#include "ApplicationState.h" #include "utils/WiiUScreen.h" #include "utils/ScreenUtils.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/StringTools.h" #include "utils/rijndael.h" #include "fs/FSUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern ntfs_md *ntfs_mounts; extern int ntfs_mount_count; unsigned int swap_uint32(unsigned int val) { val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00FF); return (val << 16) | (val >> 16); } unsigned long long swap_uint64(unsigned long long val) { val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00ULL) | ((val >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFULL); val = ((val << 16) & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000ULL) | ((val >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFULL); return (val << 32) | (val >> 32); } /* * Hash function used to create a hash of each sector * The hashes are then compared to find duplicate sectors */ void calculateHash256(unsigned char *data, unsigned int length, unsigned char *hashOut) { // cheap and simple hash implementation // you can replace this part with your favorite hash method memset(hashOut, 0x00, 32); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) { hashOut[i % 32] ^= data[i]; hashOut[(i + 7) % 32] += data[i]; } } ApplicationState::ApplicationState() : log("fs:/vol/external01/wudump.log", CFile::WriteOnly) { this->log.fwrite("Started wudump\n"); this->state = STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN; } void ApplicationState::printHeader() { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Wudump"); WiiUScreen::drawLine("=================="); WiiUScreen::drawLine(""); } void ApplicationState::render() { WiiUScreen::clearScreen(); if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Error: %s", ErrorMessage().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Description: %s", ErrorDescription().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press A to return to the Wii U Menu."); } else if (this->state == STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Welcome to Wudump"); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press A to dump the currently inserted Disc"); WiiUScreen::drawLine(""); if (this->selectedOption == 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("> Dump as WUX Dump as WUD Dump as .app Exit"); } else if (this->selectedOption == 1) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(" Dump as WUX > Dump as WUD Dump as .app Exit"); } else if (this->selectedOption == 2) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(" Dump as WUX Dump as WUD > Dump as .app Exit"); } else if (this->selectedOption == 3) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(" Dump as WUX Dump as WUD Dump as .app > Exit"); } } else if (this->state == STATE_CHOOSE_TARGET) { printHeader(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Please choose your target:"); std::vector options; int32_t targetCount = 0; if (this->dumpFormat == DUMP_AS_APP) { options.emplace_back("SD"); targetCount++; } for (int i = 0; i < ntfs_mount_count; i++) { options.emplace_back(ntfs_mounts[i].name); targetCount++; } std::string curLine = ""; if (this->selectedOption == 0) { curLine = "> Back\t"; } else { curLine = " Back\t"; } if (targetCount == 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Please insert a NTFS formatted USB drive and restart wudump\n"); } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < targetCount; i++) { if (this->selectedOption - 1 == i) { curLine += "> " + options[i]; } else { curLine += " " + options[i]; } curLine += "\t"; } } WiiUScreen::drawLine(curLine.c_str()); } else if (this->state == STATE_OPEN_ODD1) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Open /dev/odd01"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Read disc information"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping: %s", this->discId); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping game.key"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_START || this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC || this->state == STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping: %s", this->discId); float percent = this->currentSector / (WUD_FILE_SIZE / READ_SECTOR_SIZE * 1.0f) * 100.0f; WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Progress: %0.2f MiB / %5.2f MiB (%2.1f %%)", this->currentSector * (READ_SECTOR_SIZE / 1024.0f / 1024.0f), WUD_FILE_SIZE / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, percent); if (doWUX) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Written %0.2f MiB. Compression ratio 1:%0.2f", this->hashMap.size() * (READ_SECTOR_SIZE / 1024.0f / 