- Caching für gImages

- 9GAG mit InlineKeyboard für Post-URL
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Bielawski 2016-07-05 15:25:08 +02:00
parent 661aaafe86
commit 3291db820b
2 changed files with 37 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -22,19 +22,20 @@ function ninegag:get_9GAG()
-- random max json table size
local i = math.random(#gag) local link_image = gag[i].src
local title = gag[i].title
local post_url = gag[i].url
return link_image, title, post_url
function ninegag:action(msg, config)
utilities.send_typing(self, msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo')
local url, title = ninegag:get_9GAG()
local url, title, post_url = ninegag:get_9GAG()
if not url then
utilities.send_reply(self, msg, config.errors.connection)
local file = download_to_file(url)
utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, file, title, msg.message_id)
utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, file, title, msg.message_id, '{"inline_keyboard":[[{"text":"Post aufrufen","url":"'..post_url..'"}]]}')
return ninegag

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local gImages = {}
local HTTPS = require('ssl.https')
local URL = require('socket.url')
local JSON = require('dkjson')
local redis = (loadfile "./otouto/redis.lua")()
local utilities = require('otouto.utilities')
local bindings = require('otouto.bindings')
@ -63,12 +64,27 @@ function gImages:callback(callback, msg, self, config, input)
function gImages:get_image(input)
local apikey = cred_data.google_apikey_2 -- 100 requests is RIDICULOUS Google!
local hash = 'telegram:cache:gImages'
local results = redis:smembers(hash..':'..string.lower(input))
if results[1] then
print('getting image from cache')
local i = math.random(#results)
local img_url = results[i]
local mime = redis:hget(hash..':'..img_url, 'mime')
local contextLink = redis:hget(hash..':'..img_url, 'contextLink')
return img_url, mime, contextLink
local apikey = cred_data.google_apikey_2 -- 100 requests is RIDICULOUS, Google!
local cseid = cred_data.google_cse_id_2
local BASE_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1'
local url = BASE_URL..'/?searchType=image&alt=json&num=10&key='..apikey..'&cx='..cseid..'&safe=high'..'&q=' .. input .. '&fields=searchInformation(totalResults),queries(request(count)),items(link,mime,image(contextLink))'
local url = BASE_URL..'/?searchType=image&alt=json&num=10&key='..apikey..'&cx='..cseid..'&safe=high'..'&q=' .. input .. '&fields=items(link,mime,image(contextLink))'
local jstr, res = HTTPS.request(url)
local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr)
local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr).items
if not jdat then
return 'NORESULTS'
if jdat.error then
if jdat.error.code == 403 then
@ -78,13 +94,22 @@ function gImages:get_image(input)
if jdat.searchInformation.totalResults == '0' then
return 'NORESULTS'
gImages:cache_result(jdat, input)
local i = math.random(#jdat)
return jdat[i].link, jdat[i].mime, jdat[i].image.contextLink
local i = math.random(jdat.queries.request[1].count)
return jdat.items[i].link, jdat.items[i].mime, jdat.items[i].image.contextLink
function gImages:cache_result(results, text)
local cache = {}
for v in pairs(results) do
table.insert(cache, results[v].link)
for n, link in pairs(cache) do
redis:hset('telegram:cache:gImages:'..link, 'mime', results[n].mime)
redis:hset('telegram:cache:gImages:'..link, 'contextLink', results[n].image.contextLink)
redis:expire('telegram:cache:gImages:'..link, 1209600)
cache_data('gImages', string.lower(text), cache, 1209600, 'set')
function gImages:action(msg, config, matches)