mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 03:56:23 +01:00
* add more "known updates" to the NUS class. now your can specify "3.4u" or similar instead of a TID and it will try to download all the titles that would have been in that update. the lists of titles were taken from wiimpersonator logs and when those were missing, from disc update partitions. thanks to markhemus and rduke for helping make the lists * NUS tool will now make sure there is a valid setting.txt in the nand after it is done installing titles to it git-svn-id: http://wiiqt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@7 389f4c8b-5dfe-645f-db0e-df882bc27289
1402 lines
55 KiB
1402 lines
55 KiB
#include "nusdownloader.h"
#include "tools.h"
NusDownloader::NusDownloader( QObject *parent, const QString &cPath ) : QObject( parent ), cachePath( cPath ), curTmd( QByteArray() )//, manager( this )
currentJob.tid = 0;
currentJob.version = 0;
totalJobs = 0;
running = false;
//change the cache path
void NusDownloader::SetCachePath( const QString &cPath )
cachePath = cPath;
//add a single job to the list
void NusDownloader::GetTitle( NusJob job )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetTitle";
jobList.append( job );
if( !running )
//qDebug() << "no job is running, starting this one";
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );
running = true;
//add a list of jobs to the list
void NusDownloader::GetTitles( QList<NusJob> jobs )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetTitles";
jobList.append( jobs );
totalJobs += jobs.size();
if( !running )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );
running = true;
//add a new job to the list
void NusDownloader::Get( quint64 tid, bool decrypt, quint16 version )
NusJob j;
j.tid = tid;
j.decrypt = decrypt;
j.version = version;
GetTitle( j );
//get how much of this title is already downloaded
quint32 NusDownloader::TitleSizeDownloaded()
quint32 ret = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < currentJob.data.size(); i++ )
ret += currentJob.data.at( i ).size();
return ret;
//start downloading the next title in the list
void NusDownloader::StartNextJob()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::StartNextJob";
if( jobList.isEmpty() )//nothing else to do
currentJob.tid = 0;
totalJobs = 0;
emit SendTitleProgress( 100 );
emit SendTotalProgress( 100 );
running = false;
//qDebug() << "done";
emit SendDone();
//pull the first title from the list
currentJob = jobList.takeFirst();
SendTitleProgress( 0 );
downloadJob tmdJob;
tmdJob.tid = QString( "%1" ).arg( currentJob.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
tmdJob.index = IDX_TMD;
if( currentJob.version != TITLE_LATEST_VERSION )
tmdJob.name = QString( "tmd.%1" ).arg( currentJob.version );
QByteArray stuff = GetDataFromCache( tmdJob );
//DbgJoB( currentJob );
if( !stuff.isEmpty() )
//qDebug() << "tmdJob.data size:" << hex << stuff.size();
//DbgJoB( currentJob );
ReadTmdAndGetTicket( stuff );
dlJob = tmdJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
else//download the latest tmd to get the version
tmdJob.name = "tmd";
dlJob = tmdJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
//tries to read data for the job from the PC
QByteArray NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache( downloadJob job )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache";
if( cachePath.isEmpty() || !currentJob.version )
return QByteArray();
QFileInfo fi( cachePath );
if( !fi.exists() || !fi.isDir() )
//qWarning() << "NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache -> cachePath is not a directory";
return QByteArray();
QFile f( GetCachePath( job.index ) );
if( !f.exists() || !f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
//qWarning() << "NusDownloader::GetDataFromCache -> file cant be opened for reading" << QFileInfo( f ).absoluteFilePath();
return QByteArray();
//qDebug() << "reading data from PC";
QByteArray ret = f.readAll();
//qDebug() << "read" << hex << ret.size() << "bytes of data from" << QFileInfo( f ).absoluteFilePath();
return ret;
//load the tmd and try to get the ticket
void NusDownloader::ReadTmdAndGetTicket( QByteArray ba )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::ReadTmdAndGetTicket" << hex << ba.size();
curTmd = Tmd( ba );
if( curTmd.Tid() != currentJob.tid )
qDebug() << curTmd.Tid() << currentJob.tid;
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "TID in TMD doesn't match expected." ) );
if( currentJob.version == TITLE_LATEST_VERSION )
currentJob.version = qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->title_version );
else if( currentJob.version != qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->title_version ) )
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Version in TMD doesn't match expected." ) );
//add the tmd data to the current job return
currentJob.data << ba;
//calculate the total size for this title
totalTitleSize = 0;
for( quint32 i = 0; i < qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ); i++ )
