
677 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "ngdialog.h"
#include "textdialog.h"
#include "../WiiQt/tools.h"
#include "../WiiQt/savebanner.h"
#include "../WiiQt/savedatabin.h"
#include "quazip.h"
#include "quazipfile.h"
//TODO... get these from settings and dont use global variables
//static QString sneekPath = "/media/SDHC_4GB";
static QString sneekPath = "/home/j/c/QtWii/test";
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), bannerthread( this )
progressBar.setVisible( false );
ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget( &progressBar, 0 );
ngID = 0;
ngKeyID = 0;
//sneekIconTimer.setInterval( 150 );//delay of icon image animation
connect( &bannerthread, SIGNAL( SendProgress( int ) ), this, SLOT( GetProgressUpdate( int ) ) );
connect( &bannerthread, SIGNAL( SendDone( int ) ), this, SLOT( LoadThreadIsDone( int ) ) );
connect( &bannerthread, SIGNAL( SendSneekItem( QByteArray, const QString&, int ) ), this, SLOT( ReceiveSneekBanner( QByteArray, const QString&, int ) ) );
connect( &bannerthread, SIGNAL( SendPcItem( PcSaveInfo ) ), this, SLOT( ReceivePcItem( PcSaveInfo ) ) );
connect( &sneekIconTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( ShowNextSneekIcon() ) );
connect( &pcIconTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( ShowNextPcIcon() ) );
pcPath = "./saveBackups";
//GetSavesFromSneek( "/media/WiiFat500" );
GetSavesFromSneek( sneekPath );
GetSavesFromPC( pcPath );
ngID = 0x4324c84;
ngKeyID = 0x6aedb6ed;
ngMac = QByteArray::fromHex( "0017abd2f253" );
ngPriv = QByteArray::fromHex( "00633682060dc10f5e8ec41907745f6380b67f8ad11019caf21a3ea242d2" );
ngSig = QByteArray::fromHex( "0015097c4e17ad791aa971221e07a0a2d9c97c6e2885fc7bf624e564c34100dd18568f683aa6f4f5a984842ddb002ef87724594975d0d43a0ecff81d" );
//QMessageBox::aboutQt( this, "bla" );
//QString bla = GetSaveName( 0x1000112345678ull );
//qDebug() << "bla" << bla;
delete ui;
//get the saves from a nand directory
void MainWindow::GetSavesFromSneek( const QString &path )
if( !QFileInfo( path ).exists() )
if( bannerthread.isRunning() )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Wait for the current job to finish" ) );
sneekPath = path;
progressBar.setValue( 0 );
progressBar.setVisible( true );
if( !bannerthread.SetNandPath( path ) )
qWarning() << "MainWindow::GetSavesFromSneek -> error sotteng path" << path;
void MainWindow::GetSavesFromPC( const QString &path )
pcPath = path;
if( !QFileInfo( path ).exists() )
if( bannerthread.isRunning() )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Wait for the current job to finish" ) );
//remove all currently loaded saves
progressBar.setValue( 0 );
progressBar.setVisible( true );
bannerthread.GetBanners( pcPath );
void MainWindow::ReceivePcItem( PcSaveInfo info )
//qDebug() << "received a pc save";
if( !info.sizes.size() || info.sizes.size() != info.descriptions.size() || info.sizes.size() != info.paths.size() )//invalid
SaveBanner sb( info.banner );
new SaveListItem( sb, info.tid, 0, ui->listWidget_pcSaves );
//ui->listWidget_sneekSaves->addItem( item );
//descMap.insert( tid, descriptions );
pcInfos << info;
//sneek save clicked
void MainWindow::on_listWidget_sneekSaves_itemClicked(QListWidgetItem* item)
if( !item )
SaveListItem *i = static_cast< SaveListItem * >( item );
qDebug() << "item clicked" << i->Tid();
//sneek save double clicked
void MainWindow::on_listWidget_sneekSaves_itemActivated( QListWidgetItem* item )
if( !item )
SaveListItem *i = static_cast< SaveListItem * >( item );
qDebug() << "item activated" << i->Tid();
//sneek save item changed
void MainWindow::on_listWidget_sneekSaves_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem* current, QListWidgetItem* previous)
Q_UNUSED( previous );
if( !current )
SaveListItem *i = static_cast< SaveListItem * >( current );
ShowSneekSaveDetails( i );
//get an item from the thread loading all the data and turn it into a banner
void MainWindow::ReceiveSneekBanner( QByteArray stuff, const QString& tid, int size )
QByteArray copy = stuff;
SaveBanner sb( copy );
new SaveListItem( sb, tid, size, ui->listWidget_sneekSaves );
//ui->listWidget_sneekSaves->addItem( item );
//get a pregress update from something that is doing work
void MainWindow::GetProgressUpdate( int i )
progressBar.setValue( i );
//something is done working. respond somehow
void MainWindow::LoadThreadIsDone( int type )
Q_UNUSED( type );
progressBar.setVisible( false );
//tools -> set sneek path
