mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 21:12:43 +01:00

* add settings for example programs git-svn-id: http://wiiqt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@49 389f4c8b-5dfe-645f-db0e-df882bc27289
459 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
459 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#include "nandwindow.h"
#include "ui_nandwindow.h"
#include "boot2infodialog.h"
#include "../WiiQt/tools.h"
NandWindow::NandWindow( QWidget *parent ) : QMainWindow( parent ), ui( new Ui::NandWindow ), nThread( this )
ui->setupUi( this );
ui->mainToolBar->setVisible( false );
//setup the block map
//put the progressbar on the status bar
ui->progressBar->setVisible( false );
ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget( ui->progressBar, 0 );
QFontMetrics fm( fontMetrics() );
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 0, fm.width( QString( 22, 'W' ) ) );//name
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 1, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//entry #
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 2, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//size
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 3, fm.width( "WWWWWWWWW" ) );//uid
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 4, fm.width( "WWWWWWWWW" ) );//gid
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 5, fm.width( "WWWWWWWWW" ) );//x3
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 6, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//mode
ui->treeWidget->header()->resizeSection( 7, fm.width( "WWWWW" ) );//attr
connect( &nThread, SIGNAL( SendError( QString ) ), this, SLOT( GetError( QString ) ) );
connect( &nThread, SIGNAL( SendText( QString ) ), this, SLOT( GetStatusUpdate( QString ) ) );
connect( &nThread, SIGNAL( SendExtractDone() ), this, SLOT( ThreadIsDone() ) );
connect( &nThread, SIGNAL( SendProgress( int ) ), ui->progressBar, SLOT( setValue( int ) ) );
delete ui;
void NandWindow::SaveSettings()
QSettings s( QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "WiiQt", "examples", this );
s.beginGroup( "nandExtract" );
//window geometry
s.setValue( "size", size() );
s.setValue( "pos", pos() );
s.setValue( "usage", ui->actionShow_Usage->isChecked() );
//if the usage is visible, remember its size
int uSize = ui->splitter->sizes().at( 0 ) + 23;//WTF? why do i need to add 20ish here
if( ui->actionShow_Usage->isChecked() )
s.setValue( "usage_size", uSize );
void NandWindow::LoadSettings()
QSettings s( QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "WiiQt", "examples", this );
//settings specific to this program
s.beginGroup( "nandExtract" );
resize( s.value("size", QSize( 1180, 654 ) ).toSize() );
move( s.value("pos", QPoint( 2, 72 ) ).toPoint() );
int top = s.value( "usage_size", 200 ).toInt();
ui->splitter->setSizes( QList< int >() << top << ( height() - top ) );
ui->actionShow_Usage->setChecked( s.value( "usage", true ).toBool() );
void NandWindow::SetUpBlockMap()
ui->graphicsView_blocks->setScene( &gv );
QPixmap grey( ":/grey.png" );
quint16 i = 0;
for( quint16 y = 0; y < 288; y += 9 ) //create all the blocks and make them grey
for( quint16 x = 0; x < 1152; x += 9 )
pmi[ i ] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( grey );
pmi[ i ]->setPos( x, y );
gv.addItem( pmi[ i ] );//items belong to this now. no need to delete them
QFontMetrics fm( fontMetrics() );
quint16 y = 288;
quint16 x = 10;
quint16 x2 = 200;
quint8 spacing = 5;
fileSize = new QGraphicsTextItem();
fileSize->setPos( x, y );
nandSize = new QGraphicsTextItem();
nandSize->setPos( x + 400, y );
y += fm.height() + 2;
QGraphicsTextItem *badText = new QGraphicsTextItem( tr( "Bad" ) );
QGraphicsTextItem *freeText = new QGraphicsTextItem( tr( "Free" ) );
QGraphicsTextItem *usedText = new QGraphicsTextItem( tr( "Used" ) );
QGraphicsTextItem *used2Text = new QGraphicsTextItem( tr( "Selected file" ) );
QGraphicsTextItem *resText = new QGraphicsTextItem( tr( "Reserved" ) );
QGraphicsPixmapItem *greySquare = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( grey );
QGraphicsPixmapItem *blackSquare = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( QPixmap( ":/black.png" ) );
QGraphicsPixmapItem *blueSquare = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( QPixmap( ":/blue.png" ) );