1024.0f), 1.0f / (this->hashMap.size() / (float) this->currentSector)); } if (this->readResult < 0 || this->oddFd < 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); if (this->oddFd < 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Failed to open disc, try again."); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Error: Failed to read sector - Error %d", this->readResult); } WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press A to skip this sector (will be replaced by 0's)"); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press B to try again"); } else { OSTime curTime = OSGetTime(); float remaining = (WUD_FILE_SIZE - (READ_SECTOR_SIZE * this->currentSector)) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; float curSpeed = READ_SECTOR_SIZE * ((this->readSectors / 1000.0f) / OSTicksToMilliseconds(curTime - startTime)); int32_t remainingSec = remaining / curSpeed; int32_t minutes = (remainingSec / 60) % 60; int32_t seconds = remainingSec % 60; int32_t hours = remainingSec / 3600; WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Speed: %.2f MiB/s ETA: %02dh %02dm %02ds", curSpeed, remaining, hours, minutes, seconds); } WiiUScreen::drawLine(); if (!this->skippedSectors.empty()) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Skipped dumping %d sectors", this->skippedSectors.size()); } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_DONE) { if (!flushWriteCache()) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); } WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping done! Press A to continue"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_APP_FILES_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping done! Press A to continue"); } printFooter(); WiiUScreen::flipBuffers(); } void ApplicationState::update(Input *input) { if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(true); if (entrySelected(input)) { SYSLaunchMenu(); } } else if (this->state == STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN) { proccessMenuNavigation(input, 4); if (entrySelected(input)) { if (this->selectedOption == 0) { this->retryCount = 10; this->state = STATE_CHOOSE_TARGET; this->dumpFormat = DUMP_AS_WUX; } else if (this->selectedOption == 1) { this->retryCount = 10; this->state = STATE_CHOOSE_TARGET; this->dumpFormat = DUMP_AS_WUD; } else if (this->selectedOption == 2) { this->retryCount = 10; this->state = STATE_CHOOSE_TARGET; this->dumpFormat = DUMP_AS_APP; } else { SYSLaunchMenu(); } this->selectedOption = 0; return; } } else if (this->state == STATE_CHOOSE_TARGET) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Please choose your target"); std::vector options; uint32_t targetCount = 0; if (this->dumpFormat == DUMP_AS_APP) { options.emplace_back("fs:/vol/external01/"); targetCount++; } if (ntfs_mount_count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ntfs_mount_count; i++) { options.emplace_back(std::string(ntfs_mounts[i].name) + ":/"); targetCount++; } } proccessMenuNavigation(input, targetCount + 1); if (entrySelected(input)) { if (this->selectedOption == 0) { this->state = STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN; } else if (targetCount > 0) { target = options[selectedOption - 1]; this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; } this->selectedOption = 0; } } else if (this->state == STATE_OPEN_ODD1) { if (this->readSectors > 0) { auto ret = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawOpen(gFSAfd, "/dev/odd01", &(this->oddFd)); if (ret >= 0) { // continue! this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC; } else { this->oddFd = -1; this->state = STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM; } return; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("STATE_OPEN_ODD1"); if (this->retryCount-- <= 0) { this->setError(ERROR_OPEN_ODD1); return; } auto ret = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawOpen(gFSAfd, "/dev/odd01", &(this->oddFd)); if (ret >= 0) { if (this->sectorBuf == nullptr) { this->sectorBuf = (void *) memalign(0x100, this->sectorBufSize); if (this->sectorBuf == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return; } } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Opened /dev/odd01 %d", this->oddFd); this->state = STATE_READ_DISC_INFO; } } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("STATE_READ_DISC_INFO"); if (IOSUHAX_FSA_RawRead(gFSAfd, this->sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, 1, 0, this->oddFd) >= 0) { this->discId[10] = '\0'; memcpy(this->discId, sectorBuf, 10); if (this->discId[0] == 0) { setError(ERROR_NO_DISC_ID); return; } this->state = STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE; return; } this->setError(ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR); return; } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE"); this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("STATE_DUMP_DISC_KEY"); auto res = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawRead(gFSAfd, this->sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, 1, 3, this->oddFd); uint8_t discKey[16]; bool hasDiscKey = false; if (res >= 0) { if (((uint32_t *) this->sectorBuf)[0] != 0xCCA6E67B) { auto discKeyRes = IOSUHAX_ODM_GetDiscKey(discKey); if (discKeyRes >= 0) { hasDiscKey = true; } } } if (hasDiscKey) { if (!FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s", target.c_str(), discId))) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return; } if (!FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s/game.key", target.c_str(), discId), discKey, 16)) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return; } } if (this->dumpFormat == DUMP_AS_WUX || this->dumpFormat == DUMP_AS_WUD) { if (this->dumpFormat == DUMP_AS_WUX) { this->doWUX = true; } this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC_START; } else { this->state = STATE_DUMP_APP_FILES; } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_APP_FILES) { ApplicationState::dumpAppFiles(); if (this->state != STATE_ERROR) { this->state = STATE_DUMP_APP_FILES_DONE; } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_APP_FILES_DONE) { if (entrySelected(input)) { this->state = STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN; if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } this->currentSector = 0; this->readSectors = 0; } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_START) { ApplicationState::clearWriteCache(); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("STATE_DUMP_DISC_START"); if (!FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s", target.c_str(), discId))) { setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return; } this->fileHandle = new CFile(StringTools::fmt("%swudump/%s/game.%s", target.c_str(), discId, doWUX ? "wux" : "wud"), CFile::WriteOnly); this->totalSectorCount = WUD_FILE_SIZE / SECTOR_SIZE; if (!this->fileHandle->isOpen()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to open file"); this->setError(ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED); return; } if (doWUX) { wuxHeader_t wuxHeader = {0}; wuxHeader.magic0 = WUX_MAGIC_0; wuxHeader.magic1 = WUX_MAGIC_1; wuxHeader.sectorSize = swap_uint32(SECTOR_SIZE); wuxHeader.uncompressedSize = swap_uint64(WUD_FILE_SIZE); wuxHeader.flags = 0; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Write header"); this->fileHandle->write((uint8_t *) &wuxHeader, sizeof(wuxHeader_t)); this->sectorTableStart = this->fileHandle->tell(); this->sectorIndexTable = (void *) malloc(totalSectorCount * 4); if (sectorIndexTable == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return; } memset(this->sectorIndexTable, 0, totalSectorCount * 4); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Write empty sectorIndexTable"); this->fileHandle->write((uint8_t *) this->sectorIndexTable, totalSectorCount * 4); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Get sector table end"); this->sectorTableEnd = this->fileHandle->tell(); uint64_t tableEnd = this->sectorTableEnd; this->sectorTableEnd += SECTOR_SIZE - 1; this->sectorTableEnd -= (this->sectorTableEnd % SECTOR_SIZE); uint64_t padding = this->sectorTableEnd - tableEnd; auto *paddingData = (uint8_t *) malloc(padding); memset(paddingData, 0, padding); this->fileHandle->write(reinterpret_cast(paddingData), padding); free(paddingData); this->hashMap.clear(); } this->writeBufferSize = READ_SECTOR_SIZE * WRITE_BUFFER_NUM_SECTORS; this->writeBuffer = (void *) memalign(0x1000, this->writeBufferSize); if (this->writeBuffer == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return; } this->writeBufferPos = 0; this->startTime = OSGetTime(); this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC; this->currentSector = 0; this->retryCount = 10; this->selectedOption = 0; this->readSectors = 0; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC) { //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("STATE_DUMP_DISC"); int32_t numSectors = this->currentSector + READ_NUM_SECTORS > this->totalSectorCount ? this->totalSectorCount - this->currentSector : READ_NUM_SECTORS; if ((this->readResult = IOSUHAX_FSA_RawRead(gFSAfd, sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, numSectors, this->currentSector, this->oddFd)) >= 0) { if (!writeDataToFile(this->sectorBuf, numSectors)) { this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return; } //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Read