wut  1.0.0-beta8
Wii U Toolchain
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 coreinitContains all core operating system functions such as threads, synchronisation objects, filesystem, memory, exception handling, etc..
 dmaeDMA Engine
 gx2Graphics driver
 gx2rContains utilities to help manage memory invalidation for gx2
 nn_acAuto Connect API, used for managing and connecting to internet connection profiles
 nnHelper functions and classes for other APIs
 nn_swkbdGraphical software keyboard, supporting several languages and configurations
 nsyshidHuman Input Device functions
 nsysnetNetwork functions
 padscoreInput library for Wii controllers
 proc_uiProcess management library used for managing transitions between foreground and background applications
 sndcore2Sound playback and utility library
 swkbdC++ linkage for the software keyboard, see nn::swkbd for general use
 sysappFunctions to switch applications, launch overlay apps and perform other multitasking functions
 vpadInput library for the Wii U Gamepad (Display Remote Controller)