void MainWindow::on_actionSet_Sneek_Path_triggered()
QString p = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr( "Select SNEEK root" ), "/media" );
if( p.isEmpty() )
GetSavesFromSneek( p );
//show the details for a save in the sneek nand
void MainWindow::ShowSneekSaveDetails( SaveListItem *item )
currentSneekIcon = 0;
SaveBanner *sb = item->Banner();
ui->label_sneek_title->setText( sb->Title() );
if( !sb->SubTitle().isEmpty() && sb->Title() != sb->SubTitle() )
ui->label_sneek_title2->setText( sb->SubTitle() );
QString tid = item->Tid();
tid.insert( 8, "/" );
tid.prepend( "/" );
ui->label_sneek_path->setText( tid );
QString id;
tid = item->Tid().right( 8 );
quint32 num = qFromBigEndian( (quint32) tid.toInt( NULL, 16 ) );
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
id += ascii( (char)( num >> ( 8 * i ) ) & 0xff );
ui->label_sneek_id->setText( id );
int size = item->Size();
QString sizeStr;
if( size < 0x400 )
sizeStr = tr( "%1 B" ).arg( size, 3 );
else if( size < 0x100000 )
float kib = (float)size / 1024.00f;
sizeStr = tr( "%1 KiB" ).arg( kib, 3, 'f', 2 );
else//assume there wont be any 1GB saves
float mib = (float)size / 1048576.00f;
sizeStr = tr( "%1 MiB" ).arg( mib, 3, 'f', 2 );
int blocks = RU( 0x20000, size) / 0x20000;
QString si = QString( "%1 %2 (%3)").arg( blocks ).arg( blocks == 1 ? tr( "Block" ) : tr( "Blocks" ) ).arg( sizeStr );
ui->label_sneek_size->setText( si );
foreach( QImage im, sb->IconImgs() )
sneekIcon << QPixmap::fromImage( im );
currentSneekIcon = 0;
ui->label_sneek_icon->setPixmap( sneekIcon.at( 0 ) );
if( sneekIcon.size() > 1 )
sneekIconTimer.setInterval( 1000 / sneekIcon.size() );//delay of icon image animation
void MainWindow::ShowNextSneekIcon()
if( ++currentSneekIcon >= sneekIcon.size() )
currentSneekIcon = 0;
ui->label_sneek_icon->setPixmap( sneekIcon.at( currentSneekIcon ) );
void MainWindow::ShowNextPcIcon()
if( ++currentPcIcon >= pcIcon.size() )
currentPcIcon = 0;
ui->label_PC_icon->setPixmap( pcIcon.at( currentPcIcon ) );
//clicked button to delete save from sneek
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekDelete_clicked()
QList<QListWidgetItem*>selected = ui->listWidget_sneekSaves->selectedItems();
quint16 cnt = selected.size();
if( !cnt )
if( QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Are you sure?" ), \
tr( "You are about to delete %1 %2 from the SNEEK nand" ).arg( cnt )\
.arg( cnt == 1 ? tr( "save" ) : tr( "saves" ) ),
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel ) != QMessageBox::Ok )
quint16 del = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QListWidgetItem* item = selected.takeFirst();
SaveListItem *si = static_cast< SaveListItem * >( item );
if( !si )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekDelete_clicked() -> error casting" << item->text();
delete item;
bool ok = false;
quint64 tid = si->Tid().toLongLong( &ok, 16 );
if( !ok )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekDelete_clicked() -> error converting" << si->Tid() << "to int";
delete item;
delete item;
if( !bannerthread.DeleteSaveFromSneekNand( tid ) )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekDelete_clicked() -> error deleting" << tid;
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Deleted %1 of %2 saves" ).arg( del ).arg( cnt ), 5000 );
QString MainWindow::GetSaveName( quint64 tid )
if( pcPath.isEmpty() )
return QString();
QString tidStr = QString( "%1" ).arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
tidStr.insert( 8, "/" );
QString parent = pcPath + "/" + tidStr;
QFileInfo fi( parent );
if( fi.exists() && fi.isFile() )
qWarning() << "MainWindow::GetSaveName ->" << fi.absoluteFilePath() << "is a file";
return QString();
if( !fi.exists() && !QDir().mkpath( fi.absoluteFilePath() ) )
qWarning() << "MainWindow::GetSaveName -> error creating" << fi.absoluteFilePath();
return QString();
quint32 i = 1;
QString name = QString( "1.zip" );
QDir dir( fi.absoluteFilePath() );
while( dir.exists( name ) )
name = QString( "%1.zip" ).arg( ++i );
return fi.absoluteFilePath() + "/" + name;
//quick sanity checks on the NG stuff
bool MainWindow::NG_Ok()
return ( ngID && ngKeyID && ngSig.size() == 60 && ngMac.size() == 6 && ngPriv.size() == 30 );
//button to extract a save from sneek clicked
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekExtract_clicked()
QList<QListWidgetItem*>selected = ui->listWidget_sneekSaves->selectedItems();
quint16 cnt = selected.size();
