WUT  0.1
Wii U Toolchain
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
frameheap.h File Reference
#include <wut.h>

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Data Structures

struct  MEMFrameHeap


typedef enum MEMFrameHeapFreeMode MEMFrameHeapFreeMode
typedef struct MEMFrameHeap MEMFrameHeap


enum  MEMFrameHeapFreeMode


MEMFrameHeapMEMCreateFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t size)
MEMFrameHeapMEMCreateFrmHeapEx (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t size, uint16_t flags)
void * MEMDestroyFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap)
void * MEMAllocFromFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t size)
void * MEMAllocFromFrmHeapEx (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t size, int alignment)
void MEMFreeToFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap, MEMFrameHeapFreeMode mode)
BOOL MEMRecordStateForFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t tag)
BOOL MEMFreeByStateToFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t tag)
uint32_t MEMAdjustFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap)
uint32_t MEMResizeForMBlockFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap, uint32_t addr, uint32_t size)
uint32_t MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeap (MEMFrameHeap *heap)
uint32_t MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeapEx (MEMFrameHeap *heap, int alignment)