void | VPADInit () |
| Initialises the VPAD library for use. More...
void | VPADShutdown () |
| Cleans up and frees the VPAD library. More...
int32_t | VPADRead (VPADChan chan, VPADStatus *buffers, uint32_t count, VPADReadError *outError) |
| Read controller data from the desired Gamepad. More...
void | VPADGetTPCalibratedPoint (VPADChan chan, VPADTouchData *calibratedData, VPADTouchData *uncalibratedData) |
| Transform touch data according to the current calibration data. More...
int32_t | VPADBASEGetMotorOnRemainingCount (VPADChan chan) |
| Return a count representing the amount of time left for the given Gamepad's rumble pattern. More...
int32_t | VPADBASESetMotorOnRemainingCount (VPADChan chan, int32_t counter) |
| Set a count representing the amount of time left for the given Gamepad's rumble pattern. More...
void | VPADSetAccParam (VPADChan chan, float playRadius, float sensitivity) |
void | VPADGetAccParam (VPADChan chan, float *outPlayRadius, float *outSensitivity) |
void | VPADSetBtnRepeat (VPADChan chan, float delaySec, float pulseSec) |
| Set a repeat for held buttons - instead of appearing to be continually held, repeated presses and releases will be simulated at the given frequency. More...
void | VPADEnableStickCrossClamp (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADDisableStickCrossClamp (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADSetLStickClampThreshold (VPADChan chan, int32_t max, int32_t min) |
void | VPADSetRStickClampThreshold (VPADChan chan, int32_t max, int32_t min) |
void | VPADGetLStickClampThreshold (VPADChan chan, int32_t *max, int32_t *min) |
void | VPADGetRStickClampThreshold (VPADChan chan, int32_t *max, int32_t *min) |
void | VPADSetStickOrigin (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADDisableLStickZeroClamp (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADDisableRStickZeroClamp (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADEnableLStickZeroClamp (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADEnableRStickZeroClamp (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADSetCrossStickEmulationParamsL (VPADChan chan, float rotationDegree, float range, float radius) |
void | VPADSetCrossStickEmulationParamsR (VPADChan chan, float rotationDegree, float range, float radius) |
void | VPADGetCrossStickEmulationParamsL (VPADChan chan, float *outRotationDegree, float *outRange, float *outRadius) |
void | VPADGetCrossStickEmulationParamsR (VPADChan chan, float *outRotationDegree, float *outRange, float *outRadius) |
void | VPADSetGyroAngle (VPADChan chan, float ax, float ay, float az) |
void | VPADSetGyroDirection (VPADChan chan, VPADDirection *dir) |
void | VPADSetGyroDirectionMag (VPADChan chan, float mag) |
void | VPADSetGyroMagnification (VPADChan chan, float pitch, float yaw, float roll) |
void | VPADEnableGyroZeroPlay (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADEnableGyroDirRevise (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADEnableGyroAccRevise (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADDisableGyroZeroPlay (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADDisableGyroDirRevise (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADDisableGyroAccRevise (VPADChan chan) |
float | VPADIsEnableGyroZeroPlay (VPADChan chan) |
float | VPADIsEnableGyroZeroDrift (VPADChan chan) |
float | VPADIsEnableGyroDirRevise (VPADChan chan) |
float | VPADIsEnableGyroAccRevise (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADSetGyroZeroPlayParam (VPADChan chan, float radius) |
void | VPADInitGyroZeroPlayParam (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADInitGyroDirReviseParam (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADInitGyroAccReviseParam (VPADChan chan) |
void | VPADInitGyroZeroDriftMode (VPADChan chan) |
int32_t | VPADControlMotor (VPADChan chan, uint8_t *pattern, uint8_t length) |
| Turns on the rumble motor on the desired Gamepad. More...
void | VPADStopMotor (VPADChan chan) |
| Stops the desired Gamepad's rumble motor and cancels any ongoing rumble pattern. More...
int32_t | VPADSetLcdMode (VPADChan chan, VPADLcdMode lcdMode) |
| Sets the current mode of the display on the given Gamepad. More...
int32_t | VPADGetLcdMode (VPADChan chan, VPADLcdMode *outLcdMode) |
| Get the current status of the given Gamepad's display. More...
void | VPADBASESetSensorBarSetting (VPADChan chan, int8_t setting) |
void | VPADBASEGetSensorBarSetting (VPADChan chan, int8_t *outSetting) |
int32_t | VPADSetSensorBar (VPADChan chan, BOOL on) |
| Turn the given Gamepad's sensor bar on or off. More...