if( !cnt )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "No saves are selected to extract" ) );
if( !NG_Ok() )
if( !NG_Ok() )
qDebug() << "invalid keys. can't create data.bins";
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "I Need valid keys to extract saves" ) );
bool promptForDetails = true;
//keep from prompting for details for multiple saves
if( cnt > 1 && QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Enter Details?" ), \
tr( "You are about to extract %1 saves from the SNEEK nand.<br>Do you want to enter details for each of them?" )
.arg( cnt ), QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::No )
promptForDetails = false;
quint16 done = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QListWidgetItem* item = selected.at( i );
SaveListItem *si = static_cast< SaveListItem * >( item );
if( !si )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekExtract_clicked() -> error casting" << item->text();
delete item;
bool ok = false;
quint64 tid = si->Tid().toLongLong( &ok, 16 );
if( !ok )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekExtract_clicked() -> error converting" << si->Tid() << "to int";
//get a save destination
QString fn = GetSaveName( tid );
if( fn.isEmpty() )
//extract the save
SaveGame sg = bannerthread.GetSave( tid );
if( !IsValidSave( sg ) )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Error extracting save for %1").arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) );
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekExtract_clicked() -> invalid save" << QString( "%1" ).arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
//convert to data.bin
QByteArray ba = SaveDataBin::DataBinFromSaveStruct( sg, ngPriv, ngSig, ngMac, ngID, ngKeyID );
if( ba.isEmpty() )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Error encoding save for %1").arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) );
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekExtract_clicked() -> error converting" << QString( "%1" ).arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
QString fullDesc = QString( "SaveInfo\nversion=%1\ntid=%2\n" ).arg( DESC_VERSION ).arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
QDate date = QDate::currentDate();
QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
QString desc = QString( "title=%1\ndate=%2\ntime=%3\n" ).arg( si->Banner()->Title() ).arg( date.toString() ).arg( time.toString() );
if( promptForDetails )
fullDesc += "desc=\n" + TextDialog::GetText( this, desc ) + "\nend_desc\n";
fullDesc += "desc=\n" + desc + "\nend_desc\n";
//qDebug() << "description:\n" << fullDesc;
//write to file
if( !WriteZipFile( ba, fullDesc.toLatin1(), fn ) )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Error writing save for %1").arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) ) );
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_pushButton_sneekExtract_clicked() -> error writing" << QString( "%1" ).arg( tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
//item extracted ok, now add the info to the tab displaying the PC
SaveBanner banner = *si->Banner();
AddNewPCSave( fullDesc, si->Tid(), si->Size(), fn, banner );
ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr( "Extracted %1 of %2 saves" ).arg( done ).arg( cnt ), 5000 );
void MainWindow::AddNewPCSave( const QString &desc, const QString &tid, quint32 size, const QString &path, SaveBanner banner )
//look to see if there is already some pc saves from the same game
quint32 cnt = pcInfos.size();
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
if( tid == pcInfos.at( i ).tid )
PcSaveInfo info = pcInfos.at( i );
info.sizes << size;
info.descriptions << desc;
info.paths << path;
pcInfos.replace( i, info );
//not found, create a new one
PcSaveInfo info;
info.tid = tid;
info.sizes << size;
info.descriptions << desc;
info.paths << path;
pcInfos << info;
new SaveListItem( banner, tid, 0, ui->listWidget_pcSaves );
//try to write a zip file with a data.bin and a descriptive text file
bool MainWindow::WriteZipFile( const QByteArray &dataBin, const QByteArray &desc, const QString &path )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::WriteZipFile" << path;
QuaZip zip( path );
if( !zip.open(QuaZip::mdCreate ) )
qWarning( "error creating zip file: %d", zip.getZipError() );
return false;
zip.setComment( "Created with giantpune's saveToy" );
QuaZipFile outFile( &zip );