totalTitleSize += curTmd.Size( i );
totalTitleSize += ba.size() + 0x9a4;//ticket size for ios 9. should be good enough for everything else
//now get the ticket
downloadJob tikJob = CreateJob( "cetk", IDX_CETK );
QByteArray stuff = GetDataFromCache( tikJob );
if( stuff.isEmpty() )
dlJob = tikJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
Ticket t( stuff );
//set this key to decrypt contents
decKey = t.DecryptedKey();
//AesSetKey( t.DecryptedKey() );
//add the ticket data to the return
currentJob.data << stuff;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( GetNextItemForCurrentTitle() ) );
//save data downloaded from the internet to local HDD for future downloads
bool NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache( const QString &path, const QByteArray &stuff )
//make sure there is all the parent folders needed to hold this folder
if( path.count( "/" ) < 4 || !path.startsWith( cachePath + "/" ))
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> bad path" << path << cachePath;
return false;
QString parent = path;//really ugly, but somehow still prettier than a recursing mkdir function
parent.resize( parent.lastIndexOf( "/" ) );
parent.remove( 0, cachePath.size() + 1 );
QDir d( cachePath );
if( !d.exists() || !d.mkpath( parent ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> cant create directory" << d.absolutePath();
return false;
QFile f( path );
if( f.exists() )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> file already exists" << path;
return false;
if( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::SaveDataToCache -> can't create file" << path;
return false;
f.write( stuff );//probably should check the return values on these. but if they dont go right, then the person has bigger things to worry about
qDebug() << "saved" << hex << stuff.size() << "bytes to" << path;
return true;
downloadJob NusDownloader::CreateJob( QString name, quint16 index )
downloadJob r;
r.tid = QString( "%1" ).arg( currentJob.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
r.name = name;
r.index = index;
r.data = QByteArray();
return r;
//send an error about the current job and move to the next
void NusDownloader::CurrentJobErrored( const QString &str )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::CurrentJobErrored ->" << str;
emit SendError( str, currentJob );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );
//get the next content for the current title
void NusDownloader::GetNextItemForCurrentTitle()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetNextItemForCurrentTitle" << currentJob.data.size() - 2;
//DbgJoB( currentJob );
if( currentJob.data.size() < 2 )
qDebug() << "currentJob.data.size() < 2 )" << currentJob.data.size();
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Tried to download contents without having the TMD & Ticket") );
quint32 alreadyHave = currentJob.data.size() - 2;//number of contest from this title already gotten
if( alreadyHave >= qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) )//WTF
qDebug() << "alreadyHave >= qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents )" << alreadyHave << qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents );
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Tried to download more contents then this title has." ) );
//send progress about how much of this title we already have
int prog = (int)( (float)( (float)TitleSizeDownloaded() / (float)totalTitleSize ) * 100.0f );
//qDebug() << "titleProg:" << hex << TitleSizeDownloaded() << totalTitleSize << prog;
emit SendTitleProgress( prog );
downloadJob appJob = CreateJob( curTmd.Cid( alreadyHave ), alreadyHave );
QByteArray stuff = GetDataFromCache( appJob );
if( stuff.isEmpty() )
dlJob = appJob;
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartDownload() ) );
//StartDownload( appJob );
//hexdump( stuff );
if( !DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData( stuff, appJob.index ) )
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Cached data has a different hash than expected." ) );
//qDebug() << "hash matched for index" << alreadyHave;
if( alreadyHave + 1 < qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( GetNextItemForCurrentTitle() ) );//next content
int progress = (int)( ( (float)( totalJobs - jobList.size() ) / (float)totalJobs ) * 100.0f );
emit SendTotalProgress( progress );
emit SendTitleProgress( 100 );
emit SendData( currentJob );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );//start next job
//get a path for an item in the cache
QString NusDownloader::GetCachePath( quint32 idx )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::GetCachePath" << currentJob.version << currentJob.tid;
if( currentJob.version == TITLE_LATEST_VERSION || !currentJob.tid )//c'mon guy
return QString();
QString path = cachePath;
if( path.endsWith( "/" ) )
path.resize( path.size() - 1 );
QString idPath = QString( "/%1" ).arg( currentJob.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
