local cats = {}
local HTTP = require('socket.http')
local utilities = require('miku.utilities')
cats.command = 'kitty [gif]'
function cats:init(config)
if not cred_data.cat_apikey then
print('Missing config value: cat_apikey.')
print('cats.lua will be enabled, but there are more features with a key.')
cats.triggers = {
"^/[Kk][Ii][Tt][Tt][Yy] (gif)$"
cats.doc = [[*
]]..config.cmd_pat..[[kitty*: Postet eine zufällige Katze
*]]..config.cmd_pat..[[kitty* _gif_: Postet eine zufällige, animierte Katze]]
local apikey = cred_data.cat_apikey or "" -- apply for one here: http://thecatapi.com/api-key-registration.html
function cats:action(msg, config)
if matches[1] == 'gif' then
local url = 'http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get?type=gif&apikey='..apikey
local file = download_to_file(url, 'miau.gif')
utilities.send_document(self, msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id)
local url = 'http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get?type=jpg,png&apikey='..apikey
local file = download_to_file(url, 'miau.png')
utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id)
return cats