- Weather unterstützt jetzt Inline-Query!

ACHTUNG: Falls noch Daten im Cache hängen (unter telegram:cache:weather in Redis, aber NUR die Koordinaten, nicht die Städtenamen!), diese bitte LÖSCHEN, da jetzt Hashes benutzt werden, um mehr Daten zu cachen (für den Inline-Mode), anstatt simple Keys
- Fixe Caching für Hashes (am besten ohne TTL verwenden, TODO: fixen)
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Bielawski 2016-08-09 02:13:13 +02:00
parent cf3dea9f79
commit 575ec300b8
2 changed files with 106 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ function weather:init(config)
"^/w (.*)$"
weather.inline_triggers = {
"^w (.+)$",
weather.doc = [[*
]]..config.cmd_pat..[[wetter*: Wetter für deinen Wohnort _(/location set [Ort])_
*]]..config.cmd_pat..[[wetter* _<Ort>_: Wetter für diesen Ort
@ -42,10 +46,43 @@ function get_city_name(lat, lng)
return city
function weather:get_weather(lat, lng)
function weather:get_city_coordinates(city, config)
local lat = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lat')
local lng = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lng')
if not lat and not lng then
print('Koordinaten nicht eingespeichert, frage Google...')
coords = utilities.get_coords(city, config)
lat = coords.lat
lng = coords.lon
if not lat and not lng then
return nil
redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lat', lat)
redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lng', lng)
return lat, lng
function weather:get_weather(lat, lng, is_inline)
print('Finde Wetter in '..lat..', '..lng)
local text = redis:get('telegram:cache:weather:'..lat..','..lng)
if text then print('...aus dem Cache') return text end
local hash = 'telegram:cache:weather:'..lat..','..lng
local text = redis:hget(hash, 'text')
if text then
print('...aus dem Cache')
if is_inline then
local ttl = redis:ttl(hash)
local city = redis:hget(hash, 'city')
local temperature = redis:hget(hash, 'temperature')
local weather_icon = redis:hget(hash, 'weather_icon')
local condition = redis:hget(hash, 'condition')
return city, condition..' bei '..temperature..' °C', weather_icon, text, ttl
return text
local url = BASE_URL..'/'..apikey..'/'..lat..','..lng..'?lang=de&units=si&exclude=minutely,hourly,daily,alerts,flags'
@ -58,7 +95,7 @@ function weather:get_weather(lat, lng)
local ok, response_code, response_headers, response_status_line = https.request(request_constructor)
if not ok then return nil end
local data = json.decode(table.concat(response_body))
local ttl = string.sub(response_headers["cache-control"], 9)
local ttl = tonumber(string.sub(response_headers["cache-control"], 9))
local weather = data.currently
@ -66,26 +103,28 @@ function weather:get_weather(lat, lng)
local temperature = string.gsub(round(weather.temperature, 1), "%.", ",")
local feelslike = string.gsub(round(weather.apparentTemperature, 1), "%.", ",")
local temp = '*Wetter in '..city..':*\n'..temperature..' °C'
local conditions = ' | '..weather.summary
if weather.icon == 'clear-day' then
local weather_summary = weather.summary
local conditions = ' | '..weather_summary
local weather_icon = weather.icon
if weather_icon == 'clear-day' then
conditions = conditions..' ☀️'
elseif weather.icon == 'clear-night' then
elseif weather_icon == 'clear-night' then
conditions = conditions..' 🌙'
elseif weather.icon == 'rain' then
elseif weather_icon == 'rain' then
conditions = conditions..' ☔️'
elseif weather.icon == 'snow' then
elseif weather_icon == 'snow' then
conditions = conditions..' ❄️'
elseif weather.icon == 'sleet' then
elseif weather_icon == 'sleet' then
conditions = conditions..' 🌨'
elseif weather.icon == 'wind' then
elseif weather_icon == 'wind' then
conditions = conditions..' 💨'
elseif weather.icon == 'fog' then
conditions = conditions..' 🌫'
elseif weather.icon == 'cloudy' then
elseif weather_icon == 'cloudy' then
conditions = conditions..' ☁️☁️'
elseif weather.icon == 'partly-cloudy-day' then