idPath.insert( 9, "/" );
QString verPath = QString( "/v%1/" ).arg( currentJob.version );
path += idPath + verPath;
switch( idx )
case IDX_CETK:
path += "cetk";
case IDX_TMD:
path += QString( "tmd.%1" ).arg( currentJob.version );
path += curTmd.Cid( idx );
return path;
//print info about a job
void NusDownloader::DbgJoB( NusJob job )
QString dataStuff = QString( "%1 items:" ).arg( job.data.size() );
for( int i = 0; i < job.data.size(); i++ )
dataStuff += QString( " %1" ).arg( job.data.at( i ).size(), 0, 16, QChar( ' ' ) );
qDebug() << QString( "NusJob( %1, %2, %3, %4 )" )
.arg( job.tid, 16, 16, QChar( '0' ) )
.arg( job.version ).arg( job.decrypt ? "decrypted" : "encrypted" )
.arg( dataStuff );
//check a hash and add the data to the return item
bool NusDownloader::DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData( const QByteArray &encData, quint16 idx )
//seems like a waste to keep setting the key, but for now im doing it this way
//so multiple objects can be decrypting titles at the same time by different objects
AesSetKey( decKey );
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData" << hex << encData.size() << idx;
QByteArray paddedEncrypted = PaddedByteArray( encData, 0x40 );
QByteArray decData = AesDecrypt( idx, paddedEncrypted );
decData.resize( curTmd.Size( idx ) );
QByteArray realHash = GetSha1( decData );
if( realHash != curTmd.Hash( idx ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData -> hash doesnt match for content" << hex << idx;
//CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Downloaded data has a different hash than expected." ) );
hexdump( realHash );
hexdump( curTmd.Hash( idx ) );
return false;
//add whatever data is requested to the return
if( currentJob.decrypt )
currentJob.data << decData;
currentJob.data << encData;
return true;
//something is done downloading
void NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading( downloadJob job )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading" << job.index;
if( job.data.isEmpty() )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading -> got empty data in return";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Error downloading, returned empty data" ) );
//this is kinda ugly, but we need to get the path to save the data in the cache
//and since we are using all these asyncronous signals and slots, we have to get cPath at different times for different situations
QString cPath;
switch( job.index )
case IDX_TMD:
ReadTmdAndGetTicket( job.data );
cPath = GetCachePath( job.index );
case IDX_CETK:
Ticket t( job.data );
decKey = t.DecryptedKey();
//set this key to decrypt contents
//AesSetKey( t.DecryptedKey() );
//add the ticket data to the return
currentJob.data << job.data;
//start downloading the contents
cPath = GetCachePath( job.index );
if( job.index > qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading -> received data that doesnt fit anywhere";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "I have confused myself and cannot find where some downloaded data goes." ) );
if( job.index != currentJob.data.size() - 2 )
qWarning() << "NusDownloader::FileIsFinishedDownloading -> index doesnt match what it should";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "I have confused myself and cannot find where some downloaded data goes." ) );
if( !DecryptCheckHashAndAppendData( job.data, job.index ) )
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Downloaded data has a different hash than expected." ) );
if( job.index == qFromBigEndian( curTmd.payload()->num_contents ) - 1 )//this is the last content for this title
int progress = (int)( ( (float)( totalJobs - jobList.size() ) / (float)totalJobs ) * 100.0f );
emit SendTotalProgress( progress );
emit SendTitleProgress( 100 );
emit SendData( currentJob );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( StartNextJob() ) );//move on to next job
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( GetNextItemForCurrentTitle() ) );//next content
cPath = GetCachePath( job.index );
//try to save this data to the cache
if( cPath.isEmpty() )
SaveDataToCache( cPath, job.data );
//get something from somewhere
void NusDownloader::StartDownload()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::StartDownload" << dlJob.index;
emit SendDownloadProgress( 0 );
QString dlUrl = NUS_BASE_URL + dlJob.tid + "/" + dlJob.name;
qDebug() << "url" << dlUrl;
currentJobText = dlUrl;
QUrl url( dlUrl );
QNetworkRequest request( url );
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", UPDATING_USER_AGENT );
currentDownload = manager.get( request );
connect( currentDownload, SIGNAL( downloadProgress( qint64, qint64 ) ), this, SLOT( downloadProgress( qint64, qint64 ) ) );
connect( currentDownload, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( downloadFinished() ) );
connect( currentDownload, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( downloadReadyRead() ) );
//get a progress update from a download and turn it into some signals with text and numbers
