local doc = [[
/nick <nickname>
Set your nickname. Use "/whoami" to check your nickname and "/nick -" to delete it.
local triggers = {
local action = function(msg)
local input = msg.text:input()
if not input then
sendReply(msg, doc)
return true
if string.len(input) > 32 then
sendReply(msg, 'The character limit for nicknames is 32.')
nicks = load_data('nicknames.json')
if input == '-' then
nicks[msg.from.id_str] = nil
sendReply(msg, 'Your nickname has been deleted.')
nicks[msg.from.id_str] = input
sendReply(msg, 'Your nickname has been set to "' .. input .. '".')
save_data('nicknames.json', nicks)
return {
action = action,
triggers = triggers,
doc = doc