cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) # Links against wutnewlib macro(wut_enable_newlib target) message(DEPRECATION "wut_enable_newlib is deprecated and has no effect - it is always enabled; and the macro will be removed in a future release. Please remove it from your CMakeLists.") endmacro() # Links against stdc++ wutstdc++ and set -std=c++17 macro(wut_enable_stdcpp target) message(DEPRECATION "wut_enable_stdcpp is deprecated and has no effect - it is always enabled when using C++; and the macro will be removed in a future release. Please remove it from your CMakeLists.") endmacro() # Links against devoptab macro(wut_enable_devoptab target) message(DEPRECATION "wut_enable_devoptab is deprecated and has no effect - it is always enabled; and the macro will be removed in a future release. Please remove it from your CMakeLists.") endmacro() # Links against wutmalloc macro(wut_default_malloc target) message(DEPRECATION "wut_default_malloc is deprecated and has no effect - it is always enabled; and the macro will be removed in a future release. Please remove it from your CMakeLists.") endmacro() # Generates ${target}_exports.s from an exports file and adds it to the build macro(wut_add_exports target exports_file) set(RPL_EXPORTS_FILE ${exports_file}) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${exports_file}) set(RPL_EXPORTS_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${exports_file}") endif() set(RPL_EXPORT_GEN_OUTPUT ${target}_exports.s) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${RPL_EXPORT_GEN_OUTPUT} COMMAND ${WUT_RPLEXPORTGEN} ${RPL_EXPORTS_FILE} ${RPL_EXPORT_GEN_OUTPUT} DEPENDS ${RPL_EXPORTS_FILE}) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${RPL_EXPORT_GEN_OUTPUT}) set_source_files_properties(${RPL_EXPORT_GEN_OUTPUT} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C) endmacro() function(wut_create_rpl_deprecated target source) set(RPL_OPTIONS IS_RPX) set(RPL_SINGLE_ARGS "") set(RPL_MULTI_ARGS "") cmake_parse_arguments(RPL "${RPL_OPTIONS}" "${RPL_SINGLE_ARGS}" "${RPL_MULTI_ARGS}" "${ARGN}") if(RPL_IS_RPX) # Do nothing - the defaults are good for RPX else() set(ELF2RPL_FLAGS ${ELF2RPL_FLAGS} --rpl) set_property(TARGET ${source} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS "-specs=${WUT_ROOT}/share/rpl.specs") endif() add_custom_target(${target} ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_STRIP} -g ${source} COMMAND ${WUT_ELF2RPL} ${ELF2RPL_FLAGS} ${source} ${target} DEPENDS ${source} COMMENT "Converting to RPX ${target}") add_dependencies(${target} ${source}) endfunction() function(wut_create_rpl target) set(RPL_OPTIONS IS_RPX) set(RPL_SINGLE_ARGS "") set(RPL_MULTI_ARGS "") cmake_parse_arguments(RPL "${RPL_OPTIONS}" "${RPL_SINGLE_ARGS}" "${RPL_MULTI_ARGS}" "${ARGN}") if(${ARGC} GREATER 1 AND NOT "${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "IS_RPX") message(DEPRECATION "wut_create_rpl(dest.rpx source) is deprecated, prefer using wut_create_rpl(target)") wut_create_rpl_deprecated(${ARGV0} ${ARGV1} ${RPL_OPTIONS}) return() endif() if(RPL_IS_RPX) # Do nothing - the defaults are good for RPX else() set(ELF2RPL_FLAGS ${ELF2RPL_FLAGS} --rpl) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS "-specs=${WUT_ROOT}/share/rpl.specs") endif() add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_STRIP} -g $ COMMAND ${WUT_ELF2RPL} ${ELF2RPL_FLAGS} $ $/${target}.rpx COMMENT "Creating ${target}.rpx") endfunction() function(wut_create_rpx) wut_create_rpl(${ARGV} IS_RPX) endfunction()