void NusDownloader::downloadProgress( qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal )
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::downloadProgress" << bytesTotal;
Q_UNUSED( bytesTotal );
// calculate the download speed
double speed = bytesReceived * 1000.0 / downloadTime.elapsed();
QString unit;
if( speed < 1024 )
unit = "bytes/sec";
else if( speed < 1024 * 1024 )
speed /= 1024;
unit = "kB/s";
speed /= 1024*1024;
unit = "MB/s";
emit SendText( currentJobText + " " + QString::fromLatin1( "%1 %2" ).arg( speed, 3, 'f', 1 ).arg( unit ) );
int progress = (int)( ( (float)bytesReceived / (float)bytesTotal ) * 100.0f );
emit SendDownloadProgress( progress );
//file is done downloading
void NusDownloader::downloadFinished()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::downloadFinished";
if( currentDownload->error() )
qDebug() << "currentDownload->error()";
CurrentJobErrored( tr( "Error downloading part of the title." ) );
emit SendDownloadProgress( 100 );
FileIsFinishedDownloading( dlJob );
//read from the file that is downloading
void NusDownloader::downloadReadyRead()
//qDebug() << "NusDownloader::downloadReadyRead";
dlJob.data += currentDownload->readAll();
bool NusDownloader::GetUpdate( const QString & upd, bool decrypt )
QString s = upd.toLower();
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
//hell, give everybody these.
titles.insert( 0x1000248414741ull, 0x3 );//news channel HAGA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414641ull, 0x3 );//Weather Channel HAFA
if( s == "2.1e" ) titles = List21e();
else if( s == "3.0e" ) titles = List30e();
else if( s == "3.1e" ) titles = List31e();
else if( s == "3.4e" ) titles = List34e();
else if( s == "4.0e" ) titles = List40e();
else if( s == "4.1e" ) titles = List41e();
else if( s == "4.2e" ) titles = List42e();
else if( s == "4.3e" ) titles = List43e();
else if( s == "2.0u" ) titles = List20u();
else if( s == "3.0u" ) titles = List30u();
else if( s == "3.1u" ) titles = List31u();
else if( s == "3.2u" ) titles = List32u();
else if( s == "3.3u" ) titles = List33u();
else if( s == "3.4u" ) titles = List34u();
else if( s == "4.0u" ) titles = List40u();
else if( s == "4.1u" ) titles = List41u();
else if( s == "4.2u" ) titles = List42u();
else if( s == "4.3u" ) titles = List43u();
else if( s == "3.5k" ) titles = List35k();
else if( s == "4.1k" ) titles = List41k();
else if( s == "4.2k" ) titles = List42k();
else if( s == "4.3k" ) titles = List43k();
else if( s == "2.0j" ) titles = List20j();
else if( s == "3.1j" ) titles = List31j();
else if( s == "3.4j" ) titles = List34j();
else if( s == "4.0j" ) titles = List40j();
else if( s == "4.1j" ) titles = List41j();
else if( s == "4.2j" ) titles = List42j();
else if( s == "4.3j" ) titles = List43j();
else return false;//unknown update
QMap< quint64, quint16 >::ConstIterator i = titles.begin();
while( i != titles.end() )
Get( i.key(), decrypt, i.value() );
return true;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List20j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 128 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 10 );//11v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 6 );//12v6
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 10 );//13v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 257 );//15v257
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 512 );//17v512
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x4 );//miosv4
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B45ull, 0 );//EULA - HAKE
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C45ull, 0x2 );//regsel //region select isnt in the paper mario update, but putting it here just to be safe
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x2 );//nigaoeNRv2 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x4 );//shoppingv4
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List31j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List20u();//TODO - missing a few in here
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 256 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 262 );//14v262 - should actually be 14v257 but that version isnt available on NUS
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 12 );//20v12
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 514 );//21v514
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 772 );//22v772
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 1228 );//28v1228
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1040 );//30v1040
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1040 );//31v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 1040 );//33v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 1039 );//34v1039
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 1040 );//35v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 1042 );//36v1040
//titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 2070 );//37v2070//3.1u has this one but not 3.1j??