done %lld %lld", this->currentSector, this->totalSectorCount); this->retryCount = 10; if (this->currentSector >= this->totalSectorCount) { this->state = STATE_DUMP_DISC_DONE; if (this->fileHandle->isOpen()) { if (!this->flushWriteCache()) { this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return; } if (doWUX) { this->writeSectorIndexTable(); } this->fileHandle->close(); } } } else { this->state = STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM; if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } return; } } else if (this->state == STATE_WAIT_USER_ERROR_CONFIRM) { if (this->autoSkip) { if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } } if (this->autoSkip || (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_A)) { this->log.fwrite("Skipped sector %d : 0x%ll016X-0x%ll016X, filled with 0's\n", this->currentSector, this->currentSector * READ_SECTOR_SIZE, (this->currentSector + 1) * READ_SECTOR_SIZE); this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; this->skippedSectors.push_back(this->currentSector); // We can't use seek because we may have cached values. if (this->emptySector == nullptr) { this->emptySector = memalign(0x100, READ_SECTOR_SIZE); if (this->emptySector == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return; } } if (!this->writeCached(reinterpret_cast(emptySector), READ_SECTOR_SIZE)) { this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_FAILED); return; } this->currentSector += 1; this->readResult = 0; } else if (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_B) { this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; this->readResult = 0; } else if (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_Y) { this->autoSkip = true; } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DISC_DONE) { if (entrySelected(input)) { if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } this->state = STATE_WELCOME_SCREEN; this->selectedOption = 0; this->currentSector = 0; this->readSectors = 0; this->writtenSector = 0; return; } } } std::string ApplicationState::ErrorMessage() { if (this->error == ERROR_NONE) { return "NONE"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED) { return "ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED) { return "ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_NO_DISC_ID) { return "ERROR_NO_DISC_ID"; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Error: %d", this->error); return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } std::string ApplicationState::ErrorDescription() { if (this->error == ERROR_NONE) { return "-"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_IOSUHAX_FAILED) { return "Failed to init IOSUHAX."; } else if (this->error == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "Failed to allocate data."; } else if (this->error == ERROR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED) { return "Failed to create file"; } else if (this->error == ERROR_NO_DISC_ID) { return "Failed to get the disc id"; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Error: %d", this->error); return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } void ApplicationState::setError(eErrorState err) { this->state = STATE_ERROR; this->error = err; //OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(true); } void ApplicationState::printFooter() { ScreenUtils::printTextOnScreen(CONSOLE_SCREEN_TV, 0, 27, "By Maschell"); ScreenUtils::printTextOnScreen(CONSOLE_SCREEN_DRC, 0, 17, "By Maschell"); } void ApplicationState::proccessMenuNavigation(Input *input, int maxOptionValue) { if (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_LEFT) { this->selectedOption--; } else if (input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_RIGHT) { this->selectedOption++; } if (this->selectedOption < 0) { this->selectedOption = maxOptionValue; } else if (this->selectedOption >= maxOptionValue) { this->selectedOption = 0; } } bool ApplicationState::entrySelected(Input *input) { return input->data.buttons_d & Input::BUTTON_A; } ApplicationState::~ApplicationState() { this->log.close(); if (this->fileHandle->isOpen()) { if (!this->flushWriteCache()) { } if (doWUX) { this->writeSectorIndexTable(); } this->fileHandle->close(); } if (this->emptySector != nullptr) { free(this->emptySector); this->emptySector = nullptr; } if (this->writeBuffer != nullptr) { free(this->writeBuffer); this->writeBuffer = nullptr; } if (this->sectorIndexTable != nullptr) { free(this->sectorIndexTable); this->sectorIndexTable = nullptr; } if (this->sectorBuf != nullptr) { free(this->sectorBuf); this->sectorBuf = nullptr; } if (this->oddFd >= 