QGraphicsPixmapItem *greenSquare = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( QPixmap( ":/green.png" ) );
QGraphicsPixmapItem *pinkSquare = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( QPixmap( ":/pink.png" ) );
greySquare->setPos( x, y + fm.height() / 2 );
freeText->setPos( greySquare->pos().x() + 8 + spacing, y );
greenSquare->setPos( x2, y + fm.height() / 2 );
usedText->setPos( greenSquare->pos().x() + 8 + spacing, y );
y += fontMetrics().height() + 2;
blackSquare->setPos( x, y + fm.height() / 2 );
badText->setPos( blackSquare->pos().x() + 8 + spacing, y );
pinkSquare->setPos( x2, y + fm.height() / 2 );
used2Text->setPos( pinkSquare->pos().x() + 8 + spacing, y );
y += fontMetrics().height() + 2;
blueSquare->setPos( x, y + fm.height() / 2 );
resText->setPos( blueSquare->pos().x() + 8 + spacing, y );
gv.addItem( fileSize );
gv.addItem( nandSize );
gv.addItem( badText );
gv.addItem( freeText );
gv.addItem( usedText );
gv.addItem( used2Text );
gv.addItem( resText );
gv.addItem( greySquare );
gv.addItem( blackSquare );
gv.addItem( blueSquare );
gv.addItem( greenSquare );
gv.addItem( pinkSquare );
void NandWindow::ThreadIsDone()
qDebug() << "NandWindow::ThreadIsDone";
ui->progressBar->setVisible( false );
ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Done extracting", 5000 );
void NandWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::LanguageChange:
void NandWindow::GetStatusUpdate( QString s )
ui->statusBar->showMessage( s );
void NandWindow::GetError( QString str )
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), str, QMessageBox::Ok );
qWarning() << str;
//nand window right-clicked
void NandWindow::on_treeWidget_customContextMenuRequested( QPoint pos )
QPoint globalPos = ui->treeWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal( pos );
QTreeWidgetItem* item = ui->treeWidget->itemAt( pos );
if( !item )//right-clicked in the partition window, but not on an item
qDebug() << "no item selected";
QMenu myMenu( this );
QAction extractA( tr( "Extract" ), &myMenu );
myMenu.addAction( &extractA );
QAction* s = myMenu.exec( globalPos );
//respond to what was selected
if( s )
// something was chosen, do stuff
if( s == &extractA )//extract a file
QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr("Select a destination") );
if( path.isEmpty() )
ui->progressBar->setVisible( true );
nThread.Extract( item, path );
void NandWindow::on_actionOpen_Nand_triggered()
QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select a Nand to open" ) );
if( path.isEmpty() )
if( !nThread.SetPath( path ) )
qDebug() << " error in nandBin.SetPath";
ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Error setting path to " + path );
ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Loading " + path );
QIcon groupIcon;
QIcon keyIcon;
groupIcon.addPixmap( style()->standardPixmap( QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon ), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off );
groupIcon.addPixmap( style()->standardPixmap( QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon ), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On );
keyIcon.addPixmap( style()->standardPixmap( QStyle::SP_FileIcon ) );
if( !nThread.InitNand( groupIcon, keyIcon ) )
qDebug() << " error in nandBin.InitNand()";
ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Error reading " + path );
//get an item holding a tree with all the items of the nand
//QTreeWidgetItem* tree = nandBin.GetTree();
QTreeWidgetItem* tree = nThread.GetTree();
//take the actual contents of the nand from the made up root and add them to the gui widget
ui->treeWidget->addTopLevelItems( tree->takeChildren() );
//delete the made up root item
delete tree;
//expand the root item
if( ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount() )
ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem( 0 )->setExpanded( true );
ui->statusBar->showMessage( "Loaded " + path, 5000 );
void NandWindow::GetBlocksfromNand()
quint32 freeSpace = 0;
QList<quint16> clusters = nThread.GetFats();
if( !clusters.size() == 0x8000 )
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Expected 0x8000 clusters from the nand, but got %1 instead!" ).arg( clusters.size(), 0, 16 ), QMessageBox::Ok );
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x8000; i += 8 )//first cluster of each block.