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x1 );//photo2v1
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B4aull, 0 );//EULA - HAKJ
titles.insert( 0x100024841464a, 0x7 ); // forcast v7 HAFJ
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 5 );//miosv5
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C4aull, 0x2 );//regsel //region select isnt in the paper mario update, but putting it here just to be safe
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x2 );//nigaoeNRv2 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 7 );//shoppingv7
titles.insert( 0x100024841474aull, 0x7 ); // news v7 HAGJ
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List34j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x208 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb10 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x180 ); // SystemMenu 3.4J
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAAA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0xd ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 ); // Channel HACA
titles.insert( 0x100024841464aull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAFJ
titles.insert( 0x100024841474aull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAGJ
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b4aull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAKJ
titles.insert( 0x1000848414c4aull, 0x2 ); // Channel HALJ
titles.insert( 0x100084843434aull, 0x0); // Channel HCCJ
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List40j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List34j();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x30c ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc14 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x10 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x100024843434aull, 0x1 ); // Channel HCCJ
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a0 ); // SystemMenu 4.0J
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List41j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List40j();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c0 ); // SystemMenu 4.1E
titles.insert( 0x100024843434aull, 0x2 ); // Channel HCCJ
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List42j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List41j();
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x11 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e0 ); // SystemMenu 4.2J
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List43j()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List42j();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b4aull, 0x3 ); // EULA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x200 ); // SystemMenu 4.3J
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List21e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
//( from metroid 3 )
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 162 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 10 );//11v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 6 );//12v6
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 10 );//13v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 257 );//15v257
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 512 );//17v512
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 12 );//20v12
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 514 );//21v514
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 772 );//22v772
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 1228 );//28v1228
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x4 );//miosv4
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B50ull, 0 );//EULA - HAKP
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C50ull, 0x2 );//regsel //region select isnt in the paper mario update, but putting it here just to be safe
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x2 );//nigaoeNRv2 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x4 );//shoppingv4
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List30e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List21e();
//( from GH 3 )
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 226 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1039 );//30v1039
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1039 );//31v1039
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 5 );//miosv5
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B50ull, 2 );//EULA - HAKP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414650ull, 0x7 ); // forcast v7 HAFP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414750ull, 0x7 ); // news v7 HAGP
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C50ull, 0x2 );//regsel
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 4 );//nigaoeNRv4 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 7 );//shoppingv7
titles.insert( 0x1000248414741ull, 0x3 );//news channel HAGA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414641ull, 0x3 );//Weather Channel HAFA
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List31e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List30e();
//( from rayman raving rabbids tv party )
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 257 );//14v257
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1040 );//30v1040
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1040 );//31v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 1040 );//33v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 1039 );//34v1039
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 1040 );//35v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 1042 );//36v1042
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 258 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1039 );//30v1039
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1039 );//31v1039
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 5 );//miosv5
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B50ull, 2 );//EULA - HAKP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414650ull, 0x7 ); // forcast v7 HAFP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414750ull, 0x7 ); // news v7 HAGP
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C50ull, 0x2 );//regsel
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 4 );//nigaoeNRv4 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 ); // photo channel 1.1 HAYA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 7 );//shoppingv7
titles.insert( 0x1000248414741ull, 0x3 );//news channel HAGA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414641ull, 0x3 );//Weather Channel HAFA
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List34e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x208 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb10 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x182 ); // SystemMenu 3.4E
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAAA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0xd ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 ); // Channel HACA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414650ull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAFP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414750ull, 0x7 ); // Channel HAGP
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414b50ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HAKP
titles.insert( 0x1000248414c50ull, 0x2 ); // Channel HALP
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List40e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List34e();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x30c ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc14 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x10 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYA
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a2 ); // SystemMenu 4.0E
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List41e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List40e();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c2 ); // SystemMenu 4.1E
