local shout = {}
local utilities = require('otouto.utilities')
shout.command = 'shout <text>'
local utf8 = '('..utilities.char.utf_8..'*)'
function shout:init(config)
shout.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat):t('shout', true).table
shout.doc = config.cmd_pat .. 'shout <text> \nShouts something. Input may be the replied-to message.'
function shout:action(msg)
local input = utilities.input_from_msg(msg)
if not input then
utilities.send_reply(self, msg, shout.doc, true)
input = utilities.trim(input)
input = input:upper()
local output = ''
local inc = 0
local ilen = 0
for match in input:gmatch(utf8) do
if ilen < 20 then
ilen = ilen + 1
output = output .. match .. ' '
ilen = 0
output = output .. '\n'
for match in input:sub(2):gmatch(utf8) do
if ilen < 19 then
local spacing = ''
for _ = 1, inc do
spacing = spacing .. ' '
inc = inc + 1
output = output .. match .. ' ' .. spacing .. match .. '\n'
output = '```\n' .. utilities.trim(output) .. '\n```'
utilities.send_message(self, msg.chat.id, output, true, false, true)
return shout