floodcontrol = {}
local triggers = {
local action = function(msg)
local input, output
if msg.from.id ~= 100547061 then -- Only acknowledge Liberbot.
if not config.admins[msg.from.id] then -- or an admin. :)
input = get_input(msg.text) -- Remove the first word from the input.
input = JSON.decode(input) -- Parse the JSON into a table.
if not input.groupid then return end -- If no group is specified, end.
if not input.duration then -- If no duration is specified, set it to 5min.
input.duration = 600
floodcontrol[input.groupid] = os.time() + input.duration
local s = input.groupid .. ' silenced for ' .. input.duration .. ' seconds.'
send_message(-34496439, s) -- Set this to whatever, or comment it out. I use it to send this data to my private bot group.
local cron = function()
for k,v in pairs(floodcontrol) do
if os.time() > v then
floodcontrol[k] = nil
return {
triggers = triggers,
action = action,
cron = cron