- Twitter-Plugin (ohne Markdown bisher)
- Get- Set-Plugins
- 9GAG
- Adfly
- Redis-Integration
- Google Search
- Google Images (modifiziert, mit Blacklist, bisher ohne Caching)
- Einige Plugins lokalisiert
Das ist momentan noch alles WIP, das meiste ist einfach bloß copy&paste vom proprietären
Brawlbot v1.
Adds self-hosted, single-realm administrative functions to otouto.
Check out the README for a detailed description.
Also added, which is msg.from.first_name + msg.from.last_name (if it
exists), because I'm too lazy to build it each time.
Fixed a crash-causing bug (ironically) in the handle_exception() function.
Everything reworked and rewritten.
Antisquig is now a plugin to work with moderation.lua.
The bot can now upload photos, stickers, and other files.
Return values in plugin functions to affect the bot's behavior.
All this and more!