elseif weather_icon == 'partly-cloudy-day' then
conditions = conditions..' 🌤'
elseif weather.icon == 'partly-cloudy-night' then
elseif weather_icon == 'partly-cloudy-night' then
conditions = conditions..' 🌙☁️'
conditions = conditions..''
@ -98,8 +137,54 @@ function weather:get_weather(lat, lng)
text = text..'\n(gefühlt: '..feelslike..' °C)'
cache_data('weather', lat..','..lng, text, tonumber(ttl), 'key')
return text
print('Caching data...')
redis:hset(hash, 'city', city)
redis:hset(hash, 'temperature', temperature)
redis:hset(hash, 'weather_icon', weather_icon)
redis:hset(hash, 'condition', weather_summary)
redis:hset(hash, 'text', text)
redis:expire(hash, ttl)
if is_inline then
return city, weather_summary..' bei '..temperature..' °C', weather_icon, text, ttl
return text
function weather:inline_callback(inline_query, config, matches)
local user_id = inline_query.from.id
if matches[1] ~= 'w' then
city = matches[1]
local set_location = get_location(user_id)
if not set_location then
city = 'Berlin, Deutschland'
city = set_location
local lat, lng = weather:get_city_coordinates(city, config)
if not lat and not lng then utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query) return end
local title, description, icon, text, ttl = weather:get_weather(lat, lng, true)
if not title and not description and not icon and not text and not ttl then utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query) return end
local text = text:gsub('\n', '\\n')
local thumb_url = 'https://anditest.perseus.uberspace.de/inlineQuerys/weather/'
if icon == 'clear-day' or icon == 'partly-cloudy-day' then
thumb_url = thumb_url..'day.jpg'
elseif icon == 'clear-night' or icon == 'partly-cloudy-night' then
thumb_url = thumb_url..'night.jpg'
elseif icon == 'rain' then
thumb_url = thumb_url..'rain.jpg'
elseif icon == 'snow' then
thumb_url = thumb_url..'snow.jpg'
thumb_url = thumb_url..'cloudy.jpg'
local results = '[{"type":"article","id":"19122006","title":"'..title..'","description":"'..description..'","thumb_url":"'..thumb_url..'","thumb_width":80,"thumb_height":80,"input_message_content":{"message_text":"'..text..'", "parse_mode":"Markdown"}}]'
utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query, results, ttl)
function weather:action(msg, config, matches)
@ -116,23 +201,12 @@ function weather:action(msg, config, matches)
local lat = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lat')
local lng = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lng')
local lat, lng = weather:get_city_coordinates(city, config)
if not lat and not lng then
print('Koordinaten nicht eingespeichert, frage Google...')
coords = utilities.get_coords(city, config)
lat = coords.lat
lng = coords.lon
if not lat and not lng then
utilities.send_reply(self, msg, '*Diesen Ort gibt es nicht!*', true)
utilities.send_reply(self, msg, '*Diesen Ort gibt es nicht!*', true)
redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lat', lat)
redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lng', lng)
local text = weather:get_weather(lat, lng)
if not text then
text = 'Konnte das Wetter von dieser Stadt nicht bekommen.'

View File

@ -794,8 +794,8 @@ function get_location(user_id)
function cache_data(plugin, query, data, timeout, typ)
-- How to: cache_data(pluginname, query_name, data_to_cache, expire_in_seconds)
function cache_data(plugin, query, data, timeout, typ, hash_field)
-- How to: cache_data(pluginname, query_name, data_to_cache, expire_in_seconds, type, hash_field (if hash))
local hash = 'telegram:cache:'..plugin..':'..query
if timeout then
print('Caching "'..query..'" from plugin '..plugin..' (expires in '..timeout..' seconds)')
@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ function cache_data(plugin, query, data, timeout, typ)
redis:sadd(hash, str)
redis:hmset(hash, data)
redis:hset(hash, hash_field, data)
if timeout then
redis:expire(hash, timeout)