for( quint8 i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
QString fn;
QByteArray stuff;
if( i == 0 )
stuff = dataBin;
fn = "data.bin";
stuff = desc;
fn = "info.txt";
if( !outFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly, QuaZipNewInfo( fn, fn ) ) )
qWarning("MainWindow::WriteZipFile: outFile.open(): %d", outFile.getZipError() );
goto error;
if( outFile.write( stuff ) != stuff.size() )
qWarning() << "MainWindow::WriteZipFile: wrong size written to zip file";
goto error;
if( outFile.getZipError() !=UNZ_OK )
qWarning("MainWindow::WriteZipFile: outFile.close(): %d", outFile.getZipError() );
goto error;
if( zip.getZipError() != 0 )
qWarning("MainWindow::WriteZipFile: zip.close(): %d", zip.getZipError());
goto error;
return true;
if( QFile::exists( path ) )
QFile::remove( path );
return false;
//tools -> set ng keys
void MainWindow::on_actionSet_NG_Keys_triggered()
qDebug() << hex << ngID;
NgDialog d( this );
d.ngID = ngID;
d.ngKeyID = ngKeyID;
d.ngMac = ngMac;
d.ngPriv = ngPriv;
d.ngSig = ngSig;
if( !d.exec() )
//qDebug() << "not accepted";
ngID = d.ngID;
ngKeyID = d.ngKeyID;
ngMac = d.ngMac;
ngPriv = d.ngPriv;
ngSig = d.ngSig;
/*qDebug() << "accepted";
qDebug() << hex << d.ngID
<< "\n" << d.ngKeyID
<< "\n" << d.ngMac.toHex()
<< "\n" << d.ngPriv.toHex()
<< "\n" << d.ngSig.toHex();*/
//PC list item changed
void MainWindow::on_listWidget_pcSaves_currentItemChanged( QListWidgetItem* current, QListWidgetItem* previous )
Q_UNUSED( previous );
if( !current )
SaveListItem *i = static_cast< SaveListItem * >( current );
ShowPCSaveDetails( i );
//show detials for a save backed up on the PC
void MainWindow::ShowPCSaveDetails( SaveListItem *item )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::ShowPCSaveDetails";
currentPcIcon = 0;
//find the item in the list of infos that matches this item
currentPcSave = 0xffffffff;
quint32 cnt = pcInfos.size();
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
if( item->Tid() == pcInfos.at( i ).tid )
currentPcSave = i;
if( currentPcSave == 0xffffffff )
qWarning() << "MainWindow::ShowPCSaveDetails -> tid not found";
SaveBanner *sb = item->Banner();
ui->label_pc_title->setText( sb->Title() );
if( !sb->SubTitle().isEmpty() && sb->Title() != sb->SubTitle() )
ui->label_pc_title2->setText( sb->SubTitle() );
QString tid = item->Tid();
tid.insert( 8, "/" );
tid.prepend( "/" );
//ui->label_sneek_path->setText( tid );
QString id;
tid = item->Tid().right( 8 );
quint32 num = qFromBigEndian( (quint32) tid.toInt( NULL, 16 ) );
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
id += ascii( (char)( num >> ( 8 * i ) ) & 0xff );
ui->label_pc_id->setText( id );
foreach( QImage im, sb->IconImgs() )
pcIcon << QPixmap::fromImage( im );
currentPcIcon = 0;
ui->label_PC_icon->setPixmap( pcIcon.at( 0 ) );
if( pcIcon.size() > 1 )
pcIconTimer.setInterval( 1000 / pcIcon.size() );//delay of icon image animation
//add combobox entries for each of the different saves for this game
cnt = pcInfos.at( currentPcSave ).sizes.size();
for( quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
QString version = pcInfos.at( currentPcSave ).paths.at( i );
version.remove( 0, version.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
ui->comboBox_pcSelect->addItem( version );
//pc combobox index changed
void MainWindow::on_comboBox_pcSelect_currentIndexChanged( int index )
qDebug() << "MainWindow::on_comboBox_pcSelect_currentIndexChanged" << index;
if( index < 0 )
if( currentPcSave >= (quint32)pcInfos.size() || index >= pcInfos.at( currentPcSave ).sizes.size() )
qWarning() << "MainWindow::on_comboBox_pc_date_currentIndexChanged -> index is out of range";
int size = pcInfos.at( currentPcSave ).sizes.at( index );
QString sizeStr;
if( size < 0x400 )
sizeStr = tr( "%1 B" ).arg( size, 3 );
else if( size < 0x100000 )
float kib = (float)size / 1024.00f;
sizeStr = tr( "%1 KiB" ).arg( kib, 3, 'f', 2 );
else//assume there wont be any 1GB saves
float mib = (float)size / 1048576.00f;
sizeStr = tr( "%1 MiB" ).arg( mib, 3, 'f', 2 );
int blocks = RU( 0x20000, size) / 0x20000;
QString si = QString( "%1 %2 (%3)").arg( blocks ).arg( blocks == 1 ? tr( "Block" ) : tr( "Blocks" ) ).arg( sizeStr );
ui->label_pc_size->setText( si );
QString path = pcInfos.at( currentPcSave ).paths.at( index );
if( path.size() >= 30 )
path = path.right( 27 );
path.prepend( "..." );
ui->label_pc_path->setText( path );
ui->plainTextEdit_pcDesc->insertPlainText( pcInfos.at( currentPcSave ).descriptions.at( index ) );