►avm | AVM |
DRC | |
►coreinit | Contains all core operating system functions such as threads, synchronisation objects, filesystem, memory, exception handling, etc.. |
Alarms | The alarm family of functions are used for creating alarms which call a callback or wake up waiting threads after a period of time |
Atomic Operations | These functions are used for atomically operating on 32 bit values in memory |
Atomic Operations 64 bit | These functions are used for atomically operating on 64 bit values in memory |
Cache | Interface to the low-level caching system of the PowerPC processor |
Condition Variable | Standard condition variable implementation |
Context | |
Core | Provides information about each core of the system's processor |
Coroutines | |
Debug | |
Dynamic Loading | |
Energy saver | |
Event Object | Standard event object implementation |
Exception Handling | |
Exit | |
Fast Condition Variable | A condition variable to be used with an OSFastMutex |
Fast Mutex | Similar to OSMutex but tries to acquire the mutex without using the global scheduler lock, and does not test for thread cancel |
Fiber | |
Filesystem | Mount, access and modify filesystems directly |
Foreground Management | |
IOS | |
MCP | |
Block Heap | |
Default Heap | |
Expanded Heap | |
Frame Heap | |
Common Memory Heap | Common memory heap fucntions |
Memory List | |
Memory | |
Memory Map | |
Unit Heap | |
Message Queue | |
Mutex | Standard mutex object, supports recursive locking |
Rendezvous | |
Screen | Software-rendered graphics system, suitable for text output and simple graphics |
Semaphore | Similar to Windows Semaphore Objects |
Spinlock | |
System Info | |
Task Queue | |
Thread | Manage and run threads on each of the system's cores |
Thread Queue | |
Time | |
Title | |
►dmae | DMA Engine |
Memory Operations | |
Synchronization | |
►gx2 | Graphics driver |
Clear | |
Context State | |
Debug | |
Display | |
Display List | |
Draw | |
Enums | |
Event | |
Memory | |
Registers | |
Sampler | |
Shaders | |
State | |
Surface | |
Swap | |
Temp | |
Tessellation | |
Texture | |
Utils | |
►gx2r | Contains utilities to help manage memory invalidation for gx2 |
Buffer | |
Display List | |
Draw | |
Memory | |
Resource | |
Surface | |
►nn_ac | Auto Connect API, used for managing and connecting to internet connection profiles |
Auto Connect C API | C functions for the Auto Connect API |
Auto Connect C++ API | C++ functions for the Auto Connect API (see nn::ac) |
►nn | Helper functions and classes for other APIs |
Result | Result structure used by nn libraries (C++: see nn::Result) |
►nn_swkbd | Graphical software keyboard, supporting several languages and configurations |
Software Keyboard | See nn::swkbd |
►nsyshid | Human Input Device functions |
►nsysnet | Network functions |
Nintendo SSL | The NSSL library is Nintendo's interface for making SSL connections on the Wii U |
Socket | |
►padscore | Input library for Wii controllers |
KPAD | |
WPAD | |
►proc_ui | Process management library used for managing transitions between foreground and background applications |
ProcUI | The ProcUI group of functions provide an interface to manage transitions between the different states of an application |
►sndcore2 | Sound playback and utility library |
Core | |
Device | |
DRC VS | |
Result | |
Voice | |
►swkbd | C++ linkage for the software keyboard, see nn::swkbd for general use |
RPL Interface | C++ linkage for swkbd, see nn::swkbd for general use |
►sysapp | Functions to switch applications, launch overlay apps and perform other multitasking functions |
SYSAPP Launch | Functions to launch and restart titles or system applications |
SYSAPP Switch | Functions to open overlay applications (eShop, manual etc.) |
SYSAPP Title | Functions to check titles and their IDs, as well as retreiving some metadata about them |
►vpad | Input library for the Wii U Gamepad (Display Remote Controller) |
VPAD Input | |