local channels = {}
channels.command = 'channel <nur für Superuser>'
function channels:init(config)
channels.triggers = {
"^/channel? (enable)",
"^/channel? (disable)"
channels.doc = [[*
]]..config.cmd_pat..[[channel* _<enable>_/_<disable>_: Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Bot im Chat]]
function channels:enable_channel(msg)
local hash = 'chat:'..msg.chat.id..':disabled'
local disabled = redis:get(hash)
if disabled then
print('Setting redis variable '..hash..' to false')
redis:set(hash, false)
return 'Channel aktiviert'
return 'Channel ist nicht deaktiviert!'
function channels:disable_channel(msg)
if disabled ~= "true" then
print('Setting redis variable '..hash..' to true')
redis:set(hash, true)
return 'Channel deaktiviert'
return 'Channel ist bereits deaktiviert!'
function channels:pre_process(msg, config)
-- If is sudo can reeanble the channel
if is_sudo(msg, config) then
if msg.text == "/channel enable" then
return msg
function channels:action(msg, config, matches)
if not is_sudo(msg, config) then
utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.sudo)
-- Enable a channel
if matches[1] == 'enable' then
utilities.send_reply(msg, channels:enable_channel(msg))
-- Disable a channel
if matches[1] == 'disable' then
utilities.send_reply(msg, channels:disable_channel(msg))
return channels