WUT  0.1
Wii U Toolchain
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
thread.h File Reference
#include <wut.h>
#include "time.h"
#include "threadqueue.h"

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Data Structures

struct  OSContext
struct  OSMutexQueue
struct  OSFastMutexQueue
struct  OSThread


#define OS_CONTEXT_TAG   0x4F53436F6E747874ull
#define OS_THREAD_TAG   0x74487244u


typedef struct OSContext OSContext
typedef struct OSFastMutex OSFastMutex
typedef struct OSFastMutexQueue OSFastMutexQueue
typedef struct OSMutex OSMutex
typedef struct OSMutexQueue OSMutexQueue
typedef struct OSThread OSThread
typedef uint8_t OSThreadState
 A value from enum OS_THREAD_STATE. More...
typedef uint32_t OSThreadRequest
 A value from enum OS_THREAD_REQUEST. More...
typedef uint8_t OSThreadAttributes
 A bitfield of enum OS_THREAD_ATTRIB. More...
typedef int(* OSThreadEntryPointFn) (int argc, const char **argv)
typedef void(* OSThreadCleanupCallbackFn) (OSThread *thread, void *stack)
typedef void(* OSThreadDeallocatorFn) (OSThread *thread, void *stack)




void OSCancelThread (OSThread *thread)
int32_t OSCheckActiveThreads ()
int32_t OSCheckThreadStackUsage (OSThread *thread)
void OSClearThreadStackUsage (OSThread *thread)
void OSContinueThread (OSThread *thread)
BOOL OSCreateThread (OSThread *thread, OSThreadEntryPointFn entry, int32_t argc, char *argv, void *stack, uint32_t stackSize, int32_t priority, OSThreadAttributes attributes)
void OSDetachThread (OSThread *thread)
void OSExitThread (int32_t result)
void OSGetActiveThreadLink (OSThread *thread, OSThreadLink *link)
OSThreadOSGetCurrentThread ()
OSThreadOSGetDefaultThread (uint32_t coreID)
uint32_t OSGetStackPointer ()
uint32_t OSGetThreadAffinity (OSThread *thread)
const char * OSGetThreadName (OSThread *thread)
int32_t OSGetThreadPriority (OSThread *thread)
uint32_t OSGetThreadSpecific (uint32_t id)
BOOL OSIsThreadSuspended (OSThread *thread)
BOOL OSIsThreadTerminated (OSThread *thread)
BOOL OSJoinThread (OSThread *thread, int *threadResult)
int32_t OSResumeThread (OSThread *thread)
BOOL OSRunThread (OSThread *thread, OSThreadEntryPointFn entry, int argc, const char **argv)
BOOL OSSetThreadAffinity (OSThread *thread, uint32_t affinity)
BOOL OSSetThreadCancelState (BOOL state)
OSThreadCleanupCallbackFn OSSetThreadCleanupCallback (OSThread *thread, OSThreadCleanupCallbackFn callback)
OSThreadDeallocatorFn OSSetThreadDeallocator (OSThread *thread, OSThreadDeallocatorFn deallocator)
void OSSetThreadName (OSThread *thread, const char *name)
BOOL OSSetThreadPriority (OSThread *thread, int32_t priority)
BOOL OSSetThreadRunQuantum (OSThread *thread, uint32_t quantum)
void OSSetThreadSpecific (uint32_t id, uint32_t value)
BOOL OSSetThreadStackUsage (OSThread *thread)
void OSSleepThread (OSThreadQueue *queue)
void OSSleepTicks (OSTime ticks)
uint32_t OSSuspendThread (OSThread *thread)
void OSTestThreadCancel ()
void OSWakeupThread (OSThreadQueue *queue)
void OSYieldThread ()