/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2021 Maschell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "WUDDumperState.h" WUDDumperState::WUDDumperState(WUDDumperState::eDumpTargetFormat pTargetFormat, eDumpTarget pTargetDevice) : targetFormat(pTargetFormat), targetDevice(pTargetDevice) { this->sectorBufSize = READ_SECTOR_SIZE * READ_NUM_SECTORS; this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; } WUDDumperState::~WUDDumperState() { if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, oddFd); } free(sectorBuf); free(emptySector); } ApplicationState::eSubState WUDDumperState::update(Input *input) { if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { if (entrySelected(input)) { return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RETURN; } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } if (this->state == STATE_OPEN_ODD1) { if (this->currentSector > 0) { auto ret = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawOpen(gFSAfd, "/dev/odd01", &(this->oddFd)); if (ret >= 0) { // continue! this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC; } else { this->oddFd = -1; this->state = STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM; } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } if (this->retryCount-- <= 0) { this->state = STATE_PLEASE_INSERT_DISC; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } auto ret = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawOpen(gFSAfd, "/dev/odd01", &(this->oddFd)); if (ret >= 0) { if (this->sectorBuf == nullptr) { this->sectorBuf = (void *) memalign(0x100, this->sectorBufSize); if (this->sectorBuf == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"); this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Opened /dev/odd01 %d", this->oddFd); this->state = STATE_READ_DISC_INFO; } } else if (this->state == STATE_PLEASE_INSERT_DISC) { if (entrySelected(input)) { return SUBSTATE_RETURN; } } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO) { if (IOSUHAX_FSA_RawRead(gFSAfd, this->sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, 1, 0, this->oddFd) >= 0) { this->discId[10] = '\0'; memcpy(this->discId.data(), sectorBuf, 10); if (this->discId[0] == 0) { setError(ERROR_NO_DISC_ID); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->state = STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->setError(ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE) { this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY) { // Read the WiiUDiscContentsHeader to determine if we need disckey and if it's the correct one. auto res = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawRead(gFSAfd, this->sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, 1, 3, this->oddFd); uint8_t discKey[16]; bool hasDiscKey = false; if (res >= 0) { if (((uint32_t *) this->sectorBuf)[0] != WiiUDiscContentsHeader::MAGIC) { auto discKeyRes = IOSUHAX_ODM_GetDiscKey(discKey); if (discKeyRes >= 0) { hasDiscKey = true; } } } if (hasDiscKey) { if (!FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s", getPathForDevice(targetDevice).c_str(), discId))) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } if (!FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s/game.key", getPathForDevice(targetDevice).c_str(), discId), discKey, 16)) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC_START; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_START) { if (!FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s", getPathForDevice(targetDevice).c_str(), discId))) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } if (targetFormat == DUMP_AS_WUX) { this->fileHandle = std::make_unique(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s/game.wux", getPathForDevice(targetDevice).c_str(), discId), READ_SECTOR_SIZE * WRITE_BUFFER_NUM_SECTORS, SECTOR_SIZE, targetDevice == TARGET_SD); } else { this->fileHandle = std::make_unique(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s/game.wud", getPathForDevice(targetDevice).c_str(), discId), READ_SECTOR_SIZE * WRITE_BUFFER_NUM_SECTORS, SECTOR_SIZE, targetDevice == TARGET_SD); } if (!this->fileHandle->isOpen()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to open file"); this->setError(ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->startTime = OSGetTime(); this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC; this->totalSectorCount = (WUD_FILE_SIZE / SECTOR_SIZE); this->currentSector = 0; this->writtenSectors = 0; this->retryCount = 10; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC) { size_t numSectors = this->currentSector + READ_NUM_SECTORS > this->totalSectorCount ? this->totalSectorCount - this->currentSector : READ_NUM_SECTORS; if ((this->readResult = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawRead(gFSAfd, sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, numSectors, this->currentSector, this->oddFd)) >= 0) { auto curWrittenSectors = fileHandle->writeSector((const uint8_t *) this->sectorBuf, numSectors); if (curWrittenSectors < 0) { this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } currentSector += numSectors; this->writtenSectors += curWrittenSectors; this->retryCount = 10; if (this->currentSector >= this->totalSectorCount) { this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC_DONE; if (this->fileHandle->isOpen()) { if (!this->fileHandle->flush()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Flush failed"); this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->fileHandle->finalize(); this->fileHandle->close(); } } } else { this->state = STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM; if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } else if (this->state == STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM) { if (this->autoSkipOnError) { if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } } if (this->autoSkipOnError || (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_A)) { // this->log.fwrite("Skipped sector %d : 0x%ll016X-0x%ll016X, filled with 0's\n", this->currentSector, this->currentSector * READ_SECTOR_SIZE, (this->currentSector + 1) * READ_SECTOR_SIZE); this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; this->skippedSectors.push_back(this->currentSector); // We can't use seek because we may have cached values. if (this->emptySector == nullptr) { this->emptySector = memalign(0x100, READ_SECTOR_SIZE); if (this->emptySector == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } auto curWrittenSectors = fileHandle->writeSector((uint8_t *) emptySector, 1); if (curWrittenSectors < 0) { this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->currentSector += 1; this->writtenSectors += curWrittenSectors; this->readResult = 0; } else if (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_B) { this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; this->readResult = 0; } else if (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_Y) { this->autoSkipOnError = true; } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping done! Press A to continue"); if (entrySelected(input)) { return SUBSTATE_RETURN; } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } void WUDDumperState::render() { WiiUScreen::clearScreen(); ApplicationState::printHeader(); if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Error: %s", ErrorMessage().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Description: %s", ErrorDescription().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press A to return."); } else if (this->state == STATE_OPEN_ODD1) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Open /dev/odd01"); } else if (this->state == STATE_PLEASE_INSERT_DISC) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Please insert a Wii U disc and try again.\n\nPress A to return"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Read disc key"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Read disc information"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping: %s", this->discId); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_START || this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC || this->state == STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping: %s", this->discId); float percent = this->currentSector / (WUD_FILE_SIZE / READ_SECTOR_SIZE * 1.0f) * 100.0f; WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Progress: %0.2f MiB / %5.2f MiB (%2.1f %%)", this->currentSector * (READ_SECTOR_SIZE / 1024.0f / 1024.0f), WUD_FILE_SIZE / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, percent); if (targetFormat == DUMP_AS_WUX) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Written %0.2f MiB. Compression ratio 1:%0.2f", writtenSectors * (READ_SECTOR_SIZE / 1024.0f / 1024.0f), 1.0f / (writtenSectors / (float) this->currentSector)); } if (this->readResult < 0 || this->oddFd < 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); if (this->oddFd < 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Failed to open disc, try again."); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Error: Failed to read sector - Error %d", this->readResult); } WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press A to skip this sector (will be replaced by 0's)"); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press B to try again"); } else { OSTime curTime = OSGetTime(); float remaining = (WUD_FILE_SIZE - (READ_SECTOR_SIZE * this->currentSector)) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; float curSpeed = READ_SECTOR_SIZE * ((this->currentSector / 1000.0f) / OSTicksToMilliseconds(curTime - startTime)); int32_t remainingSec = remaining / curSpeed; int32_t minutes = (remainingSec / 60) % 60; int32_t seconds = remainingSec % 60; int32_t hours = remainingSec / 3600; WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Speed: %.2f MiB/s ETA: %02dh %02dm %02ds", curSpeed, remaining, hours, minutes, seconds); } WiiUScreen::drawLine(); if (!this->skippedSectors.empty()) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Skipped dumping %d sectors", this->skippedSectors.size()); } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping done! Press A to continue"); } ApplicationState::printFooter(); WiiUScreen::flipBuffers(); } void WUDDumperState::setError(WUDDumperState::eErrorState err) { this->state = STATE_ERROR; this->errorState = err; //OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(true); } std::string WUDDumperState::ErrorMessage() const { if (this->errorState == ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR) { return "ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR"; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED) { return "ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED"; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_NO_DISC_ID) { return "ERROR_NO_DISC_ID"; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_WRITE_FAILED) { return "ERROR_WRITE_FAILED"; } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } std::string WUDDumperState::ErrorDescription() const { if (this->errorState == ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR) { return "Failed to read first sector."; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "Failed to allocate data."; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED) { return "Failed to create file"; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_NO_DISC_ID) { return "Failed to get the disc id"; } else if (this->errorState == ERROR_WRITE_FAILED) { return "Failed to write the file. \nMake sure to have enough space on the storage"; } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } std::string WUDDumperState::getPathForDevice(eDumpTarget target) const { if (target == TARGET_NTFS) { return "ntfs0:/"; } return "fs:/vol/external01/"; }