local cats = {}
local HTTP = require('socket.http')
local utilities = require('otouto.utilities')
function cats:init(config)
if not config.thecatapi_key then
print('Missing config value: thecatapi_key.')
print('cats.lua will be enabled, but there are more features with a key.')
cats.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat):t('cat').table
cats.command = 'cat'
cats.doc = '`Returns a cat!`'
function cats:action(msg, config)
local url = 'http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get?format=html&type=jpg'
if config.thecatapi_key then
url = url .. '&api_key=' .. config.thecatapi_key
local str, res = HTTP.request(url)
if res ~= 200 then
utilities.send_reply(self, msg, onfig.errors.connection)
str = str:match('<img src="(.-)">')
local output = '[Cat!]('..str..')'
utilities.send_message(self, msg.chat.id, output, false, nil, true)
return cats