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List42e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List41e();
titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x11 ); // Channel HABA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e2 ); // SystemMenu 4.2E
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List43e()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List42e();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b50ull, 0x3 ); // EULA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x202 ); // SystemMenu 4.3E
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List20u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
//( from paper mario )
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 97 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 10 );//11v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 6 );//12v6
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 10 );//13v10
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 257 );//15v257
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 512 );//17v512
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x4 );//miosv4
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B45ull, 0 );//EULA - HAKE
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C45ull, 0x2 );//regsel //region select isnt in the paper mario update, but putting it here just to be safe
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x2 );//nigaoeNRv2 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );//photov1
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x4 );//shoppingv4
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List30u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List20u();
//( from GH3 )
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 225 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 12 );//20v12
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 514 );//21v514
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1039 );//30v1039
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1039 );//31v1039
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );//bcv2
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B45ull, 0x2 );//EULA - HAKE
titles.insert( 0x1000248414645ull, 0x7 );//forecast
titles.insert( 0x1000248414745ull, 0x7 );//news_USv7
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x4 );//nigaoeNRv4 - MII
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x7 );//shoppingv7
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List31u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List30u();
//( from rockband2 )
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 2 );//boot2
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 257 );//sys menu
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 262 );//14v262 - should actually be 14v257 but that version isnt available on NUS
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 1040 );//30v1040
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 1040 );//31v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 1040 );//33v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 1039 );//34v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 1040 );//35v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 1042 );//36v1040
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 2070 );//37v2070
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x1 );//photo2v1 ?? FIXME: this disc didnt have the photochannelv1 on it, but wiimpersonator logs say it is present is 3.2u
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List32u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List31u();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x121 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0xa );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xa );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x104 );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x200 );
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0xc );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x205 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xa10 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0x410 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0x410 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0x40f );
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0x410 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x816 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x1 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x8 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x4 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414645ull, 0x7 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414745ull, 0x7 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x1 );
titles.insert( 0x1000848414B45ull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x1000848414C45ull, 0x2 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List33u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List32u();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x161 );
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x208 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xb );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0xf );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x106 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x109 );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x205 );
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20a );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50c );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xa10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0x3b1 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f );
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xc10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc12 );
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1219 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x4 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x8 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414141ull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0xd );
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x2 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List34u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List33u();
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x2 );
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x181 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc10 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe19 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414341ull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 );
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xe1a );
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d );
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d );
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e );
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0xc );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x10 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x107 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x10a );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x206 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x309 );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x50d );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xc14 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xb12 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xc0f );
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1319 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xc16 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List40u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List34u();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1a1 );
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 );
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x10 );
titles.insert( 0x1000248415941ull, 0x3 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List41u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List40u();
