WUT  0.1
Wii U Toolchain
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
mcp.h File Reference
#include <wut.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  MCPInstallInfo
struct  MCPInstallTitleInfo
struct  MCPDevice
struct  MCPDeviceList


typedef struct MCPInstallProgress MCPInstallProgress
typedef struct MCPInstallInfo MCPInstallInfo
typedef struct MCPInstallTitleInfo MCPInstallTitleInfo
typedef struct MCPDevice MCPDevice
typedef struct MCPDeviceList MCPDeviceList
typedef enum MCPInstallTarget MCPInstallTarget


enum  MCPInstallTarget


struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) MCPInstallProgress
int MCP_Open ()
int MCP_Close (int handle)
int MCP_InstallSetTargetDevice (int handle, MCPInstallTarget device)
int MCP_InstallGetTargetDevice (int handle, MCPInstallTarget *deviceOut)
int MCP_InstallSetTargetUsb (int handle, int usb)
int MCP_InstallGetInfo (int handle, char *path, MCPInstallInfo *out)
int MCP_InstallTitleAsync (int handle, char *path, MCPInstallTitleInfo *out)
int MCP_InstallGetProgress (int handle, MCPInstallProgress *installProgressOut)
int MCP_InstallTitleAbort (int handle)
int MCP_UninstallTitleAsync (int handle, char *path, MCPInstallTitleInfo *out)
int MCP_DeviceList (int handle, int *numDevices, MCPDeviceList *outDevices, uint32_t outBufferSize)
int MCP_FullDeviceList (int handle, int *numDevices, MCPDeviceList *outDevices, uint32_t outBufferSize)