/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2021 Maschell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . ****************************************************************************/ #include "GMPartitionsDumperState.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define READ_BUFFER_SIZE (SECTOR_SIZE * 128) GMPartitionsDumperState::GMPartitionsDumperState(eDumpTarget pTargetDevice) : targetDevice(pTargetDevice) { this->sectorBufSize = SECTOR_SIZE; this->state = STATE_OPEN_ODD1; gBlockHomeButton = true; dumpStartDate = OSGetTime(); } GMPartitionsDumperState::~GMPartitionsDumperState() { free(this->sectorBuf); this->sectorBuf = nullptr; free(this->readBuffer); this->readBuffer = nullptr; gBlockHomeButton = false; } void GMPartitionsDumperState::render() { WiiUScreen::clearScreen(); ApplicationState::printHeader(); if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Error: %s", ErrorMessage().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Description: %s", ErrorDescription().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press A to return."); } else if (this->state == STATE_OPEN_ODD1) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Open /dev/odd01"); } else if (this->state == STATE_PLEASE_INSERT_DISC) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Please insert a Wii U disc and try again.\n\nPress A to return"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Read disc information"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Read disc information done"); } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_COMMON_KEY) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Read common key"); } else if (this->state == STATE_CREATE_DISC_READER) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Create disc reader"); } else if (this->state == STATE_PARSE_DISC_HEADER) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Parse disc header"); } else if (this->state == STATE_PROCESS_GM_PARTITIONS) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Process partitions"); } else if (this->state == STATE_CHOOSE_PARTITION_TO_DUMP) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Choose the partition to dump:"); WiiUScreen::drawLine(); if (gmPartitionPairs.empty()) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("This disc has no dumpable GM partitions "); } else { uint32_t index = 0; for (auto &partitionPair : gmPartitionPairs) { uint64_t size = 0; for (auto &content : partitionPair.second->tmd->contentList) { size += ROUNDUP(content->encryptedFileSize, 16); } std::string titleId = partitionPair.first->getVolumeId().substr(2, 18); std::string appType = "Other "; if (titleId.starts_with("00050000")) { appType = "Game "; } else if (titleId.starts_with("0005000C")) { appType = "DLC "; } else if (titleId.starts_with("0005000E")) { appType = "Update"; } WiiUScreen::drawLinef("%s %s - %s (~%0.2f GiB) (%s)", index == (uint32_t) selectedOptionY ? ">" : " ", appType.c_str(), partitionPair.second->getShortnameEn().c_str(), (float) ((float) size / 1024.0f / 1024.0f / 1024.0f), titleId.c_str()); index++; } WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("%s Back", index == (uint32_t) selectedOptionY ? ">" : " "); } } else if (this->state == STATE_CREATE_DATA_PROVIDER) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Create data provider from partition"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_TMD) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Dump title.tmd"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_TICKET) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Dump title.tik"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CERT) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Dump title.cert"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CONTENTS) { if (curPartition != nullptr) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping Partition %s", curPartition->getVolumeId().c_str()); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Name: %s", curNUSTitle->getLongnameEn().c_str(), curNUSTitle->tmd->titleId); WiiUScreen::drawLinef("TitleID: %016llX", curNUSTitle->tmd->titleId); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Dumping Partition"); } uint64_t partitionSize = 0; uint64_t partitionOffset = curOffsetInContent; if (curNUSTitle != nullptr) { for (auto &content : curNUSTitle->tmd->contentList) { partitionSize += ROUNDUP(content->encryptedFileSize, 16); if (content->index < curContentIndex) { partitionOffset += ROUNDUP(content->encryptedFileSize, 16); } } WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Total Progress: %.2f MiB / %.2f MiB (%0.2f%%)", partitionOffset / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, partitionSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, ((partitionOffset * 1.0f) / partitionSize) * 100.0f); WiiUScreen::drawLine(); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine(); } if (curNUSTitle != nullptr) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Dumping Content %d / %d", curContentIndex, curNUSTitle->tmd->contentList.size()); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Dumping Content ?? / ??"); } auto offset = curOffsetInContent; auto size = curContent != nullptr ? ROUNDUP(curContent->encryptedFileSize, 16) : 0; if (size > 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Progress: %.2f MiB / %.2f MiB (%0.2f%%)", offset / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, size / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, ((offset * 1.0f) / size) * 100.0f); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLine(); } WiiUScreen::drawLine(); WiiUScreen::drawLine("Press B to abort the dumping"); } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_DONE) { WiiUScreen::drawLine("Dumping done. Press A to return."); } else if (this->state == STATE_ABORT_CONFIRMATION) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("Do you really want to abort the disc dumping?"); WiiUScreen::drawLinef(""); if (selectedOptionX == 0) { WiiUScreen::drawLinef("> Continue dumping Abort dumping"); } else { WiiUScreen::drawLinef(" Continue dumping > Abort dumping"); } } ApplicationState::printFooter(); WiiUScreen::flipBuffers(); } ApplicationState::eSubState GMPartitionsDumperState::update(Input *input) { if (this->state == STATE_RETURN) { return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RETURN; } if (this->state == STATE_ERROR) { if (entrySelected(input)) { return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RETURN; } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } if (this->state == STATE_OPEN_ODD1) { auto ret = FSAEx_RawOpen(__wut_devoptab_fs_client, "/dev/odd01", &(this->oddFd)); if (ret >= 0) { if (this->sectorBuf == nullptr) { this->sectorBuf = (void *) memalign(0x100, this->sectorBufSize); if (this->sectorBuf == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } this->state = STATE_READ_DISC_INFO; } else { this->state = STATE_PLEASE_INSERT_DISC; } } else if (this->state == STATE_PLEASE_INSERT_DISC) { if (entrySelected(input)) { return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RETURN; } } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO) { if (FSAEx_RawRead(__wut_devoptab_fs_client, this->sectorBuf, READ_SECTOR_SIZE, 1, 0, this->oddFd) >= 0) { this->discId[10] = '\0'; memcpy(this->discId.data(), sectorBuf, 10); this->state = STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } FSAEx_RawClose(__wut_devoptab_fs_client, this->oddFd); this->oddFd = -1; this->setError(ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR); return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_DISC_INFO_DONE) { this->state = STATE_READ_COMMON_KEY; } else if (this->state == STATE_READ_COMMON_KEY) { WiiUConsoleOTP otp; Mocha_ReadOTP(&otp); memcpy(cKey.data(), otp.wiiUBank.wiiUCommonKey, 0x10); this->state = STATE_CREATE_DISC_READER; } else if (this->state == STATE_CREATE_DISC_READER) { auto discReaderOpt = DiscReaderDiscDrive::make_unique(); if (!discReaderOpt) { this->setError(ERROR_OPEN_ODD1); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->discReader = std::move(discReaderOpt.value()); this->state = STATE_PARSE_DISC_HEADER; } else if (this->state == STATE_PARSE_DISC_HEADER) { auto discHeaderOpt = WiiUDiscHeader::make_unique(discReader); if (!discHeaderOpt.has_value()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to read DiscHeader"); this->setError(ERROR_PARSE_DISCHEADER); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->discHeader = std::move(discHeaderOpt.value()); this->state = STATE_PROCESS_GM_PARTITIONS; } else if (this->state == STATE_PROCESS_GM_PARTITIONS) { this->gmPartitionPairs.clear(); for (auto &partition : discHeader->wiiUContentsInformation->partitions->partitions) { auto gmPartition = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(partition); if (gmPartition != nullptr) { auto nusTitleOpt = NUSTitle::loadTitleFromGMPartition(gmPartition, discReader, cKey); if (!nusTitleOpt.has_value()) { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_NUSTITLE); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->gmPartitionPairs.emplace_back(gmPartition, std::move(nusTitleOpt.value())); } } this->state = STATE_CHOOSE_PARTITION_TO_DUMP; } else if (this->state == STATE_CHOOSE_PARTITION_TO_DUMP) { if (gmPartitionPairs.empty()) { if (entrySelected(input)) { return SUBSTATE_RETURN; } } if (buttonPressed(input, Input::BUTTON_B)) { return SUBSTATE_RETURN; } proccessMenuNavigationY(input, (int32_t) gmPartitionPairs.size() + 1); if (entrySelected(input)) { if (selectedOptionY >= (int32_t) gmPartitionPairs.size()) { return SUBSTATE_RETURN; } auto gmPartitionPair = gmPartitionPairs[selectedOptionY]; if (gmPartitionPair.first != nullptr) { this->curPartition = gmPartitionPair.first; this->curNUSTitle = gmPartitionPair.second; this->dataProvider = this->curNUSTitle->dataProcessor->getDataProvider(); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to find a GM partition"); this->setError(ERROR_NO_GM_PARTITION); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->targetPath = string_format("%swudump/%s/%s", getPathForDevice(targetDevice).c_str(), getPathNameForDisc().c_str(), curPartition->getVolumeId().c_str()); if (!FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(targetPath.c_str())) { this->setError(ERROR_CREATE_DIR); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_TMD; } } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_TMD) { std::vector wBuffer; if (dataProvider->getRawTMD(wBuffer)) { std::string fileName = targetPath + "/" + WUD_TMD_FILENAME; if (FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(fileName.c_str(), wBuffer.data(), wBuffer.size()) != (int32_t) wBuffer.size()) { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TMD); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } wBuffer.clear(); } this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_TICKET; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_TICKET) { std::vector wBuffer; if (dataProvider->getRawTicket(wBuffer)) { std::string fileName = targetPath + "/" + WUD_TICKET_FILENAME; if (FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(fileName.c_str(), wBuffer.data(), wBuffer.size()) != (int32_t) wBuffer.size()) { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } wBuffer.clear(); } else { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CERT; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CERT) { std::vector wBuffer; if (dataProvider->getRawCert(wBuffer)) { std::string fileName = targetPath + "/" + WUD_CERT_FILENAME; if (FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(fileName.c_str(), wBuffer.data(), wBuffer.size()) != (int32_t) wBuffer.size()) { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_CERT); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } wBuffer.clear(); } else { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->curContentIndex = 0; this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CONTENTS; } else if (this->state == STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CONTENTS) { if (buttonPressed(input, Input::BUTTON_B)) { this->state = STATE_ABORT_CONFIRMATION; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } // Get current content by index. if (curContent == nullptr) { auto curContentOpt = curNUSTitle->tmd->getContentByIndex(curContentIndex); if (!curContentOpt.has_value()) { this->setError(ERROR_FIND_CONTENT_BY_INDEX); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } this->curContent = curContentOpt.value(); } // Check if we're done reading the file. uint32_t size = ROUNDUP(curContent->encryptedFileSize, 16); if (curOffsetInContent >= size) { // Close current file this->contentFile->close(); // Free content this->contentFile.reset(); this->curContent.reset(); curOffsetInContent = 0; auto contentListSize = curNUSTitle->tmd->contentList.size(); if (curContentIndex + 1 < (int32_t) contentListSize) { curContentIndex++; return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } else { this->state = STATE_DUMP_DONE; return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } // Open the file if needed if (this->contentFile == nullptr) { char bufApp[32]; snprintf(bufApp, 31, "%08X.app", curContent->ID); std::string appFileName = targetPath + "/" + bufApp; this->contentFile = std::make_unique(appFileName, CFile::WriteOnly); if (!contentFile->isOpen()) { this->contentFile.reset(); this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_FILE); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } // dump .h3 file as well std::vector h3Data; if (dataProvider->getContentH3Hash(this->curContent, h3Data)) { snprintf(bufApp, 31, "%08X.h3", curContent->ID); std::string h3FileName = targetPath + "/" + bufApp; if (FSUtils::saveBufferToFile(h3FileName.c_str(), h3Data.data(), h3Data.size()) != (int32_t) h3Data.size()) { this->setError(ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_H3); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } } // alloc readBuffer if needed if (this->readBuffer == nullptr) { readBuffer = (uint8_t *) memalign(0x40, ROUNDUP(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, 0x40)); if (readBuffer == nullptr) { this->setError(ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } } uint32_t toRead = size - curOffsetInContent; if (toRead > READ_BUFFER_SIZE) { toRead = READ_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (!dataProvider->readRawContent(curContent, readBuffer, curOffsetInContent, toRead)) { this->setError(ERROR_READ_CONTENT); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } if (contentFile->write((const uint8_t *) readBuffer, toRead) != (int32_t) toRead) { this->setError(ERROR_WRITE_CONTENT); return SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } curOffsetInContent += toRead; // Go on! this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CONTENTS; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } else if (this->state == STATE_ABORT_CONFIRMATION) { if (buttonPressed(input, Input::BUTTON_B)) { this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CONTENTS; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } proccessMenuNavigationX(input, 2); if (buttonPressed(input, Input::BUTTON_A)) { if (selectedOptionX == 0) { this->state = STATE_DUMP_PARTITION_CONTENTS; return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } else { return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RETURN; } } } else if (state == STATE_DUMP_DONE) { if (entrySelected(input)) { return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RETURN; } } return ApplicationState::SUBSTATE_RUNNING; } void GMPartitionsDumperState::setError(GMPartitionsDumperState::eErrorState err) { this->state = STATE_ERROR; this->errorState = err; //OSEnableHomeButtonMenu(true); } std::string GMPartitionsDumperState::getPathForDevice(eDumpTarget target) const { if (target == TARGET_NTFS) { return "ntfs0:/"; } return "fs:/vol/external01/"; } std::string GMPartitionsDumperState::ErrorMessage() const { if (this->errorState == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_NO_DISC_ID) { return "ERROR_NO_DISC_ID"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR) { return "ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_OPEN_ODD1) { return "ERROR_OPEN_ODD1"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_PARSE_DISCHEADER) { return "ERROR_PARSE_DISCHEADER"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_NO_GM_PARTITION) { return "ERROR_NO_GM_PARTITION"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_CREATE_DIR) { return "ERROR_CREATE_DIR"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_NUSTITLE) { return "ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_NUSTITLE"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TMD) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TMD"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_CERT) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_CERT"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FIND_CONTENT_BY_INDEX) { return "ERROR_FIND_CONTENT_BY_INDEX"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_FILE) { return "ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_FILE"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_H3) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_H3"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_READ_CONTENT) { return "ERROR_READ_CONTENT"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_WRITE_CONTENT) { return "ERROR_WRITE_CONTENT"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"; } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } std::string GMPartitionsDumperState::ErrorDescription() const { if (this->errorState == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_NO_DISC_ID) { return "ERROR_NO_DISC_ID"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR) { return "ERROR_READ_FIRST_SECTOR"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_OPEN_ODD1) { return "ERROR_OPEN_ODD1"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_PARSE_DISCHEADER) { return "ERROR_PARSE_DISCHEADER"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_NO_GM_PARTITION) { return "ERROR_NO_GM_PARTITION"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_NUSTITLE) { return "ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_NUSTITLE"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TMD) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TMD"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_TICKET"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_CERT) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_CERT"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FIND_CONTENT_BY_INDEX) { return "ERROR_FIND_CONTENT_BY_INDEX"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_FILE) { return "ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_FILE"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_H3) { return "ERROR_FAILED_WRITE_H3"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_READ_CONTENT) { return "ERROR_READ_CONTENT"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_WRITE_CONTENT) { return "ERROR_WRITE_CONTENT"; } if (this->errorState == ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED) { return "ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED"; } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } std::string GMPartitionsDumperState::getPathNameForDisc() { if (this->discId[0] == '\0') { OSCalendarTime tm; OSTicksToCalendarTime(this->dumpStartDate, &tm); return string_format("DISC-%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d", tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); } return std::string((char *) &discId[0]); }