quint16 thisBlock = clusters.at( i );
if( thisBlock == 0xFFFC
|| thisBlock == 0xFFFD )
blocks << thisBlock;
bool used = false;
for( quint16 j = i; j < i + 8; j++ )//each individual cluster
if( clusters.at( j ) == 0xFFFE )
freeSpace += 0x4000;
else used = true;
blocks << ( used ? 1 : 0xfffe ); // just put 1 for used blocks
quint32 used = 0x20000000 - freeSpace;
float per = (float)((float)used/(float)0x20000000) * 100.0f;
float usedMb = (float)((float)used/(float)0x100000);
nandSize->setHtml( QString( "<b>%1Mib ( %2 % ) used</b>" ).arg( usedMb, 3, 'f', 2 ).arg( per, 3, 'f', 2 ) );
QList<quint16> NandWindow::ToBlocks( QList<quint16> clusters )
//qDebug() << "NandWindow::ToBlocks" << clusters;
QList<quint16> ret;
quint16 size = clusters.size();
for( quint16 i = 0; i < size; i++ )
quint16 block = ( clusters.at( i ) / 8 );
if( !ret.contains( block ) )
ret << block;
return ret;
//expects blocks, not clusters!!
void NandWindow::DrawBlockMap( QList<quint16> newFile )
if( blocks.size() != 0x1000 )
qWarning() << "NandWindow::DrawBlockMap -> current blocks are fucked up, son" << hex << blocks.size();
QPixmap blue( ":/blue.png" );
QPixmap green( ":/green.png" );
QPixmap pink( ":/pink.png" );
QPixmap grey( ":/grey.png" );
QPixmap black( ":/black.png" );
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x1000; i++ )
quint16 thisBlock;
if( !newFile.contains( i ) )
thisBlock = blocks.at( i );
thisBlock = 2;
switch( thisBlock )
case 1://used, but not in this file
pmi[ i ]->setPixmap( green );
case 2://used in this file
pmi[ i ]->setPixmap( pink );
case 0xFFFE://free block
pmi[ i ]->setPixmap( grey );
case 0xFFFC://reserved
pmi[ i ]->setPixmap( blue );
case 0xFFFD: // bad block
pmi[ i ]->setPixmap( black );
//show nand usage
void NandWindow::on_actionShow_Usage_triggered()
/*QList<quint16> clusters = nThread.GetFats();//each of these is 0x4000 bytes ( neglecting the ecc )
quint16 badBlocks = 0;
quint16 reserved = 0;
quint16 freeBlocks = 0;
for( quint16 i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++ )
quint16 fat = GetFAT( i );
if( 0xfffc == fat )
else if( 0xfffd == fat )
if( i % 8 == 0 )
badOnes << ( i / 8 );
else if( 0xfffe == fat )
if( badBlocks )
badBlocks /= 8;
if( reserved )
reserved /= 8;
if( freeBlocks )
freeBlocks /= 8;*/
//some item in the nand tree was clicked
void NandWindow::on_treeWidget_currentItemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem* current, QTreeWidgetItem* previous )
Q_UNUSED( previous );
if( !current || current->text( 7 ).startsWith( "02" ) )
bool ok = false;
quint16 entry = current->text( 1 ).toInt( &ok );
if( !ok )
qDebug() << "NandWindow::on_treeWidget_currentItemChanged ->" << current->text( 1 ) << "isnt a decimal number";
QList<quint16> clusters = nThread.GetFatsForFile( entry );
QList<quint16> blocks = ToBlocks( clusters );
DrawBlockMap( blocks );
float size = current->text( 2 ).toInt( &ok, 16 );
if( !ok )
qDebug() << "error converting" << current->text( 2 ) << "to int";
QString unit = "bytes";
if( size > 1024 )
unit = "KiB";
size /= 1024.0f;
if( size > 1024 )
unit = "MiB";
size /= 1024.0f;
QString clusterStr = clusters.size() == 1 ? tr( "%1 cluster" ).arg( 1 ) : tr( "%1 clusters" ).arg( clusters.size() );
QString blockStr = blocks.size() == 1 ? tr( "%1 block" ).arg( 1 ) : tr( "%1 blocks" ).arg( blocks.size() );
QString sizeStr = QString( "( %1 %2 )" ).arg( size, 0, 'f', 2 ).arg( unit );
fileSize->setHtml( QString( "%1 - %2 in %3 %4" ).arg( current->text( 0 ) ).arg( clusterStr ).arg( blockStr ).arg( sizeStr ) );
//qDebug() << "blocks for" << current->text( 0 ) << blocks;
//get boot2 info and show it as a dialog
void NandWindow::on_actionBoot2_triggered()
QList<Boot2Info> b = nThread.Boot2Infos();
if( b.isEmpty() )
qDebug() << "!ok";
quint8 boot1 = nThread.Boot1Version();
Boot2InfoDialog d( this, b, boot1 );