0) { IOSUHAX_FSA_RawClose(gFSAfd, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; } } bool ApplicationState::writeDataToFile(void *buffer, int numberOfSectors) { if (!doWUX) { if (!writeCached(reinterpret_cast(buffer), numberOfSectors * READ_SECTOR_SIZE)) { return false; } this->currentSector += numberOfSectors; this->readSectors += numberOfSectors; } else { char hashOut[32]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSectors; i++) { uint32_t addr = ((uint32_t) buffer) + (i * READ_SECTOR_SIZE); calculateHash256(reinterpret_cast(addr), READ_SECTOR_SIZE, reinterpret_cast(hashOut)); char tmp[34]; auto *test = (uint32_t *) hashOut; snprintf(tmp, 33, "%08X%08X%08X%08X", test[0], test[1], test[2], test[3]); std::string hash(tmp); uint32_t *indexTable = (uint32_t *) this->sectorIndexTable; auto it = hashMap.find(hash); if (it != hashMap.end()) { indexTable[this->currentSector] = swap_uint32(this->hashMap[hash]); } else { indexTable[this->currentSector] = swap_uint32(this->writtenSector); hashMap[hash] = this->writtenSector; if (this->fileHandle->isOpen()) { if (!writeCached(addr, READ_SECTOR_SIZE)) { return false; } } this->writtenSector++; } this->currentSector++; this->readSectors++; } } return true; } bool ApplicationState::writeCached(uint32_t addr, uint32_t writeSize) { // DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Lest write %d bytes", writeSize); if (writeSize == this->writeBufferSize) { if (!this->flushWriteCache()) { return false; } int32_t res = this->fileHandle->write(reinterpret_cast(addr), writeSize); return res >= 0; } uint32_t toWrite = writeSize; if (toWrite == 0) { return true; } uint32_t written = 0; do { uint32_t curWrite = toWrite; if (this->writeBufferPos + curWrite > this->writeBufferSize) { curWrite = this->writeBufferSize - this->writeBufferPos; } // DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Copy from %08X into %08X, size %08X, %d",(addr + written),((uint32_t) this->writeBuffer) + this->writeBufferPos, curWrite, this->writeBufferPos/READ_SECTOR_SIZE); OSBlockMove((void *) (((uint32_t) this->writeBuffer) + this->writeBufferPos), (void *) (addr + written), curWrite, 1); this->writeBufferPos += curWrite; if (this->writeBufferPos == this->writeBufferSize) { if (!flushWriteCache()) { return false; } } toWrite -= curWrite; written += curWrite; } while (toWrite > 0); return true; } bool ApplicationState::flushWriteCache() { if (this->writeBufferPos > 0) { int32_t res = this->fileHandle->write(static_cast(this->writeBuffer), this->writeBufferPos); if (res < 0) { return false; } this->writeBufferPos = 0; } return true; } void ApplicationState::clearWriteCache() { this->writeBufferPos = 0; } void ApplicationState::writeSectorIndexTable() { if (this->fileHandle->isOpen() && doWUX) { this->fileHandle->seek(this->sectorTableStart, SEEK_SET); this->fileHandle->write((uint8_t *) this->sectorIndexTable, totalSectorCount * 4); } } void ApplicationState::printDumpState(const char *fmt, ...) { WiiUScreen::clearScreen(); ApplicationState::printHeader(); char *buf = (char *) MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx(PRINTF_BUFFER_LENGTH, 4); va_list va; if (!buf) { return; } va_start(va, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, PRINTF_BUFFER_LENGTH, fmt, va); WiiUScreen::drawLine(buf); MEMFreeToDefaultHeap(buf); va_end(va); ApplicationState::printFooter(); WiiUScreen::flipBuffers(); } void ApplicationState::dumpAppFiles() { uint8_t opt[0x400]; IOSUHAX_read_otp(opt, 0x400); std::array cKey{}; memcpy(cKey.data(), opt + 0xE0, 0x10); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Reading Partitions"); printDumpState("Reading Partitions..."); auto discReader = std::make_shared(); if (!discReader->IsReady()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("!IsReady"); this->setError(ERROR_OPEN_ODD1); return; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Read DiscHeader"); auto discHeader = WiiUDiscHeader::make_unique(discReader); if (!discHeader.has_value()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to read discheader"); return; } bool forceExit = false; for (auto &partition: discHeader.value()->wiiUContentsInformation->partitions->partitions) { auto gmPartition = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(partition); if (gmPartition != nullptr) { auto nusTitleOpt = NUSTitle::loadTitleFromGMPartition(gmPartition, discReader, cKey); if (!nusTitleOpt.has_value()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("nusTitle was null"); continue; } auto nusTitle = nusTitleOpt.value(); auto dataProvider = nusTitle->dataProcessor->getDataProvider(); uint64_t partitionSize = 0; uint64_t partitionSizeWritten = 0; for (auto &content: nusTitle->tmd->contentList) { partitionSize += ROUNDUP(content->encryptedFileSize, 16); } auto partitionDumpInfo = StringTools::strfmt("Partition: %s\n\tProgress: %.2f MiB / %.2f MiB\n", partition->getVolumeId().c_str(), partitionSizeWritten / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, partitionSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f); printDumpState("%s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str()); char buffer[512]; snprintf(buffer, 500, "%swudump/%s/%s", target.c_str(), this->discId, gmPartition->getVolumeId().c_str()); FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(buffer); std::vector wBuffer; if (dataProvider->getRawTMD(wBuffer)) { std::string fileName = std::string(buffer).append("/").append(WUD_TMD_FILENAME); printDumpState("%s\nSaving %s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str(), WUD_TMD_FILENAME); FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(fileName.c_str(), wBuffer.data(), wBuffer.size()); wBuffer.clear(); } if (dataProvider->getRawTicket(wBuffer)) { std::string fileName = std::string(buffer).append("/").append(WUD_TICKET_FILENAME); printDumpState("%s\nSaving %s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str(), WUD_TICKET_FILENAME); FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(fileName.c_str(), wBuffer.data(), wBuffer.size()); wBuffer.clear(); } if (dataProvider->getRawCert(wBuffer)) { std::string fileName = std::string(buffer).append("/").append(WUD_TICKET_FILENAME); printDumpState("%s\nSaving %s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str(), WUD_CERT_FILENAME); FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(fileName.c_str(), wBuffer.data(), wBuffer.size()); wBuffer.clear(); } auto contentCount = nusTitle->tmd->contentList.size(); auto contentI = 1; for (auto &content: nusTitle->tmd->contentList) { char bufApp[32]; snprintf(bufApp, 31, "%08X.app", content->ID); std::string appFileName = std::string(buffer) + "/" + bufApp; partitionDumpInfo = StringTools::strfmt("Partition: %s\n\tProgress: %.2f MiB / %.2f MiB\n", partition->getVolumeId().c_str(), partitionSizeWritten / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, partitionSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f); auto contentDumpInfo = StringTools::strfmt("Saving %s (Content %02d/%02d)\n", bufApp, contentI, contentCount); printDumpState("%s\n%s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str(), contentDumpInfo.c_str()); uint32_t bufferSize = READ_NUM_SECTORS * READ_SECTOR_SIZE * 2; auto *readBuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(bufferSize); if (readBuffer == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to alloc buffer"); continue; } CFile file(appFileName, CFile::WriteOnly); if (!file.isOpen()) { free(readBuffer); continue; } uint32_t readSoFar = 0; uint64_t curOffset = 0; uint32_t size = ROUNDUP(content->encryptedFileSize, 16); OSTime startTimeApp = OSGetTime(); do { if (!WHBProcIsRunning()) { forceExit = true; break; } startTimeApp = OSGetTime(); WiiUScreen::clearScreen(); uint32_t toRead = size - readSoFar; if (toRead > bufferSize) { toRead = bufferSize; } dataProvider->readRawContent(content, readBuffer, curOffset, toRead); if (file.write((const uint8_t *) readBuffer, toRead) != (int32_t) toRead) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to write"); break; } OSTime curTime = OSGetTime(); auto curSpeed = (float) toRead / (float) OSTicksToMilliseconds(curTime - startTimeApp); readSoFar += toRead; curOffset += toRead; partitionSizeWritten += toRead; partitionDumpInfo = StringTools::strfmt("Partition: %s\n\tProgress: %.2f MiB / %.2f MiB\n", partition->getVolumeId().c_str(), partitionSizeWritten / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, partitionSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f); printDumpState("%s\n%s\tProgress: %.2f MiB / %.2f MiB (%0.2f%%)\n\tSpeed: %0.2f MiB/s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str(), contentDumpInfo.c_str(), readSoFar / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, size / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, ((readSoFar * 1.0f) / size) * 100.0f, curSpeed / 1024.0f); } while (readSoFar < size); file.close(); if (forceExit) { break; } std::vector h3Data; if (dataProvider->getContentH3Hash(content, h3Data)) { char bufh3[32]; snprintf(bufh3, 31, "%08X.h3", content->ID); std::string h3FileName = std::string(buffer) + "/" + bufh3; printDumpState("%s\n%s", partitionDumpInfo.c_str(), contentDumpInfo.c_str()); FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(h3FileName.c_str(), h3Data.data(), h3Data.size()); } contentI++; } if (forceExit) { exit(0); break; } } } }