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c1 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List42u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List41u();
titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d );
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d );
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f );
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 );
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e1 );
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a );
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x10d );
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x111 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x208 );
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x20b );
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x307 );
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e );
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x40d );
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x60e );
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xd15 );
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xc13 );
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xd14 );
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xd15 );
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 );
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d );
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0xf1b );
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e );
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e );
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 );
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d );
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 );
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 );
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa );
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 );
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List43u()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List42u();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x201 ); // SystemMenu 4.3U
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b45ull, 0x3 ); // EULA
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List35k()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles;
titles.insert( 0x100000004ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS4
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x209 ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x20d ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xe1c ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000028ull, 0xc00 ); // IOS40
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xb13 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xb13 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xb13 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xb15 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000033ull, 0x1300 ); // IOS51
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x161d ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x141d ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x141d ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x131a ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x3 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x5 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0x9 ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x100024841424bull, 0x10 ); // Channel HABK
titles.insert( 0x1000248414c4bull, 0x2 ); // Channel HALK
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x186 ); // SystemMenu 3.5K
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List41k()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List35k();
titles.insert( 0x100000010ull, 0x200 ); // IOS16
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xc13 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xc13 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xc13 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xc15 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000034ull, 0x1700 ); // IOS52
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x181e ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x100024841594bull, 0x3 ); // Channel HAYK
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1c6 ); // SystemMenu 4.1K
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List42k()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List41k();
//titles.insert( 0x100000001ull, 0x4 );//make people really ask for the boot2 update if they want it
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x30a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x30e ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xd17 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0xf1d ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xd14 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xd14 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xd14 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xd16 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x151e ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x151e ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x151d ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x161d ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003cull, 0x1900 ); // IOS60
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x151d ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1a1f ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x1000000deull, 0xff00 ); // IOS222
titles.insert( 0x1000000dfull, 0xff00 ); // IOS223
titles.insert( 0x1000000f9ull, 0xff00 ); // IOS249
titles.insert( 0x1000000faull, 0xff00 ); // IOS250
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0x104 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x100000100ull, 0x6 ); // BC
titles.insert( 0x100000101ull, 0xa ); // MIOS
titles.insert( 0x100024841424bull, 0x11 ); // Channel HABK
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x12 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x1e6 ); // SystemMenu 4.2K
return titles;
QMap< quint64, quint16 > NusDownloader::List43k()
QMap< quint64, quint16 > titles = List42k();
titles.insert( 0x100000009ull, 0x40a ); // IOS9
titles.insert( 0x10000000aull, 0x300 ); // IOS10
titles.insert( 0x10000000bull, 0x100 ); // IOS11
titles.insert( 0x10000000cull, 0x20e ); // IOS12
titles.insert( 0x10000000dull, 0x408 ); // IOS13
titles.insert( 0x10000000eull, 0x408 ); // IOS14
titles.insert( 0x10000000full, 0x408 ); // IOS15
titles.insert( 0x100000011ull, 0x408 ); // IOS17
titles.insert( 0x100000014ull, 0x100 ); // IOS20
titles.insert( 0x100000015ull, 0x40f ); // IOS21
titles.insert( 0x100000016ull, 0x50e ); // IOS22
titles.insert( 0x10000001cull, 0x70f ); // IOS28
titles.insert( 0x10000001eull, 0xb00 ); // IOS30
titles.insert( 0x10000001full, 0xe18 ); // IOS31
titles.insert( 0x100000021ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS33
titles.insert( 0x100000022ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS34
titles.insert( 0x100000023ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS35
titles.insert( 0x100000024ull, 0xe18 ); // IOS36
titles.insert( 0x100000025ull, 0x161f ); // IOS37
titles.insert( 0x100000026ull, 0x101c ); // IOS38
titles.insert( 0x100000029ull, 0xe17 ); // IOS41
titles.insert( 0x10000002bull, 0xe17 ); // IOS43
titles.insert( 0x10000002dull, 0xe17 ); // IOS45
titles.insert( 0x10000002eull, 0xe17 ); // IOS46
titles.insert( 0x100000030ull, 0x101c ); // IOS48
titles.insert( 0x100000032ull, 0x1400 ); // IOS50
titles.insert( 0x100000035ull, 0x161f ); // IOS53
titles.insert( 0x100000037ull, 0x161f ); // IOS55
titles.insert( 0x100000038ull, 0x161e ); // IOS56
titles.insert( 0x100000039ull, 0x171f ); // IOS57
titles.insert( 0x10000003aull, 0x1820 ); // IOS58
titles.insert( 0x10000003dull, 0x161e ); // IOS61
titles.insert( 0x100000046ull, 0x1b00 ); // IOS70
titles.insert( 0x100000050ull, 0x1b20 ); // IOS80
titles.insert( 0x1000000feull, 0xff00 ); // IOS254
titles.insert( 0x1000848414b4bull, 0x3 ); // EULA
titles.insert( 0x1000248414241ull, 0x14 ); // ShopChannel
titles.insert( 0x100000002ull, 0x206 ); // SystemMenu 4.3K
return titles;