WUT  0.1
Wii U Toolchain
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
unitheap.h File Reference
#include <wut.h>
#include "memheap.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  MEMUnitHeapFreeBlock
struct  MEMUnitHeap


typedef struct MEMUnitHeap MEMUnitHeap
typedef struct MEMUnitHeapFreeBlock MEMUnitHeapFreeBlock


MEMUnitHeapMEMCreateUnitHeapEx (MEMUnitHeap *heap, uint32_t size, uint32_t blockSize, int32_t alignment, uint16_t flags)
void * MEMDestroyUnitHeap (MEMUnitHeap *heap)
void * MEMAllocFromUnitHeap (MEMUnitHeap *heap)
void MEMFreeToUnitHeap (MEMUnitHeap *heap, void *block)
void MEMiDumpUnitHeap (MEMUnitHeap *heap)
uint32_t MEMCountFreeBlockForUnitHeap (MEMUnitHeap *heap)
uint32_t MEMCalcHeapSizeForUnitHeap (uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t count, int32_t alignment)