesnt have a log for it. need to get it from a game
//3.2u update
//3.3u changes
//3.4u update
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x181 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 );
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a );
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d );
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d );
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e );
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f );
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 );
//4.0u update
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a1 );
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 );
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x10 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x3 );
//4.1u update
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c1 );
//4.2u update
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d );
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d );
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f );
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e1 );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 );
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d );
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b );
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e );
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e );
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 );
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 );
//4.3u update
//4.3u update
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x201 ); // SystemMenu 4.3U
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b45ull, 0x3 ); // EULA*/
QMap< quint64, quint16 >::ConstIterator i = titles.begin();
while( i != titles.end() )
Get( i.key(), decrypt, i.value() );
3.0e ( from GH3 )
3.1e ( from rayman raving rabbids tv party )
//3.4e update
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb10 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x182 ); // SystemMenu 3.4E
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141, 0x2 ); // Channel HAAA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241, 0xd ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341, 0x6 ); // Channel HACA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414650, 0x7 ); // Channel HAFP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414750, 0x7 ); // Channel HAGP
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941, 0x2 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414b50, 0x2 ); // Channel HAKP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414c50, 0x2 ); // Channel HALP
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x30c ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc14 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241, 0x10 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a2 ); // SystemMenu 4.0E
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c2 ); // SystemMenu 4.1E
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241, 0x11 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e2 ); // SystemMenu 4.2E
return true;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List30u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
//( from GH3 )
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 225 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 10 );//11v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 6 );//12v6
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 10 );//13v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 257 );//15v257
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 512 );//17v512
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 12 );//20v12
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 514 );//21v514
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1039 );//30v1039
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1039 );//31v1039
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x5 );//miosv5
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B45ull, 0x2 );//EULA - HAKE
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C45ull, 0x2 );//regsel
titles.insert( 0x1000248414645ull, 0x7 );//forecast
titles.insert( 0x1000248414745ull, 0x7 );//news_USv7
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x4 );//nigaoeNRv4 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x7 );//shoppingv7
titles.insert( 0x1000248414741ull, 0x3 );//news channel HAGA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414641ull, 0x3 );//Weather Channel HAFA
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List31u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List30u();
//( from rockband2 )
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 257 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 262 );//14v262 - should actually be 14v257 but that version isnt available on NUS
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1040 );//30v1040
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1040 );//31v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 1040 );//33v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 1039 );//34v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 1040 );//35v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 1042 );//36v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 2070 );//37v2070
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x1 );//photo2v1 ?? FIXME: this disc didnt have the photochannelv1 on it, but wiimpersonator logs say it is present is 3.2u
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List32u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List31u();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x121 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0xa );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xa );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x104 );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x200 );
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0xc );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x205 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xa10 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0x410 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0x410 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0x40f );
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0x410 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x816 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x8 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x4 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414645ull, 0x7 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414745ull, 0x7 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x1 );
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B45ull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C45ull, 0x2 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List33u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List32u();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x161 );
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x208 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 );
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xa10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0x3b1 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f );
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 );
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x4 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x8 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0xd );
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List34u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List33u();
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x181 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 );
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a );
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d );
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d );
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e );
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f );
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List40u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List34u();
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List40u();
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List41u();
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List42u();
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List43u();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x201 ); // SystemMenu 4.3U
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b45ull, 0x3 ); // EULA
//2.1e ( paper mario )
//IOS11 v10, IOS12 v6, IOS13 v10, IOS15 v257, IOS17 v512, IOS21 v514, bc v2, EULA EU v0,
//MIOS v4, News v3, NigaoeNR-v2, PhotoChannel v1, Shopping Channel v4, Weather Channel v3, SystemMenu v162
2.1e( metriod 3 ) - different than the paper mario one
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x208 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb10 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x182 ); // SystemMenu 3.4E
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAAA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0xd ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 ); // Channel HACA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414650ull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAFP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414750ull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAGP
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414b50ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAKP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414c50ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HALP
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x30c ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc14 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
!!titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x10 ); // Channel HABA
!!titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a2 ); // SystemMenu 4.0E
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c2 ); // SystemMenu 4.1E
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x11 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e2 ); // SystemMenu 4.2E
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b50ull, 0x3 ); // EULA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x202 ); // SystemMenu 4.3E
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xb13 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xb13 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xb13 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xb15 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x161d ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x100024841424bull, 0x10 ); // Channel HABK
titles.insert( 0x1000248414c4bull, 0x2 ); // Channel HALK
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x186 ); // SystemMenu 3.5K
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xc13 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xc13 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xc15 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x100024841594bull, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYK
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c6 ); // SystemMenu 4.1K
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xd14 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xd14 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xd16 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x100024841424bull, 0x11 ); // Channel HABK
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e6 ); // SystemMenu 4.2K
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b4bull, 0x3 ); // EULA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x206 ); // SystemMenu 4.3K
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x208 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb10 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x180 ); // SystemMenu 3.4J
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAAA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0xd ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 ); // Channel HACA
titles.insert( 0x100024841464aull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAFJ
titles.insert( 0x100024841474aull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAGJ
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414b4aull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAKJ
titles.insert( 0x1000248414c4aull, 0x2 ); // Channel HALJ
titles.insert( 0x100084843434aull, 0x0); // Channel HCCJ
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x30c ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc14 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x10 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x100024843434aull, 0x1 ); // Channel HCCJ
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a0 ); // SystemMenu 4.0J
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c0 ); // SystemMenu 4.1E
titles.insert( 0x100024843434aull, 0x2 ); // Channel HCCJ
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x11 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e0 ); // SystemMenu 4.2J
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b4aull, 0x3 ); // EULA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x200 ); // SystemMenu 4.3J