local utilities = require('otouto.utilities')
local id = {}
function id:init(config)
id.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat):t('id', true).table
id.command = 'id <user>'
id.doc = config.cmd_pat .. [[id <user> ...
Returns the name, ID, and username (if applicable) for the given users.
Arguments must be usernames and/or IDs. Input is also accepted via reply. If no input is given, returns info for the user.
function id.format(t)
if t.username then
return string.format(
'@%s, AKA <b>%s</b> <code>[%s]</code>.\n',
utilities.build_name(t.first_name, t.last_name),
'<b>%s</b> <code>[%s]</code>.\n',
function id:action(msg)
local output
local input = utilities.input(msg.text)
if msg.reply_to_message then
output = id.format(msg.reply_to_message.from)
elseif input then
output = ''
for user in input:gmatch('%g+') do
if tonumber(user) then
if self.database.users[user] then
output = output .. id.format(self.database.users[user])
output = output .. 'I don\'t recognize that ID (' .. user .. ').\n'
elseif user:match('^@') then
local t = utilities.resolve_username(self, user)
if t then
output = output .. id.format(t)
output = output .. 'I don\'t recognize that username (' .. user .. ').\n'
output = output .. 'Invalid username or ID (' .. user .. ').\n'
output = id.format(msg.from)
utilities.send_reply(msg, output, 'html')
return id